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Your Character Names


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what are your character names? mine are mainly a reference to things. such as Dragias and Scardyne as a reference to White Knight Chronicles. Luzion is actually a reference to some dialogue in one of the knights of the old republic comic where hazaan was selecting a darth name for Lucien like Luzion or sion.


anyway what are your guys names and why'd you choose them?

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Haha I like being original, so try not to use names from other things...often times I hear complaints from people in the game anyway when they see "Sephiroths," "Skywalkers," and popular Mass Effect names like Shephard or Dragon Age names, etc.


Maybe it's lack of creativity or they just love those characters and want to recreate them? Who knows! But staying on topic...mine's Aiden, just loved the name.

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Not terribly creative, I suppose, but my name, "Slamz", dates back to ye olden times, when I was signing up to play Everquest with a bunch of friends from work. We were:







...all playing as trolls on a PvP server (Vallon Zek). I'm the only one who kept the name long term.

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Usually my names are ones I've used as characters over the years, especially in long term games.


Marisa is a name I've used since the pre Google days of Gopher when BBS's and Chat Rooms were the big thing out there. (Yes, I'm showing my age here.)


Kijia, Evighe were characters I had when I played an RP mud for a long time called Threshold.


Pokute is from the anime Jungle Wa Itsumo Hare Nochi Guu and is the name of the main character I had in SW:G. She was a Twi'lek there too. :p


Adahn, yeah that's from a game too, one of the best stories I have ever played. Bonus points if you recognize it. :p


Poinsettia and Amaryllis were characters I had in EQ2. I think i got Amaryllis from a romance novel actually (same with Marisa) but it's been so long I can't remember the novel.


Caiva is the only one I haven't used before, it's just sort of a reworking of another name I've used. No real source.

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My main is Tatermitts, the Gunslinger

I have a mid-20s Jedi Shadow named Serpentor.

Also, I'm running a grav-spamming Commando named IRTrooper


My legacy name is McGlove.


In WoW I had two level capped characters named Truvious and Sharizani. My guild-mates go angry because my name was too long and strange so I leveled a Warrior named Tatermitts, and the name has stuck since.

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My name is Roarik, sounded tough...you pronounce it like if you say Roar! like a lion, then you say ic, so it goes Roarik! I knew nobody else was gonna use it because i kinda made it up....my surname is Khaan like Genghis Khan except with two a's...made it seem more star wars idk why....I also played an MMO known as Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) and my characters names were Fahalas( Fa-Hal-us), Kaster(Cast-Er), Slezere (Sli-zeer), and my healer Slerest (Sleer-est).....so what do you guys think, which one is your favorite?
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Six Legacy - years ago i made a email account for DAOC and sharkfin was taken so i added a 6.


Sharkfin - Vanguard - name from when i played DAOC as a ranger, Sharkfin in a water is a scarey thing to see, made more sense for a stealthy pvp char, but i dig the name.


Tsachi - Sentinal - This started as Sachi years ago, but when i changed servers in WoW i couldnt keep the name, so i added the T



Sunblade Legacy - My first EQ chars surname. (1999 my 1st mmo) also the name of a sword in Ad&d


Mercedez - Commando and my Inquis - i like Spanish names. Isabel was taken.


Tsasha - Sentinal - I ended up liking Sachi with the T better, so started doing other names like it.


Ulala - Shadow - Space channel 5, and my Anarchy online toons name.


Oddjob - Smuggler - hommage to james bond



Morena legacy - Romanian song i like.


Antonnia - Romanian singer i like.


Hakblood - Juggernaut - Old school Ad&D 1st ed Orc char of mine, name has been reused in multiple games, like my undead warrior in wow


Joules - agent - Anarchy online name i used, plus sounds kinda like James...James Bond...seemed good for an agent.

Edited by sharkfinsix
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Was very lucky to get the same names i had for 7 years in Star Wars galaxies

Ziso is my main. No real meaning to the name but i just wanted something nice and short and easy to type. man typing some of those tells to wookie players who always seemed to be called XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXbacca in SWG lol

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My name is Roarik, sounded tough...you pronounce it like if you say Roar! like a lion, then you say ic, so it goes Roarik! I knew nobody else was gonna use it because i kinda made it up....my surname is Khaan like Genghis Khan except with two a's...made it seem more star wars idk why....I also played an MMO known as Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) and my characters names were Fahalas( Fa-Hal-us), Kaster(Cast-Er), Slezere (Sli-zeer), and my healer Slerest (Sleer-est).....so what do you guys think, which one is your favorite?


My surname is Khan as well only I spelled it Khann. First name is my forum name. I don't know why I thought up Khann, it just poped into my head and I didn't want to waste too much time trying to think up a surname.

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I have a few names that I have had for years, and a few I made up on the spot


Graystar- Jedi Shadow is my main. I haven't thought of a legacy name yet.

Landstar - Jedi Guardian

(Joke name) Shocka'zula - SI Sorcerer

Earthshine - Hippie smuggler LOL jk.

Metalstar - BH PT

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I have a few names that I have had for years, and a few I made up on the spot


Graystar- Jedi Shadow is my main. I haven't thought of a legacy name yet.

Landstar - Jedi Guardian

(Joke name) Shocka'zula - SI Sorcerer

Earthshine - Hippie smuggler LOL jk.

Metalstar - BH PT


Shocka'zula? Been watching some Coolio videos? It is a fitting name for a sorcerer though :p

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My Twi'lek names come from my Draenei names in WoW, which themselves come from celestial names from 3.5 D&D: Ghaeleah (Ghaele), Eladria (Eladrin), Tulania (Tulani), Bralania (Bralani), etc. (I haven't rolled all the names I had for my Draenei as of yet)


My main, Azshannya (as well as my main Imperial: Kahnya), comes from manipulating names from the random name generator in WoW. Azshannya (WoW bear druid, LotRO warden, TOR guardian, 3.5 Ed Psychic Warrior, 4th Ed Bear Warrior Barbarian) is always my towering, heavy-drinking, very strong and tough girl. Kahnya (WoW warlock/gnomish engineer, LotRO Loremaster, TOR Sorcerer) is my nerdy girl.

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Amonette (Operative) is a made up one that stuck. By made up I mean letters I threw together, it probably has a meaning elsewhere I'm not aware of, but I've had an Amonette in every game since WoW. She is always a redhead.


Malta (sorcerer) was my main in Aion, named after Malta Vestrit from Robin Hobb's Liveship Traders books. She always has black hair.


Aleph is my blonde, named after a character from a comic called Global Frequency (if you like 'em dark check this one out, it's a favourite of mine). I picked this one because Aleph is such a cool character, and ironically she pends all her life controlling the world through a screen, whcih is what I do with the toon).


Tully is another one I often use but I haven't rolled her yet. She may end up being a republic toon since all my current ones are imps. She's the brunette.

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My names are whatever rolls well off the tongue.


When I first make a toon I'll sit and spitball names like someone speaking in tongues.


When I find one I like I write it down, and then consider the spelling and phonetics according to the race I am playing compared to other names found in that species.


While I keep my opinion to myself, I resent handles used as names, and names ripped from someone else's work. I find it degrading and inconsiderate. For every Piccolo, Sesshomaru, Bloodrayne, or obvious handle I see... I mentally eviscerate a kitten.


I can see it's cute, fluffy body splayed open by a razor sharp gut hook. Starting from it's ****, all the way to its mouth... laid open like a sleeping bag and scooped clean of its entrails.


So, when choosing your names, please... think of the kittens.

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Lets see..


I managed to fill all my character slots the second I got on to try to grab names I normally cannot get in MMO's.


Apostrophe -

my main character, named for my highschool nickname. (My last name is hard to pronounce and has an apostrophe in it so yeah..)


Angel -

My healer/sith inquisitor, I just enjoy seeing Angel pop up in green over people's heads saving them from death


Those two are my mains, my side ones I just kinda grabbed for the names, which are:

Jill(IA), Minerva(JC), Squall(SW), Zell(BH), Groupie(BH), and Belial(IA)

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Lucaan (Jedi Sage, Main)

Indaan (Scoundrel)

Rexaan (Sith Marauder)


I basically think up the first three letters and put an -aan at the end. Indaan is based off of my dogs name, Indy. Lucaan is loosely based off the word lupus (wolf in Latin). Rexaan is just rex (king in Latin) plus -aan.

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