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Economic Changes in Patch 1.1.5


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An ardent Catholic could wear a "Star of David" on a chain if they wanted, but would they? No. They're most likely to wear a cross on a chain.


The act of choosing a faction at the beginning of the game partially defines the belief of the character. That chosen belief system has certain recognisable monikers.


Whilst Anakin chose to use his existing blue saber when swearing allegiance to Darth Sidious, he chose NOT to use it after he became Darth Vader (a choice defined by the person who made that character: George Lucas).



In short: I believe that the restrictions on certain colours should apply for the above reasons.


It also didn't help that Kenobi looted Anakin's Blue Lightsaber

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It also didn't help that Kenobi looted Anakin's Blue Lightsaber


Hehe, yeah, that too :)


A good example of the typical looting arguments in MMOs:


"But....but.....I can use that because I'm a jedi.....you're a sith now!"

Edited by Tarka
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So why exactly would a crystal care if its user is dark or light side? Why wouldn't a Sith use the blue lightsaber from a Jedi he killed as a trophy? Or a dark Jedi continue to use a blue lightsaber to avoid suspicion? or vice versa for a lightside Sith? Or maybe a lightside Jedi using a red crystal to spy on dark Jedi?


No where in lore has a Jedi or Sith ever been restricted by anything other than convention. And some people don't like following convention.

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The only thing I don't like is allowing the light saber crystal colors to be used by anyone. Color is an indicator of faction and allowing Jedi to use Sith colors (and visa versa) is a violation of one of the most treasured parts of Star Wars lore.


Don't mess with canon, please.





Um, Luke created a Red Lightsaber and gave it to Leia who would use it on occassion. Oh and KOTOR 1 & 2, which is Canon, didn't restrict the Crystal that could be used by the Player.


Though, it should be noted that the Lore/Canon gave the Exiled Jedi General & her Force Using Companions Official Colors (I believe that it did) along with Lord Revan & Bastila. Which means, that if they were to mention the Color of the Blade for the Unnamed Force Users (which would represent the Force Using Classes) then they would give it an Official Color.

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I'm hoping that by adding new crystal colors you really mean you'll be adding Scematics for Artifice Crafters to supply these crystals to players and not let them be purchased directly by venders (like on the test server.) Doing so would be a huge slap to the face to artifice crafters.


Also in the future, if your going to release "In Character Press Releases", please create a bulletpoint list of the changes with them. I found it ever so irritating to try to decypher what exactly you meant by the "press releases". I'd much rather you just give me the information on the changes without fluff.

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Also in the future, if your going to release "In Character Press Releases", please create a bulletpoint list of the changes with them. I found it ever so irritating to try to decypher what exactly you meant by the "press releases". I'd much rather you just give me the information on the changes without fluff.


Heaven forbid that the devs have fun with their customers and players, eh?

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I'm hoping that by adding new crystal colors you really mean you'll be adding Scematics for Artifice Crafters to supply these crystals to players and not let them be purchased directly by venders (like on the test server.) Doing so would be a huge slap to the face to artifice crafters.


Also in the future, if your going to release "In Character Press Releases", please create a bulletpoint list of the changes with them. I found it ever so irritating to try to decypher what exactly you meant by the "press releases". I'd much rather you just give me the information on the changes without fluff.


Well, I think that the Crystals that they are referring to, are able to be RE'ed so that Artificers can learn the Schematics for Future Creations.


Now, that isn't giving the Artificers the Schematics directly, but it is better then the Alternative

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new tiar damn the wow junkies rly got to you bio i feal sorry that you at some points bow for the plague that many wow players have forcefullly put in the art of games


i know bio have playd there games from baldurs and They know what they are doing and they do it good but again the gab betwine diablo players and baldurs players has always been big from to just click to think befor you click and what move to use hasent come along way even from then


bio dont give in Plz let them go back to wow WE DONT NEED EM! if it ever be f2p i would pay still you made a great game ! never forget it !

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new tiar damn the wow junkies rly got to you bio i feal sorry that you at some points bow for the plague that many wow players have forcefullly put in the art of games


i know bio have playd there games from baldurs and They know what they are doing and they do it good but again the gab betwine diablo players and baldurs players has always been big from to just click to think befor you click and what move to use hasent come along way even from then


bio dont give in Plz let them go back to wow WE DONT NEED EM! if it ever be f2p i would pay still you made a great game ! never forget it !


Well, tbh, what else could they do except add a new tier?


All slots for the current tiers are already drops in the HM flashpoints and Operations. With the exception of the main hand items, which I'm guessing will be the main drops in the new instance coming with 1.2


So blaming WoW is ridiculously short sighted.


This has less to do with WoW, and more to do with giving people a reason to do the new content. Yes, someone may want to run a new flashpoint purely to see it. But would they run it more than once? How about ten times?


All MMO's, no matter who they are and what "setting" they use, need forms of progression. The metaphorical "carrot on a stick". And started before WoW, before EQ and UO. It began back when D&D was made.


Dragons with coveted phat loot.

Edited by Tarka
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DISAGREE! Remove the alignment restricted colors. We don't need to know the alignment of other players--if they want it known, there are ways of doing that. As it is, they can simply wield an orange or yellow saber. This is a fallacious argument.


Stop using the lore as a crutch. There are plenty of characters in Star Wars lore that have used color crystals that do not fit your preconceived notions of cannon. This is also a fallacious argument. A player should be free to forge their own story, make their own decisions, and define their characters as they see fit. Color restrictions are an illogical and unnecessary limitation on our ability as players to engender personal characterizations.


youre just mad cause you want a red saber but dont want to become a dark jedi to get it. I get the whole star wars movie part of it and the lore as well. BUT THIS is a feature of the GAME. Alignment was placed for a reason. And this is definitely a very appealing part of the alignment feature. yes you can choose to remove or leave the sith corruption, thats whats its there for. There are restrictions for a reason. I mean honestly do you really think that hte first color of a regular light side Jedi would be a red one? Really? I would think thats a damn sith automatically. YES based solely on the color! RED! to quote an earlier post, when you see red you think anger,hatred, dark. so. thats the point. Sorry if you dont see that concept. maybe you think of blue when you think of hot water? or you think of red when you feel cold water? BW got it right the first time. You're just sad taht youre limited so you gripe about about the original state. thats BS. you wanna wield a red or orange one? roll a sith or go dark. UTILIZE the alignment feature for its purpose, not alter it... ill unsub if its like that. honestly. its called 'grinding' for a reason.

Edited by cIear
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I wish they'd just make an in game public poll on lifting the crystal color restriction.


That would end this debate once for all and, at worst only 49.9% of the players would leave or there would be at least one more happy player than sad ones.

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youre just mad cause you want a red saber but dont want to become a dark jedi to get it. I get the whole star wars movie part of it and the lore as well. BUT THIS is a feature of the GAME. Alignment was placed for a reason. And this is definitely a very appealing part of the alignment feature. yes you can choose to remove or leave the sith corruption, thats whats its there for. There are restrictions for a reason. I mean honestly do you really think that hte first color of a regular light side Jedi would be a red one? Really? I would think thats a damn sith automatically. YES based solely on the color! RED! to quote an earlier post, when you see red you think anger,hatred, dark. so. thats the point. Sorry if you dont see that concept. maybe you think of blue when you think of hot water? or you think of red when you feel cold water? BW got it right the first time. You're just sad taht youre limited so you gripe about about the original state. thats BS. you wanna wield a red or orange one? roll a sith or go dark. UTILIZE the alignment feature for its purpose, not alter it... ill unsub if its like that. honestly. its called 'grinding' for a reason.


First, calm down. You're not doing your blood pressure any favours.


Second, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is lore for light-side Jedi using red sabres. Leia, for one. Mara Jade, for another.


Third, it may be called "grinding" for a reason, but you seem to be under the mistaken impression that grinding is a good thing. It isn't.

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First, calm down. You're not doing your blood pressure any favours.


Second, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is lore for light-side Jedi using red sabres. Leia, for one. Mara Jade, for another.


Third, it may be called "grinding" for a reason, but you seem to be under the mistaken impression that grinding is a good thing. It isn't.


One mans "boring grind" is another mans "enjoyable content".


For instance, I love doing the dailies because they yield good rewards.

Another person may look upon doing them as mind-numbingly tedious.

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I'm hoping that by adding new crystal colors you really mean you'll be adding Scematics for Artifice Crafters to supply these crystals to players and not let them be purchased directly by venders (like on the test server.) Doing so would be a huge slap to the face to artifice crafters.QUOTE]




Pages n pages of new crafting changes to improve economy, and still they put something better on a vendor? Wasn't vendor items outselling crafted items part of the big problem here? Iget it. They are rare and awesome crystals, but if you talk about new, and great changes to the crafting sytem, then highlight vendor crystals that are better than anyone can craft, then... well, it seems kinda like we're back where we started. I for one am not keen on shooting my self in the foot. Bioware?


Those +41 crystals are pretty ****** though, and I am optimistic that there are changes coming. I saw one other person write in response to this thread, rather unenthusiastically, "seems nice." For me, that sums it up.

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I think pvp quest that offer for each faction to do combat would be cool


^^^ This too! Rift had open-world pvp missions/rifts. I though they'd be kinda stupid at first, but they were actually all right. Also, open-world pvp is where it's at for me. As it is when I queue for WZ's here, I get a little bored of every game being Huttball. Good game, but seriously, I play WZs a fair amount and it's at least 8 out of 10 games.

Edited by DJunior
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The good:


* Color Crystals - I was originally against this idea but after reading multiple posts, I've changed my mind. Allowing characters to use any color crystal no matter their alignment expands role play options and that is always a good thing. It also doesn't make any logical sense to restrict certain alignments to certain colors. I have a rank 3 Dark Jedi who uses both red and blue lightsabres. Perhaps one was inheritance after the death of his father, a reminder of where he came from and the other is a sign of where he is going.


Nothing is currently stopping characters from using "restricted" colors, but they are unable to upgrade their weapons. In other words it gimps characters for the sake of role play.



The bad:


* Speeder License Costs - Rank III licenses are going up while the other two are going down. The losers are the ones who purchased speeder license II and are not high enough level or don't have the credits to purchase the third license. They are the losers because they'll be paying the highest price possible for all three licenses. Perhaps a credit towards speeder license III can be given to those in this situation.

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Here's the thing. Those examples in lore were there for DRAMATIC effect. The authors used these anomalies (note, not the rule, the anomaly) as a plot device to set the characters apart. There IS a very definitive aesthetic regarding crystal color.


Now in SWTOR we can play against type as well -- it's in the restriction system. Dark side Jedi can equip Red crystals. I'm fine with that. But that's because they're DARK. I have a Sith Marauder who is a Revenite who wields red and blue sabers. But I'm voluntarily taking a penalty on the upgrade of one of my crystals in order to maintain this.


This very restriction creates uniqueness. Most people aren't willing to take even one stat hit. I am, in order to have a modicum of uniqueness. The removal of restriction removes any simulation of dramatic exception that we find in the Lore, and that you yourself pointed out.


Firstly, there are plenty of players that are not playing a Force sensitive class that want to use any color, and they bloody well should be able to. I know my friend wants a red crystal for his light-side trooper mega-cannon. For this reason, the restriction removal is a good thing.


However, I am also in favor of some kind of color restriction, but ONLY for Jedi and Sith.


Perhaps, rather than taking a penalty for using a color that is *not* "in alignment", using a color that fits your Force alignment would grant a bonus. This way, people are given an incentive to stay with tradition, but not punished if they choose to walk a different path..

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* Speeder License Costs - Rank III licenses are going up while the other two are going down. The losers are the ones who purchased speeder license II and are not high enough level or don't have the credits to purchase the third license. They are the losers because they'll be paying the highest price possible for all three licenses. Perhaps a credit towards speeder license III can be given to those in this situation.


Being one of those in "that situation", I completely agree.

Edited by KonaiNobi
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why not restrict something that actually creates a visible and common known diversity between Sith and Jedi?


You seem to be against the change becasuse you want differentiation between factions? The light side dark side system doesn't do this, are you asking for faction alignment?


I am glad the alignment restrictions are dropped from crystals, they made no sense. I would like expansion of light side dark side vendors, and perhaps some unique rewards for stroyline quests depending on darkside light side choices.

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So yeah... they're taking out the coolest looking landspeeders in the game because of "customer complaints"? Why?


Why this arbitrary and seriously weird decision?


Because they're ugly as sin, especially when there's 5 of them hovering over a vendor.

I for one am happy that they are being discontinued and even happier that I don't have to feel pressured to acquire one before they go the way of the dodo. :D

Edited by KonaiNobi
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Because they're ugly as sin, especially when there's 5 of them hovering over a vendor.

I for one am happy that they are being discontinued and even happier that I don't have to feel pressured to acquire one before they go the way of the dodo. :D


What is funny, is that I don't think i've ever seen one outside of the Fleet

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So here is what I don't get, people already can use green/blue crystals as sith or red as jedi, but they have to have followed the story to be aligned the opposite of what would seem the "norm". Why does not removing this restriction really bother anyone? Immersion? Really? It doesn't bother you to see 200 grand champions of the Great hunt running around?


We have never been playing a game where our character wasn't considered special, in fact that was the whole point of making a story driven MMO, so why suddenly are people upset that others will be able to be just as "special" as they want? The game is about being the star of your Old Republic Star Wars story, if you want to RP it with a red crystal in a jedi's light saber who really cares? I certainly don't, but then I don't have a desire to control anyone else's fun.

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