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Biometric Crystal Alloy for non-pve players


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Its not trolling, it's just explaining the way the game is designed. I can't fathom why they are bind on pick up, or why they cannot be gotten in the usual crafting method (crew skills) but its not the way the game is designed so we have to live with it.


Your point of view seems to be 'I want it my way and I'm not going to be happy until I get it.' to which the answer can only be, no, that's not how the game works.


Yes that is how the game is design and thats why OP made a post about it and wanted it change.


The guy i quoted is the one that want us all to do it his way. aka troll.

My point of view? what are you taking about? im not the OP I got my biometrics from doing FP but i can't not understand why we are forced to do FP? So i totally agree with OP that it should be changed.

Edited by BadNewzzz
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I'm not a PvP player, but even so I can understand making crafting materials like this available to PvP'ers.


If a particular person does not want to go the route needed to get their materials they should not GET the materials.


This person is saying he does not want to do the work everyone else has to do for materials. Why the hell should the dev's bend over backward to appease him/her?


It is not like crystals are in any way difficult to get AT ALL. Do a hard mode, get crystals. Hell Black Talon HM can be done in under 30 minutes with a decent group.


There is a way already in game to get these materials. A way available to ANYONE without any form of restriction. I see 0 reason why their choice not to do PVE content in any way entitles them to more than anyone else. If they choose not to get the crystals then they choose not to do crystal based crafting.



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In a word...NO!


How about we just start handing out PVP rewards in FP's and Ops as well then? Like Every boss has a chance to drop a champion bag.



See how stupid that sounds?




want to craft? run a few hardmodes, otherwise deal with it.


Exactly what he said....


Its bad enough you PVPers can get Columi comparable gear from standing in WZ all day long, and a host of PVE gear off the PVP vendors..


Tough, you want PVE items, then PVE...

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Troll much mr carebear?

Of course biometric should be something pvper can get. 500/500 wz/merc comm would be good.

We are forced to get the good crafting gear, adrenal and stims. it is bad enough that mixing rakata with bm is better then a full set of bm...

You now, GTN is PVP so maybe BW should change so you carebears can't sell stuff on market unless you pay some merc commendation? 10 merc per item, sounds good?

It is PVP so just do some PVP if you want to use GTN, simple and fair eeh?


Its laughable that the person supporting the "give every form of playstyle every possible reward" argument calls me the "carebear" in this scenario. :D Project much? Who is trolling who here?


Additionally your argument that that GTN is "pvp" is a stretch at least and indicative of your flawed logic and mentality. While there may be SOME competition involved the primary role of the trade network is to be mutually beneficial to both buyers and sellers.



As for Rakata gear, its the best PVE gear in the game, it should naturally come from the hardest PVE content, just as the best PVP gear comes from PVP content. What is so hard to understand about that? That Bioware has done a poor job of balancing the stats of the two forms so that they are mutually exclusive is not a good enough reason to want it handed to you.


As Ive said twice now, you want the rewards that come from a given playstyle, go play it, no one is stopping you but YOU!




PVP reward in any fashion whatsoever? NO freakin way! I DO however support the idea that they can be non-bound items. I would be happy to make some cash on the dozen or so I have sitting completely useless in my cargo hold. I'd be happy to take your money.

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No. Bioware, please don't cave in to these ridiculous requests.


TS, if you want PVE rewards... then PVE!!! Otherwise, get it out of your head that you will be able to obtain them. Quit trying to nerf the damn game for others.

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considering that pvp doesnt support crewskills in any other fashion why would it suddenly do so for something that you deem "important".


Except, PvP does support crew skills, in the same fashion that PvE does ( by giving you credits for missions. ).


A player who never steps foot off the fleet once they hit 10 and only plays through Warzones can fully commit to crafting in every way, except for the alloys. This is a problem.


As Ive said twice now, you want the rewards that come from a given playstyle, go play it, no one is stopping you but YOU!


Except the given playstyle is crafting... So under your own logic, the fact that you have to step outside of the crafting game and run instances in order to get top tier crafting materials is bad design. :rolleyes:


Its laughable that the person supporting the "give every form of playstyle every possible reward" argument calls me the "carebear" in this scenario.


Where did anyone say that? Nevermind that there's a massive difference between being "carebear" and simply not wanting to be forced into a style of play you aren't interested in. I suspect if the situation were reversed ( and Rakata set pieces suddenly cost a significant number of mercenary commendations ) people like you would be whimpering rather noisily on the forums about it, even if such an approach would be far less "carebear" than what we have right now.

Edited by Sylriana
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Except, PvP does support crew skills, in the same fashion that PvE does ( by giving you credits for missions. ).


A player who never steps foot off the fleet once they hit 10 and only plays through Warzones can fully commit to crafting in every way, except for the alloys. This is a problem.




Except the given playstyle is crafting... So under your own logic, the fact that you have to step outside of the crafting game and run instances in order to get top tier crafting materials is bad design. :rolleyes:


Flawed logic is flawed.


No, it's not ONLY crafting as some of the materials needed to craft are BoP items, as you well know. Why should everything PVPers want be made available to them? PvEers don't get PvP items [sHOCKER] unless they PvP, lol.

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In a word...NO!


How about we just start handing out PVP rewards in FP's and Ops as well then? Like Every boss has a chance to drop a champion bag.



See how stupid that sounds?




want to craft? run a few hardmodes, otherwise deal with it.


You run hard-modes to get your PvE gear.


We run our Warzones to get our PvP gear.


That's the line between PvP and PvE.


The Biometric alloy is something that should be given to PvP and PvE players doing what they want to do, especially since the Biometric craftables are very effective in PvP and PvE.

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Exactly what he said....


Its bad enough you PVPers can get Columi comparable gear from standing in WZ all day long, and a host of PVE gear off the PVP vendors..


Tough, you want PVE items, then PVE...


Because spending 30 min to run Kaon Under Siege is super difficult...

Or spending 1 hour to run a normal-mode Operation is super difficult...


Oh and lol @ saying the Biometric craftables are PvE items. If that was the case then you shouldn't be allowed to use/wear them in PvP.



Sorry that the game-mode you choose to play is super easy and you get offended when PvPers want something that makes it fair between the 2 types of playstyles.

Edited by AMKSED
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Except, PvP does support crew skills, in the same fashion that PvE does ( by giving you credits for missions. ).


A player who never steps foot off the fleet once they hit 10 and only plays through Warzones can fully commit to crafting in every way, except for the alloys. This is a problem.


the problem with your logic is pve also supports crafting in other ways. or have the scavenging of mobs and the looting of nodes disappeared also? this of course is on top of the alloys themselves ONLY coming from pve content.


Except the given playstyle is crafting... So under your own logic, the fact that you have to step outside of the crafting game and run instances in order to get top tier crafting materials is bad design. :rolleyes:


crafting is not a standalone playstyle. if it were we would have "crafting" classes. while individual aspects of the crafting system are not wia, the overall goal is. if it werent im sure a few more hits would have been dropped in terms of a complete crafting redesign.


Where did anyone say that? Nevermind that there's a massive difference between being "carebear" and simply not wanting to be forced into a style of play you aren't interested in. I suspect if the situation were reversed ( and Rakata set pieces suddenly cost a significant number of mercenary commendations ) people like you would be whimpering rather noisily on the forums about it, even if such an approach would be far less "carebear" than what we have right now.


rakata for the most part is so horribly itemized its only "best" because of the actual armoring. to actually maximize stats its almost always better to strip mods from columi/other rakata to maximize your gear. for some slots (bracers and belts) orange pieces are usually better itemized, only losing out to crit crafted rakata.


honestly im against catering to a pure pvp based segment for the sheer fact that generally its nothing but a cancer. mmo pvp in general is horribly balanced, far too much rng, gear differences, etc to ever be truly competitive (not saying pvp doesnt have its own specific skill set, it does, and i respect those who are good at it) in any serious capacity. if people were actually interested in "skill" based systems they would be playing actual team based games, and generally something in the dota/fps genre, since they are FAR better balanced. the random zerging scrubs getting off on being "better" by killing people, and thinking they are better because "its a real person" are a joke. like most of the playerbase who actually does some combination, they shouldnt be seeing any real issue with the current system. bioware shouldnt be attempting to fix what isnt broken merely because you dont want to. last i checked most decent parents didnt give you desert if you didnt eat your veggies.

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the problem with your logic is pve also supports crafting in other ways. or have the scavenging of mobs and the looting of nodes disappeared also? this of course is on top of the alloys themselves ONLY coming from pve content.


Looting mobs is noteworthy. Nodes are a bit questionable though, since oftentimes it's possible ( and optimal ) to avoid actual PvE content while collecting nodes.




crafting is not a standalone playstyle. if it were we would have "crafting" classes. while individual aspects of the crafting system are not wia, the overall goal is. if it werent im sure a few more hits would have been dropped in terms of a complete crafting redesign.


Arguable. Crafting can be done completely independent of every other aspect of the game though, which makes it fairly autonomous. There's certainly nothing in the game that indicates crafting "should" be PvE or **** though, other than the biometric alloy flaw of course.



rakata for the most part is so horribly itemized its only "best" because of the actual armoring. to actually maximize stats its almost always better to strip mods from columi/other rakata to maximize your gear. for some slots (bracers and belts) orange pieces are usually better itemized, only losing out to crit crafted rakata.


This has absolutely nothing to do with my point. I'm not sure if you're intentionally dodging the topic or just didn't get it though.


honestly im against catering to a pure pvp based segment for the sheer fact that generally its nothing but a cancer. mmo pvp in general is horribly balanced, far too much rng, gear differences, etc to ever be truly competitive (not saying pvp doesnt have its own specific skill set, it does, and i respect those who are good at it) in any serious capacity. if people were actually interested in "skill" based systems they would be playing actual team based games, and generally something in the dota/fps genre, since they are FAR better balanced. the random zerging scrubs getting off on being "better" by killing people, and thinking they are better because "its a real person" are a joke. like most of the playerbase who actually does some combination, they shouldnt be seeing any real issue with the current system. bioware shouldnt be attempting to fix what isnt broken merely because you dont want to. last i checked most decent parents didnt give you desert if you didnt eat your veggies.


I shouldn't have to explain why "We shouldn't cater to PvP players because I personally don't like PvP" is inane.


The use of the word 'cancer' is rather curious though, given the destructive nature of the mentality you're pushing.

Edited by Sylriana
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In a word...NO!


How about we just start handing out PVP rewards in FP's and Ops as well then? Like Every boss has a chance to drop a champion bag.



See how stupid that sounds?




want to craft? run a few hardmodes, otherwise deal with it.


So who says crafting is only for PvE?

Edited by Haralin
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this kinda pisses me off aswell, im in a small PVPcentric guild, atm we dont even have 8 if any of us wanted to do an OPS...

well i do want to but im the only one

and i do know bio alloys drops in HM aswell, but only 1 drops for 4 people, and 8 people could do an ops in about the same time as a HM and have a much much higher chance for bio alloys

and its not even just the bio-alloys, the BIS enhancements for most DPS specs drops in HM/NIM OPS


i have all the battlemaster gear and am at the point where i could buy gear from other classes just for the mods, the problem is that every single BM item has either accuracy or alacrity on the enhancement mod, so i have to use my champion enhancements to max my dps....

meanwhile the PVE players have access to great mods from HM/NIM OPS


just to mention my dream mod(although 5 of em would give me a tad to much surge)

Advanced Adept Enhancement 25

endurance 25

power 37

surge 51


so to sum it up

its total BS when they claim the best gear for PVP comes from PVP

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I find it funny that PVEers will groan and moan about PVPers getting an item that is exclusive to PVE but is useful to every one, not just PVE. Not even just PVE gear. Medpacks and stims even.


Yet I bet they are the same ones that would groan and moan even more when they get people with PVP gear and PVP spec going tank/healing/damage dealing for them in their group.

Edited by Azure_Prower
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This argument reminds me of the " I'm a crafter/solo player, why should I have to take part in HM or Raids to craft higher lvl stuff ".


As I recall that argument got shot down because people claimed it was selfish etc.


But to answer the topic question you get alloy from running BT on the Empire side, I run it daily with just 1 other person and we rotate who gets the alloy.


We both have a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 gear, I have 2 tier 2 pve items and the rest I use is pvp when running the FP. The whole thing if you skip the conversations with space bar, and the bosses you don't need takes about 30 minutes.


With 4 people you could do it in 20, I understand if its not a portion of the game you really like, but is 30 minutes per day really all that bad?


And surely you met people you can group up with for it, even if its just 1 other.


Its even possible to do BT HM using dps specs and 2 healing companions.

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They will likely input some system for you to turn in certain items to obtain the Alloy, however it probably requires PVE :)



I don't PVE nor do I feel like I should have to PVE to earn Biometric Crystal Alloy which ofcourse is used for many profressions including mine (Cybertech). Any possiblity of obtaining this another way in the future. Would love to be able to craft some items.
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I dont do PvE, and never will. So i have no chance to ever get those materials. But i find it ok, because all you can craft is for PvE. (Well... almost all). So its logical that getting materials for good PvE stuff should include PvE activity.


Grenades and Biochem products could be useful for both PvE and PvP, but only PvEers have privilege to craft them. And thats annoying.


The thing i find moronic, is that rest Crew Skills have absolutely nothing to do with PvP.


I would be happy to see some PvP orientated stuff. BoP materials, it will require to be crafted, that could be obtained ONLY by PvP (like reward for weekly pvp quest). And if you want to get that gear - go PvP.

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At the very least i would like to see them bind to your account and be able to be freely traded to alts. I have alt crafters that i could use them on that i don't get to run through HM flashpoints due to needing the main all the time.
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No. Bioware, please don't cave in to these ridiculous requests.


TS, if you want PVE rewards... then PVE!!! Otherwise, get it out of your head that you will be able to obtain them. Quit trying to nerf the damn game for others.


Please explain why Grenades are somehow PVE only? Or PVE at all, for that matter? As far as I can see, the ONLY reason you'd want Grenades is for PVP.


I read this a lot, and it just sound laughable. I look forward tor reading your rationale.

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Seems like there should be a way to get PVP awards through PVE....


Your assertion, snide and sarcastic as it is, is flawed.


Crafting is not PvE or PvP...it's crafting. There's quite literally zero reason to assert that crafting be the sole dominion of the PvE reward structure.


Frankly I'm amazed at some of the really nasty comments here to what appeared to be a genuine and legitimate question.


I think they should put in PvP crafting recipes and PvP crafting items that can only be achieved through PvP. Although opening up Crafting rewards to both is a possible solution I think having seperate pools with seperate itemization is actually a more robust and interesting solution.


Ideally I'd like to see the topmost tier of crafting require PvE AND PvP at the highest levels. Anything that encourages a wide gameplay experience is a good thing for the health of the game IMHO.


The other alternative is to make crafting COMPLETELY independant and requiring ZERO high end gameplay and just make it a seperate grind on its own. I'm sure some niche crafter players would love that, but it's IMHO not a very sustainable model for the overall economy in a themepark game. A sandbox game on the other hand? Yeah, those are where REAL crafting systems can shine.


Anyhow, to the Op. No, there's currently no other way to get those items, perhaps at some point they'll be tradable. 1.2 will be interesting to see what comes out in terms of PvE vs PvP rewards and the involvement of crafting in those rewards.

Edited by thanealpha
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I've always hated the idea of something like crafting mats being available through just one restricted form of gameplay.


Make them available through PvP currency or perhaps even Daily Commendations. But don't make them cheap.


Make them BoE too.

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Crafting is not PvE or PvP...it's crafting. There's quite literally zero reason to assert that crafting be the sole dominion of the PvE reward structure.



Do you learn crafting/gathering skills in a PvP area or a PvE area?

Do you get crafting schematics from doing PvP or PvE? (not counting from gathering missions)

Do you get crafting materials from PvP or PvE?

Do crafted items have predominantly PvP stats or PvE stats?


Once you answer those questions, you have a pretty good idea of whether Crafting is PvP oriented or PvE oriented. Should there be a PvP crafting profession(s)? Sure, that seems fair. Is the current Crafting system PvP or PvE based? See the above questions.

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