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Economic Changes in Patch 1.1.5


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So in 1.1.5 It says their taking out the korrealis vehicles but also says many Vendors have begun offering steep discounts to entice potential customers. Collectors and investors may want to take note that the previous limitations governing the resale of some vehicles seem to have been lifted and are encouraged to use the opportunity to purchase these legacy vehicles while they are still available.

So should i wait for 1.1.5 for the discount or buy them now lol will there ever be a discount before they take them out !? O.o :confused:

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I'm all for the changes and everything. But if tier 2 drops in price, and tier 3 goes up...I JUST bought my tier two and broke my bank. Are we going to get any kind of refund to help with 3? Just an idea. Seems kinda unfair that I work 12 hours a day and didn't get to power my way there from launch and avoid the price change. Just saying.


This ^

I just bought my Tier 2 license a few days ago. Am I going to get a refund for the difference?? Normally I am all for changes....but its not like its some insignificant sum of credits...I think in this case people who already have a Tier 2 license should be refunded the difference from that and the new cost when it goes live.

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I wouldnt worry, if you read the blog it clearly hints that you can RE the crystals and be able to replicate them, so that once they remove the vender you will be able to make them


The problem them becomes getting the crystals in the first place....


I am sorry but if you know how R/E works you know that MILLIONS is not the number you want to hear in relation to a dice roll to learn a schematic....


When R/E was used in Galaxies at least I could pick up the R/E items off mobs, easily (space for Firespray schem.) This however is a slap in the face.

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Removing Crystal alignment= good


The crystals either fabricated or found would not be limited to anyone by their life choices or their faction allegiance. They are colored crystals... some with certain effects.. others with barely any other than color. I personally cannot believe the ridiculous amount of comments talking about; this color can only be used by this type of people... that is completely ridiculous. I think it's a good idea but i still think the way crystals are obtained is quite not star wars like. To get certain color crystals we should have to travel to certain planets and maybe run a certain quest which would end with us obtaining the certain crystal from the mine or mountains or where ever they actual crystal would be... IMHO


Speeder Removal= Good and bad


Personally i think those large speeders are ridiculous. they're ugly and take up too much space and on top of all that... they aren't any faster. So peronally i don't think it's a big deal that they're going... on the other hand... if you don't agree with me and think they are cool or pretty looking, then i do agree that this is kind of a Beetch for the players trying to get these things but have very limited time. Again... i am not one of those people... i say good riddance... (unless they up the speed on the seriously massive sized speeders)


Crew Skills evolution= Much needed


I'm sure there will always be little tweaking and new schematics and so on for this category so i think although some may like and others might not... this is a neccesary evolving part of the game so i commend the dev's for implementing this already... I'd get ready for this to continue to evolve over the first year of the game.


SWTOR Overall...


I love it. I think these are good changes. I think the most important thing to happen in the near future will be the merging of servers now that the servers capacities have been extended. I have to comment and say that i am no mmo pro or nothing but i have never seen so many cry baby's on a forum. This forum is full of people complaining about everything!!! I am more unimpressed with the people that make the community then any flaws in the game itself. Keep up the work Bioware... we're getting there!

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The color of your lightsaber does not reflect who you are on the inside. What you choose, what you say and HOW you do things is how you are portrayed out to be. I understand all the anger around this issue *red for sith, blue/green for jedi* being exclusive...but in the Star Wars galaxy, it is all about one thing: Choice. What YOU want, what color you want, what blade you want. Looks like they are moving more towards that.


What I believe they should do is add EVERY crystal from kotor and kotor 2 like the ultima pearl, and things like that, and make them be hard to get. Put in something like crystal hunting so we have reasons to go back to planets besides datacrons. that would be cool. Then you could use them to your advantage :)


Give players any choice they want. I am glad BioWare is listening to the players :) Will keep them alive more in this genre.

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Now I don't see any real reason for paying attention to light and dark side choices except for certain armor that still has the restrictions, big deal. How long before they remove those restriction?
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Okay I don't know about the rest of you but changes to the economic system and some color crystal bull **** rank about 1 billionth on my list of things that need to be added or fixed... That color crystal thing... I was thinking of dropping my sub until I heard that great news!! LOL


Who at Bioware is responsible for creating a level 50 flashpoint and then filling it with crappy level 48 green items... All I got was a big repair bill... And that's a couple of hours of my life I'll never get back!!


Ilum... Im sure you've heard about this to death but let me say I think Monkeys could create a better zone idea!! How about recognizing that PVP is the key to a long life span in MMO's and giving it proper attention?? So keep your stupid economic system changes and fix the crappy PVP uneven teams!!


Now for some constructive criticism...


How about ranking each player by abilities and equipment and giving them a number... Then make sure each team has as even a number as possible... dUH


I have read a few good ideas here about what to do with Ilum.. I would suggest scrapping it and going back to the drawing board but only if the guy who thought collecting boxes that are harder to find then big foot isn't invited!! LOL Seriously... Are you guys that short on ideas... Maybe you shouldn't do anything until checking with real gamers first cause from what I have seen in the forums... The gamers have way better ideas then you guys.


How about fixing the broken door to the +10 Datacrons in the musium!! My friends and I spent a couple of hours only to find out that it's broken... What a suprise!!


How about throwing a bone our way for all the warzone wins I never got credit for and now can't seem to win one for the life of me... Random my ***!!


How about nerfing Scoundrals that can two shot a guy from full health... That is over powered bull ****... I witnessed this my self... CC's... For **** sakes!! Do something about them...


Okay so it's not overly constructive criticism... LOL


But I Paid for this **** and Im venting...


If I was making a game... my main objective would be to make it fun... Collecting boxes isn't fun... Losing all day isn't fun... Getting **** drops below the level of the flashpoint not fun... Hard Mode should be called rediculous mode!!


Why would you make respecing a character continually go up in price? Shouldn't we be able to play the character the way we want without being punished for changing it up... Change is good and it's keeps the game fresh but noooooooo.... Is it because wow did it... For christs sakes you don't have to copy everything wow did...Some of it was **** and this is one of those things... At least wow offered dual spec in the end... Because it was an issue with gamers and now you just adopted the same *********** thing... Good work...The idea is to take from wow what worked and what people liked not that they did no like... So.... Fail there


Space combat?? Really?? It's a joke!! You would have been better off to buy the rights to the old Xwing vs Tie fighter and put that into the game!! This game give the feeling of being in space... From the perspective of say... I don't know... Standing on a planet!! LOL


It feels so good to get this all off my chest... I was starting to feel like I was taking crazy pills for thinking these things but they are all true... Sadly!! LOL


Back to PVP... Healers get screwed!! How about a point system where it's not doing specific things that brings you awards but you get points for doing damage and the same for healing and so on and so forth!! You give awards that some classes can 't even get!! Stupid!! Some classes cant heal or protect... All they can do is DPS... And healers get screwed the most... Even that **** up!! Someone who gets 300k should not get more awards then someone who heals for 300k...


All we want is even games!! It's not that hard you just have to make is so like captain picard!!! LOL


Oh wait startrek might be a better MMO try!! LOL


The games still Beta right... I mean you just aren't telling everyone so you can collect money from us... Careful mr greedy... How many MMO's have not survived very long because of such things as mentioned above!! These are the things needing to be addressed not some stupid economy that nobody cares about... I care about the in game aconomy about as much as the space combat... WHich is less then nothing!! It's like anti gravity but with caring instead!! LOL Or dark matter..... YES.... DARK CARING!! LOL


Infact there are games on facebook that far out rank your space combat!! LOL There are apps for my phone that cost... NOTHING that are better!!


So... Please announce to everyone that you at least hear and understant these issues and that they are being addressed because if you don't... I can't speak for everyone but I for one will be putting my sub on hold if not putting it out to pasture with my old wow sub!! They can be buddies in the land of im never playing them again... It's nice there I hear... Good weather!!



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Personally im not too bothered about the crystal changes, tho the majority of posts in this thread seem to be about them (yeah i read it fully, qq and all, wishing id posted faster now)


My personal stance is that colour vs alignment is a non issue as you can equip non aligned colours atm but you just take a stat hit, its not actually stopping anyone who wants to customise a certain way, it just makes them less competitive. "special colours" while expensive on release will become more readily available later so not too bothered, ill probably wait, need to save my credits for the next point anyway.


Whats more of a concern is that they are announcing removing content after 2 months, thats quite a limited window to get a character on each faction to lvl 50 to farm credits and get valor 65 and social 10. As theyve only said its going BOP > BOE restriction wise youll still need to qualify to buy them, even if they reduced the price to 10 credits many players wont be able to get them so those that can will buy a few then hyperinflate the prices to sell them on. seems slightly unfair that those who decided to lvl alts for story etc rather than farming endgame dont get an equal shot at them or more notice (when should we expect 1.2 btw i need to do some serious grinding/ lvling now)


Rather than remove content id move them to another vendor in a remote location ie middle of the pvp area on tatooine for the pvp versions maintaining the current price and a remote location for the others, perhaps implement a new camp with a social vendor etc that requires the kind of jumping reserved for datacrons, as an example im thinking inside the starship graveyrd, theres a hole in the roof of the wreck under the datacron there that lets you jump inside.


this makes them less readily available ie you cant just get them on the fleet, but keeps them in game for collectors and the like who still want them and wish to go to the effort of getting them. while this may make them more desirable due to being more difficult to obtain this is remedied by making a new set of desireable speeders to get throm the regular vendors, increase the price on these slightly so they become the new status item. personally the visuals dont appeal to me but as a collector i must have them. also if this is going to become a trend where cosmetic choices are removed every few months id rather know sooner than later thanks.

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So in 1.1.5 It says their taking out the korrealis vehicles but also says many Vendors have begun offering steep discounts to entice potential customers. Collectors and investors may want to take note that the previous limitations governing the resale of some vehicles seem to have been lifted and are encouraged to use the opportunity to purchase these legacy vehicles while they are still available.

So should i wait for 1.1.5 for the discount or buy them now lol will there ever be a discount before they take them out !? O.o :confused:


1.1.5 = Discount

1.2 = Removal

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Personally im not too bothered about the crystal changes, tho the majority of posts in this thread seem to be about them (yeah i read it fully, qq and all, wishing id posted faster now)


My personal stance is that colour vs alignment is a non issue as you can equip non aligned colours atm but you just take a stat hit, its not actually stopping anyone who wants to customise a certain way, it just makes them less competitive. "special colours" while expensive on release will become more readily available later so not too bothered, ill probably wait, need to save my credits for the next point anyway.


Whats more of a concern is that they are announcing removing content after 2 months, thats quite a limited window to get a character on each faction to lvl 50 to farm credits and get valor 65 and social 10. As theyve only said its going BOP > BOE restriction wise youll still need to qualify to buy them, even if they reduced the price to 10 credits many players wont be able to get them so those that can will buy a few then hyperinflate the prices to sell them on. seems slightly unfair that those who decided to lvl alts for story etc rather than farming endgame dont get an equal shot at them or more notice (when should we expect 1.2 btw i need to do some serious grinding/ lvling now)


Rather than remove content id move them to another vendor in a remote location ie middle of the pvp area on tatooine for the pvp versions maintaining the current price and a remote location for the others, perhaps implement a new camp with a social vendor etc that requires the kind of jumping reserved for datacrons, as an example im thinking inside the starship graveyrd, theres a hole in the roof of the wreck under the datacron there that lets you jump inside.


this makes them less readily available ie you cant just get them on the fleet, but keeps them in game for collectors and the like who still want them and wish to go to the effort of getting them. while this may make them more desirable due to being more difficult to obtain this is remedied by making a new set of desireable speeders to get throm the regular vendors, increase the price on these slightly so they become the new status item. personally the visuals dont appeal to me but as a collector i must have them. also if this is going to become a trend where cosmetic choices are removed every few months id rather know sooner than later thanks.


Yeah I'm more concerned with removal of content than the adding of it too.


It would have been way better if they'd given us more lag-time before they implement content removal, it would have been nicer if we were told from the start that speeders A/B/C are 'limited time only'. i.e. tell us earlier so those who are 'hoarders' like me know what our credit spending priorities are, so we wouldn't have to be in a situation where we'd be short of so much credits for the item but realise we might not have enough time to get it (because after reaching 50, you don't really need that much credits once you reach a certain amount sufficient for repairs and stims).


This way, I would have been more motivated to farm credits, and also would have spent less credits on other items which I know wouldn't be removed from the game. Had I known about this earlier I might have spent more time farming credits than say, leveling my alt.

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can we get a TLDR section that lists the bullet points instead of stories please?




while i understand some people have nothing better to do with their time, to some people time is a valued commodity not to be wasted on idiotic short stories about a video games economy...


thanks for thinking about other people.

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can we get a TLDR section that lists the bullet points instead of stories please?




while i understand some people have nothing better to do with their time, to some people time is a valued commodity not to be wasted on idiotic short stories about a video games economy...


thanks for thinking about other people.


I think the patch-notes are here:http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3150977


But you'll notice that the "stories" contain more detailed information, odd huh.

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can we get a TLDR section that lists the bullet points instead of stories please?


1.1.5 - Discount on Korrealis Sovereign, Korrealis Prince, Korrealis Baron, Korrealis Commander and the Tirsa Prime speeder lines


1.1.5 - Significant decrease in prices for Tier I and Tier II speeder licenses and Tier III speeder will be significantly increased.


1.1.5 - Magenta (Purple) Color Crystal and other Color Crystals will become available to the Republic Side, Possible new Color Crystal Varients. All will be available to both Republic & Imperial Players at their Respective Fleets.


1.1.5 - Limited Time Only @ High Cost = Pure White Color Crystals will become available to both Fleets.

Edited by Altyrell
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1.1.5 - Discount on Korrealis Sovereign, Korrealis Prince, Korrealis Baron, Korrealis Commander and the Tirsa Prime speeder lines


1.1.5 - Significant decrease in prices for Tier I and Tier II speeder licenses and Tier III speeder licensess will be significantly increased.


1.1.5 - Magenta (Purple) Color Crystal and other Color Crystals will become available to the Republic Side, Possible new Color Crystal Varients. All will be available to both Republic & Imperial Players at their Respective Fleets.


1.1.5 - Limited Time Only @ High Cost = Pure White Color Crystals will become available to both Fleets.

Thanks Altyrell.


In short if you didn't rush to max out your characters and farm credits and social points you won't put your hands on speeders nor the pure white color crystals.

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1.1.5 - Significant decrease in prices for Tier I and Tier II speeder licenses and Tier III speeder licensess will be significantly increased.



"Once these regulations are signed by the Supreme Chancellor in the coming weeks, prices for Tier I and Tier II speeder licenses across the galaxy are expected to see a significant decline. To help offset the loss of revenue generated by these licenses, taxes on all models of Tier III speeders will be significantly increased once the new regulation takes effect."



Tier III speeder prices not the license for the tier III. Least, that's how they worded that.





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Hi there,


A player on PTS has posted up a thread on this subject, thought you might find it useful. Have a great day!


A soon to be reduced speeder app cost me 200,000cr and i was skint for weeks. Sry at these prices they wont even be a dream. Unless o/c I go to a Gold seller who will have lots of gold to sell after you change the market place. (PS I hate gold sellers - just saying you make something that ppl want but its out of reach for many some will go that route)


Why do things that are decent and fun in every MMO be always so out of reach? at least for me? Yeah I know I would lose money selling motorized snow sleds in Nordic Countries.

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Why do things that are decent and fun in every MMO be always so out of reach?


Why is that carrot at the end of that long stick? I want to reach it, but no matter how much I race forward to get it, it stays the same distance ahead of me! What's up with that?


(PS: Also google "Skinner Box". Then think about MMO design.)

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Seeing as I've just started two alts on a new server (The only server that seems to have a good population in the EU) and one of them is Cybertech, I'm really happy about this change. Less money for tier 2 license means more money for skillups.
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I wish they would have kept the alignment restriction for the "classic" green, blue and red color crystals, and just remove it for the "fancier" colors.


As for the rest of 1.1.5, I don't really care excepted I hope to see new high level pre-order color crystals available. A shame I have to ditch them because of the bonus after few character level ups.


I'm however very interested about all the new Legacy features and items coming with patch 1.2 :)

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can we get a TLDR section that lists the bullet points instead of stories please?




while i understand some people have nothing better to do with their time, to some people time is a valued commodity not to be wasted on idiotic short stories about a video games economy...


thanks for thinking about other people.



If you have time to spew this useless pith, surely you had the extra seconds to read something in narrative form. The purpose of bullet form isnt to save time, it it to condense information so it is more easily absorbed by everyone including the lowest common denominator who may find narrative structures cognitively challenging.

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