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Bioware, accept responsibility for your crappy engine.


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You really are in no objective position to put words in Biowares mouths. Look, you can continue with the disrespectful attacks on Bioware if you like, but it does not further the discussion, it just makes you look like a rager.


Maybe I have the same reading problem as Manrik.. but I read it the same way. In essence what they said by the Q&A is that they have no clue what they are going to do to fix the crap engine.. so we are gonna lower graphics and hope that appeases people.


When I spend 3000 dollars on my computer. I expect to run everything on high. If i can not run a 60 dollar game on high... The game isn't worth playing on my 3000 dollar computer. See I am the demographic they shoudl want... Because I have money to spend on the frivolous things like a CE edition... That I now regret buying.

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I don't think any of us have enough detailed information on how the application works to make generalized statements like this. We can each share observations about how our particular system functions.


I am not running on a top end rig (it's a newer gaming laptop), yet I do not have my CPU or GPU taxed anywhere near their limits. Same for Memory usage. I dont suffer fps drops and stuttering anywhere in game (except Illum).


I cannot refute the claims of others, and I am sure some people are having issues. But my point is that none of us knows enough to make these sorts sweeping judgements about the software.


When you do get fps drops and stuttering, how is the load on your CPU and GPU? Just curious.

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Maybe I have the same reading problem as Manrik.. but I read it the same way. In essence what they said by the Q&A is that they have no clue what they are going to do to fix the crap engine.. so we are gonna lower graphics and hope that appeases people.


Please quote where they said what you claim they said.

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I don't think any of us have enough detailed information on how the application works to make generalized statements like this. We can each share observations about how our particular system functions.


I am not running on a top end rig (it's a newer gaming laptop), yet I do not have my CPU or GPU taxed anywhere near their limits. Same for Memory usage. I run at 1920 with all high settings (except shadows set to low). I dont suffer fps drops and stuttering anywhere in game (except Illum).


I cannot refute the claims of others, and I am sure some people are having issues. But my point is that none of us knows enough to make these sorts sweeping judgements about the software.


The guy who made the original post was a developer of other things. He actually knows how it all works. I am an amature programmer and I can look a this pragmatically and can tell you his observation made sense. Granted he knows way more than me.. but he is on the right track. You can tell this just by the input lag when in laggy area's. It is a threading issue which he brings up.


Please quote where they said what you claim they said.


The whole post has nothing posted about the huge frame rate issues in mass combat situations other than lowering shaders.. Dropping the shaders on an already low setting is not a fix for high end machines or fixing the problem with low end machines. They need to fix their engine.. not drop the shaders.

Edited by JonnyLoveMachine
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How does someone respond to a statement that basically says "We know we have performance issues, and have a team working on them," with "take responsibility for your crappy engine?"


Hello? Did you miss the part where they said they have a team working on the issues? What part of that even comes close to not taking responsibility for it?

Edited by Pink_Saber
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he/she doesn't know, but can only speculate. only BW knows.


Obviously, and from this how would we be able to tell if it was an engine issue or a hardware issue?!




Either way, they fix it ... and sooner rather than later or i cbf. I mean, why play an MMO without being able to interact with a large group of players on my screen?

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How does someone respond to a statement that basically says "We know we have performance issues, and have a team working on them," with "take responsibility for your crappy engine."


Hello? Did you miss the part where they said they have a team working on the issues? What part of that even comes close to not taking responsibility for it?


I love how rather than quoting what they actually said, you paraphrase it in the most favorable way possible.


Here's a more accurate way to paraphrase what they said; The predominant graphics issues are with lower-end machines and we are creating an ultra-low graphics setting to accomodate those unfortunate people who are either too poor or too stubborn to buy a modern machine. (Bioware's definition of modern is, evidently, "purchased within the last 3 months at a price tag of $3000 or more.")


Show me anything in the quote that can be construed as, "we know there are some general graphics issues that need to be addressed with the engine and we're working on them." They only EVER mention "low-end hardware." The only specific solution they mention is that they're working on a "very low" graphics setting. They are intentionally making it sound like the only people having issues are running on machines that don't meet the system requirement when, in reality, almost everyone you see complain about FPS issues has a machine that meets, and often greatly exceeds the recommended specs for TOR. But let's just ignore that, right?

Edited by Mannic
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Its the UI and the mission updates.


I am on Legions of Lettow, no problem with FPS only when someone is capping the bloody objectives or an UI update pops up.


It's your computer. Also, when companions finish crafting and interrupt whatever you're doing... also your computer.

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How does someone respond to a statement that basically says "We know we have performance issues, and have a team working on them," with "take responsibility for your crappy engine."


Hello? Did you miss the part where they said they have a team working on the issues? What part of that even comes close to not taking responsibility for it?


I think the response is more derived from the fact that they are adding another LOWER level of detail in their video options. This would imply that they are having issues increasing performance at a higher level, and are resorting to lowering even more settings so Illum is playable (not to mention removal of pewpew lazers)


Patch Notes 1.1.9 (to be implemented on a Friday night at peak hour for greater "visibility")


We have implemented 2 new graphical options for the Planet Illum only

a. UltimaOnline Illum edition - Illum is now top down for your viewing pleasure and all particle effects have been disabled.

b. Illum 16bit - Designed to run on a Nintendo Entertainment System (this is for our SLi high end players)

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For whatever reason, it seems that your FPS is tied to the IO load of your system, even if the load is not on the same hard drive, or even if it's not loading additional information into memory.


For example, occasionally, loading a web page will cause a dramatic drop in my FPS, even though my game runs on a different drive from my boot disk, and I have loads of memory overhead.


I haven't done extended testing on this, so this is just kind of armchair troubleshooting. I suspect that BW tried to keep memory usage down by not loading enough of the necessary data into memory, and now it has to be retrieved from the hard drive before it can be given to the graphics card to display.


That said, I don't notice swtor causing a large IO burden on my system... so this could be completely out in left field...

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I love how rather than quoting what they actually said, you paraphrase it in the most favorable way possible.


Here's a more accurate way to paraphrase what they said; The predominant graphics issues are with lower-end machines and we are creating an ultra-low graphics setting to accomodate those unfortunate people.


Show me anything in the quote that can be construed as, "we know there are some general graphics issues that need to be addressed with the engine and we're working on them." They only EVER mention "low-end hardware."


Exact quote, to end all the needless subjective attack based paraphrasing:



TheJestersHat: What is BioWare planning to do about performance issues that people get with Warzone, open world PVP, and general FPS issues?


Damion Schubert: We have an internal strike team that is fully devoted to ensuring that the game runs better and faster, especially on low end machines, and we consider this team's work to be a crucial internal initiative.


You should see evidence of this work as soon as Patch 1.1.5, when we will be introducing a new 'very low' setting to shader quality, which should drastically increase the number of mid-to-low machines the game can run well on, especially in Warzones and Operations.



Now, without reading anything into that, or paraphrasing it in any way.... readers can read it and make up their own mind as to what was said. I did however highlight two key points within the response, since people seem to want to gloss over it and fixate on just one thing they are doing and claiming that's all they are going to do.

Edited by Andryah
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Exact quote, to end all the needless subjective attack based paraphrasing:


TheJestersHat: What is BioWare planning to do about performance issues that people get with Warzone, open world PVP, and general FPS issues?


Damion Schubert: We have an internal strike team that is fully devoted to ensuring that the game runs better and faster, especially on low end machines, and we consider this team's work to be a crucial internal initiative.


You should see evidence of this work as soon as Patch 1.1.5, when we will be introducing a new 'very low' setting to shader quality, which should drastically increase the number of mid-to-low machines the game can run well on, especially in Warzones and Operations.


Now, without reading anything into that, or paraphrasing it in any way.... readers can read it and make up their own mind as to what was said. I did however highlight two key points within the response, since people seem to want to gloss over it and fixate on just one thing they are doing and claiming that's all they are going to do.


Lol, I love how in your highlighted part of the quote, you specifically didn't highlight the "especially on low end machines" portion. Because I guess that's not a crucial qualifier in that quote, right?


I stand by my interpretation. Bioware is spinning this as a problem with people failing to meet system requirements. That's why the only references you see to hardware in the quote are "especially low end machines" and "mid-to-low machines." Never once do they say, "there are some areas of the game where we are improving optimization for all machines." Because that would be admitting there are problems with the game's optimization, and we wouldn't want to admit that now, would we?

Edited by Mannic
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Lol, I love how in your highlighted part of the quote, you specifically didn't highlight the "especially on low end machines" portion. You fanboys. So predictable.


Notice how you interpret the word "especially" as "exclusively" and then call me a fanboy. :rolleyes:


Duh... low end machines in general struggle more then higher end machines in this game.


But nowhere did his response in any way imply they were working "exclusively" on improvements for low end machines only. That part lies exclusively within your mind.

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Notice how you interpret the word "especially" as "exclusively" and then call me a fanboy. :rolleyes:


Duh... low end machines in general struggle more then higher end machines in this game.


But nowhere did his response in any way imply they were working "exclusively" on improvements for low end machines only. That part lies exclusively within your mind.


Umm, no. I've seen LOTS of reports from players running on 3-4 year old machines claiming they have no problems at all. So they're all liars now?

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Core I 5, Nvidia 560 GTX, 8 GB DDR3 ram memory and i have the same issues in FPS WZ and Ilum....the problem is in optimization of the engine, is not posible in high end machines this drop of FPS in hero engine and in other more exigent engines like cry engine or unreal engine we dont have any problems in some similar circumstances....so BW is time to resolv this issues...
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For the slow people: The issue isnt 8 vs 8 in a warzone (althoh your fps will be all over the place there) or standing still in the fleet. The issue is when anyone is engaged in combat with more than 20 peeps in the same area,not just Illum, your fps comes to a screeching halt!:cool:
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Umm, no. I've seen LOTS of reports from players running on 3-4 year old machines claiming they have no problems at all. So they're all liars now?


Some people do report playing on mid range systems with no problems.


Some people report problems on low/mid systems. And it is well established, even by you, that this game taxes systems more then comparable games.


Stop trying to contort and distort.

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