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1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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silly noob i love people who talk crap about merc's when troopers are just as easy and mindless to play, have you ever heard of grav rounds? guess you dont know **** about the game, yet you all cry about sorc's... so pathetic


this game needs arena so all these entitled pubs have to take a look an actual look at how they play


I don't complain about commandos because I'm republic :). But yes I am well aware of grav rounds. I don't complain about sorcs(well not much anyway) because I play a hybrid healer sage. Anything else before you go under your bridge troll?

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IMO this change actually helps those who enjoy pvp and aren't just in it for the gear grind more than it helps those that are just after quick n easy rewards.


Battlemasters (of which i am not one) will now keep PvPing after completing their daily/weekly and have incentives to stay till the end of matches because now they can get gear outside of just the bags (as well as being able to get extra bags in WZ due to ilum dailys).


This means more total warzones going, less people leaving and for those that are high ranking and enjoy pvp a challenge thats not simply farming low level pugs over and over again... and to those that do enjoy doing just that i simply say 'haha suck it'

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silly noob i love people who talk crap about merc's when troopers are just as easy and mindless to play, have you ever heard of grav rounds? guess you dont know **** about the game, yet you all cry about sorc's... so pathetic


this game needs arena so all these entitled pubs have to take a look an actual look at how they play


Yes we're all so entitled whereas all the Sith exploited Ilum for one day and got BM without consequences. Get thee gone thou spoilt troll.

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IMO this change actually helps those who enjoy pvp and aren't just in it for the gear grind more than it helps those that are just after quick n easy rewards.


Battlemasters (of which i am not one) will now keep PvPing after completing their daily/weekly and have incentives to stay till the end of matches because now they can get gear outside of just the bags (as well as being able to get extra bags in WZ due to ilum dailys).


This means more total warzones going, less people leaving and for those that are high ranking and enjoy pvp a challenge thats not simply farming low level pugs over and over again... and to those that do enjoy doing just that i simply say 'haha suck it'


A lot of people are bored to death of WZ. Iv had enough hutball for a life time .


BW have shown that they really don't want world PvP only war zones with this update

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A lot of people are bored to death of WZ. Iv had enough hutball for a life time .


BW have shown that they really don't want world PvP only war zones with this update


Well hold on now speedy, we don't know all of what's planned for 1.2. Maybe they'll have something nice planned for that patch involving world pvp.

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Well hold on now speedy, we don't know all of what's planned for 1.2. Maybe they'll have something nice planned for that patch involving world pvp.


Why would you throw the towel in on world.pvp now and then try and revive it in a future patch, you would just lose people that want to world pvp to other games. Then when you try to revive it the people who want it will be gone

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A lot of people are bored to death of WZ. Iv had enough hutball for a life time .


BW have shown that they really don't want world PvP only war zones with this update


I am sure world PVP will be redesigned. Think of it, they know that now people go to illum only to get their dailies, and going to remove it. They know that illum will be empty after it, and they know there are some part of their player base who love open world pvp. So, changed to OWPVP are coming, even if not with 1.2, but in 1.3 for sure.

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Why would you throw the towel in on world.pvp now and then try and revive it in a future patch, you would just lose people that want to world pvp to other games. Then when you try to revive it the people who want it will be gone


Well, because at the moment there is no open world pvp in SWTOR. Illum is simply totally broken, it is nothing what open world PVP shall be. No fun, no challenge, nothing. BW just understand it, as the majority of players do.


The fact they move out from illum at the moment is a good indication. They will try to fix it. Will it work? We will know soon.

Edited by FarizAA
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Well, because at the moment there is no open world pvp in SWTOR. Illum is simply totally broken, it is nothing what open world PVP shall be. No fun, no challenge, nothing. BW just understand it, as the majority of players do.


The fact they move out from illum at the moment is a good indication. They will try to fix it. Will it work? We will know soon.


surely some pvp on illum is.better than none. Yeah its terrible but iv had a few good encounters there. Why do they want to take away any reason or insentive to go there at all.


Now the only really viable way to do daily will be doing predictable repetative WZ

Edited by lethal_ghost
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The dot change means the team with dps-gear>the team with tactics.



Disappointing. It will further benefit built characters over freshly minted ones. I don't alt but when in WZs versus new 50s the slaughter is brutal.



Also think the valor change is bad too, unless they make higher ranks more meaningful. It isn't so hard getting bm as it is, why dilute it?



And of course although I like WZs I doubt anyone will go Ilum anymore, such a shame.




I dislike all the changes.

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I am one of those people who rarely post on the forums. As a republic player, these changes will finally even the playing field and encourage more and more people to play whatever class or faction they enjoy and be able to be competitive with a little skill and hard work.


Bravo Bioware!


the problem is now: where do they fight?


i mean, there are only this ugly and boring 3 random warzones. we have currently no real pvp content. making this same 3 ugly and boring warzones ranked won't help.


but it is early for this game. anyhow, while wow was new it at least offered open world pvp due to the following things:

1. the servers allowed much more people in the same place

2. you could easily go and make duells while ideling at the base - which helped training yourself, understanding other classes and just have some kind of 1on1 pvp

3. during questing both factions had to get much more closer to each other

i mean, the planets are far bigger than wow regions but allows for far lesss players to be on the server and especially in the same region.


it is a techincal fail!


so, even without all the extended pvp content it was fun. for many even it was the best pvp time ever. even with tha battelgrounds there was quite much fun around the entrances (before you could join the queue from everywhere).


but swtor lacks pvp content and all the technical stuff to allow player driven open pvp.

Edited by me_unknown
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Depending on the amount of bases controlled by your faction, the resulting kills will reward valor in a shorter time than doing warzones, wouldn't it?

This is of course assuming that both sides are somewhat equal and fair in terms of numbers, but otherwise I'd say if you wanted valor specificly to get toward valor rank 60 for your battlemaster gear, wouldn't playing ilum still be better?

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I quite like the changes, certainly a step in the right direction.


It will be nice to see a little credit come our way (Healers).


I'm also tired of working my arse off to heal the ball carrier, racing ahead and scrapping for position and getting perfect pulls etc to get 2-0 up and watch 5 or 6 dps on our team turn to medal farming, and then we lose.



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the problem is now: where do they fight?


i mean, there are only this ugly and boring 3 random warzones. we have currently no real pvp content. making this same 3 ugly and boring warzones ranked won't help.


but it is early for this game. anyhow, while wow was new it at least offered open world pvp due to the following things:

1. the servers allowed much more people in the same place

2. you could easily go and make duells while ideling at the base - which helped training yourself, understanding other classes and just have some kind of 1on1 pvp

3. during questing both factions had to get much more closer to each other

i mean, the planets are far bigger than wow regions but allows for far lesss players to be on the server and especially in the same region.


it is a techincal fail!


so, even without all the extended pvp content it was fun. for many even it was the best pvp time ever. even with tha battelgrounds there was quite much fun around the entrances (before you could join the queue from everywhere).


but swtor lacks pvp content and all the technical stuff to allow player driven open pvp.


WoW had the exact same problems this game does with large scale PVP. I'd agree with #2 about dueling at base, but even with lower graphics WoW Zerg PVP was a slide show.


Some new warzones would be nice, but one is coming in 1.2...that will make 4 warzones for TOR in the first 3 months or so, versus zero for WoW for many months. Gotta give the nod to TOR there.

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They have seen how awesome the GW2 OpenPvP (WvW) is and they realised the cannot compete so they now fokus on BGs :D


Let the flame begin :o


BW should not be afraid to rip off the concept of WvW PvP. It looks like it will be pretty awesome, and they could sure use a new "planet" area to fight over with 3 or more servers in one huge, huge open PvP area. I think an enormous area with cities like Corellia at the "keep" areas in GW2's The Mists would be a super fun way to convert that idea into use in the Star Wars world. I am paying a sub fee to have fun. If the end game is a total fail, I will not be having fun, and will eventually go where the fun is. Grb a great idea and use it!

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