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huttball sucks


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Only bads hate huttball.



My least favorite these days is Voidstar, but only because healing and stealth make it really difficult to get doors open these days. I still "like" voidstar in the classic sense, but now it's - more times then not - team death match in front of the first door for 12-14 minutes.


I think they need to change bomb time to 6 seconds from 8.

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Only bads hate huttball.



My least favorite these days is Voidstar, but only because healing and stealth make it really difficult to get doors open these days. I still "like" voidstar in the classic sense, but now it's - more times then not - team death match in front of the first door for 12-14 minutes.


I think they need to change bomb time to 6 seconds from 8.


Very true. I would still take Voidstar of guarding an off node somewhere; which I usually end up doing due to reliability of others and their lack of will to do so.

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I'm told I'm good at huttball, my numbers prove it, I think I'm good at huttball, and my mom thinks I'm good at huttball.


-Sorta like Huttball on my Jugg.

-I have a two (bleep)s given limit on Huttball a day on my Sent, win, lose, goods, bads, landslide or not. Past that, the place is garbage, and I leave the second I zone in, I don't care who the lolqueue pugs me with.


The rest of the actual "Warzones" I'm still happy with. Huttball is more like a "Gamezone". Have to say I'm more interested in pushing static objectives as opposed to playing murderball, with or without people who can't wrap their head around how to play it.


Huttball sucks.

Edited by Maelael
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listen up devs...


all through beta people didn't like huttball and you know what? it still sucks ***! it's not fun and i hate not having a choice in being subjected to it! make that crap optional!


You must be very bad at this game,and also a poor athlete and/or sportsman.


Huttball is only for sports, bads who cant do objectives and learn to use their classes need not apply.


So, we dont want people like you in our huttball zones anyways, I wish their was a huttball only queue so i didnt ever have to play with non-sports.

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I like huttball. You clearly you just bad at it. Because honestly It's my favorite of all the WZ


It is my favorite too. I play a Combat Sentinel, rarely am I even in the top 5 in damage, but I love it because of the utility my AC can bring to it.

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The only ones who don't like Huttball are those who don't know how to play it.




Worst Warzone is Ancient Hypergate! Hands down. I know a lot of people really dislike that WZ. If we were able to queue for which Warzone we wanted, I'd definitely never queue for AH.

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I'll enjoy huttball when they finally decide to make it about controlling the map and actually be about passing the ball. Ball carrier should not be allowed to leap,force speed, roll, etc... It should be about teamwork and control of the map. Passing should be mandatory to move the ball forward at a significant distance. That whole crap of leap push leap, force speed through fires and rolling across the map getting 10 miles in front of every is pretty stupid.
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listen up devs...


all through beta people didn't like huttball and you know what? it still sucks ***! it's not fun and i hate not having a choice in being subjected to it! make that crap optional!

I love to hate Huttball. It was fun the first 35,000 times..........in beta and at launch it was the only wz that popped regularly.

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