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Bioware...Don't Forget About the Story


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Alot of people are making threads requesting the game add this or change that.


But I Expected SWTOR to be an endless KOTOR online. So dont forget to add more Class and planet quests. Give us monthly Chapters to an epic story.


Not all of us like to grind for gear.


Some of us did buy the game for the Voice Overs and Storytelling.

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Alot of people are making threads requesting the game add this or change that.


But I Expected SWTOR to be an endless KOTOR online. So dont forget to add more Class and planet quests. Give us monthly Chapters to an epic story.


Not all of us like to grind for gear.


Some of us did buy the game for the Voice Overs and Storytelling.


Never heard of expansions or content patches in MMOs? Thats what they do.. add more stuffs.

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Alot of people are making threads requesting the game add this or change that.


But I Expected SWTOR to be an endless KOTOR online. So dont forget to add more Class and planet quests. Give us monthly Chapters to an epic story.


Not all of us like to grind for gear.


Some of us did buy the game for the Voice Overs and Storytelling.


I agree. The one good thing about the limiting nature of the planets is that it leaves a ton of development space for more adventures on each planet, with varying levels. The basic planet design is established, so I'd be fine if they had some higher level quests on the opposite side of certain low level planets, etc.

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What they might be doing is adding small "DLCs" to the game. Not ones where you PAY for the story, rather, something more RuneScape-esque. With this, they'll be able to keep a constant player group interested in different parts of the story. Maybe what they might have to do is give some quests just for story/credits, rather than level-up quests.
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Story and companions at max level, that's what's needed. Not just a pass through while leveling, but a living, breathing, developing world where you discover other aspects of your characters background, details about your companions, etc... Nothing scripted, but discoverable for those that are willing and able to explore and try different things... Rare drops, conversations, experiences...
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Alot of people are making threads requesting the game add this or change that.


But I Expected SWTOR to be an endless KOTOR online. So dont forget to add more Class and planet quests. Give us monthly Chapters to an epic story.


Not all of us like to grind for gear.


Some of us did buy the game for the Voice Overs and Storytelling.


HECK NO..................................


I prefer solo play but as an ex raider and an experienced player the VO class quest story line was fantastic while leveling but there is absolutely no point once you reach level cap till the next xpac.


Unless these "additional" class quests are going to reward gear equal to the quality of entry level raid gear I would much prefer to have solo versions of flashpoints and Op's that I could run with 3 or more companions.


In effect what I what is something that I can run repeatedly for 3+ months gearing myself & all my companions NOT something I can complete in a few hours that has taken 3 -6 months to create. Because after that I will have nothing to do and no reason to continue to subscribe.

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They released their first new content only a month ago. Considering the game is 3 months old, thats not a bad spacing.


Isn't 1.2 supposed to have more new content?


There's a story for all the flashpoints and operations, yes, but that's not what the OP was asking for. The OP would like to see class and planet stories continue with patches, much in the way the epic story in LotRO is extended with every new patch. That is to say, the OP is asking for more content like we leveled through. Put another way, the OP is saying that he or she enjoyed the game from 1-50 and would like more of the same.


We have not seen any of this type of new content yet.

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I need moar story. I need to see the Emperor. I need Mako to find out moar about her history. I need one of my other companions to enter into a 3 way romance with my character. I'd like another companion that is female, not just Mako. Edited by Kourage
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There's a story for all the flashpoints and operations, yes, but that's not what the OP was asking for. The OP would like to see class and planet stories continue with patches, much in the way the epic story in LotRO is extended with every new patch. That is to say, the OP is asking for more content like we leveled through. Put another way, the OP is saying that he or she enjoyed the game from 1-50 and would like more of the same.


We have not seen any of this type of new content yet.


Thanks, you understood what i was trying to type.



Also more Companion Quests and Companion dialogue.

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There's a story for all the flashpoints and operations, yes, but that's not what the OP was asking for. The OP would like to see class and planet stories continue with patches, much in the way the epic story in LotRO is extended with every new patch. That is to say, the OP is asking for more content like we leveled through. Put another way, the OP is saying that he or she enjoyed the game from 1-50 and would like more of the same.


We have not seen any of this type of new content yet.


This is my concern too. I've already noticed the game play changing as I plod through Corellia and near my story's conclusion. I want the sort of content that made this game fun from levels 1 to mid 40s...not a gear-grind slog.

Edited by Cerion
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My concern is that this kind of story content might be limited to expansions. I definitely hope not.


I'd like to see:


* More planet quest arcs (additional bonus series, extra side quests, whatever)

* More planets (all new story-based content)

* More class quests (carry on the story from where it left off)

* More companions and more companion quests and more romance options


... as well as more flashpoints and operations, because those tend to fill in a lot of the Big Picture stuff for the story overall. These latter two are clearly coming with patches, but I'm worried about the other stuff.

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This is why this guy just simply isn't for me. I care more about the gameplay, which Bioware clearly does not. I cannot wait for Guild Wars 2 comes it. A game that focuses on gameplay.


Riiiiight, because story doesn't relate to or improve gameplay...


The best games are the ones where the various elements come together to create a powerful experience. If a game is focused only on gameplay, there's an upper bound to how good it can be and it will, for that matter, most likely suck.

Edited by Inarai
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Riiiiight, because story doesn't relate to or improve gameplay...


The best games are the ones where the various elements come together to create a powerful experience. If a game is focused only on gameplay, there's an upper bound to how good it can be and it will, for that matter, most likely suck.


Story improves story, entirely different from gameplay. This is an MMO, story simply does not belong. Lore has it's place, but a fully fleshed out story does not.

Edited by stephenjohnp
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Story improves story, entirely different from gameplay. This is an MMO, story simply does not belong. Lore has it's place, but a fully fleshed out story does not.


Try to distinguish between opinion (e.g. "in an MMO, story simply does not belong") and fact (e.g. YOU don't care about stories). You're phrasing subjective opinions as if they were facts. They aren't.


Other people will like different things than you will. Don't make the mistake of thinking this makes them "wrong".

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