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WTB Harder endgame!


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You asked the right question here. I really think it's not a harder end game people are looking for. They want more of a grind, 2 hour waves of trash or a boss that only has a 1 percent chance to drop something they really want so they end up spending weeks and weeks and weeks going back. in Swtor, it's streamlined, so they get their gear faster, so then there is complaining to be had.


Oh please I don't ever want to see 2 hours of trash pulls for ANYTHING in this game. I just think maybe people should wait and see If the next few raids they release will ramp up the difficulty. In my opinion the first couple raids in WoW weren't hard either, they just required 40 people which was a pain all in itself for many reasons.


Just give it time, maybe they will release some head banging content on nightmare, maybe they won't we just don't know.

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Don't waste your breath Barr. Just unsub and leave these people with the game they want.


Well thats the problem I actually enjoy the game. I just want to make sure that future content updates are not face roll easy.


I honestly did not expect to hit 50 and be able to just lol through endgame Like I have the past 5 days.


I mean really what fun is that.

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I hit lvl 25 on 3 char :D (recently)


I know that MMO at start are a working in progress and instead of rush to the end i rather test the lower area deeper and making 3 story at the same time




it's all about knowing what a MMO is and the time it take to develope and figure out a strategy to don't burn your own content :D


the user should be smarter in using what they buy in order to get the best out of it

Edited by Pekish
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I dont want more of a grind aka more trash and more boss exp.


I want less room for error on ops and hardmodes.


I want something that is actually challenging where a mistake can mean the end of your group and you have to try again until you perfect the fight. You know a challenging boss fight. Not just walk in start pounding on the boss with ease, kill his adds drop him and get your free loot.


You know the opposite of what is offered right now.... geared in a week.


I want to spend a week downing a boss because its hard.

Edited by Barracudastr
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I hit lvl 25 on 3 char :D (recently)


I know that MMO at start are a working in progress and instead of rush to the end i rather test the lower area deeper and making 3 story at the same time




it's all about knowing what a MMO is and the time it take to develope and figure out a strategy to don't burn your own content :D


the user should be smarter in using what they buy in order to get the best out of it


Again I didn't rush.... unless 3 months to 50 is rushing.


Took me 3 months to get there and a week to get geared hmmmmm you not seeing the issue here? lol

Edited by Barracudastr
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Well thats just another can of worms itself.


I would be content with endgame if pvp was actually smooth in this game. You know what I am talking about. The lag fest that is ilum.


As an avid fighting game fan, I assure you praticing the same combo for hours because the timing is a fraction of a second tight is more rewarding than doing the same skill rotation in an MMO.

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in that case u want something that only a very small minority want and that is business wise a wrong decision...


nobody (or very little population) want to get frustrated while "playing"


the challenge u are looking for is only viable in PVP and this game "UNFORTUNATELY" has a very immature PVP (Even because tehy DIDN'T HAVE ANY GOOD EXAMPLE TO COPY and don't tell me DAOC if you do u understand little to nothing about economy DAOC FAILED economically, I could go down that path and explain you why but it's not the place)


PVP is the only content that could provide the challenge u are looking for but due to people beeing jerks 99% of the time in internet it's very very difficult to program.


If player were better we would have had a decent PVP in AOC... to me AOC(or WAR) proved that player don't know how to play and that makes creating PVP content very very challenging because u are not creating only a structure where people will fight you have to create a SYSTEM that EDUCATE the player to PVP


and player are the worst to educate lets say people in internet are just the worst they refuse any type of basic education they think they are on the web so they are free from everything


Nothing work without rule it's enough to see people that think that macro is fine etcetc just because u can and they dont ban it...


PVP fail because the public FAIL so you will never have the content you want "difficult" becuase it's can only be made by the public to be economically intresting and the public HAS NO FU....G CLUE!

Edited by Pekish
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is there any game out there these days that offers a challenging end game post wow, we are talking about a market mostly made up of casual players, I don't see hardcore type end game like in the old games, really going over well with the masses, don't get me wrong I enjoyed that content back in the day, and i would enjoy it today, but the market has changed allot over the years, I think the options in this game, are nice for the average player, but true harcore end gamers, are gona blow through most end game content in any game pretty fast.. I am niether here nor there there on the matter, I still have to try the nightmare mode..:)
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Okay lets face it endgame and gearing is a joke in this game.


Please for the love of god let 1.2 content be somewhat time consuming and hard to do with decent rewards that actually take longer then a week to get.


I pray the pvp ranking system also makes the next tier of pvp gear somewhat of a challenge/grind to get instead of just being rng based.


OH and please dont follow the same armor design.... launch endgame armor makes me want to throw up a little bit.... other then the sentinel pve gear that looks some what cool with the shoulders and such. But the rest is gag me worthy on republic side. Even kira says " huh its like all the good fashion designers went empire" I dont find that comment from her amusing at all because it just shows the devs were kinda like ya sith stuff looks cooler.... owell.


MMO's are time sinks people.... getting to endgame and finishing in a blink of an eye makes for angry gamers that are forced to reroll or just not login.


Might be different if world pvp was actually decent, meaning ilum wasn't a bugged laggy zerg fest that it is now.


Edit: Some seem to be making assumptions that I rushed to 50.... I just hit 50 last week.... thats hardly called rushing. But I am already fully geared almost and Operations are just to easy same with hardmodes. I did them with virtually all quest gear -.-. And with ease I might add.


Have you completed every raid on Nightmare difficulty?

You haven't?

There is still more content for you to complete.

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you dont need a harder game. you just need to spend less time playing games.


rushing to endgame then complaining theres nothing to do to take up the rest of your time is nobody elses fault but your own. deal with it and learn to pace yourself.


Man, awful, entitled, lazy player base, like this guy.


"I don't think endgame is too hard (probably because I'm bad) so that means you play too much!"

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in that case u want something that only a very small minority want and that is business wise a wrong decision...


nobody want to get frusrtated while "playing"


the challenge u are looking for is only viable in PVP and this game "UNFORTUNATELY" has a very immature PVP (Even beceuase tehy DIDNT HAVE ANY GOOD EXAMPLE TO COPY and dont tell me DAOC if you do u understand little to nothing about economy DAOC FAILED economically)


PVP is the only content that could provide the challenge u are looking for but due to people beeing jerks 99% of the time in internet it's very very difficult to program.


If player were better we would have had a decent PVP in AOC... to me AOC proved that player don't know how to play and that makes creating PVP content very very challenging because u are not creating only a structure where people will fight you have to create a SYSTEM that EDUCATE the player to PVP


and player are the worst to educate lets say people in internet are just the worst they refuse any type of basic education they think they are on the web so they are free for everything


Nothing work without rule it's enough to see people that think that macro is fine etcetc just because u can and they dont ban it...


No way PVP fail because the public FAIL so you will never have the content you want "difficult" becuase it's can only be made by the public to be economicly intresting and the public HAS NO FU....G CLUE!



Well then why go through the trouble of making 3 difficulties for ops?


I mean if its a bad business desicsion then they should only have one mode. Normal mode.


They already put the effort into making 3 difficulties I am just asking that they actually make hard hard and nightmare a nightmare. With rewards for completing them be it armor skins, speeders.... anything really.


I dont think you really understand what you are talking about on the pve part there.


But the pvp part, its bad because of the horrible lag you get when fighting on ilum im not talking about skill lag im talking about lag in general, screen lag, people appearing and disappearing due to horrible optimizations.

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is there any game out there these days that offers a challenging end game post wow, we are talking about a market mostly made up of casual players, I don't see hardcore type end game like in the old games, really going over well with the masses, don't get me wrong I enjoyed that content back in the day, and i would enjoy it today, but the market has changed allot over the years, I think the options in this game, are nice for the average player, but true harcore end gamers, are gona blow through most end game content in any game pretty fast.. I am niether here nor there there on the matter, I still have to try the nightmare mode..:)


Which game pre wow had challenging end game content? Arena in WoW is still the most challenging thing I did in an MMO and I've played most of the "hardcore" MMOs.


EDIT: Hell getting out of bed at 4am was the hardest part about raiding in EQ1.

Edited by JustCuz
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Easy why? because people need the "illusion" of progression to feel they are cool or said in a nice way to have "fun" at the end playing is all about having some free time and having fun in it!


i call it illusion because they are rarely real challenge they are there to gratificate you not to punish you... thats how market work.


I dont understand why it's so hard for you to understnad people dont want real challenge they want to win... end of story read every whiner in this forum they say "win" at least 10 time in each post...


and the worst insult they can come up with is... looser



this game like any game HAVE TO GIVE YOU the impression of winning always winning an always harder challenge but they want you to win they program it for you to win...

So you win... and complain it's easy ^_^ (you as majority of player not you as just you)


Unfortunately for you it seem you got at the end of the ladder of winning too quickly soon they will add more content "harder" (but made for you to win again! try 10 times and you will win)


as i said the only place where u can "LOSE" is PVP BUT people is too ignorant to create a good/honest/regulated/without cheating PVP because in a system where there is balance they would end up loosing too often for their taste thats why they cheat/macro/rush to get best gear make premade of OP firends etcetc (and call it competition when real competition start from equal opportunity what they are doing is not competition is cheating it's like the NBA playing VS middle school... is that competition?)


U have to give up there is no way u will get what you want here and most probably in any MMO ever if people doenst grow up. (and i dont see it happeneing honestly)

Edited by Pekish
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nobody (or very little population) want to get frustrated while "playing"




There's a reason why 60 million people associate themselves with Minecraft. Why 50-60 million people play lame social games like Farmville. They don't want frustration, they want fun. But the 10 million WoW players don't get this. They've been conditioned by the MMO communities to grind, faceroll, and do amusement park content over and over again for diminishing returns.


I can't wait for the evolution of TOR to see what Bioware does with it over time to smooth its rough edges and make end-game content more entertaining, less stressful, and less grinding while still keeping it challenging.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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MMO's are time sinks people.... getting to endgame and finishing in a blink of an eye makes for angry gamers that are forced to reroll or just not login.




Time's change. More and more Western MMO developers are creating games that are more casual friendly understanding people have work, family, school, etc and not everyone can spend 12+ hours a day playing their games. So they are easier paced. If you want to find a grind game that punishes you for every point of exp you gain and makes gear incredibly expensive and luck based (procs) then maybe you should check out some Korean MMO's. Not talking about Westernized versions of Korean MMO's but straight up pure Korean MMO's. They maybe more what you are looking for in terms of even reaching max level let alone endgame.


Old school Korean MMO's you could spend weeks...even months to gain a single level. Crafting was a grind of gathering materials, getting a 1 time use recipe that had a 60% chance to fail and burn all your mats, then either having a crafter that can make it or finding and paying a crafter to make it hoping that it is successful or you get to start the whole process all over again.


Sure its fun spending 6-8 hours in a group specifically formed to farm exp to gain 4% or less knowing that a single death is going to cost you 4% of your exp. Adds excitement. Makes you vested in your character. Clawing, scratching, biting, crying your way to your next level. After 6 months of play your lucky if you have even reached lvl 40 yet in a game with 80+ levels. I hear you. I used to like the challenge and the abuse. Not any more. In Lineage II it took me 4 months to go from lvl 84 to lvl 85 and I was spending more time playing than working and sleeping combined. Now I have a life, a job, friends, wife, children and can not afford to spend 80 hours a week playing a game that is 1000% grind based.


So if you tire of "easy" games...go abuse yourself for a few months playing a non westernized Korean MMO. Then decide if you like the abuse or would rather have enjoyment and fun without investing more time in game than out of game.

Edited by Datku
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What most people consider 'hard' endgame is actually quite easy, but requires an enormous amount of time to obtain which normal people do not see any reason to do it. Bioware stated long ago they will not make content like that, so most likely this is not the game you are looking for.
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I'm sure there's a few games out there with a harder end game that you could buy....


Nice, tell people to leave the game and take their money with them.


OP has a valid point.


I have two level 50's and my alts range from mid 30's to 40's. Easy game is easy. Heck, even my companions are in Columi and Rakata gear. Where's the incentive to play? Try a differenct story to just end up on Ilum with yet another character?

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YOU want to take 1 week to clear a boss, YOU are also part of the 0.5% of swtor's population that enjoys this. So for BW it's a choice of wether they want to please the very tiny population with extremely hard operations or well, the rest of the population with what we currently have. Easy choice if you ask me.


WoW also learned this quickly, it didn't live that long for nothing.

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