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Post your Gear Setup and Mod/Enhance changes


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I'm interested to know what other Battlemaster (or Champion) Marauders are running, and what you've done to your BM/Champ/Rakata Mods/Enhancements. Also looking for any constructive criticism on my setup. I've been modding my gear over the course of the last month since I hit and geared myself in full BM, but I think I have it to the point where I can't change it for the better.


I tried to think of an easy way to set out what i've done with my gear, because i've ripped out mods and enhancements all over the place. Hopefully it's not to hard to follow.


Spec: Annihilation [http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRdfGzZRMM.1]


Stats: (with Rakata Stim only)


STR: 1535

END: 1387 (16370 hp)

Power: 360

Crit: 323 (26.78%)

Surge: 294 (75.10%)

Accuracy: 153 (95.16%)

Expertise: 552 (10.89%)






Helm: Rakata

Mod unchanged: Deft 25A [61str/37end/11power]

Enhancement unchanged: Initiative 25 [24end/51acc/37power]


Chest: BM

Mod: Deft 25A [61str/37end/11power] - ripped out of BM Marauder Gloves

Enhancement: Battle 24 [23end/34crit/48surge] - ripped out of Champion Marauder Helm


Gloves: BM

Mod unchanged: Deft 25A [61str/37end/11power]

Enhancement: Adept 24 [23end/34power/48surge] - ripped out of Champion/Columi DPS Operative gloves


Belt: BM


Legs: BM

Mod unchanged: Potent 25A [61str/37end/11crit]

Enhancement: Battle 24 [23end/34crit/48surge] - ripped out of Champion Marauder Helm)


Boots: BM

Mod unchanged: Potent 25 [48str/29end/37crit]

Enhancement: Adept 24 [23end/34power/48surge] - ripped out of Champion/Columi DPS Operative gloves


Mainhand: BM


Offhand: Rakata

Mod unchanged: Deft 25A [61str/37end/11power]

Enhancement unchanged: Initiative 25 [24end/51acc/37power]


Relic 1: BM - Power on-use

Relic 2: Matrix Cube

Bracers: BM

Implants 1 & 2: BM

Ear: BM



There is still one change i'm debating. When I get another 2 BM commendations, I can buy another pair of legs and rip out the Potent 25A, and replace my boots' Mod (Potent 25), with it. It would yield 13str/8end at the cost of 26crit. Due to my current crit rating, i'm debating it still.


P.S. I've searched and searched for a Power/Crit Mod, but I've never been able to find one. I don't think they exist. If anyone could prove me wrong i'd be very happy.


Edit: Formatting changes. Should be easier to follow.

Edited by Angelfeeties
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The benefit of Ferocity in all 3 warzones far outweighs the slight increase in damage. I'm afraid that it's just not "so much damage".


Ok, it's pretty simple. If you are an Annihilation Marauder, and you are not using Berserk with your 30 points of Fury? Stop playing Marauder.


Predation is SO circumstantial its not even funny, where as all of the other talents you can take over that are things you will do and use at all times in a WZ. How is a situational talent more important then talents you will use 90%+ of the time? I just don't follow that logic. You're telling me that oh the -10% Damage taken helps the Ops group. AND? 6% of their Maximum HP doesnt?

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Ok, it's pretty simple. If you are an Annihilation Marauder, and you are not using Berserk with your 30 points of Fury? Stop playing Marauder.


Predation is SO circumstantial its not even funny, where as all of the other talents you can take over that are things you will do and use at all times in a WZ. How is a situational talent more important then talents you will use 90%+ of the time? I just don't follow that logic. You're telling me that oh the -10% Damage taken helps the Ops group. AND? 6% of their Maximum HP doesnt?


you forgot the increase in damage helps the ops group too :p

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There is so much bad here with this spec, I am amazed that you havent smashed your head off the wall on your way to BM.


Where do I even begin?


Lets start from right to left:


0/3 in Malice. Hmm. 6% Crit to everything we do(Minus white damage), including bleeds. *Looks at the talent Hungering* Yep you took Hungering. So my question is, why would you not want your Bleeds to do more damage 6% more of the time, and at the same time, why would you not want to be healed from those crits DoT's 6% more of the time? This logic is baffling to me. Crit% is the KEY to being a successful Annihilation Marauder. If it were 1% or maybe 2%? Ok I see it. But 6%???


Middle Tree: 2/2 in Cloak of Carnage. No. This talent is not worth losing out on doing 24% more damage with your offhand lightsaber, considering that most of our attacks use "Both Lightsabers" when dealing damage and calculating the total damage. This is a loss in DPS and a loss in self heals. If you HAVE to take Cloak of Carnage, then you simply do not take Defensive Forms.


Middle Tree again: 2/2 in Defensive Roll? Huh? AoE damage only? And you took this talent over Enraged Charge? The talent that gives you the opportunity to Charge and go through an entire cycle of your rotation while allowing you keep your DoT's up almost the entire fight? People undervalue Enraged Charge and they really need to understand what that 1 extra rage represents.


Annihilation Tree: Here is your problem. You are taking 2 of the 4 Fillers over other abilities that are WAY more useful to you. The 4 Fillers in this tree are Phantom, Seeping Wound, Ferocity and Close Quarters. You should only ever take 1 of these 2/2 and leave the rest at 0/2 simply because the other talents where those points can be spent are just way too strong to not take, especially for filler talents. Here is what a good Annihilation Build should look like. Again, put your 2/2 in any of the 4 filler talents I mentioned above, this is where I happen to put mine:




This gives you maximum critical chance you can have from talents, our #1 Stat because of how it affects our DPS and self heals. Both of which define this spec. It also gives you the benefit of charging in and completing a full rotation, along with keeping your DoT's up almost the entire fight. Something you cannot do without 2/2 Enraged Charge.


Remember, a filler is just that. A filler. It is not designed to be a life altering talent. its a talent that you can look at and say...hmm I wouldnt mind being able to do this every now and then, like canish and take no damage(Situational, mostly in Huttbal for popping it when pulled or pushed into fire/acid). Or Predation, again very situational. Pop it to score a point, woo! Umm...ok now what? We scored, and probably didnt need predation to do it, but now all your fury is gone and you could have been healing your team for 6% of their maximum HP instead. Close Quarters, again situational if you are fighting a healer. you can basically lock them down with this talent. And lastly, Seeping Wound. The least situational of the 4, in the sense that you gain a slow effect using an ability that's already in your rotation, saving you the global cooldown of having to use Crippling Slash, and the rage from having to use it too. Which is why I chose that over the other 3. Its something I will use in every fight, in every single WZ to keep myself on my target, while spending the least amount of rage, and using the least amount of global cooldowns.

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the replacement build fails too... If you don't have the reduced range on charge you may as well go annihilation and get the immobilizes. The rest of the spec is fine but pick either the bleed-crit-heal or the rupture-slow, not both... Or sacrifice the extra rage from a charge for it...


For PvP:



For PvE:



No build has proven to work better for either job than these two. Points are allocated according to my gear, i don't need more accuracy and but i do like the base crit.


I swap out surge/crit mods for power/acc most of the time. I prefer to stack str > power however since i use the rakata +power for 15sec relic and power will cap out from that.

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There is so much bad here with this spec, I am amazed that you havent smashed your head off the wall on your way to BM.


Where do I even begin?


Lets start from right to left:


0/3 in Malice. Hmm. 6% Crit to everything we do(Minus white damage), including bleeds. *Looks at the talent Hungering* Yep you took Hungering. So my question is, why would you not want your Bleeds to do more damage 6% more of the time, and at the same time, why would you not want to be healed from those crits DoT's 6% more of the time? This logic is baffling to me. Crit% is the KEY to being a successful Annihilation Marauder. If it were 1% or maybe 2%? Ok I see it. But 6%???


Middle Tree: 2/2 in Cloak of Carnage. No. This talent is not worth losing out on doing 24% more damage with your offhand lightsaber, considering that most of our attacks use "Both Lightsabers" when dealing damage and calculating the total damage. This is a loss in DPS and a loss in self heals. If you HAVE to take Cloak of Carnage, then you simply do not take Defensive Forms.


Middle Tree again: 2/2 in Defensive Roll? Huh? AoE damage only? And you took this talent over Enraged Charge? The talent that gives you the opportunity to Charge and go through an entire cycle of your rotation while allowing you keep your DoT's up almost the entire fight? People undervalue Enraged Charge and they really need to understand what that 1 extra rage represents.


Annihilation Tree: Here is your problem. You are taking 2 of the 4 Fillers over other abilities that are WAY more useful to you. The 4 Fillers in this tree are Phantom, Seeping Wound, Ferocity and Close Quarters. You should only ever take 1 of these 2/2 and leave the rest at 0/2 simply because the other talents where those points can be spent are just way too strong to not take, especially for filler talents. Here is what a good Annihilation Build should look like. Again, put your 2/2 in any of the 4 filler talents I mentioned above, this is where I happen to put mine:




This gives you maximum critical chance you can have from talents, our #1 Stat because of how it affects our DPS and self heals. Both of which define this spec. It also gives you the benefit of charging in and completing a full rotation, along with keeping your DoT's up almost the entire fight. Something you cannot do without 2/2 Enraged Charge.


Remember, a filler is just that. A filler. It is not designed to be a life altering talent. its a talent that you can look at and say...hmm I wouldnt mind being able to do this every now and then, like canish and take no damage(Situational, mostly in Huttbal for popping it when pulled or pushed into fire/acid). Or Predation, again very situational. Pop it to score a point, woo! Umm...ok now what? We scored, and probably didnt need predation to do it, but now all your fury is gone and you could have been healing your team for 6% of their maximum HP instead. Close Quarters, again situational if you are fighting a healer. you can basically lock them down with this talent. And lastly, Seeping Wound. The least situational of the 4, in the sense that you gain a slow effect using an ability that's already in your rotation, saving you the global cooldown of having to use Crippling Slash, and the rage from having to use it too. Which is why I chose that over the other 3. Its something I will use in every fight, in every single WZ to keep myself on my target, while spending the least amount of rage, and using the least amount of global cooldowns.


I disagree with quite a few of your points, if not all of them. I have tried quite a few different builds and have resigned myself to running Warzones with this one. You will never catch me running organized Warzones without Ferocity, Phantom and at least 1 point into Close Quarters. Ever. It is my play style and I enjoy it quite a bit.


Though I probably should have clarified. I enjoy constructive criticism, but I only linked my spec so that people wouldn't ask whether I was Annihilation, Carnage or Rage. I have no desire to have a talent build discussion, or I would have posted it in one of the Talent Build threads.


This thread was meant to discuss Mod and Enhancement changes to your Battlemaster gear. Please try to keep it on topic as most people have, or i'm afraid you'l just be wasting more of your time.

Edited by Angelfeeties
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THIS Is a real Anni build. Close quaters/Enraged Charge are NOT fillers. Subjugation IS.


Use Charge as a rage builder YES I SAID RAGE BUILDER.

Use this opener in your next huttball.

Charge---->Deadly Saber---->BA---->Rupture---->Annihilate

You've successfully used all 3 DS stacks, Have 4 bleeds on your target, already have 1 annihilate stack, your opponent is already half dead.... If you're lucky pulverize proc'd rupture is back... seeping wound is annoying them they cant run same speed and your beating on them no cripple slash rage loss needed. By now DS and charge are back up. Rinse and repeat everything *********** dies.

Don't dump your rage on anything besides Annihilate/Ruptre. Like seriously. VS should only be used for bursting healers or if LEGIT everything is on cd. Although I prefer to spam sweeping a few times to get 30 fury in a few seconds after my opener so I berserk ASAP.



Oh well to each his own. I thought the above was the maximized DPS way of pvp.

But Annihilation is boring.... Real marauders use carnage anyway.

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THIS Is a real Anni build. Close quaters/Enraged Charge are NOT fillers. Subjugation IS.


Use Charge as a rage builder YES I SAID RAGE BUILDER.

Use this opener in your next huttball.

Charge---->Deadly Saber---->BA---->Rupture---->Annihilate

You've successfully used all 3 DS stacks, Have 4 bleeds on your target, already have 1 annihilate stack, your opponent is already half dead.... If you're lucky pulverize proc'd rupture is back... seeping wound is annoying them they cant run same speed and your beating on them no cripple slash rage loss needed. By now DS and charge are back up. Rinse and repeat everything *********** dies.

Don't dump your rage on anything besides Annihilate/Ruptre. Like seriously. VS should only be used for bursting healers or if LEGIT everything is on cd. Although I prefer to spam sweeping a few times to get 30 fury in a few seconds after my opener so I berserk ASAP.



Oh well to each his own. I thought the above was the maximized DPS way of pvp.

But Annihilation is boring.... Real marauders use carnage anyway.



I find not having Enraged charge to be just fine. Empowerment procs enough that you don't need it.



And isn't carnage just build rage, spam massacre until scream is off CD, then scream. When target gets low Gore for burst... pretty much it.

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I swap out surge/crit mods for power/acc most of the time. I prefer to stack str > power however since i use the rakata +power for 15sec relic and power will cap out from that.


Wut? Power caps at what number??


And you're really swapping out surge/crit for power/acc or did you just type that wrong? BC..that would be doing the opposite of pretty much every other marauder here...


PS..every spec that has been posted on this thread thus far is bad...

Edited by Foxcolt
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Wut? Power caps at what number??


And you're really swapping out surge/crit for power/acc or did you just type that wrong? BC..that would be doing the opposite of pretty much every other marauder here...


PS..every spec that has been posted on this thread thus far is bad...



I didn't think power capped at all, or at least didn't hit a heavy DR wall until an absurd amount. I've always considered Power to be the one stat you can continue to stack after reaching the crit and surge DR walls at 35% and 75% respectively.


Though he might be Carnage as well. A lot more damage from Carnage is based off white attacks (Massacre, Gore, etc.), so stacking Accuracy is probably a good thing. Since Force Scream is 100% crit chance, the effect of crit is reduced compared to its usefulness for Annihilation DOT's. At the same time though, i'd assume you still want to reach the surge DR wall for those guaranteed Force Scream crits.


P.S. Everyone is going to consider everyone else's spec as being bad, hence why we should be keeping this on topic. What I enjoy so much about this games talent trees is the diversity of builds. There isn't 1 god build, there are multiple builds for multiple play styles, all within 1 tree. Everyone is going to have different tastes.

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I didn't think power capped at all, or at least didn't hit a heavy DR wall until an absurd amount. I've always considered Power to be the one stat you can continue to stack after reaching the crit and surge DR walls at 35% and 75% respectively.


Though he might be Carnage as well. A lot more damage from Carnage is based off white attacks (Massacre, Gore, etc.), so stacking Accuracy is probably a good thing. Since Force Scream is 100% crit chance, the effect of crit is reduced compared to its usefulness for Annihilation DOT's. At the same time though, i'd assume you still want to reach the surge DR wall for those guaranteed Force Scream crits.


P.S. Everyone is going to consider everyone else's spec as being bad, hence why we should be keeping this on topic. What I enjoy so much about this games talent trees is the diversity of builds. There isn't 1 god build, there are multiple builds for multiple play styles, all within 1 tree. Everyone is going to have different tastes.


Just like you stated I really don't think power is capped nor suffers from any DR's or if it does, we've yet to hit them.


Good points..but even if guy was specced carnage I would think he'd want to go power/surge, as that would benefit scream the most, along with white dmg etc.


On specs - the specs posted (the pvp ones specifically) are missing some very imporant talents. One guy didn't have hungering (the self heal talent) in his spec etc.


While I certainly agree that "to each his own" there are some specific talents that must be picked up in every tree if someone wishes to be effective. Every spec I've seen so far has been missing one or more of these. Which makes me sad :(


Back on topic.


For my PVP set, I typically swap out my BM enchantments for champion crit/surge despite the surge nerf. I have been considering sacrificing crit for power/surge enchantments recently as I would really like to try and get my MH top end dmg to 900 from the 840 it's at now. Just for fun.

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First off malice is force attacks only...its been proven...force sweep force stasis, anything that has force in front of it and its sith copy. Are the bleeds named force bleed? no...


The whole point of malice/insight is to be used in conjunction with stasis/choke, exhaustion/crush, leap/charge, sweep/smash.(and whatever other force attacks i left out)


I don't know why people continue to debate this point.

Edited by darthtrunkmonkey
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Why in gods name would you give up so much damage on annihilate and vicious slash for the useless run speed from Ferocity?


useless? rofl


predation is like our best ability in huttball, adding 30% speed is pretty damn nice. Huttball hero status


not only that but it makes you hard as **** to kill because you can almost always get away


do you even pvp?


Ok, it's pretty simple. If you are an Annihilation Marauder, and you are not using Berserk with your 30 points of Fury? Stop playing Marauder.


that's rich. So instead of winning games we should focus on being awesome at 1v1ing random bads in a warzone. if you know what you're doing you should have berserk/predation available to you almost all the time, and if you're about to die you're going to pop berserk instead of predation to get away? yikes.

Edited by HBninjaX
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First off malice is force attacks only...its been proven...force sweep force stasis, anything that has force in front of it and its sith copy. Are the bleeds named force bleed? no...


The whole point of malice/insight is to be used in conjunction with stasis/choke, exhaustion/crush, leap/charge, sweep/smash.(and whatever other force attacks i left out)


I don't know why people continue to debate this point.


Are you saying that malice does not effect our dots?


Because if you are (and it sounds like you are) you're wrong...it's been proven.

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I think you guys overblow Malice a little bit. It's 6%. 6 F'ing percent.


I understand why people use it and think it's necessary, including myself. But if someone wants to drop that 6% chance for some guaranteed utility (Ferocity), they shouldn't be nailed to the cross for it.


Come on, relax lol. It's 6%

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Ok, it's pretty simple. If you are an Annihilation Marauder, and you are not using Berserk with your 30 points of Fury? Stop playing Marauder.



I'd rather boost my ball carrier with 50% speed and 10% defense than heal him for 6% of his health. A boosted ball carrier is a very, very happy ball carrier. If you never boost your team, you are losing one of the most potent group-wide abilities in Huttball.


From your statement i'd also assume you never use Bloodthirst. I'm afraid that you aren't using your Marauders abilities to the fullest.

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