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Everything posted by Rathik-

  1. The other downside it seems to make the game stall/hitch/whatever for a split second when you get on/off. Not a huge deal but a way to disable would be cool.
  2. What it means is there aren't many ways to wave your you-know-what around... electronically. If most can clear the hardest raid content, then the ones that do can no longer feel better about themselves/look down on other people. If most can get the best pvp gear, same thing. The OP was saying this is a bad thing and will cost the game in the long run. Yes a thread actually got made about this and yes it's as dumb as it sounds. Basically it's a product of people looking to define themselves by a video game.
  3. Fun is a lie, there is only my false sense of superiority.
  4. Why anyone looks to an MMO, especially this one, for some sort of hardcore gaming experience to define themselves by is beyond me. There are so many competitive video games, as well as, you know.... other things besides video games, already out there.... it's mildly depressing that this thread even exists.
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