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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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Mind showing proof of anyone here complaining about the Greedo, Jar Jar stuff? If not, then your argument here is pointless.


He is ASSuming. Guess he figures that when an argument does not go your way you expand it and make ASSumptions!

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Wow. You are so utterly clueless as to lore.




You're story example. Wrong on so many levels. Jedi on either side used what was available on hand for their saber. Even in lore it states this. Of course Anakin wasn't going to rush out and make a new saber.


But... his lightsaber was gonna blow. I mean, in the very least, it was going to sear the flesh right off his normal hand. You know, those restrictions cause them blue sabers to become unusable for the dark ones. And Anakin was really protective of that good hand, doncha know, having already lost the other.


Red has and always will be associated as a symbol of the Sith. Were they forced to use it? No. Most chose that color though for there sabers. There are exceptions as always.


I uh... wow. Did you post this as a joke?


Oh, and, really... weren't you going to shred me regarding


Aww... durn it! The scene ended before his saber blew up in his palm... or melted... or unequipped itself! Rats!


IMHO, seeing a bunch of light side jedi running with red sabers is pretty dumb imho. What other way can the limit color choices?


You already see a bunch of Jedi running around in TOR with red lightsabers. What does it matter what their alignment is? For a purist such as yourself, the damage should already have been done, which makes the current system crap, too. I mean, that's the point I was trying to make on page one of this vastly overblown thread -- that the current system in TOR should anger true fans of the films just as much as if we had no restrictions at all. It simply doesn't jive with anything we know about either the films or the EU.


What about a Dark aligned Jedi/Sith getting a bonus for using a red color crystal? You can still use blue or green if you want, you would just lose some minor stats.


So... you're essentially stating that you'd like no Sith to use anything other than red? Because the moment you insert a gameplay consideration ahead of an aesthetic one in an MMO, the gameplay consideration always wins out. Nice try at a backdoor super-restriction, though.


But I 100% agree its a stupid idea to put this color restriction on non-force users.


Uh... it's a morality system -- not a LS/DS system. If it applies to one or two classes, it must apply to all.

Edited by AJediKnight
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I have never ever said anything about either of those things. Though thanks for putting words in my mouth.


ASSume much?


Ok look...you have responded to multiple posts saying complete gibberish, so you need to calm down.


Where does it say because I quoted your post that everything I write in comment is directed at you personally. I clearly said "you guys"...are you a "guys"? Unless you are used to speaking about yourself in the third person, I assume you have the common sense to understand I was not specifically aiming that comment at you.


But I think you are just being abrasive to get attention as you haven't actually posted anything original in the entire thread and just keep quoting people, giving them +1 and whatever other kind of cheerleading you are doing.


I'm waiting on "LOL you need a calmings down bc you are say the gibberish. Just read this posts and you see, you are complete wrong and all colors are for every classes!", so by all means go for it.

Edited by Cancrizans
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Yes, we know you that you like to disagree with the facts. We use facts, you use opinion and assumptions.


To be fair to Cancrizans, this entire thread is about opinions on whether or not this restriction should exist. There are genuinely valid arguments on both sides.


It's true that in the EU (which is where this game's lore falls) there are evil characters using blue sabers, etc.


Yes, Lucas has said there is no reason for colors.


Yes, Anakin used a blue saber after being evil.


But Lucas also said - in regards to Sam Jackson's request for purple - that "Blue and green are good guys and red is bad guys."


Lucas also said - in the same quote stating there is no meaning - that because they established those colors as good/bad in the originals, they stuck to it in the prequels.


And anybody who states that there isn't a very strong inference in the movies that red = bad guys is just being intellectually dishonest.


My point is, there are "facts" that easily support both sides, but every person here is just expressing an opinion on how this game should be.

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I never saw any reason to complain about Red being dark side only, and Green being light side only. Heck, any of the other restrictions I never saw to complain about.


However I really wish Bioware would keep the most basic restriction in place on the Red/Green crystals. If they so want to lift it on all the others, then thats acceptable so long as Red/Green are still restricted to Dark/Light.


But OH WELLS!!! They caved to the whiney w** people who want everything handed to them on a silver platter with cherries on top :p This just paves the way for flying dragon mounts, glowing armor pieces, and ewoks with pink hearts painted on their fur... er wait.

Edited by Frigidman
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Yes, we know you that you like to disagree with the facts. We use facts, you use opinion and assumptions.


No, I simply disagree with your "facts". First on the basis that I feel that it is obvious given the content of a lot of the EU that it was done solely for reasons of profit, including a lot of the decisions Lucas made concerning the EU. As I PERSONALLY feel that the majority of the EU suffers from both a lack of quality and a willingness to corrupt the Star Wars ideology at any turn simply to reach the largest audience possible, to me it invalidates it as a legitimate source of FACT.


As far as the fact that no one has mentioned the "Greedo shot first" etc. thing in this particular thread, I was simply pointing out the OVERWHELMING tendency of people who cite EU lore as "canon" to hate on Lucas for every other decision he makes...so I found it a bit more than hypocritical that some of the same thinking would suddenly cite his word as gospel.


Of course I was generalizing, but I thought that would be apparent in the context of the thread.

Edited by Cancrizans
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Ok look...you have responded to multiple posts saying complete gibberish, so you need to calm down.


Where does it say because I quoted your post that everything I write in comment is directed at you personally. I clearly said "you guys"...are you a "guys"? Unless you are used to speaking about yourself in the third person, I assume you have the common sense to understand I was not specifically aiming that comment at you.


But I think you are just being abrasive to get attention as you haven't actually posted anything original in the entire thread and just keep quoting people, giving them +1 and whatever other kind of cheerleading you are doing.


I'm waiting on "LOL you need a calmings down bc you are say the gibberish. Just read this posts and you see, you are complete wrong and all colors are for every classes!", so by all means go for it.


Then why quote my post and not just hit reply and make a general post. By quoting my post you imply that I am part of that said group! When you are quoting someone you are responding to them, that is the whole point of quoting someone!

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But OH WELLS!!! They caved to the whiney w** people who want everything handed to them on a silver platter with cherries on top :p


They caved to logic. I agree, though -- it's a tough world when clear thinking leads to action. We wouldn't want that happening too much, would we?

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I never saw any reason to complain about Red being dark side only, and Green being light side only. Heck, any of the other restrictions I never saw to complain about.


However I really wish Bioware would keep the most basic restriction in place on the Red/Green crystals. If they so want to lift it on all the others, then thats acceptable so long as Red/Green are still restricted to Dark/Light.


But OH WELLS!!! They caved to the whiney w** people who want everything handed to them on a silver platter with cherries on top :p


I'd be fine with that, but IMO blue is the more iconic "good" than green. Just because it came first and several characters that used green were pretty ambiguous (Qui Gon, Luke in Jedi).

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George Lucas himself said there was no meaning behind the color of the light sabers, and that the color was nothing more then a personal preference.


So yeah, there is no rule in the Star Wars movies, nor in the EU till the Rule of Two gets implemented.


Even then, there isn't an actual Rule after the Rule of Two went into affect. It was simply because what little Crystal Cave that remained after the majority of them got nuked during the New Sith War that happened shortly before and had spawned the creation of the Rule of Two, were in the hands/control of the Jedi Order & Republic.


So it would be somewhat difficult to be able to go to those Heavily Controlled Areas and not be found out. Especially when it was somewhat easier to create a Synthetic Crystal.


Oh, and then Luke and pretty much every Force User afterwards all ended up creating Synthetic Crystals. Mostly because Luke didn't know where any Crystal Caves were at &/or they were now in control of the Empire.

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Then why quote my post and not just hit reply and make a general post. By quoting my post you imply that I am part of that said group! When you are quoting someone you are responding to them, that is the whole point of quoting someone!


Ok you are right in that I was more interested in commenting on the post you quoted than your +1 response. I got lazy and quoted your post instead of the original. My apologies.

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Yes, Lucas has said there is no reason for colors.


But Lucas also said - in regards to Sam Jackson's request for purple - that "Blue and green are good guys and red is bad guys."


This, right here, is the root of the problem: Lucas said two things that appear to contradict each other. However, a closer reading reveals that there's no contradiction.


Red is the most common color for Sith. That doesn't mean that Sith MUST use red, just that many of them tend to. I'd suggest that this is not unlike their propensity to dress in black and red. They just like those colors, but there is no Force-based reason why they have to be restricted.


Similarly, Jedi tend to use green and blue sabers. They aren't limited to these, any more than they're forced to wear those brown robes, but nonetheless, an awful lot of Jedi wear those robes, and a lot of them use those colors.


Simply put, there's a preference for colors, but not a restriction, in the lore.


There are a LOT of examples of Sith using colors other than red, and of Jedi using colors other than green and blue, in both the movies and the EU. It's not accurate to say, "Sith use red lightsabers" in this sense. However, there's also clearly a trend for those colors to be common choices; it IS accurate to say, "Most (or at least many) Sith use red lightsabers".

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No, I simply disagree with your "facts". First on the basis that I feel that it is obvious given the content of a lot of the EU that it was done solely for reasons of profit, including a lot of the decisions Lucas made concerning the EU. As I PERSONALLY feel that the lack of quality of much of the EU, a lot of which is the source of what many people on these forums like to cite as "canon", to me it invalidates it as a legitimate source of FACT.


As far as the fact that no one has mentioned the "Greedo shot first" etc. thing in this particular thread, I was simply pointing out the OVERWHELMING tendency of people who cite EU lore as "canon" to hate on Lucas for every other decision he makes...so I found it a bit more than hypocritical that some of the same thinking would suddenly cite his word as gospel.


Of course I was generalizing, but I thought that would be apparent in the context of the thread.


You only made an assumption to give strength to your already failing argument.


Fact: KOTOR did not have any restrictions

Fact: Lucas Films considers KOTOR as canon

Fact: SWTOR is based off of the KOTOR series

Fact: KOTOR and SWTOR are a part of the EU

Fact: In the EU it states that colors are a preference


Doesn't matter if you disagree the direction the lore went, it doesn't make these fact above as an opinion. It just means that in your opinion you don't like the current lore.

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I'd be fine with that, but IMO blue is the more iconic "good" than green. Just because it came first and several characters that used green were pretty ambiguous (Qui Gon, Luke in Jedi).

That's a good point, but there's still the problem of non-Force-users and the fact that--based on the movies--colors are all over the place in blasters. In Episode I, you've got heroes with green, villains with red, then later there's red and blue on the hero side in the Clone Wars, then the clones 'turn evil' when the Emperor takes over so now blue's on the dark side... and by the time of the OT, Imperials use green in all their starfighters and starships, including the Death Star. But their hand-held blasters are all red (stun setting aside). The Rebels' ships and blasters all fire red bolts, too.


So even if a movie-only basis was adopted, it gets thrown outta whack by those pesky blaster classes.

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But... his lightsaber was gonna blow. I mean, in the very least, it was going to sear the flesh right off his normal hand. You know, those restrictions cause them blue sabers to become unusable for the dark ones. And Anakin was really protective of that good hand, doncha ya know, having already lost the other.




I uh... wow. Did you post this as a joke?


Oh, and, really... weren't you going to shred me regarding


Aww... durn it! The scene ended before his saber blew up in his palm... or melted... or unequipped itself! Rats!




You already see a bunch of Jedi running around in TOR with red lightsabers. What does it matter what their alignment is? For a purist such as yourself, the damage should already have been done, which makes the current system crap, too. I mean, that's the point I was trying to make on page one of this vastly overblown thread -- that the current system in TOR should anger true fans of the films just as much as if we had no restrictions at all. It simply doesn't jive with anything we know about either the films or the EU.




So... you're essentially stating that you're like no Sith to use anything but red? Because the moment you insert a gameplay consideration ahead of an aesthetic one in an MMO, the gameplay consideration always wins out. Nice try at a backdoor super-restriction, though.




Uh... it's a morality system -- not a LS/DS system. If it applies to one or two classes, it must apply to all.

This whole post makes 0 bit of sense. No clue what the point of your video was either.


SWTOR made the colors a morality decision. Stupid imho. I wish I could have a red crystal in my champion saber instead of purple for my Sorceror. It never states in Lore that Sith MUST use red, it more or less following tradition of previous Sith.


From wookiepedia:

"When he resurrected the Sith under his own banner, Revan observed the tradition of using red-hued blades laid out by the original Sith. Many of his followers followed suit, and red lightsabers became recognized as the mark of a darksider. Double-bladed lightsabers also saw common usage among the Dark Jedi and Sith Lords.[7] The usage of red lightsabers continued among the surviving darksiders after the fall of Revan's Empire"


"red blades were customary for Sith to wield, solidifying the red lightsaber as emblematic of the Sith."


"Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). This color difference was a decision during post-production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re-release posters.


Green would become another standard blade color for Jedi lightsabers in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Mace Windu's amethyst-bladed lightsaber, as first seen in Attack of the Clones, was a personal request from actor Samuel L. Jackson as a way to make his character stand out among other Jedi. Jackson's favorite color is purple and he frequently requests the characters he plays to use an item of the color.


Various blade colors appear in the Expanded Universe and in other Star Wars products. The original Kenner figure of Luke Skywalker in his Tatooine costume from Star Wars was released with a yellow-bladed lightsaber. A multitude of other colors have since been used, including orange, silver, cyan, viridian, gold, bronze, and even black. "

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You know, maybe I'm a darkside Sith who killed a Jedi and now I wield his weapon in proof of the feat? Or maybe I'm a lightside Jedi who killed a Sith and want them all to know that I'm that deadly.


There are a million and one reasons why a specific color crystal could be used, regardless of common practice. I don't see the problem here.

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This, right here, is the root of the problem: Lucas said two things that appear to contradict each other. However, a closer reading reveals that there's no contradiction.


Red is the most common color for Sith. That doesn't mean that Sith MUST use red, just that many of them tend to. I'd suggest that this is not unlike their propensity to dress in black and red. They just like those colors, but there is no Force-based reason why they have to be restricted.


Similarly, Jedi tend to use green and blue sabers. They aren't limited to these, any more than they're forced to wear those brown robes, but nonetheless, an awful lot of Jedi wear those robes, and a lot of them use those colors.


Simply put, there's a preference for colors, but not a restriction, in the lore.


There are a LOT of examples of Sith using colors other than red, and of Jedi using colors other than green and blue, in both the movies and the EU. It's not accurate to say, "Sith use red lightsabers" in this sense. However, there's also clearly a trend for those colors to be common choices; it IS accurate to say, "Most (or at least many) Sith use red lightsabers".


I'm personally fine with the removal of this restriction. It had a strange and pointless side-effect on non-jedi and I personally don't think it'll be the big immersion killer everyone thinks it'll be. I think the majority of players that want red will be the same players that play darkside (no matter the faction). And if I see an occasional good player that is using a red saber for his jedi, it won't really bother me a bit.


Having said that, I think a lot of folks are misunderstanding the point being made by the people against this. For the most part, their reason isn't based in lore, it's based in the established tone of the star wars universe.


If you see a Star Wars book you've never read and the character on the front cover is a guy holding a red lightsaber, your first thought is that this person is evil. At the very least, you'll think the red saber has something to do with evil. Because that is the established tone of Star Wars.


Even Lucas held to that tone when he said that they stuck with red for evil, blue/green for good on the prequels because they had already established that tone in the originals. He said that in the exact same answer that people are using to show it has no basis in lore.


Whether it has a basis in lore or not, it absolutely has a basis in the aesthetic tone of Star Wars, and to suggest it doesn't is either dishonest or willful ignorance.

Edited by Vecke
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No canonical basis except for the actual look of the films... :rolleyes:



The exceptions in the lore were exceptions for dramatic effect; it's because the red vs. blue/green paradigm is so strong, that the exceptions stand out and made for cool characters. Mace Windu with his purple blade was the exception that made it interesting, and gave him character.


Without restrictions, nobody gets to be unique because no choices have consequences. For example, I have a Sith Marauder who was converted to the Revenite cause. He wields Red/Blue sabers. And I do this taking a stat hit to my Red crystal, which hasn't been upgraded since I went over Light I. Not many people are willing to take a stat hit in this game. That choice was mine, and because of that choice and that restriction, the combination of red/blue is pretty rare. There are a few other ways to do it, but again, it makes it more unique.


That is a good thing.


So you're saying Anakin hadn't achieved Dark 1 by the end of Ep3 eh? Because he was still wielding blue when he fought Obi Wan. And I would assume that completing the "missions" he did for Palpatine, excepting him as his master, slaughtering the younglings, etc etc would have him at least achieving Dark 1.


Maybe the scene with him griping about having to farm a red crystal so he could use his lightsaber was left on the cutting room floor.

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@Ryche pretty much, and for those that say "But it is tradition for Sith to use Red", Traditions Change and are not LAW. During the GHW it was "Tradition" for the Sith to use Sith Warblades and not Lightsabers, guess what, now that Tradition had changed. During the New Sith Wars, it was Tradition to not have a Darth. That Tradition was changed thanks to Bane & the Rule of Two.
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Apparently, you're not much of a Star Wars fan.


Color has-never-been-nor-will-it-ever-be restricted to morality. Lucas himself has confirmed that there is no direct link. The only lore basis for the restrictions was that, in the time of TPM, AotC etc., Sith couldn't get their hands on natural crystal supplies, and had to use synthetic crystals. Synth crystals (Luke used a synth crystal in RotJ, too, btw) are created by channeling the force through a forge. In the case of darksiders, this creates a crimson-red crystal... but not all synth crystals are red -- nor are all the sabers of Sith red. Certainly, the fact that the Sith in the TOR timeline favor purple just as much as red is proof of this.


Frankly, the limits in TOR make absolutely no sense as implemented in the game. They neither preserve the 'look' of the films, nor do they have any basis in the lore. You would argue that color is tied to morality as if picking up a green or a blue saber as a darksider would cause it to explode in my hand. Even in the films, time and again we are shown that darksiders can use 'light' colors (Anakin/Vader with blue throughout Ep. III, Vader ignited Luke's green saber in Ep. VI). Similarly, lightsiders can use red... as in the case of Anakin picking up Dooku's saber to finish him off with.








Thanks, Exar.


Getting back on topic, the simple fact of the matter is, there is no canonical basis or otherwise for the current crystal restrictions. They were, quite literally, something Bioware conjured out of thin air. And, what's worse, they don't even preserve the look of the films, instead forcing many Jedi to abandon green/blue, and many Sith to forsake red. If you wanted to see more Sith using red, and more Jedi using green/blue as in the films, you should actually support dropping the restrictions.


As it stands now, I believe you simply don't understand either the lore or the system we've got in game.




Just wanted to tack this on from later in the thread. This is how TOR's current restrictions would look if applied to Star Wars.


*I take you now to the famous Temple Slaughter scene from Ep. III. Anakin is boldly walking up the Jedi Temple stairs, flanked by an army of clone troopers. He approaches the door, reaches into his robes, pulls out his blue saber, and prepares to ignite it when...


... nothing happens?*


Clone trooper #1: Ruh-roh!


Clone trooper #3: He's got er... troubles 'getting it up,' I guess?


Clone trooper #1: Man, that's gotta create some tension in the sack with him and Padmomma or whatever.


Clone trooper #2: Hehe... be quiet, I want to hear this.


[Anakin COMM] Master, I have run into some issues.


*The clones snicker.*


[sidious COMM] What is it, my young apprentice? Are the Jedi dead? Is the temple aflame?


[Anakin COMM] No, master my... lightsaber won't turn on.


*More clone laughter.*


[sidious COMM] Oh, I forgot to tell you. You can't use that lightsaber anymore because you're a bad guy now. Big oopsies on my part. Come back to my office and I'll give you a red crystal.


*Anakin leaves in a huff.*


Clone trooper #1: Ciggy break! AFK!


Clone trooper #2: Hehe... stupid sith.


Clone trooper #3: Shut up, dude... any more darkside points and you won't be able to use that blaster anymore.



you win!

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So you're saying Anakin hadn't achieved Dark 1 by the end of Ep3 eh? Because he was still wielding blue when he fought Obi Wan. And I would assume that completing the "missions" he did for Palpatine, excepting him as his master, slaughtering the younglings, etc etc would have him at least achieving Dark 1.


Maybe the scene with him griping about having to farm a red crystal so he could use his lightsaber was left on the cutting room floor.


Not to mention, Anakin could've changed it on the Trip from Coruscant to Mustafar or after he killed the Sep Leaders on Mustafar & before Padma's Ship showed up. So, had Palpatine given him a Red Crystal or instructed him to create a Red Crystal either on the way to Mustafar or after disposing of the Sep Leaders, I'm pretty sure he would've had enough time to do so.

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Not to mention, Anakin could've changed it on the Trip from Coruscant to Mustafar or after he killed the Sep Leaders on Mustafar & before Padma's Ship showed up. So, had Palpatine given him a Red Crystal or instructed him to create a Red Crystal either on the way to Mustafar or after disposing of the Sep Leaders, I'm pretty sure he would've had enough time to do so.


Logic such as this might shatter the fragile minds of those who you argue against. Beware! Do you want their incapacitation on your conscience?!

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You only made an assumption to give strength to your already failing argument.


Fact: KOTOR did not have any restrictions

Fact: Lucas Films considers KOTOR as canon

Fact: SWTOR is based off of the KOTOR series

Fact: KOTOR and SWTOR are a part of the EU

Fact: In the EU it states that colors are a preference


Doesn't matter if you disagree the direction the lore went, it doesn't make these fact above as an opinion. It just means that in your opinion you don't like the current lore.


Perhaps I am not being clear. The first point I am making is that REGARDLESS of "lore" it just makes sense from the standpoint of a MULTIPLAYER GAME to have the colors as a way to distinguish alignment.


The second detail is that AS A MATTER OF OPINION, I don't care whether Lucas Films considers KOTOR as "canon". IMO most of those decisions were probably made by a bunch of people sitting around a board room table and for financial reasons only, without even a bit of care for either the integrity of the original films, or CONSISTENCY, which is a necessity if you even want to START pretending a given fantasy setting can claim to have "canon" or any kind of standard "lore".


This is the problem I have with people quoting EU "canon" all the time. The Star Wars universe never had the consistency to maintain anything remotely LIKE a "lore" with any sort of genuine integrity, largely because MOST of the stuff outside the movies was created SOLELY to profiteer off the success of the movies...and when you have that situation, whether you have some good writers doing the writing or not, you are losing a LOT of the backbone that separates fantasy with a well defined and solid lore base, and things like Star Wars, which are made up of various incongruous decisions made at different times for different reasons by different people.


You are free to disagree with my point of view, but believe me I am very clear on it and am in no way making any "assumptions".

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Ok you are right in that I was more interested in commenting on the post you quoted than your +1 response. I got lazy and quoted your post instead of the original. My apologies.


Thank you.


I do prefer the original Star Wars. Simply because that is what I remember as a kid and that is how I want to remember it.


I also hate changes to movies after the fact. A directors cut to me is either made to make money or had a Director who did not have the balls to stand up for the movie he actually wanted to make in the first place and caved to the powers that be.


In the early versions of BETA there were no restrictions on crystals and I even got a purple crystal to drop on the third planet. The restrictions were put in based on the reaction in the original forums where people insisted it was canon.


I don't get why alignment, Dark/Light should be in the argument. If you argue this point a Jedi should be Blue/Green and Sith should be Red. It should not be based on alignment but class. I disagree with this stance because colors do not signify anything other than personal choice...

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