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just saw the test patch notes <3


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Look at it this way. With Ilum no longer being required for PvP dailies/weeklies, they can take a longer time to actually work something out with it. Perhaps getting credit in WZ's is just a temporary thing until they come up with some kind of better system for Ilum.


In the meantime, **** Ilum and thank God I never have to go to that icy piece of **** again under its current system.


/agreed. With "!"s. :D

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Great effort?? Serious, kill Ilum instead of fixing it and give people free rank 60s. Take the easy way out Bioware. Only carebear fanboys are happy with these pvp changes.


Yep. It's terrible. Ilum sucked, but it needed to be fixed, not abandoned.


Now people are never going to leave the fleet as they sit half AFK waiting for queues to pop. Sounds like another game that I stopped playing because I hated how they dumbed it down and ruined it.


So much potential with this game, yet so much fail.

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Most of this I disagree with.


For one, they're nailing Ilum to its own dirt grave with this. There will officially be ZERO incentive to go to Ilum, considering that Valor gain will be bumped significantly in Warzones, as well as the fact that wzs will give you Ilum daily/weekly credit.


Furthermore, they successfully made the game *********** easy.


Battlemaster almost used to mean something. If nothing else, it meant that you had a fair amount of time on your hands. Now it will mean... well, nothing. Top tier pvp gear will be handed out to the scrub-buckets who can't tell the difference between a Juggernaut and a Sorc.


If it bothers you that much quit.


How about you go to Ilum to kill other players? You know like it was designed for. If everyone is BM there will be less circle jerk fight clubbing going on.


If you need a carrot on a stick to play the game, get a job or something. Also Bioware/Lucas Arts and EA are all multi-million dollar corporations. If they piss away some money making a casual and fun game that almost everyone can enjoy how can that possibly be a bad thing?

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Increased the Warzone AFK timeout from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.



This soooo needed to happen can't even count how many times I join a game that alrdy started and was kicked buying stuff and making it to a locked pvp spawn door.

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Make an Illum pvp zone buff for the side with less people. Damage increase/reduction = Zerg # of players / small # of players.


Buff for the side with more players: rewards increased by % = Zerg side / small side # of players.


It would turn Illum into pvp style raids when few opposing players are on. People would do it just for the fun, let alone the rewards. You cannot make a system which favors the numerically imbalanced, so you have to account for it.

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Alderaan Civil War

The speeder bikes that transport players back to the battle now have a three-second activation time to increase the likelihood that an organized attacking team can successfully take the side turrets.




lol wot =?


does this mean, we are dropping in, in a 3 second delay ?

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ON our server there is at minimum 400% more empire than republic. what that means is ilum is largely unplayable by 99% of pvpers. You say form an op group and kill them well let me tell you we've tried at the most we can get 20-24 players interssted what happens 5 minutes later there are 4-5 24 man ops groups on ilum farming our ops group. And they dont just stop with killing us they camp outside our spawn points and conintually kill us so we have no chance. Currently ilum pvp is dead except for the fight clubs that are on all servers where you take turns killing each other over and over to accompish the pvp weekly and dailies and its stupid. Ok so now we can go into wz's and get ilum credit. by the time you get 9 wins you've got your 150 weekly ilum kills great ilum wasnt benifiting legit players currently anyway. The only ones who are upset about these dhanges are those on a faction that way outnumbers the other faction and wants it to stay that way. Rest in Peace ilum I hated you from day 1.


If you cant get over yourself and your greedy ways and learn that this game needs to fit eveyrone and especially the majority and not your elitist minority butts then please unsub and go back to where you came from. Be it wow or world of tanks or eq.

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yup just saw the patch notes for myself and im gonna say thats another great effort by bioware.


i know swtor is heavily broken right now but bioware are slowly getting there lol.



they are actualy thinking of everyone and not just the ones that play the game 24/7 :)




well done bioware keep it up <3 <3 <3


I agree, you are 100% correct. Most of the negative posts that you received are from people that troll the forums and are constantly negative.

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Yeah they're letting broken Illum die, it's not a fix, but it needs more than a fix it needs serious retooling that won't be done overnight, so it's... necessary. Allowing increase in valor from WZ AND still have illum as is would be overkill. I'm glad they essentially got rid of Illum. On the rare servers where rep pop is close to Imp, nothing stopping them from continuing to fight on Illum.


The other changes are in the right direction.

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You know what I'm upset about?


"Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives."


That is going to seriously impact Voidstar and Civil War in ways I can't fully imagine, and I kind of like them how they are.


But, if they're doing that, can they make it so dots don't interrupt regen abilities? Because that's seriously annoying...

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