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They fixed medal farming and replaced it with kill farming!


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Instead of working towards medals and then helping with objectives, players will now be busy getting as many kills as possible for the 30 kill daily and the 150 kill weekly. Sometimes I wonder how well they think these changes over.


Not really, as unless they increased the number of kills you need drastically you should get your 30 kills in 1 or at most 2 WZs... so... dailies will become almost irrelevant.

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Instead of working towards medals and then helping with objectives, players will now be busy getting as many kills as possible for the 30 kill daily and the 150 kill weekly. Sometimes I wonder how well they think these changes over.


There is no confirmation that individual kills in Warzones will = Kills for Ilum daily.


None. Zip. Nada.


For all you know, COMPLETING a Warzone will give you 1 Armament/kill credit, and WINNING will give 3 credits.


i.e. it could have NOTHING to do with kills.


Your post is pure speculation.

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Instead of working towards medals and then helping with objectives, players will now be busy getting as many kills as possible for the 30 kill daily and the 150 kill weekly. Sometimes I wonder how well they think these changes over.


They think them well. You can get much more than 30 just making your 3 dailies. Absolutely no need to farm anything. And to make healers able to take them too they changed the way healers get kills.

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people will be farming quite a bit during the beginning of the week to get their 150 kills weekly, your also assuming your going to have the same people in a ops group each time and not any new people who have not finished their quests. Edited by Icysunx
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There is no confirmation that individual kills in Warzones will = Kills for Ilum daily.


None. Zip. Nada.


For all you know, COMPLETING a Warzone will give you 1 Armament/kill credit, and WINNING will give 3 credits.


i.e. it could have NOTHING to do with kills.


Your post is pure speculation.


Your trolling is weak young jedi.






* Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones. UPDATE 2/28

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people will be farming quite a bit during the beginning of the week to get their 150 kills weekly, your also assuming your going to have the same people in a ops group each time and not any new people who have not finished there quests.


Once again, because you missed it the first time:


You will not get credit for KILLS in Warzones.


The patch note specifically says: "Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones. "


"build credit towards".


If kills in WZs counted, it would have said: ""Players killed in Warzones now count towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions. "


But that is NOT what the patch note says.


What the hell are kids learning in English classes these days? It sure as hell isn't reading comprehension.

Edited by Zaodon
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Uh...it doesn't say how you build credit by playing warzones. You've proved nothing.


Wow, I hope you feel bad about that.


I've played it on the PTS... working as intended. Have you not tried it before you tried to troll? I hope you feel bad about that.

Edited by Organikal
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I've played it on the PTS... working as intended. Have you not tried it before you tried to troll? I hope you feel bad about that.


Assuming this is true (and I have plenty of reason to doubt you), why didn't you reference that first instead of referring to the vague patch note?


Also, you don't know what trolling means.

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Sorry bud thats not how it is on the ptr, feel free to troll someone elses thread


Obviously a lie, since you have never even logged onto the PTS, much less gotten a character to 50 (for Ilum daily/weekly) and queued for PvP (queues never pop, because no one plays there).

Edited by Zaodon
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Obviously a lie, since you have never even logged onto the PTS, much less gotten a character to 10 and queued for PvP (queues never pop, because no one plays there).


You are right, but that doesn't mean that there aren't game masters that answer your questions about it... try it!

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You are right, but that doesn't mean that there aren't game masters that answer your questions about it... try it!


Link the post.


Oh wait, I already checked Dev Tracker, there is no post.


(edit: wrong poster)

Edited by Zaodon
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Once again, because you missed it the first time:


You will not get credit for KILLS in Warzones.


The patch note specifically says: "Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones. "


"build credit towards".


If kills in WZs counted, it would have said: ""Players killed in Warzones now count towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions. "


But that is NOT what the patch note says.


What the hell are kids learning in English classes these days? It sure as hell isn't reading comprehension.



Building credit can mean anything...Those notes are very vague in how they are phrased and can literally mean anything. How is credit built? Through completing objectives? Kills? Completing a warzone? The notes do not specify...

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You are right, but that doesn't mean that there aren't game masters that answer your questions about it... try it!


I give up I can't keep this up... no-body knows what it will be BUT it will effectively kill Ilum and anyone who thinking people will start kill farming in WZ's any more then they already do are simply speculating.

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