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What end game? Playing this game starting to feel like a chore.


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Apparently anyone who isn't shouting "GW 2/TERA made me scream in pure ecstasy" or equivalent is a "fanboi". If TERA really "requires brains", all these forum whinerboys won't last three seconds in such a game.


I don't know much about GW2 yet - Still haven't got that beta invite.


However, we'll be lucky if tera even hits the stores with lawsuit it's in. If it does well I'll be shocked given how much of a clone it is to about every fantasy game thats been made in the past couple of years.


I kid you not, I thought I was playing Lineage again.

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Its a single player game. Not worth a monthly fee. Its a shame because i was looking forward to a good MMO experience.

That combined with performance issues and bugs bored me.

Not to mention the obvious completely fake world in witch everything looks the same, but with a different skin. I'm a guy with alot of imagination and SWTOR just didnt tickle it.


And i read /post this because i'm curious how others think about it.

Edited by sjoof
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I admit I am a big star wars nerd, I stuck SWG for 3 years with all its issues, hell I remember seeing the original trilogy in the theaters as a young child.


Even SWG had time sinks that kept me interested like surveying planets for materials and then plunking down my harvesters to feed my buddy who use the mats to make weapons and gear for us, that is how my guild worked a bunch of friends with diverse skills scratching each others back.


and in the process we built a town, which grew into a city, etc......


there was other stuff to do besides finishing the race for gear.

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...Not to mention the obvious completely fake world in witch everything looks the same, but with a different skin.......




at first it was "wow ! this is incredible !"


then as I got to other planets and going back to planets to get datacrons, etc.... I am seeing the same thing you described....


clever skinning on the same basic world layout (cities are the worst).

.... not what I'd expect from such a high budget and development timeline.

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I admit I am a big star wars nerd, I stuck SWG for 3 years with all its issues, hell I remember seeing the original trilogy in the theaters as a young child.


Even SWG had time sinks that kept me interested like surveying planets for materials and then plunking down my harvesters to feed my buddy who use the mats to make weapons and gear for us, that is how my guild worked a bunch of friends with diverse skills scratching each others back.


and in the process we built a town, which grew into a city, etc......


there was other stuff to do besides finishing the race for gear.


So you went from a sandbox game to a theme park game and didn't know what you we're getting into?


Had you played a theme park game before or was SWG your first MMO?

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People complain about the horrible drop rate in WoW and then people complain it is too easy in TOR. Make up your mind people! There is PLENTY to do in TOR right now and there will be even more to do in March when 1.2 comes out. If you are that impatient /shrug bye.
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So you went from a sandbox game to a theme park game and didn't know what you we're getting into?


Had you played a theme park game before or was SWG your first MMO?



I have been playing mmo's since 1999 with the launch of Asherons Call/long term sub, then I played AC2 beta/short sub(game was rushed out of development with broken and missing code/mechanics),Everquest 2 for a bit, AO short term sub, Lineage 2 beta, LOTRO beta, Final Fanasty MMO short sub, SWG long term sub, DAOC gift sub from friend,WoW long term sub, and now TOR.


and there are probably a couple other beta's I forgot to mention.



so I know my mmo's.

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People complain about the horrible drop rate in WoW and then people complain it is too easy in TOR. Make up your mind people! There is PLENTY to do in TOR right now and there will be even more to do in March when 1.2 comes out. If you are that impatient /shrug bye.



its the quest for something that keeps people playing, and paying.


once you have gotten what you want many people loose the drive to keep playing.


like wow dailies there was a chance of getting some epic rare mount or something super rare even out of a normal heroic.


since bw nerfed the bonus boss loot tables there is really no point in doing the them or the hm anymore if you have better gear than the hm's drops.


and tionese crystals are worthless.

Edited by Sith_Mauler
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I have been playing mmo's since 1999 with the launch of Asherons Call/long term sub, then I played AC2 beta/short sub(game was rushed out of development with broken and missing code/mechanics),Everquest 2 for a bit, AO short term sub, Lineage 2 beta, LOTRO beta, Final Fanasty MMO short sub, SWG long term sub, DAOC gift sub from friend,WoW long term sub, and now TOR.


and there are probably a couple other beta's I forgot to mention.



so I know my mmo's.



Then you knew what you we're getting into then.


One can only hope you didn't go into a theme parks game expecting a sand box playstyle yet that seems like what you wanted from your posts.

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Hi! Professional MMO looser here! I have 3 50's, all maxxed crew skillz........and umm....thats it. I have a jugg tank, healer sorcerer, and kick-butt commando...and thats it....not a single hard mode done yet....cause no one seems to want to do hard modes....cause my server is dead....and thats it....


As a tank, can't find healer to do hard mode flashpoints.

As a healer, can't find a tank to heal hard mode flashpoints.

As a dps, well, who cares about dps anyways?


Can someone tell me what else I can do in this game besides wasting my time leveling alts (LVL 29 legacy here)


End game, you want end game my fellow players?

When you see any END GAME content, pls tell me, i'll be PVP'n like everyone else, cause there is NOTHING else to DO besides PVP, and race around fleet with your speeder.

Edited by Nomaad
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Then you knew what you we're getting into then.


One can only hope you didn't go into a theme parks game expecting a sand box playstyle yet that seems like what you wanted from your posts.


no I just didnt expect any mmo to be a corridor/rails game ever.

this must be the the first one I have experienced.


live and learn.

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no I just didnt expect any mmo to be a corridor/rails game ever.

this must be the the first one I have experienced.


live and learn.


Live and learn indeed.


Rails is what most theme parks games do. Good you learned it now and you can focus on a game that suites your sand bos play style.


I can see you didn't play WOW and LOTRO beta only or you would have seen the rails. Both rail games which do little more than try to hide the rails.


There like riding a train. You can't always see the rails but you know there down there.


Just the way theme park games are.

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no I just didnt expect any mmo to be a corridor/rails game ever.

this must be the the first one I have experienced.


live and learn.


Then you never played WoW after Cata...WoW's gameplay is just as linear as this but this is far more entertaining.

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Then you never played WoW after Cata...WoW's gameplay is just as linear as this but this is far more entertaining.


but wow hide it well with time sink stuff like crafting.


i leveled a engineer to max level took over a year but I felt like i accomplished something and I did because max level engineers where rare.

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but wow hide it well with time sink stuff like crafting.


i leveled a engineer to max level took over a year but I felt like i accomplished something and I did because max level engineers where rare.


Sounds good then you should be happy with the profession changes coming in March it sounds like.


IT may just bring the some of the things you like.

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Apparently anyone who isn't shouting "GW 2/TERA made me scream in pure ecstasy" or equivalent is a "fanboi". If TERA really "requires brains", all these forum whinerboys won't last three seconds in such a game.


yup, and everyone that hase an isseu with a part of the game is a "troll" or a "whiner" :mon_angel:

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Here I hit max level in about 2.5 weeks without playing non-stop, etc. and then found ... what?


I stopped reading right here, 2 1/2 weeks and you were at level 50? Yoy must have skipped every side mission ,snuck by groups and flew through every storyline mission. Then you get to the nd and say " that's it?".


What a joke!


Most people that are complaing about end game content are like you. Play 8 hrs a day 5-6 days a week , beat the game in 2 weeks then say, what? its over what the hell.


Ive played this game more then any other game ive owned, i work, have kids, responsibilities etc ! but i still got on about 20 hrs of play time a week and i just hit level 50 after 1 1/2 months and that was pvpin, almost every side mission etc etc. and theres still tons to do.

Edited by dallaas
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No need to explain why you want to leave, like you are guilty about it, just do it!


You are right that this game is not designed to keep you on an End Game treadmill indefinitely doing monotonous tasks. That is why you played through it so quickly. So go do something else for a while, the majority of people playing any MMO do just that anyway!

Edited by Drallbait
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As I am only a Level 43 Jedi Sent (with Level 25 BH alt), I cannot speak yet to SWTOR endgame. What I can speak to, however, is WoW and SWG endgame. We'll skip SWG because they were nothing like a traditional MMO, both good and very bad. But I played the hell out of WoW and WHAT A RELIEF SWTOR is, massive relief.


1- WoW grinding was a royal, boring pain in the arse most of the time. The graphics were cool, I remember the first time I walked through the portal into, its been awhile, that very surreal looking world. Lots of fun cool stuff there. But there was NO story, nothing to connect me to the billions of hours of my life that got sucked away.


2- Endgame in WoW, mainly because I was in an awesome guild, had some amazingly fun moments. But the so called "end game" was also like a graveyard, with the old expansion end games just lying in waste. I could care less about t3 vs t7 in and of itself and for WoW is ALL ABOUT the numbers, the next level of gear, the next level of mitigation, the next whatever. I pray to the gaming Gods that SWTOR does not give into that type of dynamic where the whole thing just ends up about the next set of numbers, the next uber bow or armor, in an instance that is basically like any other except for it offers cooler (in terms of stats, BIG armor and weapons) gear. Thats never been Bioware and that, so far, has not been this MMO.


3- Grinding, 80% of the time, did not at all feel like grinding in TOR. I logged back on to see what else was going to happen in the story. I love the idea of the Legacy system and the fact I can invest several years and look back to remember my choices, the stories I experienced, something actually worth remembering, versus showing off the latest and greatest Twhatever gear. The game has actual meaning.


4- Heroics. I have avoided them, focusing on slowly experiencing my story, enjoying the side quest stories (some are lame, grind type stuff- but most add to the area and story) and such. But recently, I jumped into a few and wow, it was surreal. To have a Jedi Guardian, two Sents and a mondo Trooper puller healer dude, all looking very SW iconic, chatting about how to go at something, then next thing you know, all of lightsabers kick in as we fly through the air, rather dang cool. Then the screen shots of all of us from the cutscenes, a blast. The instances do have lots of bugs and still need work. LOL We did what was listed as a 2Man Heroic and it felt like we could have used two more people (meaning six) because the respawn rates were way off, other bugs. But we still had lots of fun (with very high repair costs).


5- Orange modded gear. The best invention of all time. I did inspect on a Level 50 Sent whose stats were insane, pretty much wearing what I was at Level 43- again, no need to make a game about the latest and greatest, if thats not your thing.


6- The game is ONLY two and half months old, thats it. I have seen a huge shift in attitude from TOR, one that is making lots and lots of positive changes. Is the game perfect? Not even close, some things frustrate me to the core, get me really ticked at times. But overall, the best grinding experience, the best Star Wars experience, I have ever had- a blast.


Im sure the endgame may not be optimal, as, again, the games only been out a few months. Frankly, I look forward to arriving to endgame early enough to be able to slowly experience the options, gear up my pets, grab my breath, versus rushing into the next expansion. Will I be frustrated with certain pieces of the end game reality? Probably so. But over the long haul, I think this will continue to be an extremely rewarding experience wherein after a few years of playing, I wont wonder why I gave that many hours of my life up just for a cooler looking bow (I was a level 86 hunter, along with many other toons). I will remember the moments, the stories I got to experience, the legacy piece. So, in spite of sometimes getting very frustrated, Im good with hanging in there- Bioware mainly, TOR some, has earned that from me, for all the cool moments theyve given me.


Im not against those that want this to be a WoW other then to say, for the most part, TOR has made it very clear from day one that it wouldnt be. So if WoW or whatever else is your deal, if T10 gear and long grinds floats your boat- nothing wrong with that at all, I just dont know why you here, in this game, when it has always been advertised as being about the story? Which is not exactly what the OP was saying, maybe he just wants more endgame options, I was unclear. i think the whole, the grind was not enough of a grind, tone is what is making me say, if this isnt your cup of tea- why stay? But also saying, I get the game is VERY imperfect, but it has a TON going for it, too- awesome moments and gameplay.

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I stopped reading right here, 2 1/2 weeks and you were at level 50? Yoy must have skipped every side mission ,snuck by groups and flew through every storyline mission. Then you get to the nd and say " that's it?".


What a joke!


Most people that are complaing about end game content are like you. Play 8 hrs a day 5-6 days a week , beat the game in 2 weeks then say, what? its over what the hell.


Ive played this game more then any other game ive owned, i work, have kids, responsibilities etc ! but i still got on about 20 hrs of play time a week and i just hit level 50 after 1 1/2 months and that was pvpin, almost every side mission etc etc. and theres still tons to do.


We must not be playing the same game.


I did EVERY mission on every planet (including the bonus ones) with the exception of Quesh where I did nothing. I didn't PvP and I did space missions.


I skipped zero cut scenes (I enjoy them the first time through) and I did crew skills to max, etc.


Maybe it was three weeks to 50 - but not much more than that. Though I didn't play 24 hours a day I did play every chance I got including full weekends.


I'm sorry that you think I burst through the game but you are wrong - I played it in the way it was intended and it simply doesn't take that long.


Oh - and I work full time as well, have children, a wife and social life.


The fact of the matter is this game isn't hard to level in (camping out in the cantina's when you are done for the night helps a lot). I'm sorry that you are slow at leveling but I didn't do what you are implying at all.

Edited by Loendar
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We must not be playing the same game.


I did EVERY mission on every planet (including the bonus ones) with the exception of Quesh where I did nothing. I didn't PvP and I did space missions.


I skipped zero cut scenes (I enjoy them the first time through) and I did crew skills to max, etc.


Maybe it was three weeks to 50 - but not much more than that. Though I didn't play 24 hours a day I did play every chance I got including full weekends.


I'm sorry that you think I burst through the game but you are wrong - I played it in the way it was intended and it simply doesn't take that long.


Oh - and I work full time as well, have children, a wife and social life.


The fact of the matter is this game isn't hard to level in (camping out in the cantina's when you are done for the night helps a lot). I'm sorry that you are slow at leveling but I didn't do what you are implying at all.



Exactly this is the easiest mmo I have ever played. Almost as easy as some beta's that I played in that gave you max level characters and equipment to go with them, to test.

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