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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Don't make Dual Wielder spend x2 for new content.


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*Random delvs - Do not close my thread*

*Random delvs - Do not close my thread*

*Random delvs - Do not close my thread*


*This is an important topic to me, and makes the difference between tons of my play hours. It is about a topic not discussed anywhere else*





If there is new content coming out, don't make Dual Wielders invest twice the time as every other class.



Please, and thank you.

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I fail to see why you are paying 'double' - other classes need the shield generator or focus item in their offhand, or agents/smugglers need their knife.


There aren't any classes paying double for fixed gear. If you so choose to modify that gear, the only difference would be color crystals, as generators, focus, knifes etc. don't have such slot, but I don't think that is an unreasonable price for the visuals.

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I think they should give some sort of discount to dual wielders.. If not then some other benefit somewhere else..


We already have to buy twice the mods for weapons.. There really should be a kick back somewhere to off set this additional expense that only dual wielders have..


Maybe just some mulitplier that give dual wielders more credits out of boxes or something..


Perhaps just a racial that could be like +2 to all stats or something.. We don't do double the damage.. We shouldn't pay double the expense.. :cool:

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Still dont see it as being unreasonable considering, as mentioned, it's a vanity item.


It is unreasonable because it isn't just crystals.. It is all mods.. Barrels or Hilts, mods, and enhancements.. Dual wielders have to upgrade two weapons as opposed to 1.. Off hands are dirt cheap by comparison..


Like I said in my last post.. There are other options besides giving dual wielders a discount.. But they should do something to offset that additional expense that other classes do not have.. Even if it is just a stat increase somewhere.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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So?? Your point?? What about a smuggler or an Agent?? Do they dual wield light sabers??


That is not a kick back.. Just saying.. ;)


yeah, what about smuggler or agent? really, the effect a colour crystal has is far less epic on a gun than it is on a light saber. I doubt I'll buy a white/magenta/whatever crystal for my shooter :rolleyes:

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OP does have a point.

2 of the classes on each side have to pay 5 million for the same vanity effect all others have to pay only 2.5.


Fix for this, make the vendor white crystal unique. That way it keeps everything fair and if they do want a 2nd for double white them they can get a 2nd when they add them for Artifice.

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You don't have to invest twice as much. There are 14 slots and most classes have to put something in the offhand slot anyway so the only time you will need to invest any more time is the mods for a custom off hand saber.


Big deal.


Keep in mind you also get the slot to further customize your stats. I'll take that any day but then, maybe I am an abberation but I consider gearing out a kind of mini game in of itself.


The 2.5 mil crystals are not a baseline and you can easily get by on a 30 - 100k crystal.


My main is a marauder btw.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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OP does have a point.

2 of the classes on each side have to pay 5 million for the same vanity effect all others have to pay only 2.5.



You pay 5 million to have DOUBLE the vanity effect others have


You also have different colors which is not possible for others.


Stop whining and start farming

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yeah, what about smuggler or agent? really, the effect a colour crystal has is far less epic on a gun than it is on a light saber. I doubt I'll buy a white/magenta/whatever crystal for my shooter :rolleyes:


Your missing hte point of the OP though.. Why should a dual wielder pay twice as much as everyone else for weapon upgrades??


White crystal aside and the effect on a blaster are irrelevent.. We don't have a cheap off hand.. We have a 2nd weapons.. That also must be upgraded..


The over all issue is that dual wielders have an additional expense that other characters do not.. That is the over all issue.. Not what effect it will have on a blaster..


Now if they made offhands in a modable form.. That would be differernt..


Can you imagine spending 22k or so on energy cell type thing, and then an addiotnal 20k or so for a mod and another 10k or so for an enhancement?? Or using 11 commendations?? Dual wielders do that twice.. Accept we buy barrels or hilts.. I figure that a focus, generator, or shield would use an energy cell.. How about orange quality scatter guns?? :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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OP does have a point.

2 of the classes on each side have to pay 5 million for the same vanity effect all others have to pay only 2.5.


This whole argument is ridiculous - have you seen the disparity in stat values for an OH weapon compared to a shield generator or vibroknife.


I'm sorry but you choose to wield 2 sabers - that is a choice. It only seems logical that if you want two sabers (and you want them equally geared) you pay for two lightsaber crystals. Those crystals are not vanity items they will impact on your performance against PvE and other players, therefore it is only right that you should pay for that added advantage.


OP's post is just trolling.

Edited by JamieM
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Your missing hte point of the OP though.. Why should a dual wielder pay twice as much as everyone else for weapon upgrades??


No, you are missing the point. You are paying for weapon upgrades twice because you are GETTING weapon upgrades twice! Some ACs get a shield gen or something that gives them a little extra willpower in their offhand. You have a MODABLE WEAPON that gives you a MASSIVE DPS BOOST.


Think of it like this, if you buy a car and then you go out and buy a second car are you going to go to the gas station and say "I want to fill up one car with gas and have the other filled for free!" No, you're not. You are either going to pay for the gas to fuel both cars or you will drive one car and the other car will sit there doing nothing useful.


Get over your entitlement issues.

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We already have to buy twice the mods for weapons.. There really should be a kick back somewhere to off set this additional expense that only dual wielders have..
It's the price you pay for having a moddable offhand.
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It's the price you pay for having a moddable offhand.


Are you all serius talking like this?.


My gunslinger do the same damage than a sniper with the same gear but i need to expend a lot more gearing my second pistol instead that a vibroknife.


2h and 1h weapons at pvp vendors on republic/imperial fleets cost the same amount, if for example a sniper want to buy the lvl 34 pvp weapon they only need 580 commendations, but my gunslinger needs 1160 (and also need to remove all the mods from one and pass they to a orange offhand pistol because the are mainhand only), ***? you ppl see that normal?

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Double bladed staffs do all the damage of BOTH my lightsabers, AND they a shield generator on top of that.


The 2nd lightsaber only deals 30% damage, with a 57% accuracy. They greater damage on the double bladed saber is a far better choice. Please add shield generation to my 2nd saber.



The Dual wielders are getting any more advantage, yet are still being forced to pay twice as much.

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No, you are missing the point. You are paying for weapon upgrades twice because you are GETTING weapon upgrades twice! Some ACs get a shield gen or something that gives them a little extra willpower in their offhand. You have a MODABLE WEAPON that gives you a MASSIVE DPS BOOST.


Think of it like this, if you buy a car and then you go out and buy a second car are you going to go to the gas station and say "I want to fill up one car with gas and have the other filled for free!" No, you're not. You are either going to pay for the gas to fuel both cars or you will drive one car and the other car will sit there doing nothing useful.


Get over your entitlement issues.


Eh? How is dual wielding a massive damage boost have you seen the damage output on secondary weapons? its like 2/10th of the main weapon if that..

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