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Should they give BH Merc's a second ability to help break stuns?


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Even after putting all points into Jet Boost and its cool down abilities above it in the Arsenal Tree 1:30 cool down is horse ****. PvPing sucks when all you can do is break one stun, it makes fighting stealth char's or smugglers next to impossible. When they can stun me 3 times in a row and I'm only able to break stun once it really tips the odds in the stealth char's favor. Even if I get a jump on them it still doesn't help. I'd use tracer missile but too many people ***** about spamming.....even tho its the main attack in my skill tree and I have to use it to be able to get higher dmg rail shot and unload dmg.


Any useful tips on how to deal with smugglers/shadows?

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Timing your CC cleaner is what i advise,


Just don't give more stuff they don't need they already live far too long without it.


It doesn't help. We really do need at least one other way to break stuns or at least a lower cool down time on Determination, otherwise BH Merc's will never be on par with the other classes with more than one major stun ability.

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If you get stunned in fire and then break CC and get stunned again, its only only your own fault. Don't run through the fire if there are people near you who can do such. Fight them or drop down and go to the ball.


BH Merc's are fine. At the one who said he wont cast tracer missle because people will whine, well you got a lot to learn. This is a MMO, and people will whine about anything and everything. If you take this approach, a few months into the game you won't use half your toolbar because someone somewhere would whine about it.


Don't whine about Mercs because you are getting owned in PvP. Learn to LoS, Heal, and to effectively use your cooldowns. If you have determination up and the other class has 2 stuns, well then you are only out of the fight for a couple seconds.


Even if they have 2 full stuns, with you having heavy armor, they shouldn't be able to dps you down 1v1 in that time frame. If you come out of the stun and use your instant heal and then a healing scan, you can heal up pretty fast and get back to DPSing.

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So why exactly should mercs get an extra stun breaker? Everyone gets one. Everyone has problems with a class or two. Maybe if you spent less time spamming tracer missile from the back seat or on cat walks these instances would not happen as often. I know that If I was a stealth class I would make it my goal to take those guys out as well. With my PT I constantly look for Mercs spamming TM and pull them in the fray.


No, you should not get an extra stun break just so you can kill the one or two people that are stopping you from doing what you love doing. Be more aware of how long you have been sitting in a spot and use your aoe from time to time to break stealth users.


To me this is the equivalent of SI's asking for a force jump because its too hard killing guys above them when their pull is on cooldown...

Edited by midnitemonster
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If you get stunned in fire and then break CC and get stunned again, its only only your own fault. Don't run through the fire if there are people near you who can do such. Fight them or drop down and go to the ball.


i hate to tell you this but when you have the ball there is no dropping down to avoid a burner or "going to the ball"


if merc is a fine ball carrier then sorc/mara/jugg is an excellent ballcarrier, we are still weaker and its still semantics

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I dont think we need a second CC break but rather I think with the amount of stuns and CC this game has the primary CC break should be lowered to 45sec or 30sec.


This, for a different reason.


Degauss (T3 Pyro) basically turns your shield into a partial CC breaker. Because of this, another CC breaker would be too many.

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As a Merc Healer I can honestly say I see more CC and interrupts than the average person.


Do I think we need another CC breaker? No I don't. But I do think that every class should get a small window of CC immunity after using their CC breaker (in whatever form it should take).


I can't count the number of times I have been CCed and interrupted to death. I get CCed, I let that one wear off. And as soon as I start to heal again, I end up with another CC. That one I will break with Determination and with full resolve I try to start spam healing only to be hit with one interrupt after another.


Sure I can pop my bubble and get immunity from interrupts, but the bubble only lasts 12 seconds and it has a 2 min cooldown. So in a 15 min match I can use it 7 times and get 84 seconds of immunity - basically 1.25 mins of free heal casting in a 15 min game. So odds are my bubble will be on cooldown when I need it because it was already used.


As a battlemaster there are some games I simply just have to leave. Because I am not doing my team any favors if I am doing little more than self healing and trying to avoid a sea of cc and interrupts. Better to leave and let the team pick up another DPS than stay when I do little more than 200k worth of self preservation healing.


Even in Huttball, which is a healer's line of sight nightmare, if I can't pull at leaset 300k healing, then the opposing team did an outstanding job of keeping me out of the game -and they did it all with CC and interrupts.

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