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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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*EDIT* Link added for convenience





Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.


good job bioware...you just killed the last little bit of world pvp that was left ... *facepalm*



Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.


*** ? WHY ?


Valor gained from Warzones has been increased.

Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match.


welcome to the welfare MMO!

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Ilum needed to be negated. It was causing way too many problems for everyone and it'll shut up the majority of QQers. Once they devise a way to make Ilum work, we'll see it again.


All in all, these are good changes. And BioWare is definitely heading in the right direction.

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Im happy with the changes, and some of you might flame me, but im glad that its gonna kill Ilum. On my server, Imperials usually dominate it, and the only time Republic finally get an ops up and get some fights going, there usually gone within 20 minutes when there dailies are done. In the end i like them because it means more and rewarding warzones.


There is absolutley no reason to stay once your dailies/weeklies are done. Hopefully Bioware will change Ilum so its alot more interesting and gives players a reason to stay.

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Actually, you're wrong. The point of PVE gear (and PVP gear) is to equip your TEAM better so your TEAM can win more often.


Actually, thats an opinon, not some universal truth.


I and most people I believe pvp and raid to get better stuff for their character. I may go just to help out other people if they're in my guild but for a bunch of people I don't know? Hell no.


A team is only as bad as their weakest links, and despite the epeen-swinging elitists on here claiming they've been winning warzones single handedly for years, the facts are that most of the other 7 people in the warzone also contribute. There will always be freeloaders who do nothing, but those who do contribute in champ gear, will contribute more in BM gear.


Sure there are seven other contributors. I'm not saying they shouldn't get anything OBVIOUSLY, I'm only saying that your reward should be dependant on your preformance.


Not some flat rate you get for showing up.




Imagine two there are two sprocket makers, Jim and Bob. Jim makes twice as many sprokets as Bob per hour.


Should Jim get paid more?


If your answer is yes, then you ought to ALSO be in favor of reward being proportional to contribution in pvp, aka NOT in favor of the patch changes.


If your answer is no, congratulations, you're a communist.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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I kind of see what you are getting at. I play a Scoundrel. I have I think one DOT. It is not an AOE DOT, but it is a DOT none the less. If someone is capping a door in Voidstar and I hit them with the DOT. They take damage, why wouldn't it stop them from capturing it? It makes them take damage, damage negates the countdown.


Because you and every dotter with no cd on it can stop people from cappit it while los'in. It's quite easy to do on voidstar, and a real pain in the *** on alderaan left/right side when played well. I used to do it a lot, so i understand (even if there are dispells) why they should change it. You can autoattack at 30m tho.

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I don't really get it.


More people w/ comparable gear means better fights in PvP for everyone.


Why are you guys even complaining? The whole point of pvp gear is to have equal footing for everyone, not to outgear your opponent.


This is a good change for BMs who actually enjoy pvp.


Don't you see? They don't WANT fair fights or equal competition. They just want to stomp.

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Imagine two there are two sprocket makers, Jim and Bob. Jim makes twice as many sprokets as Bob per hour.


Should Jim get paid more?


If your answer is yes, then you ought to ALSO be in favor of reward being proportional to contribution in pvp, aka NOT in favor of the patch changes.


If your answer is no, congratulations, you're a communist.


It's funny because it's true. :D:p


I'm mostly in favor of these changes, but it's hard to argue that the Medal Ceiling is anything other than socialist gobbledegook.

Edited by Yukondoit
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Dude, I have a $2,500 dollar self built rig and I get slideshows in illum when playing at low settings. So it's a huge problem. If I'm having so much issues, I can't imagine what people with normal computers are going through..



Sorry to tell you but you over payed then.. My rig is less than $2000 and I rarely if ever drop below 60 fps.. More times than not I average 75-100+ fps everywhere including the fleet and wz. I went from lagging to never lagging on the new machine regardless of where I am or what I am doing..


Either your hardware choices sucked or you didn't get enough RAM or a decent video card.. You skimped some where :(

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Lol at people making analogies between communism and increased valor rewards.


There has to be something in your life that isn't in this game that validates you. Nothing? Well, just take my word for it, nothing about playing this game will ever be like living under a communist regime.

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Actually, thats an opinon, not some universal truth.


I and most people I believe pvp and raid to get better stuff for their character. I may go just to help out other people if they're in my guild but for a bunch of people I don't know? Hell no.




Sure there are seven other contributors. I'm not saying they shouldn't get anything OBVIOUSLY, I'm only saying that your reward should be dependant on your preformance.


Not some flat rate you get for showing up.




Imagine two there are two sprocket makers, Jim and Bob. Jim makes twice as many sprokets as Bob per hour.


Should Jim get paid more?


If your answer is yes, then you ought to ALSO be in favor of reward being proportional to contribution in pvp, aka NOT in favor of the patch changes.


If your answer is no, congratulations, you're a communist.


This would make a lot more sense if there weren't already a gear ceiling that was very easy to meet for everyone.


If you pvp to outgear your opponent, and win because they just didn't really stand a chance to begin w/, I would opin that you're pvp'ing for the wrong reasons.


But to each their own, I suppose.


I like the idea of more people on equal footing, bringing victory back to the hands of those who are skilled with their class/spec and knowledgeable about game mechanics.

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Sorry to tell you but you over payed then.. My rig is less than $2000 and I rarely if ever drop below 60 fps.. More times than not I average 75-100+ fps everywhere including the fleet and wz. I went from lagging to never lagging on the new machine regardless of where I am or what I am doing..


Either your hardware choices sucked or you didn't get enough RAM or a decent video card.. You skimped some where :(


SS, vid or it didn't happen. And I want to see the FPS in the lower left corner, Shift+CRTL+F

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The changes to PvP, particularly the speeders and DoT's are about the dumbest ideas ever. If you want to change speeders, take the stupid *********** speeder ride out of Voidstar. That has to be the most pointless, craptastic pile to ever be forced to sit through over and over. DoT forced you to communicate and work together. Now it just got turned into even more easy mode for the people who were the ones crying about that. Apparently objectives still got turned even with DoT affecting objective flipping.


As for you clowns saying Bioware is listening, the only people they seem to be listening to are the talentless crybabies. This isn't a good thing.

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Don't you see? They don't WANT fair fights or equal competition. They just want to stomp.


You have to EARN the right for a fair fight. A Boxer who is 1-0 doesn't get the opportunity to fight for the Heavy Weight Title against a guy who is 44-0 even if he is just as skilled / younger / faster and could win. He pays his dues and someday when he does his due time and his record matches that of the champ he THEN has the chance to fight that fight. Everyone in favor of this medal change patch is like that fighter who is 1-0 wondering why he isn't part of that championship fight after putting in no time.

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Imagine two there are two sprocket makers, Jim and Bob. Jim makes twice as many sprokets as Bob per hour.


Should Jim get paid more?


If your answer is yes, then you ought to ALSO be in favor of reward being proportional to contribution in pvp, aka NOT in favor of the patch changes.


If your answer is no, congratulations, you're a communist.


Imagine there are two sprocket makers, Jim and Bob. Jim makes one tenth as many sprockets as Bob per hour, but works three times as many hours, but spends a lot of his time at work not making sprockets.


Should Jim get paid more?


If your answer is yes, then you ought to ALSO be in favor of reward being proportional to time spent in PvP and medals farmed, aka NOT in favor of the patch changes.


If your answer is no, congratulations, you're not an idiot.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Lol at people making analogies between communism and increased valor rewards.


There has to be something in your life that isn't in this game that validates you. Nothing? Well, just take my word for it, nothing about playing this game will ever be like living under a communist regime.


Ad hominem.


Come back when you have a real argument thats halfway logical.


Level of Preformance -> Level of reward.


Thats all we want.

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You have to EARN the right for a fair fight. A Boxer who is 1-0 doesn't get the opportunity to fight for the Heavy Weight Title against a guy who is 44-0 even if he is just as skilled / younger / faster and could win. He pays his dues and someday when he does his due time and his record matches that of the champ he THEN has the chance to fight that fight. Everyone in favor of this medal change patch is like that fighter who is 1-0 wondering why he isn't part of that championship fight after putting in no time.


If I started a Counterstrike round with an AK and always had one when I respawned because I've played Counterstrike for 5 years, it would be a terrible multiplayer game.


If I started a game of Dota with a free Demon Edge because I had played 500 matches previously, it would be a terrible multiplayer game.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Sure there are seven other contributors. I'm not saying they shouldn't get anything OBVIOUSLY, I'm only saying that your reward should be dependant on your preformance.


And how do you measure that performance? Medals? When some (like healing, defending, etc) are totally unavailable to certain classes. A button mashing chimp of one class can already get more medals than the most skilled PVPer ever born of another class, simply because of the way the medal system was distributed

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This would make a lot more sense if there weren't already a gear ceiling that was very easy to meet for everyone.


If you pvp to outgear your opponent, and win because they just didn't really stand a chance to begin w/, I would opin that you're pvp'ing for the wrong reasons.


But to each their own, I suppose.


I like the idea of more people on equal footing, bringing victory back to the hands of those who are skilled with their class/spec and knowledgeable about game mechanics.


The people who are skilled with their class knowledgeable and know game mechanics don't have to worry because the current system already favors them. If you fall into that category and your undergeared, you won't be for long. These are the very players who will find idiots walking around in equal gear and those idiots will STILL GET STOMPED so it doesnt fix the fact that they suck it just makes them get to suck in the same stuff i got from being good.

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If I started a Counterstrike round with an AK and always had one when I respawned because I've played Counterstrike for 5 years, it would be a terrible multiplayer game.


If I started a game of Dota with a free Demon Edge because I had played 500 matches previously, it would be a terrible multiplayer game.


Congratulations Sir. you just named 2 games that aren't an MMORPG. go play them and leave the progression and achievement to those who understand why we play MMORPGs. I can beat you at both of those too. zomggg it must be the gear!!!

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