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Nerf Good Players


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This game should like golf. Lets buff/nerf players bases on their kills/deaths ratio to make everyone have the same playing experience. We can set up a easy formula to help. If you are one of these OP DPS classes lets say you get 40 kills to 5 deaths ratio. First lets use this formula kill/death+kills ratio=40/45=88% No class should be over 50% so lets take 88%-50%=32% damage reduction on your OP powers. Now if you are really bad lets say 5 kills to 40 deaths. 5/45=11% Everyplayers should be at 50% to keep all the people happy. 50-11=39% So your damage would be increased 39%. We all happy now?


Isn't that what the "bolster" buff does?


Turns level 10's into level 49's?


Why should it turn level 49's into level 10's?


lol "I" put in the time to get to 49 why should I be penalized for it too?

Edited by Ahebish
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They outplay me no matter what class I play! They're so overpowered!


It's unfair that they are able to put their abilities to greater use while I ignore half of mine. it gives them an unfair advantage! Please limit the abilities they have access to so they are helpless while I fumble around in PvP.


Thank you.


I play republic and I have recorded the past warzones, the empire a won the past 25 in a row, ***

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Isn't that what the "bolster" buff does?


Turns level 10's into level 49's?


Why should it turn level 49's into level 10's?


lol "I" put in the time to get to 49 why should I be penalized for it too?


The buff is not enuff! That is pretty catchy slogan. Say it and believe. This is a skill buff/nerf not a level buff/nerf. It is not fair to some old guy like me to get whooped by a high schooler because his reflexes are better then mine. This can not be!

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Instanced pvp breaks the original system. In games that were MMO/RvR it was a risk v reward. You are good at PvP, you get better gear, you get jumped by more and more people and are worth more for them killing you.


Now look at WZs. It's 8v8 so 1v2+ is very limited and unlikely. A kill is just a kill, doesn't matter if they're level 10 or level 50 in full BM. Illum could change all that if they would change illum. Imagine getting an entire WZ worth of valor for killing a good PvP'er, that'd be something everyone would benefit from and you'd have a man-hunt (this is a lot of fun for both sides)


Aion did the debuff thing, you had to spend your points to use special abilities, thus ranking you down, I thought it was clunky and poorly executed but is the debuff idea. DAOC gave more RPs for killing a high RR. Scale systems are good, and can encourage continual character progression without making someone untouchable. Limit the resources of what the lower people can bring to the table and OP is just OP.


hilarious thread, it's not lost on me, but there's ways to never close the gap of pure time investment.

Edited by Chaymus
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I'm not sure I understand correctly, as it seems like only half the posters here are using sarcasm. I read the OP as sarcasm (perhaps incorrectly), since surely you wouldn't want to nerf skilled players to allow new players to have a better chance at winning.


This is my first MMO. This is my first videogame since Super Marios Bros 3. The only (ONLY) way that new players/unskilled players can learn and get better is to play. You get better by watching what the skilled players are doing, asking for advice in the forums, game chat, or guild, using the information you receive to try to improve your game. I've only been playing since Christmas, and I (and my guildmates) already see a major difference in my skill level. I took their advice and started queuing for WZ's, and decided not to get frustrated when I die, since I just expected to die when 4 lvl 49ers jumped my lvl 20.


After a couple of weeks of daily WZ's (1-3 a day usually), I'm no longer at the bottom of the board. If you nerf the skilled players, how do you expect the new players to learn. If my mother had let me win at Monopoly as a 7 yr old, it wouldn't have felt so good to finally beat her. There would be no feeling of accomplishment if you take the skill out of the battles.

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They outplay me no matter what class I play! They're so overpowered!


It's unfair that they are able to put their abilities to greater use while I ignore half of mine. it gives them an unfair advantage! Please limit the abilities they have access to so they are helpless while I fumble around in PvP.


Thank you.


Don't care enough to watch. But I'll go out on a limb here. You play a Sorcerer.

Edited by TDRedmage
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I play republic and I have recorded the past warzones, the empire a won the past 25 in a row, ***


This is because of the Skill Imbalance.


More skilled players are playing Imps than are playing Repubs!


That's simply not fair! If you nerf skill and level the playing field, you would win a lot more matches!

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They outplay me no matter what class I play! They're so overpowered!


It's unfair that they are able to put their abilities to greater use while I ignore half of mine. it gives them an unfair advantage! Please limit the abilities they have access to so they are helpless while I fumble around in PvP.


Thank you.


Qouted for truth.

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You should start the game at 50 with all the best gear and the leveling process should work backwards.


That is after all more realistic. You don't get better at stuff as you get older, you get worse!

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This bill doesn't go far enough. Good players should have to provide gear for poor players as well as pay a good player tax. The money from this tax would be distributed to the poor players who cant be bothered with dailies etc. Elect me as the new bioware president and I will see that good players pay their fair share! Good players didn't earn their skill they took it off the backs of the hard working poor players....now its time to give something back!
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We understand that discussions about class balance and which class is overpowered is a common theme in the PvP forums, but since this thread does not have much room for truly constructive conversation we are closing it.


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