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IS THIS AN MMO? where'd the M go..


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DAoC, or whatever early 2000s game you pulled this stuff from are dead (for the most part). All that crap you asked for, particularly the whole looting players stuff in PvP, are archaic concepts that have no place in today's MMOs.


Everyone wants MMOs to evolve, but yet their idea of evolution is to go back 15 years and do what the early MMOs did. Does this make sense to anyone?


what has SWTOR done to move forward ? o yeah spen crazy money on voice overs !

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Id rather a game single player than a game with multiplayer that has no incentives to keep people together, and you have to p2p wich is even worse i pay 80 bucks just for the game and you need to pay a subscription to just use the game yeah i know its spose to be mmo but

if you take the multiplayer out of mmo you get a single player game bioware take out subscriptions and fix multiplayer.

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Everyone wants MMOs to evolve, but yet their idea of evolution is to go back 15 years and do what the early MMOs did. Does this make sense to anyone?


Well.. SWTOR itself is like 5 years behind in MMO features. BW missed out on stuff that standard 2012 MMOs release with in 2012. E.g. name a modern MMO that released without UI customization. There is no perfect UI. Every user has their own idea of what the UI should be like. So UI customization is the only solution to making customers happy about the UI.


Lack of map continuity is another big gripe. SWTOR is just a collection of instanced planets stringed together by loading screens. You can't go from Drommund Kaas to Nar Shadda without going through 4 loading screens. In other MMOs, you can walk from one end of the map to another without any loading screen.


MMOs need to evolve - yes. Bioware's contribution to the MMO genre's evolution seems to be the addition of a very lukewarm VO based story telling to a very ordinary game-play.


In the end for any game, game-play >>> story (fluff). (This is why it's a game and not a movie or storybook). People like to play their toons. So, in the end, once the fluff and glamour of VO and storytelling dies down, game play will drive the longevity of the game.


And the game-play is sadly outdated and not innovative. They need to work on it and make it better.

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This is the answer you are seeking young padawan!




Seriously, I played a Jedi Guardian up to level 30 on what is now a light server (the Courageous) and it just felt dead. I hated logging in most of the time. I then rolled a Vanguard on a heavy server (Jedi Covenant) and wow... 180 people on fleet. It's crazy how much more fun it is.

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Here's my beef..



I've never played an mmo that i felt more alone in my life.


When its midnight where i live ( california ). and there is 2 people on the planet that im on, a part of me realized im playing a single player game with a chat window. the pvp is a nothing more then a arcade game. there is no risk/reward pvp. The grouping and partying IS EXTREMELY WEAK AND LABORED. i have to beg people to group. because if they arent on that quest its pointless.


There is no free roaming boss hunting.


There is no real pvp.. where you lose or gain gear by dying or killing


The servers seem so low in poplation it SERIOUSLY feels like im playing alone


i really am dissapointed with this game. i understand its young. but bioware took the M out of MMO


there is nothing that compels players to play together... at all.


to much seperation with planets


**why not make a planet that is risk pvp. the further into the planets terrain you go. the higher difference in level you can attack or be attacked by. **


- wanna fight your own level? stay at lvl 1

- wanna team up? go to the multi-combat zone where team pvp is allowed.


anyone whose played runescape in there life will appreciate this style of pvp.



im at a loss for this game and contemplating putting it on the shelf. there is not enough multiplayer content to this game to keep me playing. ive played for 3 weeks now and not one part of me has felt like im playing with other people except when i grouped for 15 mins to finish a heroic then everyone split.


there is no competition among players either because gear is shallow and easily obtained and max level takes no time at all.



i think bioware is to used to making single player games and forgot you have to put multiplayer content into a MULTIPLAYER game.


sorry but ...






You obviously rolled on a low pop server. Try re rolling into another server like the harbringer, or canderous ordo.

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Seriously, I played a Jedi Guardian up to level 30 on what is now a light server (the Courageous) and it just felt dead. I hated logging in most of the time. I then rolled a Vanguard on a heavy server (Jedi Covenant) and wow... 180 people on fleet. It's crazy how much more fun it is.


Yeah most people (including guilds) are rerolling on heavier servers. I want a player transfer, but alas it is not here yet.

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I play on one of the most populated servers in this game, and I STILL feel like the OP. The companions replace other human players. You do by yourself what would normally take two. Or with 2 what would take 4. There is no incentive to party or group together aside from the occasional heroic. There are so many instances spread throughout the world for "story" purposes that it feels fragmented. It's hard to even see players running around as we are each in our own little world.


They took both Ms out. The massive and the multiplayer. This is no different than me and a buddy each playing Mass Effect, while talking on vent together.


Well said OP.


Nothing is stopping you from teaming up with other people to finish missions instead of using your companions. There are only a handful of missions where your companion must be present, and they are few and far between.


But for people like me, who play at odd hours of the night, or who don't want to have our mission progress hampered by a player who isn't paying attention or isn't into it, or has to leave half-way through the mission, the idea that I can run missions on my own is a great thing.


My biggest hope is that with server transfers comes an upgraded Legacy system that tallies your Alt activities across servers. At that point we'll just be able to transfer over to more populated servers.


But that comes with a drawback. The more populated the server, the more time you'll spend waiting for mission goals to become available, since the goals are often located in a particular place or set of places that ends up being camped by multiple players.


Frankly, when I'm out farming resources on several different worlds, I kinda like the fact that the resources are there when I get to them, instead of being gone due to someone already having grabbed them...

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Hello everyone,


While we do appreciate anyone who takes the time to compile feedback for us, we're closing this thread, as we do have a forum for suggestions and many subforums for specific topics.


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum, such as the PvP subforum.


Other threads you may wish to post your thoughts on are:


Server population: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=310753

Server transfers: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=34745

Server merges: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108


This thread will be closed now. Thank you for your cooperation and help keeping these forums a bit more organized.


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