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When will SWTOR Fall?


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Hating aside, I don't think the current model works anymore for sustaining players. WoW kept me and tons of real life friends busy for years on vanilla without getting bored. Catclysm had comparatively a ton more content then Vanilla ever had but yet those who stuck around and played Cataclysm got bored with it pretty quickly.


As the game stands now, it's just too easy to level and for the first time since Vanilla WoW it's too painful to level alts in this game for me which is a huge disappointment. As an alt alcholic the linear nature minus the class quests threw me off too much, I know this isn't true for everyone but at least in WoW I had a lot more choices of how to level. I think the nail in the coffin was when I wanted to level the other AC of my Bounty Hunter but couldn't get past how identical the process was :(


Will the game fail? Hell no. Will the game hold 1.5+ million subs? As it stands my prediction is somewhere between the low of 750,000 and a high of 1.25m. Bioware has a real chance to do something with this game but lets see what they do.

Edited by Touchbass
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Part of the problem may well be the subscription model. Most people don't want to waste money on more then one subscription, so if you're not playing the best game it's a waste of money. If you take league of legends as an example you can see how F2P can make heaps of money and the player-base doesn't feel like they can only play that one game.


GW2 has gone with a subscriptionless model as well which is rather interesting and maybe they had the same thought as I did lol.


Paying for a subscription and paying for expansions is a fools game and I'm surprised me and others were willing to go along with it.

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Hating aside, I don't think the current model works anymore for sustaining players. WoW kept me and tons of real life friends busy for years on vanilla without getting bored. Catclysm had comparatively a ton more content then Vanilla ever had but yet those who stuck around and played Cataclysm got bored with it pretty quickly.


As the game stands now, it's just too easy to level and for the first time since Vanilla WoW it's too painful to level alts in this game for me which is a huge disappointment. As an alt alcholic the linear nature minus the class quests threw me off too much, I know this isn't true for everyone but at least in WoW I had a lot more choices of how to level. I think the nail in the coffin was when I wanted to level the other AC of my Bounty Hunter but couldn't get past how identical the process was :(


Will the game fail? Hell no. Will the game hold 1.5+ million subs? As it stands my prediction is somewhere between the low of 750,000 and a high of 1.25m. Bioware has a real chance to do something with this game but lets see what they do.


You can actually skip a lot of the side quests and even some planets if you want to. There is a lot of XP to go around, it doesn't all have to come from the same quests. There's also PvP, space missions, and Flashpoints.


Just skip green missions, or do all of the quests you like and skip a bunch you don't. You'll still be able to level just fine. I ended up doing all of the quests on my main and was on average 5+ levels above all of my quests. I got to 50 at the beginning of Voss.

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Hating aside, I don't think the current model works anymore for sustaining players. WoW kept me and tons of real life friends busy for years on vanilla without getting bored. Catclysm had comparatively a ton more content then Vanilla ever had but yet those who stuck around and played Cataclysm got bored with it pretty quickly.


As the game stands now, it's just too easy to level and for the first time since Vanilla WoW it's too painful to level alts in this game for me which is a huge disappointment. As an alt alcholic the linear nature minus the class quests threw me off too much, I know this isn't true for everyone but at least in WoW I had a lot more choices of how to level. I think the nail in the coffin was when I wanted to level the other AC of my Bounty Hunter but couldn't get past how identical the process was :(


Will the game fail? Hell no. Will the game hold 1.5+ million subs? As it stands my prediction is somewhere between the low of 750,000 and a high of 1.25m. Bioware has a real chance to do something with this game but lets see what they do.


TOR needs, and maybe even deserves, more time to develop especially considering we have always been able to put up with unfinished, newly released MMOs in the past. Sorry to say, I think you are absolutely right and they dropped the ball by sticking with the current model. I agree with virtually everything you say, right down to the numbers. Breaks my heart. I love Star Wars, but just go back and watch Eps. I,II, and III if you need to be reminded. The series just ain't what it used to be :(

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