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Raise warzone XP


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I like the stories and all, but I just can't bear the thought of doing all of the tedium on new characters (e.g.: respawning trash mobs, same filler quests over and over, endless pointless running, etc.). It would be nice to be able to level faster through PvP, so that I could just do the storyline quests, supplementing with PvP. Unfortunately, this takes quite a long time at the moment.
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I made it to 50 with 90% PvP, 5% story quests, 5% space missions and other quests in 6 days /played.


I don't see a problem.


When was this? Because it got nerfed. Hard.


My level 26 guardian averages 8-12k xp a game.

Edited by Dystopic
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I see both sides of this argument. I agree PvP could use more xp. However the story is important. An interesting solution may be to incorporate this into the legacy system. So ALTs get more wz xp. First time thriugh should not be straight PvP though. Id like to see that in legacy. Itd make all my ALTs level faster. Thats for sure. Edited by EverestII
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I like the stories and all, but I just can't bear the thought of doing all of the tedium on new characters (e.g.: respawning trash mobs, same filler quests over and over, endless pointless running, etc.). It would be nice to be able to level faster through PvP, so that I could just do the storyline quests, supplementing with PvP. Unfortunately, this takes quite a long time at the moment.


they can just leave it as it is and give us what you want via the legacy system. so you main will have to work hard so the alts can have an easy life.


maybe have legacy talent that is "NO SPEEDERS IN VOIDSTAR" :) :)


edit: ^^^ i guess i was bit slow...

Edited by Fonitrus
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This is why I fight hard to win matches - the xp is about 75% from what I get from questing the same amount of time - for your run of the mill quests that dont have bonus quests.


Unfortunately the loser xp being so much lower encourages deserters who see a losing team and revert back to their questing.

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Honestly exp should be the same for both winning and losing given you participate. If you did no damage or healing in a game you shouldnt get exp at all. but with the new kick system for afkers that might fix this. exp should be doubled for winners matched for losers and comms and valor be the only things penalized for losing. thats a big penalty for losing by itself. I've got 2 50's and aside from story quests i should not be forced to do this crap all over again. anyone who enjoys leveling alts to watch them grow in power over the course of leveling needs that alternative way to level besides doing quests and it should be just as fast as questing. I do agree that it should be rolled into the legacy system. say at rank 25 you get 4x pvp experience/money and at 30-35 you get triple comms/valor. 30 does take awhile to achieve I know i just hit 30 and i play 18 hours a day since dec 13th.
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The XP is already high as it is.


Figure in all the travel times, quest activation, dialogues, moving here and there for long, long distances to do missions... and you will realize that the steady output XP coming from non-stop PvP (provided, there are enough people to prompt immediate queues) is already much faster than quest-leveling.


Besides, also consider the fact that it also stacks you up in WZ commendations and gives you a chance to get way better gear than you would usually be able to get while leveling.



The XP's are just fine the way it is, thank you.

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I like it slow as it is, if 1.1.5 comes in before my alt hits cap in 15 days (1 level a day from WZ's), I'll be able to start with a few extra champ pieces when I ding 50.


Dunno why you guys are in such a hurry, it's not like there is some awesome endgame waiting for you. Nascar on Ilum and BM pre-mades, woo.

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