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Discussion about this so-called "huge loss of subs"


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I don't really believe that subs are "rapidly" dropping like some would have you believe. Consider the fact this game has massive amount of trollers who like to bash this game into the ground for fun, many of the people who post "i quit" threads, have posted like 4 of them over the last couple of months, sometimes more.


There's nothing BW can really do about it but keep doing what they do to continue the games development, and let the real players decide for themselves what they want to do. If the players want to listen to the trolls then that's their prerogative.

Edited by Jesira
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Pretty much 90% of people I started SWTOR with have gone back to wow - and we aren't FOTM kids, most of us are in our 40s and game as a hobby with our spouses, kids, families, friends.


I'd say, quick mental maths, 40 or so of us started, I know of 3 that still play.


The rest of us went back to wow. We came to SW for SW mostly, but feel the game has too many fundamental problems to continue with at this time, simple.

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Pretty much 90% of people I started SWTOR with have gone back to wow - and we aren't FOTM kids, most of us are in our 40s and game as a hobby with our spouses, kids, families, friends.


I'd say, quick mental maths, 40 or so of us started, I know of 3 that still play.


The rest of us went back to wow. We came to SW for SW mostly, but feel the game has too many fundamental problems to continue with at this time, simple.

Anecdote =/= Data.


I'm sorry your friends left, but if they weren't enjoying themselves that's for the best. My gaming friends are in their 30s to 40s as well, still playing, having fun etc. Is my anecdote any more relevant than yours?

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the social aspect of mmo's seems to be forgotten, today's mmo's seem to be played like a console game, get to the end and I am done kinda thing, I have played mmo's for 14 years, most mmo's game play is not all that it's the social part that has kept me playing games for years.. I have no plans to leave TOR, the instant gratification generation, would have you think that a game thats a little over 2 months, has been out for an eternity, and everything should should be perfect.. /shrug
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Anecdote =/= Data.


I'm sorry your friends left, but if they weren't enjoying themselves that's for the best. My gaming friends are in their 30s to 40s as well, still playing, having fun etc. Is my anecdote any more relevant than yours?


I am in a guild with a bunch of people I've played WoW with at one time or another. About 4 people went back to WoW, 1 person quit because he didn't have the time due to work and school, I'm playing Both, and the rest are comfortable playing Star wars. Mileage will vary with this story for everyone but for every person who's friends all left, there's another who's friends all stayed, and even another who is a mix of the two.

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I am in a guild with a bunch of people I've played WoW with at one time or another. About 4 people went back to WoW, 1 person quit because he didn't have the time due to work and school, I'm playing Both, and the rest are comfortable playing Star wars. Mileage will vary with this story for everyone but for every person who's friends all left, there's another who's friends all stayed, and even another who is a mix of the two.

My sentiments exactly.


You need to look up anecdote.


Pretty much 90% of people I started SWTOR with have gone back to wow - and we aren't FOTM kids, most of us are in our 40s and game as a hobby with our spouses, kids, families, friends.


I'd say, quick mental maths, 40 or so of us started, I know of 3 that still play.


The rest of us went back to wow. We came to SW for SW mostly, but feel the game has too many fundamental problems to continue with at this time, simple.

90% (made up statistic) of people I started SWTOR with (no sample size offered) have gone back to WoW - and we aren't FOTM kids, most of us are in our 40s and blah blah etc etc (neat biographical tidbit, your personal story). ^^ This is an anecdote, that does not make it bad/unimportant it just means that ultimately one can't draw any sort of worthwhile conclusions off of it.


Anecdote1.a short account of a particular incident or event, especially of an interesting or amusing nature.

2.a short, obscure historical or biographical account.

The part I quoted for above is a cute/interesting/potentially valuable narrative.

Edited by SWImara
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Thank you all very much for your input.

I never feared the game was going to "die", lose to many subs, get fund cuts, what have you.


I just wanted to know some real reasons people quit, and from this thread, I got maybe two actual reasons, and the rest was "lol going back to WoW because this game sucks".


That being said, I'm happy just where I am. The pros seem to outweigh the cons at this point, and it is only a matter of time before they fix the current bugs/issues, and only a matter of time before the next batch pops up.

Edited by Spell_Bound
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Anyone stating huge loss in subs etc... is simply pulling numbers out their arse because it's all opinion without any ironclad proof directly from BioWare of such and should be taken with a grain of salt. Average mmo loses average 15%-20% of subs after launch for whatever reason.
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What is the big stress of all these subs dropping? It's not like we're going to wake up to the servers not being here anymore. All they would have to do at this point is condense half of the servers down, and they would all be populated abundantly.


So uh ... ever heard of APB? Yeah EA isnt Funcom. EA is an unstoppable plague on gaming... the Fox of the gaming industry. They are very likely shut down if it doesnt meet their high expectations. They wont run the game off a few servers like Funcom. Most likely they'll just cut their losses and give all their loyal fans the finger like they do so often.


Not saying that will happen, or that TOR is actually low ... just that worse come to worse we'll be shut down before the game drops to AoC's kind of subs. Then all we can do is hope for SWTOR Reloaded or some crap.

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Servers are all light and standard populated now when they used to be heavy,very heavy or full. Doesn't take a genious to figure out that something is wrong.


If subscriptions isn't dropping then ppl are just bored and refuse to log on to play.


Which is hardly better because at the end of the day I'm still standing around my fleet at 7PM with 33 at the fleet.


In my humble opinion this game is dying, and it WILL die unless Bioware acts and makes server merges.


I know I won't play past this month if my fleet continues to be a ghost-ship

Edited by XxPetexX
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After launch, servers are full of people.


Now, servers are mostly empty (in the US, EU is more popular I guess)


Figure it out...


Wanna know why?



Because players have become idiots. Plain and simple. They say they want this, then they get said item/change then say they dont like how it was done.



There will NEVER be a way to make MMO players happy, and tbh it is killing MMO's across the board.

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Honestly anyone that has been here since launch can see the game is dying.


Whether they admit it or not is another story.


This feeling of rapid sub loss is compounded by the absurdly high number of servers we have.


100 servers most of them with a very low number of people on at any given time.

If the cut the servers in half it would make the game feel much more lively.


Imo they should drop to around 20 servers so the people still playing actually can play with other people and not feel like the game is dead.


Log in..... look at the amount of people on ilum.... 5 yay... log back out.



Log in prime time..... 25 people in fleet...... meh log back out. unsub's

Edited by Barracudastr
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Or maybe subs are dropping because this game is regurgitated 10 year old gameplay...


Space combat, crafting and pvp is pretty much all snore fest gameplay in this game. Nothing new. Nothing exciting and certainly nothing "heroic" about it.



Add to that, that the gameplay is not nearly as smooth as most of those 10 year old games, and there ya go. It's not the genre, it's not entitled players, it's just a sub-par game.


Pretty simple really.

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Add to that, that the gameplay is not nearly as smooth as most of those 10 year old games, and there ya go. It's not the genre, it's not entitled players, it's just a sub-par game.


Pretty simple really.


Sad really considering the company and the amount of money that went into it.

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I never meant for this to be a smear campaign thread or a come here to bash the game thread, I was simply hoping for a discussion of pros/cons and reasons people will be quitting, for my own knowledge.


Yeah, but the very title of the thread is candy for the game bashers you know. :)


I am very much enjoying the game, and have many months of enjoyment to still work through. I expect they will add content faster then I consume it, becauce knowing it was a brand new MMO, I took the broad approach to playing the game on launch (ie: multiple concurrent characters, both factions, leveling up the craft skills for when end game cafting enters, etc.).


The real problem these days is many people will jump on a brand new MMO, race to cap, then find the end game is still new and the paint has not yet dried, and the game still has bugs. That is precisely the type of people that should not play a brand new MMO.


We also have a whole segment of players that are actually console game junkies and have no business playing MMOs really.

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Stop playing then. Unsub. Leave. It really is that simple. Or do you really want to waste months of your life writing on a forum for a game you hate? Why do it? Do you really think the power of your typing will get you everything your heart desires?


It's not likely, is it? Go spend time doing something you enjoy. You'll live longer and have better memories in so doing.


But whatever you do, give the qq a rest. It's boring.

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Servers are all light and standard populated now when they used to be heavy,very heavy or full. Doesn't take a genious to figure out that something is wrong.


You are exaggerating.


North America servers are standard/heavy/very heavy at prime time EXCEPT for about 20 servers that frankly never were much more then light since launch.


Also server limits were raised over a period of weeks after launch, so launch days FULL = todays Standard/Heavy.


Are there subscription cancellaitions? Yep


Are there servers with very light populations? Yep, and most of them have been that way since launch.


Are there lots of healthy servers? Yep


Are there new players joining the servers? Yep.... I see them coming in every day on the two servers I play on.

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Add to that, that the gameplay is not nearly as smooth as most of those 10 year old games, and there ya go. It's not the genre, it's not entitled players, it's just a sub-par game.


Pretty simple really.


You've posted this same sentiment at least two dozen times in other threads. Have much of an axe to grind?


Yet you still have an active subscription.....?! Please tell me that won't be the case much longer.

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You are exaggerating.


North America servers are standard/heavy/very heavy at prime time EXCEPT for about 20 servers that frankly never were much more then light since launch.


Also server limits were raised over a period of weeks after launch, so launch days FULL = todays Standard/Heavy.


Are there subscription cancellaitions? Yep


Are there servers with very light populations? Yep, and most of them have been that way since launch.


Are there lots of healthy servers? Yep


Are there new players joining the servers? Yep.... I see them coming in every day on the two servers I play on.


yup your right people also dont even want to acknowledge that there are around 120 (US) servers thats a lot of servers for any MMO , most dont even have half that many.

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You demand the game be rushed into release, and expect it to have as many raids as an MMO which has been out for a year?


I love this line.


I was on these forums a lot before launch and the outcry to "release now!" was everywhere. People were screaming that they didn't care if it was unfinished and full of bugs. They would play around them and take content as it was finished.


Of course there were a few patient people like myself who didn't mind waiting if it ment a more polished product with better quality of life features. I have to wonder how many of the release it now crowd stuck around. Prolly the same people b****ing now about eating through the content and having nothing to do.


*edit* I will be re-subbing for many months to come.

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You've posted this same sentiment at least two dozen times in other threads. Have much of an axe to grind?


Yet you still have an active subscription.....?! Please tell me that won't be the case much longer.


It won't. ;)



And yes, I have been consistent with my complaints. I'm sorry if you feel like that means I have an axe to grind.

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