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Discussion about this so-called "huge loss of subs"


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Honestly, I think it's about the lack of choice the players have. Well, lack of options. Choice to play any race with any class as a example. Twi'lek knights but no Twi'lek warriors as example. Your right, it's a 'meh' factor but it's still there. Forced into a surname. Overhead name labels without the options to only have group/guild names on. Lack of choice to turn off everything except a name.


Buying from someone else or buying from a vendor for a crystal? Instead of hunting them down yourself with 'game content' and having to craft your own. Of course that would include every piece of the weapon. As example. Not a lot of choice but to PvP at 50 when even though it's fun, it's a mini-game to many.


It's all the stuff that make mmorpg's that have nothing to do with combat.


Sorry everyone. I am not very eloquent with words and am trying to post fact.

Edited by Palenen
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This was specifically designed not to be a thread for bashing the game, and clearly, it has become that.


I have seen enough of what I needed to see, and that most (not all of, but most) of the people quitting the game are extremely immature, uneducated about certain situations and above all else, impatient beyond belief, assuming that if this were a survey, very few quitting the game had much else to say other than THIS SUCKS IM GONE.


Two Thumbs Up Spell_Bound. Nailed it on the nose! :)


It's a different handful of forum members each month, but their theme and method remains the same.

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I have seen enough of what I needed to see, and that most (not all of, but most) of the people quitting the game are extremely immature, uneducated about certain situations and above all else, impatient beyond belief, assuming that if this were a survey, very few quitting the game had much else to say other than THIS SUCKS IM GONE.


Patience is only a virtue in some situations.




Those are body casts from Pompeii. The ash of the AD 79 eruption covered them and hardened, and that was all that was left.


A lot of people got out of Pompeii when the volcano started acting funny. Many, however, chose to hang around. A lot of them were probably saying basically the same things you are -- that those leaving were impatient, that the situation was only going to improve with time, and that stuff was going to work itself out naturally. I suppose it did work out... naturally, of course.


Now, TOR obviously isn't some kind of a ticking time bomb, nor is it a volcano on the verge of eruption. This is an anology, not a direct comparison. However, having clarified that point, you can see the obvious similarities. You can label us as immature or impatient all you want, but -- at the end of the day -- our drive for self preservation; our desire to spare ourselves any further grief, is enough to convince us to bail on the game.


We all spent money to buy this like you did, and we all spent money to sub. Many of us are leaving behind friends, guilds, etc. But we go because staying longer will just make the innevitable departure all the worse when it comes. The ground is rumbling beneath our feet, the mountain is making dangerous noises, and we acknowledge that it is time to go.


Why you're getting pissy about us not staying is beyond me. I don't care if you want to become a lava cast, but trying to label all of us running for the boats as morons is a bit of a stretch considering the choice you're making, bub.

Edited by AJediKnight
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No one still has been able to answer my question on how paying for a game that is broken makes any sense. It is a financially terrible decision.


Then why are you still here? Sincere question, please answer it without emotional ranting.

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A better question is: why aren't you off playing this game if it's SO MUCH FUN?


I am playing the game. I'm doing crafting and farming champions on 15 minute timers as I browse the forums.


And yes, I am having fun doing it too.

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Patience is only a virtue in some situations.




Those are body casts from Pompeii. The ash of the AD 79 eruption covered them and hardened, and that was all that was left.


A lot of people got out of Pompeii when the volcano started acting funny. Many, however, chose to hang around. A lot of them were probably saying basically the same things you are -- that those leaving were impatient, that the situation was only going to improve with time, and that stuff was going to work itself out naturally. I suppose it did work out... naturally, of course.


Now, TOR obviously isn't some kind of a ticking time bomb, nor is it a volcano on the verge of eruption. This is an anology, not a direct comparison. However, having clarified that point, you can see the obvious similarities. You can label us as immature or impatient all you want, but -- at the end of the day -- our drive for self preservation; our desire to spare ourselves any further grief, is enough to convince us to bail on the game.


We all spent money to buy this like you did, and we all spent money to sub. Many of us are leaving behind friends, guilds, etc. But we go because staying longer will just make the innevitable departure all the worse when it comes. The ground is rumbling beneath our feet, the mountain is making dangerous noises, and we acknowledge that it is time to go.


Why you're getting pissy about us not staying is beyond me. I don't care if you want to become a lava cast, but trying to label all of us running for the boats as morons is a bit of a stretch considering the choice you're making, bub.


Note that I did say most, not all of, if you read my post. You do read things before you quote them, right?


I said to anyone with logical information for leaving the game who took the time to input said information, I was appreciative of.


If your so upset about my so-called "generalization", you must be one of those in my aforementioned category.


If not, then there is no need to be angry.

Edited by Spell_Bound
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I am playing the game. I'm doing crafting and farming champions on 15 minute timers as I browse the forums.


And yes, I am having fun doing it too.


lol, because apparently browsing the forums requires too much attention from "hardcore" players that see things only from their perspective, they can't understand we have the time to check a forum every 10-15 minutes =P

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Patience is only a virtue in some situations.




Those are body casts from Pompeii. The ash of the AD 79 eruption covered them and hardened, and that was all that was left.


A lot of people got out of Pompeii when the volcano started acting funny. Many, however, chose to hang around. A lot of them were probably saying basically the same things you are -- that those leaving were impatient, that the situation was only going to improve with time, and that stuff was going to work itself out naturally. I suppose it did work out... naturally, of course.


Now, TOR obviously isn't some kind of a ticking time bomb, nor is it a volcano on the verge of eruption. This is an anology, not a direct comparison. However, having clarified that point, you can see the obvious similarities. You can label us as immature or impatient all you want, but -- at the end of the day -- our drive for self preservation; our desire to spare ourselves any further grief, is enough to convince us to bail on the game.


We all spent money to buy this like you did, and we all spent money to sub. Many of us are leaving behind friends, guilds, etc. But we go because staying longer will just make the innevitable departure all the worse when it comes. The ground is rumbling beneath our feet, the mountain is making dangerous noises, and we acknowledge that it is time to go.


Why you're getting pissy about us not staying is beyond me. I don't care if you want to become a lava cast, but trying to label all of us running for the boats as morons is a bit of a stretch considering the choice you're making, bub.


Nobody cares if you leave, it's the fact that you say you are... but you're really not your still here bashing your head against people who are enjoying the game.

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I really don't understand the point in arguing for or against either position. It all boils down to personal preference and opinion, and it's highly doubtful internet rantings will change someone's opinion either way. Of course it lost subs, virtually every MMO loses subs after the first free month. It probably lost a bit more than the norm because it was incredibly hyped, and I don't think any game on the planet could have lived up to our expectations. At the end of the day, I wasn't enjoying my time in TOR anymore, and neither were the majority of my guildies. There's still an enjoyable game in there, and I don't regret the time I did spend playing it. It's incredibly early in the game to start prophesying doom, I know I at least will probably check back in 6 months or so to see if there's endgame content. Most WoW raiders I know did the same thing in between patches, we'd explore other games. That's a reality in MMOs.
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I hate to make a liar out of you... but I AM part of the community (albeit not for long) and you most certainly don't speak for me. Maybe 1.2 will change my view of this game, however as it is now, I'm not enjoying it. Edited by Trineda
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I hate to make a liar out of you... but I AM part of the community (albeit not for long) and you most certainly don't speak for me. Maybe 1.2 will change my view of this game, however as it is now, I'm not enjoying it.


Was I pertaining to you? I think not. Sorry if my statment wasn't clear.

Edited by reaperkeepet
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Guild Wars 2 "fans" are really poisoning the image of the game with their trolling. Not much good will for that game from me, I don't want to spend anytime playing a game in such a bad company, when they are fouling up these forums already.
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This game has the potential to be a very successful game, and I don't know WHAT people are thinking, wanting plenty of endgame raiding content, pvp options, etc only a few months after release. You demand the game be rushed into release, and expect it to have as many raids as an MMO which has been out for a year?


On the one hand, I completely agree with you. But that is me coming from SWG which, at least for the time I played, had no end game. Zip. Nada. EQ2 had a limited end game the first year, but unless you busted your butt, getting to the max level (50 the first year) was challenging. I played every day, casually but consistently, and it took me over a year to hit 50.


Which leads to the other hand: it doesn't take a year to hit max level in SWTOR. Not even close. It takes only a few months (or less). I'm taking my sweet time and am already at 36. For those not into alts, it's a very real issue.


So rather than add established MMO endgame content within the first few months, they could slow down leveling, which would further enrage the people who are only interested in endgame. It's a lose lose situation I think.




TL/DR: There either needs to be endgame content at launch, or leveling needs to be slower. Either way, people will cry about it.

Edited by Lunazen
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On the one hand, I completely agree with you. But that is me coming from SWG which, at least for the time I played, had no end game. Zip. Nada. EQ2 had a limited end game the first year, but unless you busted your butt, getting to the max level (50 the first year) was challenging. I played every day, casually but consistently, and it took me over a year to hit 50.


Which leads to the other hand: it doesn't take a year to hit max level in SWTOR. Not even close. It takes only a few months (or less). I'm taking my sweet time and am already at 36. For those not into alts, it's a very real issue.


So rather than add established MMO endgame content within the first few months, they could slow down leveling, which would further enrage the people who are only interested in endgame. It's a lose lose situation I think.




TL/DR: There either needs to be endgame content at launch, or leveling needs to be slower. Either way, people will cry about it.


True. But the endless cycle in the MMO industry now is power level, gear up the best you can, and unsub for 3-4 months until plenty of endgame content is in the game, then resub. Works like that every game and every expansion

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GW2 has practically no end game in the manner most people understand it. It's not exactly the biggest secret in the gaming world, so take your false claims elsewhere. Edited by Trineda
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Of course, everyone has issues. But from what I see, people have this "end of the world mentality" that when the impatient players quit, the game is going to end.


As soon as some more raid content/PvP systems are introduced, I agree; we will see an influx in the amount of players who return.


I simply grow tired of the flame/panic that all these subs are dropping. The game is completely healthy, and in my opinion, we're trimming the fat with every impatient sub that drops.


I like the use of the word "impatience" when it comes to a game that you pay for monthly. Forgive us "impatient" people who want a game we pay to play to not bore us after 2 months.


Actually, I was bored after 1 month. The "end game" is pretty much pitiful.

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Guild Wars 2 "fans" are really poisoning the image of the game with their trolling. Not much good will for that game from me, I don't want to spend anytime playing a game in such a bad company, when they are fouling up these forums already.


Sure, there are a few trolls, but do not confuse dislike for this game as trolling. If you can't accept that there are legitimate concerns for this game, and dismiss people who bring light to these issues as trolls... you are seriously mistaken.

The people who view this game as flawless are harmful to this game as well. You can't fix problems until they are addressed.

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Now, TOR obviously isn't some kind of a ticking time bomb, nor is it a volcano on the verge of eruption. This is an anology, not a direct comparison. However, having clarified that point, you can see the obvious similarities. You can label us as immature or impatient all you want, but -- at the end of the day -- our drive for self preservation; our desire to spare ourselves any further grief, is enough to convince us to bail on the game.


We all spent money to buy this like you did, and we all spent money to sub. Many of us are leaving behind friends, guilds, etc. But we go because staying longer will just make the innevitable departure all the worse when it comes. The ground is rumbling beneath our feet, the mountain is making dangerous noises, and we acknowledge that it is time to go..


The problem is that you self-centered egoists just can't go quietly, but have to take make these long theatrical displays to tickle your own vanity. If you want to go, then go, and play WoW or worship on the altar of the Great Messiah Guild Wars 2 for months without playing anything. Or whatever. But just don't make it something big - which it isn't. You are just intending to stop playing a computer game.

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Sure, there are a few trolls, but do not confuse dislike for this game as trolling. If you can't accept that there are legitimate concerns for this game, and dismiss people who bring light to these issues as trolls... you are seriously mistaken.

The people who view this game as flawless are harmful to this game as well. You can't fix problems until they are addressed.


Tons of trolls seems the game is going really strong , consider this is 3rd month .

Expected the trolls to rejoice like all other failures after 1st month .


But that proofs even more so the game is going strong , inside the game .

And outside the game .


But on serious note , the concern is to keep those bioware social who did find the difficulty too steep .

Don´t forget not everybody is hardcore .

But then again it is up to bioware to deal with the data , but considering so many trolls still online after 2 months , you don´t need more validation the game is going strong .


If it wasn´t then it would have been small community and slowly server merger .

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If i had a penny for every time some ex-wow crybaby thought,


"ahmagad my server is empty therefoar the gaem is dieing, and wow is so boring that i refuse to shut up and go the f*** back to azeroth so ill attempt the "scorched earth" method and try to bring the world down with me waaa waaaa"


I'd put all pennies in a sock and start shutting people up.



Some people need to remember how long the waiting time for new content was back in good old wow.

Seriously, stop crying, go back to azeroth and have fun farming dragonsoul while waiting for blizz to implement some stupid pandas that was supposed to be in the game 5 frickin years ago.


And while you are at it... to add to my previous post... not everyone who came from WoW is a is crybaby, and not everyone dis-satisfied with this game is an ex wow player. You're insults are enflaming and unnecessary and make you look less mature than the people your insulting. GJ.

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Sure, there are a few trolls, but do not confuse dislike for this game as trolling. If you can't accept that there are legitimate concerns for this game, and dismiss people who bring light to these issues as trolls... you are seriously mistaken.

The people who view this game as flawless are harmful to this game as well. You can't fix problems until they are addressed.


There are no flawless games, even when deluded people seem to think that they can't play a game if it isn't flawless.


When it comes to the ArenaNet's army of moonstruck followers, they have been trolling on these forums for years en masse and their PR campaign for their game and hate campaign against our game should not even be mentioned in a same post as legitimate concerns for the game's troublespots.

Edited by Rouge
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Tons of trolls seems the game is going really strong , consider this is 3rd month .

Expected the trolls to rejoice like all other failures after 1st month .


But that proofs even more so the game is going strong , inside the game .

And outside the game .




I just wanted to try to clear up the difference between a troll and someone who is expressing legitimate concerns. Some of you can't tell the difference.


What metrics are you using to determine this game is a success? (your own personal fun factor doesn't count btw.)

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