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Everything posted by RestlessForm

  1. I typically create characters of both genders. For me it is a way to get in touch with my feminine and masculine sides. Both are social constructions and i like to try and understand how the hegemony treats both sorts of identities.
  2. Mine are Geck'mar and Saf'ir. Just plays on the words gecko and sapphire.
  3. I really think there should be true fat options for both male and female types. Someone mentioned--and excuse me for not quoting directly but I am about to head in to work so this is a fast reply--that adding a fat type for the female characters would open the door to sexist mockery. I agree, it would do just that, but those who would resort to such lows are in a sense only being empowered by the lack of such options. It's like if BW were to decide to go back on the promised homosexual romance options because it could open the door to certain sorts of insults: a player openly pursuing such an option with their companion could be targeted. But going back on it would only convince the haters that they are in the right. This is anything but a 100% accurate comparison, don't get me wrong. But I am trying to convey the idea as properly as I can within the time frame. I am thinking of those who wish to represent a proportion closer to either their individual "ideal" or their real life physique. Obviously not everyone can be covered, but I think having a larger model would help. Not even necessarily obese, since going too far might seem unrealistic to the jedi/sith/militaristic setting of the characters, but certainly a "true fat" of sorts.
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