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PvP and Quitters, My Thoughts


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Good afternoon,


In order to change up the overall negative energy that comprises 99% of the threads, I wanted to have a healthy discussion on PvP quitters and what their punishment should be.


As I'm sure it is with most servers, I'm on one where half of the team will quit at the first sign of possible defeat. Down 1-0 in Huttball?? 3 people drop. Grabbed the left node but failed to grab the middle?? 4 people quit. I mean honestly it's a disease that is extremely frusturating.


My understanding is that BioWare plans to implement a debuff restricting those players with the inability to que back up for a WZ for 15 minutes. In my opinion, that is not enough. If you REALLY want to get the message across that quitting should not be an option, I would recommend setting that debuff timer anywhere from 2-4 hours. Don't want the debuff?? Don't quit, simple as that.


If you are voted out of a WZ, your debuff should last 1 hour. If you afk out, 30 minutes. If you voluntarily QUIT though, 4 hours. Make those individuals think twice about doing so, especially the ones who farm PvP all day. That's a good chunk of time to be sitting out.


Any other ideas?? Thoughts, comments, suggestions are all welcome, and of course feel free to offer up constructive criticism to my comments as well.

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Seems a little harsh TBH. Personally I haven't seen any of what you are experiencing on your server. Maybe you're just unfortunate enough to be playing with immature kids.


The PvP quitters I encounter bail before a match even starts, and the reason they do so I can't really blame them for. If you are a serious or even semi-serious PvPer, it's quite an underwhelming feeling to queue up and find that half your team hasn't even reach level 14 yet. That has always equated to a loss.


I understand and hope that PvP level brackets come with or on the heels of cross server PvP warzones. I believe that will resolve the issue that I am seeing, and most likely yours as well.


I hope that someone else's point of view and experience with PvP will at least open your overall perspective a bit and not call down the sort of thunder that will make us all unhappy and avoid PvP all together.


I will however, whole heartedly agree with your suggestion as it relates to people who time-out (have not seen that happen even with AFK PvPers) or who get voted out (although that can lead to its own sort of abuse) if/when voting gets enabled. I drives me up the wall to be playing essentially a man down because some tool keeps queueing up and not participating by hiding in the corner for his free XP/Commendations/Valor/Credits. Especially when we could WIN if they attempted to help out.

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How about an hour long icon that does nothing more than flag the player as a quitter. Everyone can see it, and thus can be booted from play. In this way, a bunch of quitters can form a group if they want and still play, but at least they'll know the company that they keep.
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Had that happen in a WZ; however, with the quitters gone, we went on to recoup the lost points and turn defeat into victory. The system needs to differentiate between intentional quitters, and crashes, lost connections, and "game booting". :)
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Had that happen in a WZ; however, with the quitters gone, we went on to recoup the lost points and turn defeat into victory. The system needs to differentiate between intentional quitters, and crashes, lost connections, and "game booting". :)


This is difficult to discern, isn't it. People will intentionally force quit the game to simulate a crash in order to avoid a harsh penalty.


My flag system would still allow people to play who might have lost connection due to crashes, etc. Multiple hour long flags on one person would start to indicate a very unreliable player.

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15 to 30 min cooldown on reentering a pvp que unless you complete the one you left (reconnect).


Bioware will really destroy pvp if this isn't addressed, at this point, pvp is being made into a grind for your daily/weekly in which only wins count and a pvp system in which its very unlikely that the fortunes of the match will change beyond the 1st few mins. I can't think of any reason why someone WOULDN'T want to leave a bad team. Eventually this will cause many people to just stop pvping all together if not fixed.

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People leave one-sided matches and no penalty will fix that problem.


You could add a 15min, 30min, 1hour, 2hour, heck you add a 24 hour can't play WZ's debuff for quitting and it would have the same results as the 15min debuff. I don't have 1 5minutes to sit around and do nothing so I sure as hell don't have 30mins, 1hour, 2hours, etc.. to sit around and do nothing.


If any debuff is added I will still leave one-sided matches the only change from now and post debuff is that instead of trying to find a less one-sided match in the next WZ I will instead log out of swtor and do something else, if it happens alot I'll probably forget about the game and eventually I will forget to pay for it.



What we need is a fix to why people leave which all stems from the match maker.


Fix the match maker to acount for solo vs. premade, full BM geared players vs. new 50s and finally make it so matches do NOT start until both sides have 8 when the countdown hits 0.


Fix those Match maker issues and the leavers will no longer be leaving and better yet we wont lose a bunch of subs

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Ya I think the lengthy timers you suggest are a little over the top. I do agree that the punishment should be stiffer than 15 minutes though, and I kind of like the suggestion that valor be lost.


You would have to give a milder penalty the first time someone quits in a given time period, say 24 hours. After that continually ramp up the penalty etc. This way it doesn't punish for mistakes or when someone genuinely needs to leave for RL reasons.

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What I am doing to solve this issue. This usually happens when one side is constantly winning most of the matches. I am just getting two toons to lvl 50. (one on imp side and one on Rep side) so if one side is winning all the time... (at night it is mostly imp that is crushing) I will just play that toon. It solves me from getting pissed because you have to grind for gear...at least one character will be getting ahead at some point. If they make the gear based on individual standings / accomplishments I would never get pissed to play in a losing game. Just saying. That is why I love call of duty....even if you lose you can still be top of the charts.
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It would be a far better design to encourage people to stay and fight rather than to discourage people from leaving. It looks like 1.2 will be addressing this to some extent by changing rewards to be more objective based than win based. At most, I think a player should not be able to queue until the Warzone he/she left finishes.
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