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  1. The SW class story explains that Baras wants the rebellion to keep going. Besides the main Sith forces are off world.
  2. Oh god, the SW's "I didn't even break a sweat." I like boasting about my success because my character's a bit of a gloryhound but every time I try it's the same goddamn line. Fine for when I'm saying that the supposedly tough enemy wasn't so difficult to kill. But when the mission actually was easy, it doesn't make enough sense to justify using the line every. single. god. damn. time!
  3. I'd trade Kaliyo for anyone else who wouldn't ***** at me for being respectful of DARTH FREAKIN' JADUS! She seriously expects me to be flippant to a man who can crush me with his mind! On a similar vein Khem Val can suck it. I would also like Vette on my republic characters just so she won't dissapove of almost every evil choice I make. I really like her but she doesn't fit with my totally irredeemable Sith Warrior. I want my Knight to rescue her from a life of slavery and indignity. He can come across her while on a crew skill. Then she'll love me and I can romance with someone that has a compatible personality. I think there should be more dark companions for the republic side. I would like to play a dark Jedi or trooper but there are no companions who will back me up for that.
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