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This game lacks epeen


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That is what I already stated incentive , there should be incentive for doing dailies ..

Doing nightmare mode , doing *** hard challenges like soloing heroic 4 ..


Currently people only think of rewards and epeen .

But honestly do you think the old generation of hardcore players are waiting to go trough drama again ..


I see new generation asking donations for website , teamspeak vent servers ...

*** crap , that the old hardcore provided for free .

Never once did I charge anybody or ask anybody to pay .


Nah sites like darth hater , they should be rewarded .

Hardcore guilds that help lesser guilds should be rewarded .

Not the me meself and I am the best should be rewarded .


But current state maybe breaking down hardcore is the best solution , they can all go to wow.

Cause current generation of hardcore is not really hardcore anymore .

The helpfull ones yeah sure any MMO needs them , but then again maybe it is time to create a new generation of helpfull hardcore .

IT sure isn´t helpfull with the old ones that are overburned .

The new fake one that needs rewarding for there service , since if you love this game .

You just do it , if you hate this game you should simply quit .

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I think that's one of the pitfalls of making this game so gear-focused. Once the "hardcore" get all their gear they will get bored because there really isn't anything else to do. SWTOR doesn't even have a proper RvR game and the story ends at lvl 50. Edited by MorgonKara
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I REALLY wish the OP didn't use the word epeen in the title..


Yea. Epeen is like the word undead to them. And they casuals - the scarlet crusade.

Ravage by the undead during the third war, the scarlet crusades zealots fervently hunt down every one deemed hardcore/elitest. If you are not casual, you are hardcore. If you ask to have harder content, you are hardcore, if you ask for combat parse, you are hardcore. If you play more then me, you are hardcore.


"We dont need ppl like you in this game"


Who are you? Are you BW's employee or shareholder? My $15 goes to them not you. YOU are a guest, just like me. You dont chase someone out when its not your home.



"This is not the MMO you are looking for"


Only the weak minded falls to jedi mind tricks. Im a sith, try that on a bounty hunter or imp agent.

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I think that's one of the pitfalls of making this game so gear-focused. Once the "hardcore" get all their gear they will get bored because there really isn't anything else to do. SWTOR doesn't even have a proper RvR game.


There is tons to do , there is really tons and tons to do , if you want to be helpfull and productive society member of this game .

there isn´t anything to do , when you are selfishe **** who only thinks , what do I get out of it .


Here a list what Old hardcore players from EQ SWG -WOW did for the community .

They boosted and helped starting guilds , they help gear up guild masters.

So those in turn can raid themself without there help .


You can keep on running hardmode flashpoints even if you don´t need the gear.

Cause helping others enjoy and geared isn´t beter experience for them ?

Well it is the F off mentality and thank you but thanks for nothing .

That make most helpfull people , why should I stress and feel annoyed .

When I have a beter time doing nothing ..


Sorry people saying there is nothing to do , I call shennigan , cause there is nothing to do for them .

Nothing wrong with that , but don´t expect the next MMO to be any different .

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They associate any word containing -


Want harder content Hardcore raiders

Too easy Elitest

Combat parse To Jerks

World of warcraft No lifers

Better gear Mom' basement

Rotation Bragging rights

Min/maxing Im better then you attitude


In no particular order. The list goes on but im kinda busy now.

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There is tons to do , there is really tons and tons to do , if you want to be helpfull and productive society member of this game .

there isn´t anything to do , when you are selfishe **** who only thinks , what do I get out of it .


Here a list what Old hardcore players from EQ SWG -WOW did for the community .

They boosted and helped starting guilds , they help gear up guild masters.

So those in turn can raid themself without there help .


You can keep on running hardmode flashpoints even if you don´t need the gear.

Cause helping others enjoy and geared isn´t beter experience for them ?

Well it is the F off mentality and thank you but thanks for nothing .

That make most helpfull people , why should I stress and feel annoyed .

When I have a beter time doing nothing ..


Sorry people saying there is nothing to do , I call shennigan , cause there is nothing to do for them .

Nothing wrong with that , but don´t expect the next MMO to be any different .


Please stop, I have had a few drinks and your posts make my eyes and brain hurt.


In before someone flames me for my intolerance of people who have English as a second language.

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Yea. Epeen is like the word undead to them. And they casuals - the scarlet crusade.

Ravage by the undead during the third war, the scarlet crusades zealots fervently hunt down every one deemed hardcore/elitest. If you are not casual, you are hardcore. If you ask to have harder content, you are hardcore, if you ask for combat parse, you are hardcore. If you play more then me, you are hardcore.


"We dont need ppl like you in this game"


Who are you? Are you BW's employee or shareholder? My $15 goes to them not you. YOU are a guest, just like me. You dont chase someone out when its not your home.



"This is not the MMO you are looking for"


Only the weak minded falls to jedi mind tricks. Im a sith, try that on a bounty hunter or imp agent.


Im not chasing anyone out. I simply have been playing MMORPG's for 15 years straight, and I have never needed these so called theory crafting websites, vent, mods, addons, or people to TELL me how to play my class, what spec is better yadda yadda yadda. Its a hobby for me, nothing more. Its a game and I treat it as such. The minute someone tells me what to do they end up on my ignore list. The day this game turns into a numbers game is the day I quit.


How did I learn how to do boss fights in vanilla, BC, WOTLK, and Cataclysm? I did the fight more then once and learned the bosses strat. I didnt reay or watch any video before hand.


Did I ever get into Vent? Of course but I did it to socialize, not because someone else told me to.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Actually, hardcore players are the least % of an MMO's population, however, they tend to be the most vocal.


As with all games, the hardcores will chew through the content by powerleveling/mastering it, go to play another MMO, chew through that content, then come back to SWTOR when more content is released.


This game is 2 months old. It is the same situation with all new MMOs. The hardcore players know this. They will check back in to see how the game changes and drop empty threats about "leaving forever" the whole time.


If you're bored with the game, maybe it's because you played the same game for 8 hours a day for 8 weeks...


See you all next content patch!

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Actually, hardcore players are the least % of an MMO's population, however, they tend to be the most vocal.


As with all games, the hardcores will chew through the content by powerleveling/mastering it, go to play another MMO, chew through that content, then come back to SWTOR when more content is released.


This game is 2 months old. It is the same situation with all new MMOs. The hardcore players know this. They will check back in to see how the game changes and drop empty threats about "leaving forever" the whole time.


If you're bored with the game, maybe it's because you played the same game for 8 hours a day for 8 weeks...


See you all next content patch!


Once again, I keep seeing these random nonsense numbers thrown out about how much a hardcore player plays.


How many times do we have to keep saying, we play less then alot of casual players.


Don't hate cause we get stuff done quicker and more efficiently.


I really wish I had a reason to play this game more, I simply don't right now.

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Or they will complain that the best "looking" and "stat" gear should only belong to those that can complete a 16 man raid on Uberhard-SuperNightmare-KittenSledgehammer difficulty, and they have to do the Operation backwards.


You forgot: every other Thursday (so be sure to get it on the calendar!), naked and blindfolded (extra peen-points for that last!).




Both ways.



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I think they should rank guilds against each other on completing HM's or raids giving points for finishing faster or some tangible goals so it drives people to compete against other guilds, and maybe have something that actually counts towards being on imp or republic, like being able to take planets etc... or is that what illum is like havnt been there yet..

Pvp rankings will keep people around as it will exploit peoples competitive drive.

maybe they will bring something like a siege system where guilds can battle each other or fight when they finally bring in guild star ships, that would be cool.

I think people need a reason to get the top tier gear, other than just having it because it's there. otherwise its just get it, and once you have it... ok *** do i do now > next

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Actually, hardcore players are the least % of an MMO's population, however, they tend to be the most vocal.


As with all games, the hardcores will chew through the content by powerleveling/mastering it, go to play another MMO, chew through that content, then come back to SWTOR when more content is released.


This game is 2 months old. It is the same situation with all new MMOs. The hardcore players know this. They will check back in to see how the game changes and drop empty threats about "leaving forever" the whole time.


If you're bored with the game, maybe it's because you played the same game for 8 hours a day for 8 weeks...


See you all next content patch!


yap, we dont care about hardcore.

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Im not chasing anyone out. I simply have been playing MMORPG's for 15 years straight, and I have never needed these so called theory crafting websites, vent, mods, addons, or people to TELL me how to play my class, what spec is better yadda yadda yadda. Its a hobby for me, nothing more. Its a game and I treat it as such. The minute someone tells me what to do they end up on my ignore list. The day this game turns into a numbers game is the day I quit.


How did I learn how to do boss fights in vanilla, BC, WOTLK, and Cataclysm? I did the fight more then once and learned the bosses strat. I didnt reay or watch any video before hand.


Did I ever get into Vent? Of course but I did it to socialize, not because someone else told me to.


No offence but you sound like those rejects in my guild. Low dpser, poor awareness, bad rotation, doing lesser dps then similar geared or even lesser geared guildies. And yes during progression raids, vent is neccessary. Not to speak but at least listen.


Anyone whos done his fair share of successful raiding knows this. Watch youtube for fights, rotation/specs and stuffs.


Again no offence, but you jolly well know where you stand in your previous MMO. From your post, you are probably not someone i would like to raid with in swtor.

Just like RL society, the rich mingle among themselves and the poor with the poor. We maybe playin the same game but we live in "diff worlds" within the game. So whats bothering you?


Ps: not saying casual/hardcores is rich/poor




You cab play however bad you want, you can equip strength gear on your sorc. Or willpower for your bounty hunter, but why stop us for asking devs for what the hardcores want?

I sense much insecurity in the casuals, like giving the hardcores challenging content would take something away from the casuals.

Edited by crimsonsglory
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Im not chasing anyone out. I simply have been playing MMORPG's for 15 years straight, and I have never needed these so called theory crafting websites, vent, mods, addons, or people to TELL me how to play my class, what spec is better yadda yadda yadda. Its a hobby for me, nothing more. Its a game and I treat it as such. The minute someone tells me what to do they end up on my ignore list. The day this game turns into a numbers game is the day I quit.


How did I learn how to do boss fights in vanilla, BC, WOTLK, and Cataclysm? I did the fight more then once and learned the bosses strat. I didnt reay or watch any video before hand.


Did I ever get into Vent? Of course but I did it to socialize, not because someone else told me to.


No offence but you sound like those rejects in my guild. Low dpser, poor awareness, bad rotation, doing lesser dps then similar geared or even lesser geared guildies. And yes during progression raids, vent is neccessary. Not to speak but at least listen.


You cab play however bad you want, you can equip strength gear on your sorc. Or willpower for your bounty hunter, but why stop us for asking devs for what the hardcores want?

I sense much insecurity in the casuals, like giving the hardcores challenging content would take something away from the casuals.

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I agree with someone who said hard is a subjective thing.


There are already people in WoW who clear all hard mode content in just a few nights, then they log and never log on again until reset next week. Now if you were to judge the game content by those people, you would think that raiding is wayyyy too easy. It's not. I already struggled to clear 12/12 with my guild before Firelands. It was already seriously hard, so I have no idea how those people clear hard modes in just a few nights.


I was one of the people who was upset that heroics before Firelands were nerfed because it wasn't even hard to begin with. People already complained that they couldn't clear heroics a few days after Cata was released. I'm not one of those people and I actually liked that heroics now required challenge, as they should.


But I am looking forward to easy content.


Why? Because as much as I like challenge, I really cannot take 5-hour wipes in ZG and ZA anymore. They were not even hard, but the playerbase just cannot do 10k dps for Jindo, kite and dps the ghosts while standing on the chains. They just cannot do it. I tried my best to be patient, but 5 hours for one dungeon is just too much.


That is why I look forward to easy content. I have to accept that the current generation of players only have so much skill.


But hard mode operations should be hard for the hardcore players.

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when researching the word Epeen i found many examples forming the same opinion,,,



A misspelled portmanteau of "electronic" and "male dangly", the word originally stemmed from online games such as First-person Shooters (FPS) and Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG), but is becoming increasingly common in other areas of the Internet. Epeen is suggestive of an Oedipus complex, whereby the individual struggles with their sexuality and real life environment, displacing all energy towards bettering their life in the virtual world.


Im confused so the game lacks phallic appeal??


Why or why must you use these words.

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What it means is there aren't many ways to wave your you-know-what around... electronically. If most can clear the hardest raid content, then the ones that do can no longer feel better about themselves/look down on other people. If most can get the best pvp gear, same thing. The OP was saying this is a bad thing and will cost the game in the long run.


Yes a thread actually got made about this and yes it's as dumb as it sounds. Basically it's a product of people looking to define themselves by a video game.

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I completely and utterly agree. The only qualm that I have with SW:TOR is that it lacks any means of hardcore grinding with a substantive reward.









as well as no multiplayer aspect whatsoever....


"heroics".. lmfao

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I'll play again when there is competitive pvp and new harder content.


I´ll once again say, yes , the game is not hard, that said it´s not that easy for the majority of people.


Cmon man you surely undestand developers aren´t responsible for guild skill. If your guild if full of great players it´s obvious you´re going to drop content fast. And ofc they can´t know every player skill and how the players will come togheter as guilds to know the overall skill of every group.


But that quote do you mean you can´t have fun without having some sort of pvp ranking system or you mean that players aren´t competitive enough for you?

Edited by Agenteusa
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Hell, a guild-mate of mine grinded BM from rank 0 to rank 60 is just over two weeks. And it'll get even "easier" next week.


Have you ever read any poll results on how many hours on average an mmo gamer plays (not just in swtor)?


I´m sorry but again, if your friend got to BM in 2 even 3 weeks either:


- He joined in that pathetic lolfest going on in Ilum (I surely don´t need to explain it to you).


- He plays way too much and in that case theres really nothing to do.


This remembers me of some folks playing Skyrim , going through the main story and then qq´ing in the forums that the game was a deception cause it was over too fast.

Seriously , if you don´t have boundaries (I know what that is since I used to not have them) what do you expect from developers?

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This doesn't even have anything relevant to do with the topic. I did enjoy the game (somewhat). I played it, I saw the story, I beat all the content, I got all the gear, I pvped alot, and now I am done.


Since this isn't a single player game, and it is an MMO with a subscription, there needs to be reasons for quality players and guilds to continue playing.


Maybe it is cocky to say that, that we think we are good, but what else is there to say? We were able to devour the entry content very quickly without playing very much. Now we are waiting on 1.2 with nothing to do. And if we are able to breeze through that as quickly as the pvp and pve content from this first tier......well........thats all she wrote for my guild probably.


Has absolutely nothing to do with envy, rivalry, or greed, or how nice or good a place our server is. How we play doesn't really have anything to do with that.


Please note that you are confusing having a lot of time, with being good. Finishing content before others does not mean in any way shape or form, that you are a quality player.

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Can't really disagree, even though I don't fall into the hardcore player at all. PVPer's need at least 2 more maps to play this year, and some rated arena stuff. Raiders need more and harder stuff to do if they have burned through it. Still, this is a new game, there is only so much content they can create which may or may not be enough.


I would be disappointed if 1.2 doesn't bring with it a new PVP map.

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Only the weak minded falls to jedi mind tricks. Im a sith, try that on a bounty hunter or imp agent.


OOT : Excuse me? Imperial agents are the ones who avoid sith lords f***** it up everytime (ofc they eventually f*** it up anyway but oh well) :p



Then don't lie to us, don't have "nightmare" mode raids that I could set my cat loose on my keyboard and beat


Try to get a dog, see if it makes it harder :p


"QQ classes x,y, and z are overpowered"


Actually I see more hardcores complaining than casuals about this. You know why? Because (normally) casuals have too few time to even worry about starting fights over pvp that most (casuals) don´t even play.


I was a Concealment Operative I got nerfed, I changed to medicine and had some stuff that didn´t work in my tree. I decided to roll a Pyro PT to pvp and I kill battlemasters with 1 champ and 1 cent piece. Does that mean I´m going to be nerfed again? :(


Anyway, point is everyone (I give the slight edge to players that play more) complain a lot about every other class that beats them.

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