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Discussion about this so-called "huge loss of subs"


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Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!


Not just Illum, every single planet with forts and stuff enriched by NPC presence and Ops of players fighting for control. Even though Warhammer Online was a steaming pile of crap my guild could pull 2 or more warbands a night just to fight over forts and castles, was truly awesome. Warzones/Battlegorunds are disgraceful, they were in WoW and every other MMO. If they really want to keep making Warzones make it GvG otherwise the torture of mindless morons ruining the entire random queue WZ experience will continue.


They already experiement what modern people want for open world pvp ...


LOL it is gank pvp , and the forum was flooded with whines of losers.

Sorry go away sandbox pvp , it is not working , controlled balanced WZ , is the onlyway people can PvP without much whines .


Or people still live in there imaginary world , that open world pvp is controlled envoirment.

Pftt who has the most population win , in open PVP .

Sandboxers even know that , losers reroll winner side to make it even worst ..

OR join huge guilds that are active for protection ..

Sorry go play darkfall and other open world PvP if you like that .


IT is dead sandbox PvP .

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Different time, different game, different development team.


We could post stats, evidence, etc.. but the mods will delete it like they did so many posts in this thread. They are heavily moderating anything negative to try downplay the fact this game is hemorrhaging subs.

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We could post stats, evidence, etc.. but the mods will delete it like they did so many posts in this thread. They are heavily moderating anything negative to try downplay the fact this game is hemorrhaging subs.


There are no stats or evidence at this moment and if you say there is you are lying.

Only way to know for sure is when BW and EA will be forced to reveal the numbers to stockholders.


For now the only site we have shows the numbers are stable and not dropping rapudly or "hemorrhaging" as you say:

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We could post stats, evidence, etc.. but the mods will delete it like they did so many posts in this thread. They are heavily moderating anything negative to try downplay the fact this game is hemorrhaging subs.


More nonsense.


Hey, I thought you quit Jonny.

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Different time, different game, different development team.


That doesnt make sense at all. YOu do know that alot of the devs who worked on Warhammer moved over to this project right? Also this isnt 2004 so why copy a game from that time. Further more this isnt a different game. This a theme park game mirrored after wow. Most of this content get boring after the 10th time doing it. There are no challenges at all. There is no open pvp except on a lag fest planet.


You know I am pretty tired of saying the same things over and over. When they fix this game I will come back maybe but as is right now my sub will be running out soon and I really dont have plans to reup it


Oh and 1.2 will make pvp almost non existent

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I can tell you from my experience with Warhammer and what happened when EA tore apart Mythic from the inside out. It pretty much ended the development of the game and the customer service. The game remained buggy and unfixed. Every patch broke something new or rebroke something old. It was like they were overlaying old code on top of new code every patch. Also they were very quick to merge servers. When this happens you know the game is in trouble. The amout of servers was right on the money during launch. With all the hype and all the SW fans out there EA was expecting big numbers. The timing was done to get everyone to buy the game not knowing or hearing about how much work it still needed. EA knew full well the game was not finished nor polished. They just need to recupe alot of there investment.


I have tried over and over to put up comments about whats wrong and what bugs are out there but all I see in the Q&A section is garbage like why cant i kill my pet or I want better looking armor, when can we have another playable race, instead of seeing well we know this is broken and we are fixing it asap.


This game has maybe 4 months to get its act together or you will see the same thing happen to TOR as it did with Warhammer.


This entire post is utter nonsense, the CEO of Mythic ran for it because he couldnt manage the game development properly so EA bought out the studio to save what talent was left over. When EA saved the studio what ever people were left just tried to slap band aids on it but it never worked because the game was so poorly developed to begin with.


The other points you try to make about Biowares game is very hazy and poorly executed I dont even know what your problem is but they dont sound very serious. I would give the game another 5yrs before it ran its course but even 5yrs is a little short for this monster MMO.

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They already experiement what modern people want for open world pvp ...


LOL it is gank pvp , and the forum was flooded with whines of losers.

Sorry go away sandbox pvp , it is not working , controlled balanced WZ , is the onlyway people can PvP without much whines .


Or people still live in there imaginary world , that open world pvp is controlled envoirment.

Pftt who has the most population win , in open PVP .

Sandboxers even know that , losers reroll winner side to make it even worst ..

OR join huge guilds that are active for protection ..

Sorry go play darkfall and other open world PvP if you like that .


IT is dead sandbox PvP .


I have to say that a sandbox pvp option would of been better than the current pvp system. In hammer you had a huge number of WZ's to get into if you were not into the sandbox pvp that day. Further more the engine that Tor is using cant even handle a 100 on 100 fight without lagging everyone to what looks like a stop motion film. Warhammer is still alive and it has only a few servers left but people are still paying for it because it offers what they want. Tor is not offering anything and they are actually giving up on Illum all together.

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You know I am pretty tired of saying the same things over and over. When they fix this game I will come back maybe but as is right now my sub will be running out soon and I really dont have plans to reup it


Why waste your time and ours then? Makes no sense. Find what you enjoy playing and go play it. Let others play what they enjoy.

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Why waste your time and ours then? Makes no sense. Find what you enjoy playing and go play it. Let others play what they enjoy.


Who ever said you can't play what you enjoy? Go play this turd of a video game if it makes you happy. People play farmville and I think that is a terrible game too. People like different things. Some people like play a game riddled with bugs, on a terrible engine that can't handle a mmo sized player base and a serious disconnect of what needs to be done to move the game forward. More power to those people. I, on the other hand, refuse to pay for something so terrible.


It is all personal opinion.. no ones opinion is better than another. What you spend your money on is your business. I just prefer to not spend my money on broken things.

Edited by JonnyLoveMachine
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They already experiement what modern people want for open world pvp ...


LOL it is gank pvp , and the forum was flooded with whines of losers.

Sorry go away sandbox pvp , it is not working , controlled balanced WZ , is the onlyway people can PvP without much whines .


Or people still live in there imaginary world , that open world pvp is controlled envoirment.

Pftt who has the most population win , in open PVP .

Sandboxers even know that , losers reroll winner side to make it even worst ..

OR join huge guilds that are active for protection ..

Sorry go play darkfall and other open world PvP if you like that .


IT is dead sandbox PvP .


I have seen 10yr olds produce more coherent posts. Yes very poor management of guilds does lead "QQ" but if MMO players werent so bad at playing MMO's guilds on both Republic and Imperial would be able to do sandbox. I will have to continue being baby sat in WZ's with the rest of the useless idiots who cant sand box PvP because its too hard. Well they cant cap objectives or defend points of interest in a controlled environment either its like 20 duels going on and everything else is ignored. Warzones should be guild verse guild only (probly more QQ cause you entire guild sucks), not full of useless randoms who are useless at everything and cried because Open World PvP was too hard.

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Why waste your time and ours then? Makes no sense. Find what you enjoy playing and go play it. Let others play what they enjoy.


I am not wasting your time or mine. This should be the place where BW gets feed back on what is wrong in the eyes of the people paying for this game. If so many people are unhappy and post the same stuff over and over why wont they fix it? This is the same problem that Warhammer had. Bugged game at launch, little fixes here and there, turned the game into a grind fest, then started to close severs. This seems to be the same path Tor is going. I dont want to see it happen but it seems to be the case. 1.2 notes fix what exactally? Not pvp by anymeans. They ignored some of the serious issues people are up in arms about and gave us a gear grind due to the changes with medals etc.

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Who ever said you can't play what you enjoy? Go play this turd of a video game if it makes you happy. People play farmville and I think that is a terrible game too. People like different things. Some people like play a game riddled with bugs, on a terrible engine that can't handle a mmo sized player base and a serious disconnect of what needs to be done to move the game forward. More power to those people. I, on the other hand, refuse to pay for something so terrible.


It is all personal opinion.. no ones opinion is better than another. What you spend your money on is your business. I just prefer to not spend my money on broken things.


Then move to what you love and stop posting here. It's not productive, it's just ranting.

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I am not wasting your time or mine. This should be the place where BW gets feed back on what is wrong in the eyes of the people paying for this game.


Bioware has defined the appropriate channels for feedback and suggestions. General forum IS NOT one of those channels.


You are just posting to rant and complain and interfere with productive and constructive thread discussions.

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For 1.2 to bring in any significant amount of subs they would have to;


1. Smooth out gameplay reactions, animations and combat. A player must feel like he is in total control of his actions at all times.


2. Introduce Macros. Mouseover macros, cast sequence macros and condition macros (if stealth cast this, if not cast this)


3. Open up space combat for 3d flight, include a couple of spots for pvp in space and three or four pve space combat missions in space where others can join them and pvp can happen.


4. Make every crafting profession either useful at endgame or so fun they give up some tactical advantage(like cybertech toys).


5. Customizable UI with damage meters and proc flashes.


6. Customizable interiors on space ship.


7. Guild levels, and benefits to said levels.


8. Legacy rights to other characters companions and ships. Cross faction too. (might slap a level requirement on ships, otherwise everyone would just level up an Imperal Agent to lvl 16 for their ship).


9. A new Tier of gear that is hard to get. It should take the average player at least two months of running raids and five mans to complete the set.


10. Two new operations. One with Six bosses that is long and difficult to get through. If any but the most elite group can clear it in a night, you did it wrong. The other one should be a short hard to defeat one boss operation. Think Onyxia or Gruuls Liar.


11. Three new five man flashpoints that are hard but worth running, with best gear in current game as drops. Lockout timers to keep em from gearing out in it in a day.


12. Cross realm LFD tool.


13. A reason to go Republic. Gonna have to give an edge to either pvp or pve till these factions balance out. Maybe an experience gain while leveling and cooler looking social gear. Something, because playing Empire is just too cool to too many people.


14. Three new warzones (8v8, 16v16 and 32v32) and a new planet with full all out pvp world objectives and dailies that doesn't lag everyone out (spread everything out).


15. Refine your engine so people can gather and not have their frames drop to 10fps. I should have a 10fps drop for every hundred people on my screen at max.


16. Shuttle call. One hour cooldown. Use this to get a shuttle that will take you to your ship from anywhere on any planet (except the fleet). One loading screen and bam, on your ship.


That should be good enough. Do all this, this game has a chance to turn around. All this takes a year to implement, already too late. You can take a year after doing this to bring more content and guild capital ships.


After guild capital ships, find some new big bad *** idea to hook us into playing for another year.


edit - added #16

Edited by Icebaron
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Who ever said you can't play what you enjoy? Go play this turd of a video game if it makes you happy. People play farmville and I think that is a terrible game too. People like different things. Some people like play a game riddled with bugs, on a terrible engine that can't handle a mmo sized player base and a serious disconnect of what needs to be done to move the game forward. More power to those people. I, on the other hand, refuse to pay for something so terrible.


It is all personal opinion.. no ones opinion is better than another. What you spend your money on is your business. I just prefer to not spend my money on broken things.


Hit the nail on the head with this post. This is the reason why so many people are leaving. They want to enjoy the game but cant due to the serious issues that should of been fixed weeks after launch. I guess there is not enough youtube videos out there yet showing pvp action with one class spamming one I win button over and over.

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Bioware has defined the appropriate channels for feedback and suggestions. General forum IS NOT one of those channels.


You are just posting to rant and complain and interfere with productive and constructive thread discussions.


How is this a rant? I am pointing out the major flaws with the game and the reasons why people are leaving. How is that a rant? I think listing problems is more important than not.

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For 1.2 to bring in any significant amount of subs they would have to;


1. Smooth out gameplay reactions, animations and combat. A player must feel like he is in total control of his actions at all times.


2. Introduce Macros. Mouseover macros, cast sequence macros and condition macros (if stealth cast this, if not cast this)


3. Open up space combat for 3d flight, include a couple of spots for pvp in space and three or four pve space combat missions in space where others can join them and pvp can happen.


4. Make every crafting profession either useful at endgame or so fun they give up some tactical advantage(like cybertech toys).


5. Customizable UI with damage meters and proc flashes.


6. Customizable interiors on space ship.


7. Guild levels, and benefits to said levels.


8. Legacy rights to other characters companions and ships. Cross faction too. (might slap a level requirement on ships, otherwise everyone would just level up an Imperal Agent to lvl 16 for their ship).


9. A new Tier of gear that is hard to get. It should take the average player at least two months of running raids and five mans to complete the set.


10. Two new operations. One with Six bosses that is long and difficult to get through. If any but the most elite group can clear it in a night, you did it wrong. The other one should be a short hard to defeat one boss operation. Think Onyxia or Gruuls Liar.


11. Three new five man flashpoints that are hard but worth running, with best gear in current game as drops. Lockout timers to keep em from gearing out in it in a day.


12. Cross realm LFD tool.


13. A reason to go Republic. Gonna have to give an edge to either pvp or pve till these factions balance out. Maybe an experience gain while leveling and cooler looking social gear. Something, because playing Empire is just too cool to too many people.


14. Three new warzones (8v8, 16v16 and 32v32) and a new planet with full all out pvp world objectives and dailies that doesn't lag everyone out (spread everything out).


15. Refine your engine so people can gather and not have their frames drop to 10fps. I should have a 10fps drop for every hundred people on my screen at max.


That should be good enough. Do all this, this game has a chance to turn around. All this takes a year to implement, already too late. You can take a year after doing this to bring more content and guild capital ships.


After guild capital ships, find some new big bad *** idea to hook us into playing for another year.


Very good post, this would address some of the concerns people have with the game as a whole.

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Then move to what you love and stop posting here. It's not productive, it's just ranting.


Yea it is ranting. I am pissed I spent 80 bucks on a game that is so terrible. So I am venting my 80 dollars worth of anger in the forum.. so maybe they can get a clue and fix their game. but after the disasterpiece they had called Failhammer.. I do not have much hope.

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For 1.2 to bring in any significant amount of subs they would have to;


1. Smooth out gameplay reactions, animations and combat. A player must feel like he is in total control of his actions at all times.


2. Introduce Macros. Mouseover macros, cast sequence macros and condition macros (if stealth cast this, if not cast this)


3. Open up space combat for 3d flight, include a couple of spots for pvp in space and three or four pve space combat missions in space where others can join them and pvp can happen.


4. Make every crafting profession either useful at endgame or so fun they give up some tactical advantage(like cybertech toys).


5. Customizable UI with damage meters and proc flashes.


6. Customizable interiors on space ship.


7. Guild levels, and benefits to said levels.


8. Legacy rights to other characters companions and ships. Cross faction too. (might slap a level requirement on ships, otherwise everyone would just level up an Imperal Agent to lvl 16 for their ship).


9. A new Tier of gear that is hard to get. It should take the average player at least two months of running raids and five mans to complete the set.


10. Two new operations. One with Six bosses that is long and difficult to get through. If any but the most elite group can clear it in a night, you did it wrong. The other one should be a short hard to defeat one boss operation. Think Onyxia or Gruuls Liar.


11. Three new five man flashpoints that are hard but worth running, with best gear in current game as drops. Lockout timers to keep em from gearing out in it in a day.


12. Cross realm LFD tool.


13. A reason to go Republic. Gonna have to give an edge to either pvp or pve till these factions balance out. Maybe an experience gain while leveling and cooler looking social gear. Something, because playing Empire is just too cool to too many people.


14. Three new warzones (8v8, 16v16 and 32v32) and a new planet with full all out pvp world objectives and dailies that doesn't lag everyone out (spread everything out).


15. Refine your engine so people can gather and not have their frames drop to 10fps. I should have a 10fps drop for every hundred people on my screen at max.


That should be good enough. Do all this, this game has a chance to turn around. All this takes a year to implement, already too late. You can take a year after doing this to bring more content and guild capital ships.


After guild capital ships, find some new big bad *** idea to hook us into playing for another year.


Combat is brilliant.


What ever you listed here that WoW was able to add took them years to do it.


100v100 is ALOT! of players.

Edited by Zilrota
removed rude/insulting
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Combat is a brilliant.


What ever you listed here that WoW was able to add took them years to do it.


100v100 is ALOT! of players.



Combat is slow on unresponsive and I clearly stated two months to get the full set of gear.


Of course Bioware isn't listening. They weren't listening when they announced space combat. They weren't listening during beta. They have not been listening and I don't expect them to start now. That is why we have threads like this all over these forums lamenting the failure that is SWTOR today.


They need to start listening.

Edited by Zilrota
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So many of you complain about this game, and how you will not play it, pay for it, etc... why are you still here on these forums qq'ing about it? Pack up your marbles, put your helmet back on and walk away. Dont sit in front of a plate of Liver and Onions complaing how terrible it tastes between mouthfulls. No one is holding a blaster to your head. Sorry it wasnt what you expected, but if you had made an informed investment to begin with you would have known it wasnt going to be suited to you.


Bioware set out to make an online version of KOTOR and did a fine job at it. Is it WoW? No. It was never meant to be WoW. It will never be WoW. It may never have the MMO scope that you are looking for using WoW as a precident. The geography of the game alone tells you that.



I dont see the point in hanging out here popping everyone's baloon when you could just decide the game falls short of your desires of an mmo, and move to something else.

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So many of you complain about this game, and how you will not play it, pay for it, etc... why are you still here on these forums qq'ing about it? Pack up your marbles, put your helmet back on and walk away. Dont sit in front of a plate of Liver and Onions complaing how terrible it tastes between mouthfulls. No one is holding a blaster to your head. Sorry it wasnt what you expected, but if you had made an informed investment to begin with you would have known it wasnt going to be suited to you.


Bioware set out to make an online version of KOTOR and did a fine job at it. Is it WoW? No. It was never meant to be WoW. It will never be WoW. It may never have the MMO scope that you are looking for using WoW as a precident. The geography of the game alone tells you that.



I dont see the point in hanging out here popping everyone's baloon when you could just decide the game falls short of your desires of an mmo, and move to something else.


So you are saying it was their intention to spend the most money ever on any game ever just to skate by on 500k subs?


Good to know, thanks =)

Edited by Icebaron
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