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When will SWTOR Fall?


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Better yet, when will posts like this stop being placed on EVERY MMORPG game that comes out? If you dislike it, and other games so much, go elsewhere--I'm sure your console gaming system has plenty of titles to choose from, and goody for you and your buddies those games allow cheats. [Time to delete these negative comments and allow the game to move forward] :mad:
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Better yet, when will posts like this stop being placed on EVERY MMORPG game that comes out? If you dislike it, and other games so much, go elsewhere--I'm sure your console gaming system has plenty of titles to choose from, and goody for you and your buddies those games allow cheats. [Time to delete these negative comments and allow the game to move forward] :mad:


Not sure why people tell others to leave.


You do know they are leaving thousands at a time right?


This game is losing subs faster then you think.


But you keep up with that telling people to leave.

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I did not write the article.


And I posted the web address.


I see that... now. You should have put the initial post in quotes so that it was clear that you were not the writing this as your own editorial.


In any case, the source doesn't cite the information to validate the claim.

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When will SWTOR Fall?


EverQuest ....9 years, EQ2...launch and 1 year

SWG .... launch and 2 years, WOW ... launch and 4 months, Conan ... 1 week, Warhammer ... 2 weeks

Lotro.. launch and 5 years, Rift ....launch and 3 months



All these games survived you leaving them, we'll survive you leaving this one too, Mr Nomad.

Edited by Cerion
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I am not leaving this game ..... I love it.


The article I posted was not negative.


<sigh> Your title is rather inflammatory, and I'm so used to the fail threads that I couldn't be bothered to read past it.



My sincerest apologies.

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I'm not sure if the game is declining or growing , but last night I played with some new players in Huttball who didn't know the objectives . Lately I had been seeing new players and I know of some that left . We really cannot tell if this game will fall anytime soon and right now It's a bit too early to tell . Edited by powergirl
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Are you kidding, this is hilarious. BTW you still haven't responded to my post which invalidates your claims about this game growing. Not surprisingly, of course.


I did not write the article ..... sorry you are not able to understand that.



But the game is growing ..... your made up bull does not matter to me.

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I did not write the article ..... sorry you are not able to understand that.



But the game is growing ..... your made up bull does not matter to me.


LOL made up bullcrap!


You give no proof of your claim that the game is growing and expect people to believe you.


I give you statistical proof that the game is on a decline (http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats, just in case it didn't sink in the first time) and you tell me that my 'made up crap doesn't matter'.


Hilarity. I don't know if you're trolling at this point but I hope so because that's just sad.

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LOL made up bullcrap!


You give no proof of your claim that the game is growing and expect people to believe you.


I give you statistical proof that the game is on a decline (http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats, just in case it didn't sink in the first time) and you tell me that my 'made up crap doesn't matter'.


Hilarity. I don't know if you're trolling at this point but I hope so because that's just sad.


Your statistic is flawed and you are wrong.

That site you use as "proof" has been debunked and discussed about plenty of times here on the forum, so you could be the one trolling maybe?

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Your statistic is flawed and you are wrong.

That site you use as "proof" has been debunked and discussed about plenty of times here on the forum, so you could be the one trolling maybe?


It's better proof than you have, buddy. Considering you have none to support your claims that the game is growing.


Am I going to take your word over MY experience (and many others), and the official server population site for TOR?


And debunked by who? The same blind fanboys claiming that the game is growing with no proof?



Edited by Esaru
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Wow, what server are you playing on? Because on Kathol Rift you're lucky to have 100 people on the IMPERIAL Fleet once or twice a week. Planets average at around 8-10 people.


Republic side is even less.


Dude that sounds like a pretty good server. Mine never gets over 65 Imps on fleet on any day.

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What leads you to this conslusion, please?


Any substantial and wise reason you could share?


I know no MMO that had lived for a year. Have a good rest of your trolling :)


Well, if you'd like to call the original APB, an MMO Third Person Shooter (Not APB Reloaded, the original APB that was developed by Realtime Worlds.), then yeah.


It was released in July and died in September. So around 1 year, yes.


That's kind of off the subject, though.


(I just like to mention APB in "failed MMOs" subjects :3).

Edited by GhostDrone
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this graph will tell you everything you need to know.




full servers none existent

heavy servers on decline

light servers on the rise


How anyone can translate that into a growing community is beyond me, and the fanboys arguing this are doing more harm to their beloved Bioware than good.


There is something wrong with this game, we need to identify it and fix it. Or we could bury our heads in the sand and hope reality leaves us alone.

Edited by Icebaron
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I love SWTOR and intend to spend a great deal of time on it but all good things come to an end.


Much of what I love about SWTOR has to do with the story as created by the companions, class quests, and well executed side quests. For the first time ever in an MMO, I feel my characters have a real personality. Beyond that, while well executed and with some nice evolutionary improvements to MMO play, it is still a fairly conventional game in terms of actual play, quests (kill this, get that), and endgame.


Therefore, what I see killing SWTOR is one of two things or a combination of the two:


1) If the developers cannot keep adding new content that furthers the story aspect.

2) If a new game comes along that has at least some of the story aspect but takes MMOs to the next step.


For both points one and two, so far, I see end game play as the achilles' heal of SWTOR. I have not yet hit 50 (because I like leveling toons and am leveling multiple at once) but from discussions with those who have and some research, it seems like the standard endgame grind of dailies and raids. This is no better or worse than many other MMOs but since SWTOR has done such a nice job of providing an interesting leveling experience the transition from leveling to endgame will be even more jarring for players. A game that can provide an alternative to the standard solution will likely be very appealing.


So, to summarize, I see SWTOR fading if the developers can't keep the story fresh. I also see it falling off if ultimately if it becomes all about end game (because that is not its strength). The wild card will be what do players have to turn to. I don't know about Guild Wars2 end game but they seem to be trying to rethink much of the MMO experience and if they also fixed endgame, I could see that taking the wind out of SWTOR sails within the year. If not GW2, some other more revolutionary game perhaps will do it to SWTOR farther down the road.


Don't get me wrong; I love SWTOR so far. If they execute legacy features well, I could stay happy in this game for 10-18 months, maybe longer with some good expansions. But for me, and I suspect for many who have played MMOs for years now, I am susceptible to a new game that takes MMOs to the next step. Put another way: I love the game so far, I love the leveling, I dread the point where I am tired of leveling toons and have only the endgame grind to entertain me because I know that won't do it for me any more. Putting up with dailies and raids to get gear that becomes essentially useless with the next expansion is not why I spend money on a subscription fee.

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It's better proof than you have, buddy. Considering you have none to support your claims that the game is growing.




I haven't said anywhere that it's growing my troll friend, but your "statistic" about it's decline doesn't really mean squat. :rolleyes:


I don't need any statistic really, nor do i look for it because i enjoy this game and the fact that there are more and people on my server who has an excellent population already is more than enough for me to see that SWTOR is not in any decline whatsoever.

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I haven't said anywhere that it's growing my troll friend, but your "statistic" about it's decline doesn't really mean squat. :rolleyes:


I don't need any statistic really, nor do i look for it because i enjoy this game and the fact that there are more and people on my server who has an excellent population already is more than enough for me to see that SWTOR is not in any decline whatsoever.


I live on land. That's more than enough for me to say oceans don't exist.

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DEC 21 2012 when everything will fall


Not a good time, think of all the last minute shoppers. Sometime before returns are accepted - that would be more appropriate.


The last few major apocalypses where such a let down, not to mention the numerous local ones that I might have missed.



Edit: All right, on topic - one's own reality might not reflect the overall reality. When did I stop playing that other game ... three years ago me thinks, it's still around. It too had a rapid decline, was "bleeding" left right and center. Yet I think some people just don't get the message. Too stubborn for their own good, enjoying something that others clearly predicted to not be fun.

Edited by iRouven
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when will swtor fall?



We’re now two months in and all signs show the game’s population is still growing.[/b]


the thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the fleet republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


Star wars: The old republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.




:sul_angel: lol :jawa_angel:

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I haven't said anywhere that it's growing my troll friend, but your "statistic" about it's decline doesn't really mean squat. :rolleyes:


I don't need any statistic really, nor do i look for it because i enjoy this game and the fact that there are more and people on my server who has an excellent population already is more than enough for me to see that SWTOR is not in any decline whatsoever.


My statistics don't mean squat but your limited personal experience and emotional attachment to the game is enough proof.


By golly, say no more! You're absolutely right!



Edited by Esaru
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