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Damage: Is it just me?


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So I know we've been nerfed alot but it infuriates me when I see posts like this:


(I'll paraphrase because I cba'd to go to the different forums and cut/paste)


"It's not my fault bioware throws 4 medals at me in the first minute. I buff up, guard, leap into a pack of enemies doing 4k-6k to all of them then sweep for another 4-6k to all and presto 2.5k 5k 75k and defender medals out of the way" - random forum Guardian


"what man, it's easy just get a stim + relic + potency and you can get the 5k medal easy" random forum Shadow


I could go on, but I just wont.


I haven't seen a 5k crit in well over a month...at least since the shoot first nerf + adrenal stacking correction.


Are any of you getting these big hits? perhaps I'm not using the right buffs?

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Juggs can do 5k+ crits with their AoE-bursty thingy (not sure what it's called), as well as BHs with Tracer Missiles. It's still real for scoundrels, too, but your target has to be ungeared (that is, a fresh 50) and you have to stock on power and surge and use the +15% expertise bonus. And, of course, bonus from a fellow mara/sent on +15% damage won't hurt. That's the only way to score a 5k crit after the nerf.


Just yesterday I hit for 4.8k without the sentinel buff and without the Rakata stim for +550 power (used Surge instead, but it only gave 7% damage increase, I pretty much doubt it's better than power atm).

Edited by JackBurden
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well it seems like it's not just me.


I wouldn't mind getting some input from anyone that does play an Operative, I'm aware that Sniper's do higher hits than Gunslingers but that's because all their damage comes from the 1 weapon instead of the main/off hand.


Perhaps since the Operative uses a rifle instead of a blaster they get more damage that way as well? do some of the calculations shift because it's technically a 2h weapon?


well some of our attacks are shotgun(knife) and some blaster(rifle)


interesting to find out.

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I've heard this too, about operative doing more damage than scrappers. Always waved it off as whining, but heard it from different sources now.


Interesting if anyone could confirm one or the other.

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Pretty sure Operatives aren't getting the 5k crits anymore except on ungeared targets. I've heard as such multiple times.


That said I can't confirm for myself as I haven't even bothered playing my Op as Concealment since the surge nerf. :(


(Or my Operative at all since... Valentine's Day when I got Tales of the Abyss for 3DS, followed by MGS3D.) :( :(

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I do get it now and then on undergeared players using pwr relic + pwr adrena, in full bm gear except 2 pieces of rakata having around 550 expertise.


But vs geared people its not gonna happen ever and once they make it ranked there wont be any undergeared to get it on, unless they make some drastic change to the class which i very much doubt.

Edited by wiazabi
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I have had 1 crit > 5k since the surge nerf.

I am wearing almost full BM (3 pieces left) fully modded. Needless to say that crit was relic + expertise adrenal and Biochem cunning stim.


Scoundrels/Operatives who don't use Biochem probably have no chance of ever getting that medal. But hey, our class was designed around using Biochem so we are practically forced to use it if we don't want to be completely worthless. :mad:

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I respecced to Full Scrapper to screw with the imps on my server, from HoTs & DoTs heal/Aoe build that is mostly at 30m range save cleaning up targets. I finally have enough champ gear and biochem items to not embarass myself. 4.5k-ish was my best yesterday with everything popped - relic,adrenal, stim. Not crazy damage but the knockdown makes follow-up damage land well so the stalking was ok. The poor imp healers must have invented new swear expressions after the bursts/deaths. Some notes:


Got some crazy differences in ranges of push on the knockdown from like a drop in place to 15m. Others experiencing this?


Stalking is a real pain in Voidstar from aoes and small combat area. It sux b/c it was fun with hots&dots from good mobility.


Civil War rocks on the other hand. Get speed buff, invis, size up battle and make someone go grey.


I may only have the patience for a few days of this. Pre-fight its relic, adrenal, flechette, sneak & defense screen (situationally), then in fight its shoot first, backblast, dirty kick,blaster whip, sucker punch. I have the buttons running in sequence and ranged stuff in another area, but its like trying to play piano for an orchestra. Might be nice when we can have dual specs to go EMP/Shrap bomb hybrid and Scrapper as my specs.

Edited by vartius
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Got some crazy differences in ranges of push on the knockdown from like a drop in place to 15m. Others experiencing this?


Stalking is a real pain in Voidstar from aoes and small combat area. It sux b/c it was fun with hots&dots from good mobility.


Civil War rocks on the other hand. Get speed buff, invis, size up battle and make someone go grey.


1) Yes, happens all the time. It's particularly annoyin in Huttball when you attack someone on the ramps. They appear to be falling down, you jump down to chase them, then all of a sudden they are back up on the ramp.


2) Yes, Voidstar is very easy with HoTs + DoTs and very hard as a stealth Scoundrel/Operative. You are constantly on the verge of dying and rarely get the chance to get back into stealth as there are so many AoEs and opponents hitting you from everywhere.


3) Yes again, Alderaan is our best warzone. Voidstar is meh and Huttball is just terrible.

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I still can survive well in Voidstar b/c the retreat lanes are to mid on defense and walls on offense to LoS and heal/medpac up. New tactic for the stalk tonite will be to circle from mid to get to healers rather than trying to burst down melees on the ropes & get AoEed half the time. Surviving to pop shot cappers is best way to defense now, but I suspect that 1st attacker set will win 3/4 or more of the time pug'ing. Less 0-0 ties at least.
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Get high 4k's alot tbh, just got to time it right (look at bubbles so on). The only 5k I have had since the nerf was when my flyby hit for 5k on some ungeared guy was ammusing but only one I have seen lol.
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