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If you could swap out one companion for any other , who would it be?


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I'm not joking when I'd say id swap every single one of the Sith Warrior companions (except Vette) for Mako...seriously the SW companions must be most unlikeable bunch of degenerate scumbags. Besides I'd feel like a frickin rockstar travelling the galaxy with Vette and Mako (and as a tank juggernaut they're all I'll ever need!)
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Akaavi Spar for Elara Dorne.


And then I would romance her.


"But Captain, please, before we do anything, I need you to fill out a 2418-B form for Engaging In Relationship With Roguish Captain,"


"Oh yeah, you know I'm roguish. How's about we... ditch the forms for something a little more interesting?"


"But Captain, proper procedure is a must in these harsh times because if they are not followed...."


"Hey baby, the forms can wait, the Captain can't."




"I just want to say, Captain, how liberated I feel now. And not just because you've hidden my underwear. Good thing I have a 1623-A, Requisition for Replacement Underwear (Black) in my personal belongings."

Edited by HobbieTheGenius
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Quinn for who or whatever, even a sandwich.. nah, forget that, I'll make YOU a sandwich if you just take him away...


but srsly, would love to have any of the other 3 healing comps, Talos the most maybe... he's so... british, love it. Lokin is also amazing, but doesn't fit the SW exactly... Mako is also a mismatch, but they are both awesome for their respective classes.


But it really kinda sucks being stuck with 3 comps I don't like on my SW... at least Vettes incredible amount of awesome makes up for it (and LS Jaesa is a bit dull but alright).

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Hm.. I'd leave Andronikos at the Hoth cantina and take Aric Jorgan instead, for the SI love interest! Even though it makes zero sense!


And my warrior would happily leave Broonmark right alongside Andy. I'd adopt Blizz in a heartbeat. I'd even take T7 over that weirdo.

Edited by grania
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I'd trade any of the current ladies, for a female companion, that's body type 3 or 4. >_<


I'd also trade every single male companion, (except for Corso), for Zevran Arainai.

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BH, I'd trade Skadge for a DPS version of M1-4X

hel, I'd trade skadge for a 1 inch length of used dental floss


Trooper, I'd trade Tanno Vik for Jaxo (ok, so she isn't a companion but bloody well should be :p) or a combat droid


SW I'd trade Quinn for a corpse of Quinn ;)

Edited by Valkanna
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I'd trade Kaliyo for anyone else who wouldn't ***** at me for being respectful of DARTH FREAKIN' JADUS! She seriously expects me to be flippant to a man who can crush me with his mind! On a similar vein Khem Val can suck it.


I would also like Vette on my republic characters just so she won't dissapove of almost every evil choice I make. I really like her but she doesn't fit with my totally irredeemable Sith Warrior. I want my Knight to rescue her from a life of slavery and indignity. He can come across her while on a crew skill. Then she'll love me and I can romance with someone that has a compatible personality.


I think there should be more dark companions for the republic side. I would like to play a dark Jedi or trooper but there are no companions who will back me up for that.

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I would trade Quinn any day for Mako


She is a babe and be a good romance interest for a sith warrior IMO, Quinn, that little mongrel, I want to throw him out of an airlock for what he does

Edited by GhostNato
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Akaavi --> Numen Brock

He may not be a companion but he should be just so female smugglers have another romance option. Plus he's such a tease! :p


All ship droids for a working cantina...or a trashcan...or a radio.


All JK comps (except Kira) --> a jawa

I would really like to steal the one on Tatooine that wants me to blow up sand people. I would hug him and squeeze him and name him George.

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Akaavi --> Numen Brock

He may not be a companion but he should be just so female smugglers have another romance option. Plus he's such a tease! :p


All ship droids for a working cantina...or a trashcan...or a radio.


All JK comps (except Kira) --> a jawa

I would really like to steal the one on Tatooine that wants me to blow up sand people. I would hug him and squeeze him and name him George.


JK's have other companions besides Kira? Are you sure? I seem to remember some droid I think, or something, but, nope, all that comes to mind is Kira. So yea, I'd trade someone, not Kira, for that little guy Blizz, that would be fun.

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As a sorcerer, I would trade Ashara Zavros for Vette in an instant.


It makes sense from a story perspective, as both the Inquisitor and Vette were slaves to begin with, and the former has numerous opportunities to be sarcastic as hell with everyone, which the latter likes.


That and I can't stand Ashara and Vette is hilarious.

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As a sorcerer, I would trade Ashara Zavros for Vette in an instant.


It makes sense from a story perspective, as both the Inquisitor and Vette were slaves to begin with, and the former has numerous opportunities to be sarcastic as hell with everyone, which the latter likes.


That and I can't stand Ashara and Vette is hilarious.


This is sooo true ...


Though to be honest I think best option would be

if I could get zash outta khem ( i miss him) and put her in ashara and let her take over completely ... i think zash would make a better romance option and a much more complex companion.


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