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Sentinel /Marauder Nurf Before Rated WZ


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+1 Your right they will dominate rated warzones. 4 sentinels 2 tanks (most likely shadows but any would do, shadows for proper min/max) and 2 healers (probably merc healers because they are the hardest to focus down) will be all thats seen at the top rated teams. There will be no ranged DPS in rated because it is that bad.


People are to busy worrying about the ezmode classes that are simple to kill if your not a noob, jsut come back in six months after rated WZ are in and look for all the sentinel nerfs.


The problem is not so evident now because we do not have 100% pre mades, rather only 50% pre mades with 4 randoms. Get a full pre made in a Rated WZ and the power of Watchman/Annihilation with current buffs/CD's will be clear and OP.


Some will say its easy, just CC the Watchman/Annihilation player during those 2 CD's! Before that you need to be so disciplined as not to increase his Resolve until he uses those CD's! During that time the tank/melee will be on your healer!


Its going to be a sad few weeks/months as the team with the better Watchman/Annihilation player(s) win....


It is so clear today that the PvP SURVIVABILITY of Watchman/Annihilation is over the top.


Damage: FINE -as DoT's can be dispelled

Burst: FINE -Takes a skilled player -burst rage/fury management

Mobility: Excellent -every 12 sec covers a radius of 30m with a 3 sec Immobilize off Resolve and no more 10m minimum range

CC: AE Paralyze for 6 sec ALL ENEMIES every 60 sec

Force Choke: Excellent tool to interrupt/wait for CD/Kill over hazard that builds Rage


Bloodthirst (+15% healing and damage for your party for 15 seconds) and Obfuscate (reduces target's melee abd ranged accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds)


Predation (+50% movement speed for your party for 10s)


Deadly Throw (reduces target's healing received by 20% for 15 seconds)


Enduring Pain / Force Camouflage : CD needs to be 120 sec





Look if you play this AC you have to know deep down that an adjustment is coming, not to damage or utility but to PvP survivability.

You know what would be HILARIOUS :



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why do you even care, OP?


It is pretty clear you have no interest whatsoever in high end competetive play. Otherwise you would be aware that Marauders/Sentinels in organized premade PvP are TOTALLY fine, if anything they might be in need of buffs in the future, we'll have to wait and see. Certainly not even remotely close to overpowered and not on the same level as quite a couple of other classes.


this is just another 1on1 whine, not even remotely craftily concealed.





Enduring Pain / Force Camouflage : CD needs to be 120 sec




Please keep posting, you are a riot, dude.


At first I thought "ah, just another bad player and a troll - moving on". Now I realize the goal of this thread is comedy.


thank you good sir, we need more people like you in these dark times. Keep it coming, I am bored and in need of some good laughs right now.

Edited by mufutiz
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Can we stop all class/balance qq until rated warzones actually come out and we can properly gauge this?


Why? Its so obvious it needs nerfing theres really no need to delay it and transfer problems to rated WZs.


Either cut damage or defensive abilities considerably. One has to go.


Since you cant really cut damage (its 3 dps trees after all) most defensive abilites need to go.


Sentinels DPS and CD's make up for the lack of utilities/CC's.. Give us an AOE knockback so i can spam it on site of another player like most.


Really? And cut your damage by 30-40%? You sure you want that?


Lack of utility CC? 3s root every 12s (that isnt affected by resolve)

AoE stun for EVERYONE around. Its best CC of its kind ingame.

You have more than most classes.


Utility? Dont even get me started.

Edited by GrandMike
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high survivability????


what class you talking about lol. Oh you mean when we pop our oh **** button and try to run away from the battle? Maras falls so fast being melee with medium armor. If we didn't have undying rage we would be the worst class in the game. Maras cannot stand in the fray as much as you guys seem to think, but a good one can leave a sour taste in your mouth if he is outgearing and facerolling you.


here's an idea! Mara pops undying rage, you cc him, you wait 4 secs, he dies without doing anything. Simple but bads will be bads

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Why? Its so obvious it needs nerfing theres really no need to delay it and transfer problems to rated WZs.


The only thing obvious is that nobody can take serious what players like you deem "obvious" or not.


I remember your name, we had that little discussion yesterday in that other thread where you were flamboyantly defending dots preventing node caps.


You only make yourself look silly, bro.


Apply yourself, get better, profit.



Stay in denial for as long as you want, it will come -not sure how or in what form but the total PvP package that this AC brings as Watchman/Annihilation is over the top, just too good it will be TONED DOWN.


I know you can do better than that. This didn't even make me smirk. Throw some effort in for christs sake.

Edited by mufutiz
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The only thing obvious is that nobody can take serious what players like you deem "obvious" or not.


I remember your name, we had that little discussion yesterday in that other thread where you were flamboyantly defending dots preventing node caps.


You only make yourself look silly, bro.


Apply yourself, get better, profit.


Op class player just defending his OP class.


When personal insults start flying, you know you have no arguments.


You know nerf bat is coming.

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Simple but bads will be bads


so true




And you're right, in actual group combat where people know what they are doing maras and sents are squishy as hell and constantly focussed, hard. You practically need a dedicated tank and healer to function well.


keep in mind though, a decent mara/sent is probably the best class to just completely annihilate bad players 1on1 whereas those players can still quite easily beat equally bad sents/maras without much effort. So there is bound to be some QQ once in a while.


Nobody whining here has any intention or, probably, capability to do rated WZs competetively, it's just 1on1 whine.

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Op class player just defending his OP class.


When personal insults start flying, you know you have no arguments.


You know nerf bat is coming.



dude, I am not trying to be personal. I don't know you. I only know you displayed, just yesterday, very clearly you are not a good player who should be taken seriously when talking about rated high end pvp content. That's all there is to it, not trying to be insulting just stating the facts.



Truth is, classes will be nerfed, always, every class.

good players will adapt. bad players will be bad.


(that's why I never worry about nerfs and you should not get your hopes up for them)

Edited by mufutiz
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Stay in denial for as long as you want, it will come -not sure how or in what form but the total PvP package that this AC brings as Watchman/Annihilation is over the top, just too good it will be TONED DOWN.


Try play a sentinel!

I bet you in 2 days your sitting asking for it to be buffed.

I got a scoundrel and sage in 50 already and working on a Sentinel atm..I have NEVER died so much in warzones..Ilum are totally out the question ofc.

I have never seen a sentinel or marauder top scoreboards in warzones.

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While it is true that marauders (and powertechs) are the strongest dps in the game, it's not enough to call for nerfs, especially when the class relies on all its tools to do its thing.


In reality, class balance is fairly good: sorcs/mercs/juggs/assassins are balanced, marauders and powertechs are a bit strong and operatives/snipers are a bit weak.


This is what good PVPers have observed thus far at BM+Rakata gearing levels and in skilled premades.


Bad pugs will continue to complain about tracer missile, sorcs, and operatives, because they have no clue.


Rather than nerfing marauders and powertechs, I think a buff to operatives and snipers is required, and then see where things go.


The concept of Marauders is fine, remember the name of their skill tree? Oh yeah, annihilation. They pretty much destroy things rapidly but are easily controlled and extremely squishy. The class will just become another broken Operative if their damage is nerfed, so many people miss understand the concept of classes which ultimately just makes them bad and results in threads like this. It's pretty sad, really.

Edited by Mattderp
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Lack of utility CC? 3s root every 12s (that isnt affected by resolve)

AoE stun for EVERYONE around. Its best CC of its kind ingame.

You have more than most classes.


Utility? Dont even get me started.


The 3 second root is only if specced into it, which not all (or even really many Marauders at all from what I've seen) use. That's more of a Jugg thing.


Our AoE "stun" is actually a mez, so it breaks on damage. And it's actually the 3rd best of its kind in the game. #1 being the 30 meter range Flashbang, lasting 2 seconds longer, and then the melee range Flashbang which has the same effect as previously mentioned.


EDIT: 2.5 abilities to help our "utility". Force Leap, Force Camo, and (half) Predation. Force Leap is very nice, yes. Force Camo can be used as a gap closer once every minute. So meh, useful but nothing to be mad about. And Predation requires us to use 30 stacks of our Fury/Zen to give us and some naer-by team mates a slight speed boost along with a dodge chance not worth noting. Keep in mind, using our stacks on that is pointless unless free-running toward objectives, or to try and run away in which we're not a problem anymore.


Also, can be completely nullified by a whopping 2 roots.

Edited by Rheeling
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Lol? Ye, let's all put our hands together for the guy who thinks mercs and sorcs are more balanced in comparison to mara & techs. No doubt you play sorc or merc huh?


If you think mercs and sorcs are overpowered, and that marauders and powertechs are weak, it means you have no clue about PVP and are a bad player.


That you have the audacity to post on a PVP forum on topics you have no clue about is appalling.

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dude, I am not trying to be personal. I don't know you. I only know you displayed, just yesterday, very clearly you are not a good player who should be taken seriously when talking about rated high end pvp content. That's all there is to it, not trying to be insulting just stating the facts.



Truth is, classes will be nerfed, always, every class.

good players will adapt. bad players will be bad.


(that's why I never worry about nerfs and you should not get your hopes up for them)


Really? You mean f i want people to know their class, use skills, strategy and tactics makes me "not a good player who should be taken seriously when talking about rated high end pvp content."




U still mad bro?


Dealing with probles is BWs departement, and you write awfully lot for someone who dont worry and dont care :D

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Lol? Ye, let's all put our hands together for the guy who thinks mercs and sorcs are more balanced in comparison to mara & techs. No doubt you play sorc or merc huh?


of course he does. Another guy I remember a name of...lol. The usual suspects, right ;-)

the reason he thinks mara and PT are op is because those are the classes giving his merc/sorc the most trouble.

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***!?!?! Nerf sent/mara?


Anni is OP?


Are you serious?


I was told cocaine is one hell of a drug, an dyou must be breathing it as if it were air! As you are off your face for making such comments!


Obviously if you agree that they need the nerf then you have no skill/ability and should cancel your subscription to this game right now!


Better yet, tell me where you live so I can fly all the way from Australia just to ***** slap some sense into you. It'd be worth the airfares!



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of course he does. Another guy I remember a name of...lol. The usual suspects, right ;-)

the reason he thinks mara and PT are op is because those are the classes giving his merc/sorc the most trouble.


I play a marauder. I don't think they are OP, they are just strong.


Overall class balance is fine really. Operatives/snipers need a bit of a boost. Rest can be left as is and then let's see how the comps run for rated warzones.


Mufutiz, you're one of the regular bad players who post. You should spend more time improving and playing in a premade. Then maybe you'd haver a clue about what PVP is actually like with guard, taunts, heals, interrupts, etc.

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If you think mercs and sorcs are overpowered, and that marauders and powertechs are weak, it means you have no clue about PVP and are a bad player.


That you have the audacity to post on a PVP forum on topics you have no clue about is appalling.


I re edited what I said, seen as my initial post didn't really define what I wanted to say specifically.

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The 3 second root is only if specced into it, which not all (or even really many Marauders at all from what I've seen) use. That's more of a Jugg thing.


Our AoE "stun" is actually a mez, so it breaks on damage. And it's actually the 3rd best of its kind in the game. #1 being the 30 meter range Flashbang, lasting 2 seconds longer, and then the melee range Flashbang which has the same effect as previously mentioned.


Wrong, flashbang only incapacitates 5 targets for 6s in pvp in 5m radius.



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Really? You mean f i want people to know their class, use skills, strategy and tactics makes me "not a good player who should be taken seriously when talking about rated high end pvp content."




U still mad bro?


I am mad?


let's make a rhyme out of it... no wait, I am smelling an incoming infraction, let's just leave it at that and let everyone go back to the topic at hand before this valuable thread gets closed for off-topic.



Dealing with probles is BWs departement, and you write awfully lot for someone who dont worry and dont care :D


I have a lot of time to kill during the morning hours, that's all :D


And I always take issue with blatant ******

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In premade vs premade PVP, taunts will be used, guard will get swapped around, casts will be interrupted, CC will be used properly and not randomly, and DPS will assist targets for shortest possible TTK and in order to outpace healing and mitigation.


In that environment, classes like marauders and powertechs are very strong. Powertechs for their ability to both guard and unleash burst when needed (and often), and marauders for their ability to shrug off assist trains.


Mercs and sorcs (especially sorcs) are easy to shut down with 6s interrupts. Both classes are dependent on casted spammables to proc their main damage abilities. Solution: interrupt their casts and they are handicapped, extending their damage ramp up time and giving your healer more time than their healer has.


I hate to have to explain it to you bad players, but there it is. Now go make a premade and practice, because right now you sound so clueless, it's like explaining things to children.

Edited by Redmarx
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I play a marauder. I don't think they are OP, they are just strong.


Overall class balance is fine really. Operatives/snipers need a bit of a boost. Rest can be left as is and then let's see how the comps run for rated warzones.


Mufutiz, you're one of the regular bad players who post. You should spend more time improving and playing in a premade. Then maybe you'd haver a clue about what PVP is actually like with guard, taunts, heals, interrupts, etc.



I am actually doing very, very well.


btw, weren't you the guy whining about armor values in pvp? ah good memories :p


looking forward to rated WZ's. I am not going into a discussion with you, I remember the last time you attempted to troll me. You are all words, bro. And you know it. But that's fine, this game is primarily made for people like you. I am just here to rain on your parade <3

Edited by mufutiz
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Sentinel /Marauder CD's can not stay as short as they are now for Rated WZ the AC -Watchman / Annihilation - is a bit over the top.


Stop Complaining Cempa I play a Sentinal and a Marader as me to main's. So needless to say i do NOT want anything to change. The cool downs are fine as is so please leave it be.

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Wrong, flashbang only incapacitates 5 targets for 6s in pvp in 5m radius.




My mistake, so then the melee flashbang is tied for 2nd with Intimidating Roar. As I'm sure the effect radius is the same 5 meters, and it has a 5 person limit for PvP. Still, can't deny that a 30m range Flashbang is much better than ours.


EDIT: I understand that it is a great ability, yes. But it's also one out of the two total CC's we have. And one of those CC's also effectively CC's ourselves, it just happens to tick for a small amount of damage and give us Rage while it ticks, so it's not all that and a bag of chips.

Edited by Rheeling
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I am actually doing very, very well.


btw, weren't you the guy whining about armor values in pvp? ah good memories :p


looking forward to rated WZ's. I am not going into a discussion with you, I remember the last time you attempted to troll me. You are all words, bro. And you know it. But that's fine, this game is primarily made for people like you. I am just here to rain on your parade <3


Ironically the armor issue is part of the reason marauders and powertechs are so strong.


Keep showing how clueless you are. When rated warzones come out, I'm fairly sure you'll enjoy getting hammered repeatedly and regret not spending more time getting a clue.

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