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"OMG I'm LEVEL 50 FIRST" alright Gz on skipping all content O.o *claps*


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"Oh lawdy! I am an Imperial/Republic soldier and can't handle 12 Sand People/Womp Rats/Rist Agents. Have at it hoss!"


I'm sorry, but outside of the class quests, most (please notice that important word) quest "stories" can be summed up as that. A soldier that can't handle something, so they need you to do a traditional MMO quest. Only difference is the voice acting.


I'm not trying to tell people how to play the game. However, don't patronize the people who got fed up with listening to the same general idea with slightly different dialogue for the hundredth time!


That said, if its your first time through class quests...THOSE can be interesting and I advocate watching those.



Such insight, I too realized that the quests in this game are so formulaic, they mostly involve a problem of some sort, to be solved by your character, 100% of the time.

Edited by GavNash
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Personally.. I am relaxing and taking my time through the game. I'm in no hurry to get anywhere, and I know that eventually, when I do hit lvl cap.. there 'should' be plenty of people there with me by then to enjoy end game content with.


Not interested in being first. Not interested in being best. Just interested in having fun. That's MY play style. For others, they have fun by achieving server/game firsts and working out how best to accomplish raids etc. I say.. more power to them. It's their game as well, and they have as much right to enjoy their play style as I have to enjoy mine.


Now.... Who was the jerk that stole my name (Saitada) on Bergeren Colony forcing me to switch to Vrook Lamar? I'd like to introduce you to my little friend....


(◣_◢) <--- Grey Alien that is going to "probe" you.... with the Hubble Space Telescope........



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Personally.. I am relaxing and taking my time through the game. I'm in no hurry to get anywhere, and I know that eventually, when I do hit lvl cap.. there 'should' be plenty of people there with me by then to enjoy end game content with.


Not interested in being first. Not interested in being best. Just interested in having fun. That's MY play style. For others, they have fun by achieving server/game firsts and working out how best to accomplish raids etc. I say.. more power to them. It's their game as well, and they have as much right to enjoy their play style as I have to enjoy mine.


Now.... Who was the jerk that stole my name (Saitada) on Bergeren Colony forcing me to switch to Vrook Lamar? I'd like to introduce you to my little friend....


(◣_◢) <--- Grey Alien that is going to "probe" you.... with the Hubble Space Telescope........




Your name is Vrook? :p

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they should ban everyone at 50 who exploited the empty warzone bug to gain xp


Yup, because most likely these are the worst elitist attitude trolls from WoW anyway that are experts at finding and exploiting. I like the idea of WoW subs switching to SWTOR but would rather the most aggressive and elitist trolls from WoW stay on WoW.

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I've gotten multiple realm firsts in World of Warcraft, but decided not to go for any in SWTOR due to time constraints. So yeah, I'm probably biased, but anyway..


Just like a lot of the people in this thread just can't understand why someone would want to skip all the story or get to max level and be bored, I can't understand why it matters to you. This is how we (they) choose to play the game. It doesn't impact you in any way, so I don't get what all the fuss is about. It's simply people putting in time and effort to achieve something they think is worth achieving.


To clarify: Anyone who exploited their way to 50 I think should be punished (not sure if it's possible to actually find out who did it knowingly or not).

Edited by Supernerd-
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Such insight, I too realized that the quests in this game are so formulaic, they mostly involve a problem of some sort, to be solved by your character, 100% of the time.


No need to be a debbie downer when I was posting constructive feedback. The fact of the matter is, the quests are just re-skinned versions of each other.


So if people (myself included) don't want to listen to them over and over, who is that hurting? I don't feel as if I'm missing a single thing. I listen to my class story and ignore the bumbling soldier who is inevitably going to tell me to kill 15 enemies with a bonus if I right click on four glowing objects.

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To my knowledge, there's not even any world first achievements...so where's the bragging rights? Personally I don't see the point in being first, you'll just be waiting for everyone to catch up. Bioware has done an awesome job with this game, why rush it? It's best to take your time, and take it all in IMO.
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hehe ;D well at least you got your name ;)


True. And got my other character names as well... Fortunately my other names are a bit more unusual than this one and so it was pretty unlikely that someone would nab them, especially on US servers. On the EU servers ONE of the names would probably also have been grabbed as it is Italian and not an uncommon name.



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I'm only level 9 on my consular. But that's mostly cause I got into the game yesterday afternoon and am sick so I only played for a few hours before needing to pass out. :(


I've already seen the Consular story up to getting the ship...but I'm still looking forward to doing it again cause I love the story. :)

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I don't think there are any 50s? But here is the thing, there will always be people (that pair up with like minded people) that will just move from place to place and grind the bejesus out of it. It is not the majority of people so I say let them play it like that. The problem you are addressing as a design flaw potentially would hurt the general 'population'. If character progression is too slow people will grow tired quickly for the reason you are stating - achievement and satisfaction.


I agree with you tho. For me I would love for it to take months to reach max level. But in a world where $$$$ is one of the few things that counts, things need to be easy and dumbed down. A game of this magnitude and costs would not dare to be completely innovative and set a new standard..


Dont get me wrong, no issue with people that do it, it is their choice. The game shouldn't allow it, there are always loopholes that enable this fast track route and BW have not addressed them correctly - anyhow lets not worry about that and them and check/enjoy the other stuff out :D


mmorpg should not have an end game, thats the point (you missed my edit on other post ;))

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No need to be a debbie downer when I was posting constructive feedback. The fact of the matter is, the quests are just re-skinned versions of each other.


So if people (myself included) don't want to listen to them over and over, who is that hurting? I don't feel as if I'm missing a single thing. I listen to my class story and ignore the bumbling soldier who is inevitably going to tell me to kill 15 enemies with a bonus if I right click on four glowing objects.


They are most certainly not re-skinned versions of all the rest you are a terrible troll or you simple have a huge comprehension issue....they can go in three different directions and take you in about 10 different ways each...so that is not all the same quests being re-skinned buddy shut IT!

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They are most certainly not re-skinned versions of all the rest you are a terrible troll or you simple have a huge comprehension issue....they can go in three different directions and take you in about 10 different ways each...so that is not all the same quests being re-skinned buddy shut IT!


I really hate that these forums allow you to change your font size/color. That's just obnoxious.

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I'm only level 9 on my consular. But that's mostly cause I got into the game yesterday afternoon and am sick so I only played for a few hours before needing to pass out. :(


I've already seen the Consular story up to getting the ship...but I'm still looking forward to doing it again cause I love the story. :)


I hope you get well soon ;) There is a Huge World waiting for you and it's gonna take time.

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