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5k single hit achievable in endgame?


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It's possible to get 5k crits as carnage spec with stacking all the buffs from the trineket, rakata adrenal stim/etc and full champion gear. Not that common but possible, however i just recently respecced to anni and this is way better as a spec, a 300k damage medal is now easy to achieve in huttball (something I found impossible as carnage) and sometimes annihilate can hit for 4k something ,didn't get much time to play with it though.
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If it were Kinetic, or Energy damage it would say that it was Kinetic or Energy damage. That's basic stuff there. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that if it says it, it is it. If it doesnt say it? Its not it. I am having a hard time understanding why you feel the need to believe that it HAS to be one or the other when it is neither.


Because if it were neither it would ignore armor, which only absorbs kinetic and energy.


That's 'basic stuff' there.

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Again, I think it is you that is confused here. If you read the tooltip for Smash it reads:


Smashes up to 5 enemies within 5 meters dealing 1117-1181 KINETIC Damage. Also stuns weak and standard targets for 1.5 seconds.


Now let's read Annihilate:


Strikes the target with both lightsabers for 2414-2890 WEAPON DAMAGE.


Im not going to write the rest there, but you get my point. Weapon Damage is not Force related. It is not Kinetic damage, because Kinetic damage is force damage. It is the simplest form of damage we can do. Weapon damage, ie white damage. It is not a melee attack that does kinetic damage. It is a melee attack that does weapon damage.


There is so much bad information going around on these forums its absolutely insane. Please, for the love of god, if you do not know what you're talking about, or are too lazy to go to a skill calculator to read the tooltip before posting your guesswork here? Please stop posting. Wrong information is what makes people hate their class and hate the game. Someone might read what you said and think oh Annihilate will benefit from all of this force related stats and it will NOT.


So it does, I suppose I misread it. I guess a better example of a force energy attack would have been ataru form procs. For some reason I remember reading it as energy damage, oh well.


Overall though, you're wrong about weapon damage being seperate. If you look at your defensive tab under character sheet, it will show you your armor, which reduces energy and kinetic damage, and your resistances to internal or elemental damage. It will also show your defense, which is your chance to dodge or parry a melee or ranged attack.






Sources. So, to recap. 4 attack types: ranged, melee (which can be called white damage, and defensible) and force, tech (which is yellow damage, and not defensible, but subject to damage reduction or negation, ie. warrior 3min shield that reduces force/tech dmg by 25%, or sins force shroud, which negates all dmg).


Further divided into 4 damage types. Kinetic and energy (which are mitigated by armor) and internal and elemental (which are not mitigated by armor, but whose damage can be reduced by certain buffs, like SI, or talents, defensive forms, juyo). I've already demonstrated that Force can fall under different types of damage, kinetic and internal (though I erroneously mislabeled it as energy).


Whether an attack is kinetic or not has nothing to do with whether it is a white attack or a force attack, it is simply the type of damage applied.



There is no seperate damage reduction mechanic for 'weapon damage'. It would fall under the melee attack type in this case, since it can be defended against, and as for type of damage applied, it would count as kinetic (or energy, if you want to call it that, as lightsabers are laser swords. Vibroswords could be labeled as kinetic I guess?) since armor reduces the damage.


edit: I apologize for my mistakes made when I rushed to make a point, but the overall point still stands. You're right, it's not rocket science, and the mechanics have been well documented so far. There really is no point in arguing semantics here.


edit 2: I never said in any of my posts that annihilate will benefit from force related buffs. You seem to be under the impression that kinetic damage automatically means force damage, and this is where you are wrong. You are conflating an attack type with a damage type.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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Well, I've been able to pass the 300k dmg barrier multiple times using Focus, especially on VS. Problem is, making up my mind is so damn hard, each of the specs has something I want. For instance, the no-range limit on Force Leap with Watchman/Anihilation is an insanely good interrupt and is more or less the key to killing healers (for me anyway). Thenagain, I've done over 20k dmg with one button using Rage/Focus.


So, bottom line is, that doing 5k is possible, but is actually really really hard? At least I have an aim to reach now. It still is a bit sad that a class that can only and purely dps has such a rough time getting a medal that should be designed for this class. Pretty annoying to see a tracer missile/grav round spammer get this medal a lot easier, and top it with another 3 medals from healing as well.


Oh well...at least the thought that we pretty much dominate 1vs1 fights is comforting to some extent. Too bad (sarcasm) pvp was designed around mass fights.


With good gear its easy to do 6k damage with one rage smash.

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I am not sure... BUT I think a sentinel in my server (me in full BM heavy armor) hit me with a super crit of 11k annihilate. I actually saw the 11,100-ish number flyinf on my screen........


How he did it? I have absolutely no idea..... and I know I cant be totally wrong cus my health went from 40% to 0% in that attack.


So yea get annihilate stacks to max then pop ur relics+adrenals+ any other cd, and I dunno...

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If it were Kinetic, or Energy damage it would say that it was Kinetic or Energy damage. That's basic stuff there. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that if it says it, it is it. If it doesnt say it? Its not it. I am having a hard time understanding why you feel the need to believe that it HAS to be one or the other when it is neither.


Weapon damage fall under two catagories, and 2 catagories ONLY. Energy(lightsabers) and Kinetic(Vibroswords.) If you don't believe me, look it up yourself. When it says "WEAPON DAMAGE" It means, the type of damage that your current weapon does.

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I've already demonstrated that Force can fall under different types of damage, kinetic and internal (though I erroneously mislabeled it as energy).


It's not erroneous. Different classes use the different flavors. For example, SI Force Lightning is Force / Energy.


Our Rupture bleed is Force / Internal, but Sentinel's Cauterize DOT is Force / Elemental.

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