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The thought that WoW has more endgame content


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You know if you need to cut your losses and you don't have as many costumers the costumer service department would be the first to go.


Heh.. what's ironic is that even with 2 million loss in subscriptions, they have 5 times as many subs as any other MMO in the market.

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Heh.. what's ironic is that even with 2 million loss in subscriptions, they have 5 times as many subs as any other MMO in the market.


Asian gold farming account shouldn't count, but since they did you now get this over-inflated subscription number they have been toting for years now.


Wouldn't be surprised if there US/Euro/Aussie subs only account for 20-30% of that number.

Edited by BlackZoback
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Heh.. what's ironic is that even with 2 million loss in subscriptions, they have 5 times as many subs as any other MMO in the market.


And 85% of them pay like 3-5 cents per hour but are counted as active subs...

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You know if you need to cut your losses and you don't have as many costumers the costumer service department would be the first to go.


Read this, from people in the tech industry (especially the first two posts):




That'll give you a little background on (1) how big corps layoff employees and (2) why Blizzard might have felt the need to pair down the size of its support staff.


Regardless, there is nothing here that can really be tied to anything having to do with SWTOR, which was your original point.


Costumers indeed!

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Its not an argument that wow is 8year old and swtor is just some month.......

If I buy a product like a car or anything else u dont compare it to 1908 Ford T-mobile, always want to buy the best on the market.

SWTOR should match to WOW nowadays or any other mmo at current stage.

Useless thread,defending an wow clone game with compering it to original game is a bad start,if u would maybe start with the innovations in swtor /I know its hard to find any/ u could be a good fanboy.

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Thought #1...

Well, yes, of course WoW has more raid content... I mean, they have been going for what, nearly 8 years, and had 3 expansions?


I mean if you really want to get into this argument then wow couldn't compete with FFXI. I am happy with the current endgame as it gave people time to get up now if we go without new raids for the next few months without new things then we have problems. Don't forget that we were given Kaon post release. I would much rather have "less bugs" in ops then a rush of them personally.



What WoW has that SWTOR does not



In the works

Nice to add




Arena **Would like to see this added I believe they dropped a hint about this tho**

Flying Mounts **while we don't have it we do have space combat**

Rated Battleground

LFD finder

Open World Feel **This is a hard one to get into WoW is one world, now SWTOR is across multiple worlds. I didn't feel like I wasn't on any of the planets I don't know if you want huge worlds but hard to get into this**

Smooth reactive gameplay

Swimming **So where do I need to swim?**

Chairs to sit in **check your space ship**

Day/Night cycles **from an immersion stand point would be nice but it is kind of player pref**

Vastly different races **Not new races but more of a racial story would be nice in terms of lore/story**

Factions you can support **hands down needed**

Leaders worth following **Maybe your playing on the wrong side or hitting spacebar too much, thrall was cool but I wasn't too impressed other then him**

Dual Spec

Weapon choices **You are playing star wars, lightsabers or guns, bh have missles etc but you should have known this going in**

Crafting professions that matter **Crafting is always awesome on a launch... we need to see what 1.2 will change**

Economy that works **Depends on your server**

Multiple Hubs people gather at **We have 2 main hubs on our server Ilum or Fleet, more hubs means less people to talk with**

Decent framerates in hubs mentioned above

Capitol city raids **Planet sieges would be fun, also would give a third hub**

Modable UI

Multiple zones to level in (1-60 anyways)

Target Dummies


Choice of pets

Barbershop **Pick your character better if you don't like it I won't be surprised if it was added later**

Armory ** These will come, we still aren't at 1.2 yet**

Sever Transfers

Faction Transfers **I would love to see a lightsided sith be able to change as well as a dark side jedi, could be alot of fun**

Name/Race Changes **Hell no, ninja's would be able to escape**

Forums that link to characters in game ** I put this in nice because it makes it a bit more fun to hunt someone**

GM's in game that come talk to you when you open a ticket **I get live gm's so maybe I'm doing something right**

Guides and fansites galore for every aspect of gaming **That is a community issue**

Moonguard Goldshire ERP

Guild Tabards

Choice of Battleground/Warzone entered

Combat Log **Yes please**

Rare Spawns

Achievements **Check your codex**

Class specific mounts **Could argue ships tho jedi/sith share between war and counciler/inq**

Factions to gain affection with

Easily accessable dueling centers **If you want to duel someone hit the duel button**

Restrictions on mounts at Auction House

Fishing ** this also goes for cooking, its a different game in other mmo's it is considered a craft and takes up your crafting slot, biochem people**


Organic AND mechanical mounts

Classes that can teleport other players ** For both because 1 hour fleet passes are hard to come by**

Classes that can summon other players



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Its not an argument that wow is 8year old and swtor is just some month.......

If I buy a product like a car or anything else u dont compare it to 1908 Ford T-mobile, always want to buy the best on the market.

SWTOR should match to WOW nowadays or any other mmo at current stage.

Useless thread,defending an wow clone game with compering it to original game is a bad start,if u would maybe start with the innovations in swtor /I know its hard to find any/ u could be a good fanboy.




SWTOR has more current raids than wow


How's that?

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While there are several maps to choose from the most popular is to sit in Orgimar or Stormwind and wait for the magical faeries to whisk you away to the loot pinata you queued up for.
Do you have a source on "most popular" or is that just baseless speculation?


Everyone I know who has leveled alts since the lfd went in place would quest in between dungeons, so your claim doesn't jibe with my experience at all.

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While I hate the bloated blizzard monster pig as much the the next guy, to suggest that swtor has even a fraction of its content is laughable, no matter how you look at it. With 3 years of dev love swtor still couldnt match that behemoth for content...


And WoW with 4 years of development launched with just Molten Core and Onyxia, the latter being a single boss encounter, raids added in with patch 1.1 right around when the game came out.


And after that Nov'04 launch? Next raid, Blackwing's Lair came in a patch in Jul'05 ... that's right, roughly 8 months after launch.

Blackwing's Lair, Ahn'Qiraj and Naxxramas were the only 40 person raids (WoW's default size at the time) added in the first 1.5 years of launch.


There were other 5 mans scattered in, like Dire Maul and a 20 person lesser-raid, Zul'Gurub.


But please, let's not try to sugarcoat WoW's endgame content availability during "vanilla".

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Um, WoW does NOT have day/night cycles. Every zone stays the same time no matter what.


BTW -- it does.


The environments don't go totally pitch-black, but the outdoor, ambient light changes from about 11pm to 5am every day. It even changes in battlegrounds.

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I mean if you really want to get into this argument then wow couldn't compete with FFXI. I am happy with the current endgame as it gave people time to get up now if we go without new raids for the next few months without new things then we have problems. Don't forget that we were given Kaon post release. I would much rather have "less bugs" in ops then a rush of them personally.






In the works

Nice to add




I'd still like to point out that WoW does NOT have day/night cycles. I don't know why people are saying that it does.

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Read this, from people in the tech industry (especially the first two posts):




That'll give you a little background on (1) how big corps layoff employees and (2) why Blizzard might have felt the need to pair down the size of its support staff.


Regardless, there is nothing here that can really be tied to anything having to do with SWTOR, which was your original point.


Costumers indeed!


Yes its all a big giant coincidence, keep drinking that kool-aid.


Those 600 people lost their jobs because blizzards bottom line isn't looking so good anymore, because they are bleeding subscriptions from their cash cow.


ToR is sucking them dry, and they can feel it all the way to the corporate big wigs.


Look for more bad news coming form bilzzard in the near future.

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And WoW with 4 years of development launched with just Molten Core and Onyxia, the latter being a single boss encounter, raids added in with patch 1.1 right around when the game came out.


And after that Nov'04 launch? Next raid, Blackwing's Lair came in a patch in Jul'05 ... that's right, roughly 8 months after launch.

Actually, there were open world raid bosses added in less time (in march, along with dire maul, for example). They had a holiday event and added mauradon about a month after launch.


But please, let's not try to sugarcoat WoW's endgame content availability during "vanilla".
likewise, lets not pretend that swtor is competing against vanilla wow.
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SWTOR has more current raids than wow


How's that?


Fine than play it if u like.

I got bored of wow,and a wow like game with more content cant make me satisfied thats all.


P.S.: and swtor does not have more content, 3 versions of the same raid just with more dmg makes no differents it gets boring in 3 runs.

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I'd still like to point out that WoW does NOT have day/night cycles. I don't know why people are saying that it does.


Because ... It does?


Seriously, log into the game and run WSG right now. It's half past noon in New York. See how brightly lit everything is? Then go back at 2am. Notice the difference? That happens everywhere in the game, from Westfall across the ocean to the Barrens.


Granted, it's not terribly severe and it doesn't correlate to the day/night cycles of server time, but it is in the game & it does happen.

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I'd still like to point out that WoW does NOT have day/night cycles. I don't know why people are saying that it does.
yes, it does; it's a 24 hour cycle that is in sync with the server time, so you may not be noticing it if you always play at the same time.


It's certainly not EQ's 72 minute cycle, and it doesn't have anything like the darkness that EQ originally had.

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I'd still like to point out that WoW does NOT have day/night cycles. I don't know why people are saying that it does.


I like you Azz, but you're wrong here friend.



Edit: Im late to the dogpile I see.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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Why do we 'need' more endgame content?


Why don't we strive for more storytelling content, more interactive content, more ways to make the journey longer and more involved.


Why does every MMO, have a devolve into this cave man mentality of '"My stick is longer than your stick!"


This game is, as far as I can tell, about story telling and creativity. it's about Star Wars, and it's about having fun.


We don't need the toxic pall of Alpha Male Posturing. Save that for TERA, D3, and GW2. >_>

Because leveling up is boring as ****? You can dress it all up with story and voice and hype it up, but it still sucks, and end game is where the fun was supposed to be (in TOR it's not sadly). Adding more annoying voice that you can't skip altogether and making leveling up take longer isn't the answer. Challenging and Rewarding content is. WoW's raids have minimalistic ingame story behind them, it tells you who what when and where, and then you go in and kill ****, and it's challenging, rewarding and FUN. TOR it's just grab 6-7 of your buddies and go herp derp through it spamming the space bar all the way.
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Yes its all a big giant coincidence, keep drinking that kool-aid.


Those 600 people lost their jobs because blizzards bottom line isn't looking so good anymore, because they are bleeding subscriptions from their cash cow.


ToR is sucking them dry, and they can feel it all the way to the corporate big wigs.


Look for more bad news coming form bilzzard in the near future.


Yes, Blizzard's gross revenue is just terrible -- to the tune of ~$68 million a month, all from a single property. My god, how will they ever survive?


At their height, WoW had 12 million or so subscribers. Now they have about 10. The bulk of those are in Asia, but the bulk of Blizzard's revenue comes from NA/EU subscribers. That base is still around 4-5 million active subs, or 2-3 times the size of SWTOR's entire playerbase.


Explain to me again how TOR has had this massive impact on WoW? Because as of right now, it hasn't.

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