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I just made War Hero lol and these changes come


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Losers trying to belittle someone else's achievement because they cant get there. Some will say go out side and get some sun. All that means is they are weak and don't have the patience to do what you have done. By the way spankers, the sun causes cancer.


It's the fact that probably 75% of the people who have War Hero and higher Valor ranks just sit in Ilum afking using a macro to hit there self buff every CD

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My server has done the same, and it certainly isn't trading. We set up server times that are known to be "ilum showdown" times. On top of that, we are fortunate to have balanced skirmishes occurirng during offtimes constantly (at least 25v25).


Head over to the server forums and see if your server is doing the same - if not, you could try organizing one!


Ilum is really healthy on our server.


My server has two instances filled with zergs. Sadly not quite balanced out. More lik 70 - 30 rep and the other way around for instance two ;)


Inventively two sides who are capable to kill each other (not necessary in strikt turns) will be "trading"=exchange Kills. And organized if they just don't happen otherwise. ;)


It was a fun comment. So don't worry.

Edited by -sasori
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I hope you wear the "I have to much time on my hands and I play PvP far too much" title with pride.


Aha, nerd rage. I guess this is the type of persons who are crying 100% of the time here that they get roflstomped because of gear.

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Arhh man why do i keep playing these games lol


I just made War Hero after a long grind of every day farming valor, medals, trying to set up ilum matches, making sure i have ilum buff aswell before every wz and now these changes comes and slap me in my face lol. Extra valor from both wz and medals gah, wasnt the bag change enough?


At least they could add some new mount or something for us to continue for because with these changes BM is gonna be as easy as champion rank to farm to, arghhhh CURSE YOU BW :)


Oh well, welcome new bm's, the meaning now rings a little less of 'master' :rolleyes:


Having time to dedicate to a task is not a skill its a luxury.

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Having time to dedicate to a task is not a skill its a luxury.
I will call it determination. Its not easy to stay on this path. Lots of frustrating matches. On top of that i am full specced healer.


You try that process and say to me that you do not feel a little pissed on by these changes luxury or not ;)

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Arhh man why do i keep playing these games lol


I just made War Hero after a long grind of every day farming valor, medals, trying to set up ilum matches, making sure i have ilum buff aswell before every wz and now these changes comes and slap me in my face lol. Extra valor from both wz and medals gah, wasnt the bag change enough?


At least they could add some new mount or something for us to continue for because with these changes BM is gonna be as easy as champion rank to farm to, arghhhh CURSE YOU BW :)


Oh well, welcome new bm's, the meaning now rings a little less of 'master' :rolleyes:

So, it won't effect you at all - you will still be that much valor ahead of everyone once the new changes come in, you won't suddenly get behind - just think ahead to valor rank 100 ;)

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I will call it determination. Its not easy to stay on this path. Lots of frustrating matches. On top of that i am full specced healer.


You try that process and say to me that you do not feel a little pissed on by these changes luxury or not ;)


Many people will call it impossible. They have family and jobs. As a college student I do have the luxury atm, but many others simply don't.

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Arhh man why do i keep playing these games lol


I just made War Hero after a long grind of every day farming valor, medals, trying to set up ilum matches, making sure i have ilum buff aswell before every wz and now these changes comes and slap me in my face lol. Extra valor from both wz and medals gah, wasnt the bag change enough?


At least they could add some new mount or something for us to continue for because with these changes BM is gonna be as easy as champion rank to farm to, arghhhh CURSE YOU BW :)


Oh well, welcome new bm's, the meaning now rings a little less of 'master' :rolleyes:


When has an MMO not done this though? The price of trying to grind everything early...it's not changed since UO.


Remember all the warlords in WoW? Same crap...a grind that would destroy your personal life was eventually changed to allow everyone to get the same benefits...quickly.


I really don't feel sorry for you. :D

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Traded kills on ilum... if you were a legit War Hero I'd probably be impressed.


Right now you're just another welfare "pvper" along with 97% of the rest of the pvp population. It saddens me greatly :(


Hey m8, first of all, you dont know me, i dont know you, but you can ask anyone on my server bao-dur if i have farmed my title honorably or not. Our server was heavily imperial balanced at the beginning and no fights was happening at all in ilum and it was a ghost town (poor balance, low pop) when the ilum farm exploit happend, so no one on our server got anything out of that.


Secondly, i started organizing dates and time of day where republic would master what they could and all come to ilum so we could get some fights going, and now they fights are happening all by themself on our server, heck, it even seems like republic now have more ppl eager to fight, so it is possible to get to war hero legit my friend, so


cheer up and stop being so bitter.

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I will call it determination. Its not easy to stay on this path. Lots of frustrating matches. On top of that i am full specced healer.


You try that process and say to me that you do not feel a little pissed on by these changes luxury or not ;)


I dunno im not upset by it that people will be on even footing. It feels dirty knowing I hardly have to be awake to beat someone in lesser gear. Im all for progression but I shouldnt have to not pay attention in pvp because my gear makes me able to not pay attention.

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There are lots of War Heroes alrdy so it's nothing new anymore but congratulations anyways :)


Oh and it is a big slap on the face indeed putting all those items buyable. For example I have soem guildmates who grinded social 10 and got the mount. Now BW is putting that mount in the same vendor like the other ''rare'' mounts. Sad kinda.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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