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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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I bash my head on my desk...


So they want to kill Ilum just like that?

Tuesday and weeklies reset... have to run around the center and collect boxes along with 20+ other imperials.

Republics aren't even present anymore...


With the 1.1.5 patch they remove the need to actually do anything on the Ilum planet apart from normal dailies.


And 4 medals max in warzones with rewards? lol...

What's the point of medals in the first place then? If you can't possibly fwck up and not get them.


Getting to R60+ was too easy in the first place and the pvp gear is fragmental upgrades from champion->battlemaster.

But hey! now with added valor gains and medals are now obsolete as you'll get them even by running in circles with your hands in the air.

When people farmed medals, atleast they killed stuff or healed... now we'll see 4 medals and then they'll just sit in the starting pits jacking off.


"Completing Karagga's Palace in Nightmare Mode within two hours now correctly grants the title "The Unyielding."

It already does that...


I am on the other hand curious to see how and what they impose to save this sinking battleship with the 1.2 patch.

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I am on the other hand curious to see how and what they impose to save this sinking battleship with the 1.2 patch.


If you couldn't tell, this patch is bait for the people valor 40-60 who were disgusted by the BM grind. Now they'll keep playing. Now they'll get battlemaster juuuuuuuust in time for 1.2 to come out.


Bioware is betting the farm on ranked warzones.

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In 1.2, BM is going to be like the new Centurion, so I'm assuming these Valor changes are leading into the ranked Warzone season, when getting to higher Valor levels actually will be much harder.


The gear we have now is probably going to be the bare minimum for pvp in 1.2.


I can understand how the next set of gear will be more difficult to earn (it can be as difficult as they choose to make it) but how do you envision the higher valor levels being more difficult to achieve? Do you figure they'll just increase the required numbers or something?

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Somebody just got pimp slapped.


yes but the current system make it so i spend LESS time then a noob to get geared. since i get 1/5 more valor per match when i average 1600 a win vs. a noob who only gets 1200 for that same win. So essentially its the opposite of your point, i don't get rewarded by just spending more time.

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No complaints here.


What's wrong with letting everyone gear up even faster? Answer: nothing.


I thought you chumps want PvP in this game to be about "skill?"


Well, pretty soon we'll get to see who uses gear as a crutch and who's actually good.


I smell FEAR in this thread from those who aren't on board with these changes.


Good job Bioware. You still have much to fix and re-design, but at least you're listening and on the right track.


I almost want to re-up my sub again at the end of March, but I'm not convinced yet.


Keep going, though.

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I can understand how the next set of gear will be more difficult to earn (it can be as difficult as they choose to make it) but how do you envision the higher valor levels being more difficult to achieve? Do you figure they'll just increase the required numbers or something?


I would imagine they do something like that, but I honestly believe it will be gated through the rated warzone system somehow.


That's just my own speculation though.

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making an all ready easy game, even easier by the looks of it




Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.


so does this mean that you dont have to go illum to do daily ?? if thats the case no reps will go illum leaving it empty


illum was a disaster of a design in terms of world PvP, its not fun, interesting or exciting, it was a forced grind that people didnt enjoy.


They should have lifted Warhammers lake with 2 real capturable/defendable bases away from a "safe" spawn.

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Like the changes overall. Kinda suprised to see so many "sense of entitlement" QQ's here, but I should have figured. As others have said, it takes time not skill to hit BM. What, are you worried that the more casual players will start hitting 60 and show you up? Maybe you're not as good as you thought you were thanks to a huge gear gap? Oh well, your tears are delicious, keep the QQ train movin!
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No complaints here.


What's wrong with letting everyone gear up even faster? Answer: nothing.


I thought you chumps want PvP in this game to be about "skill?"


Well, pretty soon we'll get to see who uses gear as a crutch and who's actually good.


I smell FEAR in this thread from those who aren't on board with these changes.


Good job Bioware. You still have much to fix and re-design, but at least you're listening and on the right track.


I almost want to re-up my sub again at the end of March, but I'm not convinced yet.


Keep going, though.


I think it's odd to have a low cap on rewards in warzones. It's pretty easy to get 5-8 medals regardless of what class you are, so why cap it at 4?


What's stopping people from getting 4 medals and then doing nothing, in order to valor grind quickly? Hell, they'd still probably get kills towards the Ilum dailies.


I always try to do more damage, score more in huttball, get more protection points, etc, there's less reward for going the extra mile.

Edited by savionen
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You have to EARN the right for a fair fight. A Boxer who is 1-0 doesn't get the opportunity to fight for the Heavy Weight Title against a guy who is 44-0 even if he is just as skilled / younger / faster and could win. He pays his dues and someday when he does his due time and his record matches that of the champ he THEN has the chance to fight that fight. Everyone in favor of this medal change patch is like that fighter who is 1-0 wondering why he isn't part of that championship fight after putting in no time.


You guys are borderline. So a healer on a good match, and that means a match where it's even and he has to heal nonstop, it's fair to him to get 3-4 medals (2,5k, 75k, 300k, and some 5k), while a tank on the same match can do perfectly 9 medals withouth counting a solo kill. That's fair.


Or that lovely stealth who stays on the other door / turret while nobody comes to him, just incase because someone has to.


If i listen again the "you choose to", i will give up to be honest. The level of retardness of you guys is amazing.

Edited by Keldaur
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I would imagine they do something like that, but I honestly believe it will be gated through the rated warzone system somehow.


That's just my own speculation though.

Thats an interesting idea, I was just curious. It makes sense, but I really have no idea what to expect out of rated warzones. I sort of hope they don't make the same mistake as WoW did with Arena heroes making all other PvP meaningless via a rated specific set of gear. Even if they do though it won't bother me that much personally, people complain about gear in MMOs way more than is reasonable. You can totally kill someone better equipped than you in SWTOR, people just don't care to try, complaining on the forums is easier after all.


Making Ilum useless is the most pro-Republic patch yet. I'll only miss running guerrilla tactics on Ilum, certainly not the fishing sessions that happened at the base.

... you do realize that not all servers are the same right. Hopefully you're joking/trolling and I just didn't get it.

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Making Ilum useless is the most pro-Republic patch yet. I'll only miss running guerrilla tactics on Ilum, certainly not the fishing sessions that happened at the base.


LOL, Pro-Republic Patch.


While I too prefer not base fishing, fact is it worked for both factions.


Imps got kills, Repub got kills.


I have yet to fail completing a weekly despite the faction imbalance.


I can only imagine that many just didn't like having to use some thoughful tactics to get kills other than just running to the middle of Illum to fight a horde of imps.


I could care less about the changes and look forward to more improvements as we go. As long as they happen before April 20th when my current sub runs out.

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Like the changes overall. Kinda suprised to see so many "sense of entitlement" QQ's here, but I should have figured. As others have said, it takes time not skill to hit BM. What, are you worried that the more casual players will start hitting 60 and show you up? Maybe you're not as good as you thought you were thanks to a huge gear gap? Oh well, your tears are delicious, keep the QQ train movin!


I'd prefer it if it was just skill, but at the very least I'd like to see skill to getting you there faster.


And the "sense of entitlement" is better found with those who want the elite rewards with less or no work.


These people feel they are entitled to battlemaster gear regardless of how good they are or how much time they've put in. Thats what a sense of entitlement is.

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the fact that is not fun should stop them


the fact that people should do what is fun not what earn you reward faster because it's a game...


of course if i make a soccer team 5vs5 i can put the 4 people that know how to play in my team and the other 5 leave the bad player... but it wouldnt be fun....



people have no clue how to play anymore and then we blame BW

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