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Stop With the Dailies!


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Why are you copying the worst thing WoW ever added to their game?!


Every time I see a daily I want to throttle a kitten. It's infuriating that anybody could possibly think repeatable quests constitute enjoyable gameplay!


Now there's going to be crafting dailies and a new daily hub every patch to 1.5?!






Possible Alternative #1:


Place a quest hub on every planet similar to daily quest hubs. Now replace daily quests with a unique quest chain for each planet. You can only do one quest in the chain for each planet each day, but it is always the next step in the chain.

The next step in the chain depends on how you completed the previous quests in the chain (actual story branching, not the so called branching we've seen up to this point which leads to the same ending).


Now, the next quest in the chain won't depend on something trivial as a conversation choice. It needs to depend on how you actually complete the quest. You can either do the quest you're on by sneaking, which results in one option, or killing results in another, or paying off an official, etc. The options are presented when you start the quest.


Lets say arbitrarily that a chain will take you 7 days to complete (a fair number I think). So it will be a 7 day long repeatable chain so you can try different paths each play through. Each day should offer two branching paths, resulting in a total of 127 different quests you could possibly do.


Once you've completed the chain the first time, you unlock a new 7 day repeatable chain with 127 new quests to do (or some other reward, who knows).


Each time you complete a quest in the chain you get a daily commendation (so you can still collect).


Each time you complete the chain you get a more substatial reward (perhaps a different one for each possible ending).


Once you've completely all 127 possible quests in a chain, you get some kind of epic reward.


Now these numbers are inflating expontentially, so we can either shorten the chain (I don't personally like this option), or you have fewer of these hubs (probably the more sane option, as a hub can be added to a planet without one with patches, while new links in the chain would make less sense).


Anyways, picking the length and number of possible outcomes is a design choice, but the more substatial, the more rewarding.

Edited by Gungan
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OP, dailies are optional content for those who wish to work towards something.

They are not mandatory. If you don't want to work towards a decent reward, don't do them. It's that simple. Arguing for their removal, when you're not being forced to do them, is a little selfish in my book.


Besides Dr Greg Zeschuk, the co-founder of Bioware, has said that any game that breaks wow standards "is dumb". So you aren't going to persuade Bioware otherwise any time soon.

Edited by Tarka
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OP, dailies are optional content for those who wish to work towards something.

They are not mandatory.


If you don't want to work towards a decent reward, don't do them. It's that simple.


Besides Dr Greg Zeschuk, the co-founder of Bioware, has said that any game that breaks wow standards "is dumb". So you aren't going to persuade Bioware otherwise any time soon.


Optional or not, forcing people to do the same stupid task (note the derogatory use of the word task as opposed to quest or mission) is bad design.


I'd love to gradually work towards a decent reward, but I refuse to subject myself to the sorriest abortion of a game mechanic ever created.


Figure out a better, and more interesting way for people to work towards a goal because the current model is the lowest common denominator.

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To be blunt, I'm not sure they would come up with anything else other than some kind of rep grind. So, I'm ok with dailies. The end up gating content which some people like so to.


Rep grinds did kinda suck. But the rewards for doing them always made me feel like it was worth it. Especially when you are the only one around with that mount and everyone could see it.

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Want more dailies , and want more incentive to do dailies !!


So beter rewards , beter system of rewards ..

Don´t put more fluff , I don´t care about Fluff ,

Put in cool armour cool weapons cool offhand BIS that takes month to grind .


Even beter keeps people from complaining there is nothing to do .

That is endgame , pure grind , if people don´t want to do it .

Then fine , they can go for second best raids or whatever less grinding .

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Crafting dailies will be awesome. Ilum is one of the best daily hubs I have encountered in any game. 30 mins, great rewards, good credits, and nice variety in the quests.


Are you kidding? I did Ilum once, and only once, and no reward I can get there is an upgrade.

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Optional or not, forcing people to do the same stupid task (note the derogatory use of the word task as opposed to quest or mission) is bad design.


I'd love to gradually work towards a decent reward, but I refuse to subject myself to the sorriest abortion of a game mechanic ever created.


Figure out a better, and more interesting way for people to work towards a goal because the current model is the lowest common denominator.


Well, rather than throw a childish sounding fit, why not post something constructive like your idea of how to create the same results with alternative mechanics? The fact is that there needs to be some sort of activity that draws you ever closer to desired objects or goals that can be done on a daily basis. So, yes, please, I would love to hear your ideas on how you could accomplish this in another manner.

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See point taken , need to make dailies BIS around 1000 dailies ...

That will keep people bussy for months :D


And I probably still wouldn't do them. I might do one daily once a week if I really have nothing better to do in real life, or any other game I'm playing.

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And I probably still wouldn't do them. I might do one daily once a week if I really have nothing better to do in real life, or any other game I'm playing.


Then you don´t who cares , but enough people jump into fire for a stupid achievement.

Let alone grind months and months for a legendary daily :D

It is the way people are set up , as long there is something achieve , they will do it.


If there is no reason to do dailies , they won´t .

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Are you kidding? I did Ilum once, and only once, and no reward I can get there is an upgrade.


So I take it credits aren't something you need or want. You don't collect speeders either. What do you want, other than no more daily content?

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And I probably still wouldn't do them. I might do one daily once a week if I really have nothing better to do in real life, or any other game I'm playing.



Ahh, that explains everything. You don't really like the game, you have other stuff you would rather do, but you still feel the need to come into these forums and post something non constructive and then whine at people who disagree with you.


But back on topic. I love dailies, want more of them, so I can rotate between sets, looking forward to the crafting ones. Bioware!! MORE DAIILIES!!!

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OP, dailies are optional content for those who wish to work towards something.

They are not mandatory. If you don't want to work towards a decent reward, don't do them. It's that simple. Arguing for their removal, when you're not being forced to do them, is a little selfish in my book.


Besides Dr Greg Zeschuk, the co-founder of Bioware, has said that any game that breaks wow standards "is dumb". So you aren't going to persuade Bioware otherwise any time soon.


rewards what rewards?


besides mounts?


all dailies do is pay for hm op run repair bills.

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Ahh, that explains everything. You don't really like the game, you have other stuff you would rather do, but you still feel the need to come into these forums and post something non constructive and then whine at people who disagree with you.


But back on topic. I love dailies, want more of them, so I can rotate between sets, looking forward to the crafting ones. Bioware!! MORE DAIILIES!!!


I play something else or read a book while I sit around fleet waiting to do hard mode flashpoints because it takes hours to get a group to do anything. I'd love to do more flashpoints, but the population/interest just is not there on my server.


I can't believe BioWare of all dev houses couldn't put together a better system. I certainly have ideas for what I'd like to add to the game and have suggested them in the suggestion box, but I have not thought about an alternative to dailies in depth at this point (but now I won't be able to stop thinking about it).

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Optional or not, forcing people to do the same stupid task (note the derogatory use of the word task as opposed to quest or mission) is bad design.


I'd love to gradually work towards a decent reward, but I refuse to subject myself to the sorriest abortion of a game mechanic ever created.


Figure out a better, and more interesting way for people to work towards a goal because the current model is the lowest common denominator.


Erm...if it's optional, then how is anyone forcing you to do anything? In other words, you don't have to "subject" yourself to them. Yes, they are repetitive, but what do you expect? Infinite variance? If so, then that is asking for the impossible.


Just look at the HM flashpoints and operations for another type of replayable content, they are repetitive too. Some may actually think that having to run them multiple times to get their Tionese / columni gear is repetitive. But that's how end game content works.


Replayable content is the staple diet of MMO's. it's just not physcially possible to constantly churn out massive variation in content quicker than it takes players to burn through it. Even the almighty Blizzard, with all its money, can't pull that miracle off.


So, in the end, that's why replayable content is needed.


Now, of course, there's different degrees of sophistication when it comes to replayable content. This is where Flashpoints and Operations differ from the more simpler types of replayable content such as "soloable dailies".


Dont' get me wrong, I'd love to see more sophistication in replayable content than just soloable dailies and flashpoints. But I think its ridiculous and selfish to advocate for the removal of dailies based purely on personal taste.

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Erm...if it's optional, then how is anyone forcing you to do anything? In other words, you don't have to "subject" yourself to them. The thing is, yes, they are repetitive, but what do you expect? Infinite variance? If so, then that is asking for the impossible.


Just look at the HM flashpoints and operations, they are repetitive too. Some may actually think that having to run them multiple times to get their Tionese / columni gear is repetitive. Replayable content is the staple diet of MMO's. it's just not possible to constantly churn out massive variation in content quicker than it takes players to burn through it.


So, in the end, that's why replayable content is needed.


Except the difference between flashpoints and dailies is that dailies are absolutely routine. You get the same task you did yesterday, you go to the same spot you did yesterday, you press the same buttons in the same order as yesterday with absolutely no surprises at all.


At least flashpoints have the benefit of different people coming with you, and changing the group dynamic while you do it.

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Except the difference between flashpoints and dailies is that dailies are absolutely routine. You get the same task you did yesterday, you go to the same spot you did yesterday, you press the same buttons in the same order as yesterday with absolutely no surprises at all.


Then it is your fault isn´t it , I have 22 buttons to press and a variety to mix it up with .

So yeah I have fun in doing dailies ...


So while in flashpoints / raids I have to press a lot less , sorry see different point of view .

But more combination is always moer fun for me .


And yes everything in life becomes routine , cause you wake up go to work go sleep.

The only thing that is not routine is the entertainment time .

And if I am enjoying dailies , then I want more of it .

That you are not enjoying dailies , that is possible , but who on earth truely enjoy working for 60 years :p

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Except the difference between flashpoints and dailies is that dailies are absolutely routine. You get the same task you did yesterday, you go to the same spot you did yesterday, you press the same buttons in the same order as yesterday with absolutely no surprises at all.


What you just described is EXACTLY what you do in a flashpoint too.


Don't you see?


Someone else may actually disagree with your interpretation and classify ALL replayable content to be boring.

And they'd be entitled to such an opinion.

But should they advocate for the removal of flashpoints on that basis alone? I don't think so.


In the end, it comes down to personal preference. And the fact is the dailies are optional.

You are not required to do them.

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What you just described is EXACTLY what you do in a flashpoint too.


Don't you see?


Someone else may actually disagree with your interpretation and classify ALL replayable content to be boring.


And they'd be entitled to such an opinion. But should they advocate for the removal of flashpoints on that basis alone? I don't think so.


Where did I say to remove dailies and not replace them with something more entertaining?


I agree flashpoints need work too, but not because they may be repetitive if you take the same 3 people with you every day. They are simply not at all memorable in this game.

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