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Anni PvP Build - Empowerment


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Malice is absolutely necessary because thats less crit you need to focus on in your normal build. You can only get to about 29-30% with crit rating anyhow but having 52% crit on your bleeds all the time, and 100% when berserk is up is completely necessary. The crit from malice is very good for annihliation, since you don't need the extra accuracy for ataru form strikes.


i'm sitting at 50% bleed crit anyways with 1/3 malice. There's no point in getting 3/3.

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i'm sitting at 50% bleed crit anyways with 1/3 malice. There's no point in getting 3/3.


And this is why you are bad, and will continue to be bad. Please stop wasting people's time here with your nonsense post's. Anyone in their right mind had 3/3 in Malice. If there was a cookie cutter build? 3/3 Malice would be a non-negotiable. And for the record? 54% Bleed crit> 50% Bleed crit all day long. Im curious to see what you thought was more important then taking the other 2 points in malice. This ought to be fun!


As for the person talking about Enraged Charge not being viable after the first charge? I am speaking from a PvP prospective only in which that opening charge is done about 100 times during a singular Warzone. In PvE, especially on boss fights, it may not be as viable.

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2/2 Enraged Charge is a must,





Secondly, your not sure if Malice is a must? Is that a joke?


Malice is not necessary.



In a few pugs I did today I was well over 400k and over 100k healing. You don't get 100k healing unless your focusing on taking Rupture off of cooldown.


You mean Berserk really.



And what does Malice have to do with Fury generation again?


The part where high Fury gen = Malice is less relevant?


If there was a cookie cutter build? 3/3 Malice would be a non-negotiable.


For a PvE build, sure.


As for the person talking about Enraged Charge not being viable after the first charge? I am speaking from a PvP prospective only in which that opening charge is done about 100 times during a singular Warzone.


1 rage per 30s per talent point is terri****ingbad. Edit: Or 1 per 24 ;).

Edited by EasymodeX
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And this is why you are bad, and will continue to be bad. Please stop wasting people's time here with your nonsense post's. Anyone in their right mind had 3/3 in Malice. If there was a cookie cutter build? 3/3 Malice would be a non-negotiable. And for the record? 54% Bleed crit> 50% Bleed crit all day long. Im curious to see what you thought was more important then taking the other 2 points in malice. This ought to be fun!


As for the person talking about Enraged Charge not being viable after the first charge? I am speaking from a PvP prospective only in which that opening charge is done about 100 times during a singular Warzone. In PvE, especially on boss fights, it may not be as viable.



Lol Stop wasting peoples time with your nonsense posts. Seriously.


We have an ability that gives our bleeds 100% crit chance and you can pop it enough that 4% bleed crit is not going to matter at all with the amount of fury we generate. Do you not understand that crit becomes less valuable when you can control the ability to crit?


My build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRMcGzZhMMZo.1



Oh and if you're opening with charge 100 times in a single warzone you're bad... Oh wait that's right you made a post to QQ about knock backs and tried to say we need an ability to avoid them. We have one it's called running up hitting the person then getting knocked back.


Malice is not necessary.

The part where high Fury gen = Malice is less relevant?



Yeah as you can see i'm not the only one who gets this.

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Well, all I can say is I am extremely happy that there are people like you out there. I have a field day with you guys in WZ's. When you are wondering why you just got roflstomped, now you know.


Keep feeding this forum bad information so there are less people who want to play this game. Go watch some of the people who have live streams and ask them what they think. They will tell you whats what.

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Well, all I can say is I am extremely happy that there are people like you out there. I have a field day with you guys in WZ's. When you are wondering why you just got roflstomped, now you know.


Keep feeding this forum bad information so there are less people who want to play this game. Go watch some of the people who have live streams and ask them what they think. They will tell you whats what.


yeah you roflstomp plenty of people when you open up with a charge and get knocked back then kited to death... So GG there guy.

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Lol Stop wasting peoples time with your nonsense posts. Seriously.


We have an ability that gives our bleeds 100% crit chance and you can pop it enough that 4% bleed crit is not going to matter at all with the amount of fury we generate. Do you not understand that crit becomes less valuable when you can control the ability to crit?


My build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRMcGzZhMMZo.1



Oh and if you're opening with charge 100 times in a single warzone you're bad... Oh wait that's right you made a post to QQ about knock backs and tried to say we need an ability to avoid them. We have one it's called running up hitting the person then getting knocked back.





Yeah as you can see i'm not the only one who gets this.


PVE - http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/marauder/#::efefe4fe4fe5f4ef8efef15ef8


PVP- http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/marauder/#::e8fde3fe5f4ef8ef16ef9


The only boss i've never been able to charge in on as part of my rotation is Soa, since he bugs out and won't let you charge him 70% of the time during phase 2 and 3(every so often he doesn't care... which is just so strange)


Again, lets be perfectly clear that enraged charge and malice 3/3 are PvE ONLY talents for me. I'd rather pick up Stagger for 1sec longer immobilize.


Must we do fury generation and berserk uptime math to make you see what the real deal is deal is?


You should be building 4 fury per attack as annihilator. 4 * 7 = 28. So 8 rage spending hits and you're at full fury, nice. Time to receieve 6 dot TICKS as auto crits. Very very nice. So you pop it and one full rupture tick and probably two stacked DS ticks and one normal one...


So it's gonna take at least 8 gcd's to get you to 30 fury, plus of course rage builders and the like...


K basic rotation time... Charge -> Deadly saber (4fury) -> Battering assault (4fury) -> rupture (8fury) -> Annihilate(12fury) -> Ravage(12 fury) -> Rupture(16fury) -> Assault -> Charge off cd again (2-4 rage built from empowerment total so far, maybe i didn't have to use that assault just now) -> Deadly saber(20fury) -> Smash as a spot filler(24fury) (only costs 1 rage for 4 fury, or just use assault to prepare for dot uptime during berserk) -> Annihilate(28fury) -> Battering Assault -> Rupture (30FURY! make sure to pop berserk before your first rupture tick goes off...)


So that took about 20+ seconds to get your 30 fury and pop it (For this math we're assuming that you weren't a good boy and didn't pop your frenzy about 30sec before the fight started.) It would've taken two more global cooldowns for you to do the same thing WITHOUT enraged charge and empowerment. Built me 6-8 rage right there for doing my normal rotation. That's 3-4 gcd's youre WASTING on assault. How is it not blatantly obvious that less assault gcd's = moar dps overall.


As for berserk uptime, you can see for yourself that it's only about HALF of your actual dps will be affected by it. The rest of the time you'll be either using frenzy every 2:15 min or relying on your 50% crit chance on bleeds, that could've been 54%...


Moral of the story is, these talents were meant for PvE purposes in my eyes (as i usually get the survivability and control in PvP)since if you're going to maximize your dps as a marauder, the best you'll be doing is skipping the 6% crit for the 3% accuracy at best(which you shouldn't need if you've got over 115% force accuracy as an annihilate mara, carnage needs more accuracy tho). If you haven't taken either of those talents you're not maxing your dps because our trees are too weighed down with bs that DOES NOT ADD to our dps as a whole... Like half the carnage tree.



Basically, if youre trying to deal as much damage as possible as fluidly and as fast as possible, you'll pick up empowerment, enraged charge and malice... Because what else are you gonna get that actually increases your dps the same way?? Nothing... thats what.



Since this is a pvp thread, i'd still take empowerment. You'll miss it when you're wondering why you can't use that rupture you should've gotten for free. That won't change from pve to pvp, promise.



edit - your build is lols xerain, you skipped out on phantom and stagger for 1/3 malice, defensive stance and hungering?? that 2% heal must really be worth your opponents getting away or you getting killed in the fire/poison/battle when you could escape with force camo... I just don't see your logic, 30% reduced aoe dmg never feels like it's good points invested. If you're focusing on defense go play a jugg. If you want to protect yourself long enough while full locking down your enemy in a group of 4 people, for the kill so you can /giggle @ the rest of their team since they wasted their time killing you while your team scores... That 1/3 malice is crackin me up tho...

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Why enraged charge?


Force charge - 4 rage

DS - 1 rage

BA - 7 rage

Rupture - 5 rage

Annihilate - 0 rage +1 refund


Nice guaranteed opener


edit: for refund


Without the Enraged Charge you kinda have to depend on empowerment to pop a point and most the time it isn't that bad, you may have to hit an assault, more rage and you get another stack of juyo.

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edit - your build is lols xerain, you skipped out on phantom and stagger for 1/3 malice, defensive stance and hungering?? that 2% heal must really be worth your opponents getting away or you getting killed in the fire/poison/battle when you could escape with force camo... I just don't see your logic, 30% reduced aoe dmg never feels like it's good points invested. If you're focusing on defense go play a jugg. If you want to protect yourself long enough while full locking down your enemy in a group of 4 people, for the kill so you can /giggle @ the rest of their team since they wasted their time killing you while your team scores... That 1/3 malice is crackin me up tho...


Stagger i felt was lacking and really didn't do anything helpful, it's nice yeah but there are better talents.


Defensive Forms is amazing. Combined with Short Fuse you generate enough Fury to pop berserk pretty much everytime your DS is back up. And ontop of it all you take 4% internal and elemental damage.


Why would you not take Hungering? 2% heal whenever your dot crits. Sitting at 50% crit on my dots that's a lot of self healing i'm doing and then being able to heal with berserk. Why would you nto want a self heal.


You can still use camo to escape just fine.


I'm not sure how i feel about the 30% aoe damage reduction, it's been nice in Voidstar plenty yeah. Alright in hutt ball when you're running close to the ball carrier and the other team is just dropping AOE's, where it actually comes in handy is against rage marauders and juggs (so many of those running around)


the 1/3 malice puts me at 50% dot crit :p so yeah worth it i guess.

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woops didn't mean defensive forms... that was my bad, i always get that talent. no matter what i spec... my fault, that's a no brainer.


the 30% aoe reduction is what i meant, i've tried it and i feel it's just not as good as having 100% dmg redux on keypress.


i would get hungering if it were more than 300 health per tick. If you use berserk you get double that sure but predation is the better option a lot of times in PvP, since you'll likely need to get somewhere twice as fast or whatever. If i get the chance to use berserk in pvp i guess i'll do it but it's more about the objectives, the team playing and keeping the other team off your door/turret/ball carrier. Healing myself is moot since i either have a healer or go full rambo for objectives/kills on their healers.


and if you marauders pick up hungering for 75k heal medal then lol@you. (not sayin' anyone did, but IF you did...)

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You get 50% dot crit after you get 5 stacks of juyo.I can argue that malice is usefull for when you just starting a fight and need to ramp up.But thats all on paper,so take it if you feel like it or skip it.Personaly i think that it is usefull.
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woops didn't mean defensive forms... that was my bad, i always get that talent. no matter what i spec... my fault, that's a no brainer.


the 30% aoe reduction is what i meant, i've tried it and i feel it's just not as good as having 100% dmg redux on keypress.


i would get hungering if it were more than 300 health per tick. If you use berserk you get double that sure but predation is the better option a lot of times in PvP, since you'll likely need to get somewhere twice as fast or whatever. If i get the chance to use berserk in pvp i guess i'll do it but it's more about the objectives, the team playing and keeping the other team off your door/turret/ball carrier. Healing myself is moot since i either have a healer or go full rambo for objectives/kills on their healers.


and if you marauders pick up hungering for 75k heal medal then lol@you. (not sayin' anyone did, but IF you did...)


Well the thing is with that 100% damage reduction on cloak you're dropping target anyways and usually getting out of PBAOE range. Like the only thing i can find it good for is going through hazards in huttball and that's 1/3 of the warzones.


The predation is eh, i'm popping berserk for the damage and heals most the time anyways.


and naw at the 75k heal medal. I picked up hungering to better self sustain. IMO the healing is a must.

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Well the thing is with that 100% damage reduction on cloak you're dropping target anyways and usually getting out of PBAOE range. Like the only thing i can find it good for is going through hazards in huttball and that's 1/3 of the warzones.


The predation is eh, i'm popping berserk for the damage and heals most the time anyways.


and naw at the 75k heal medal. I picked up hungering to better self sustain. IMO the healing is a must.


meh again, i take a healer or don't worry about self sustain. I can't heal myself when i want to so 300 health ticking every 5-10 sec is kinda meh... I'd rather run faster to my objective because using berserk for more dps in warzones is kinda funny, at least as annihilation. The goal isn't to do the most damage its to protect and help your team with objectives as best you can.


Popping berserk gets you 2x damage from 6 DoT ticks. healing you for a max of about 1600 hp. over 12 seconds. That's less than one grav round. Not worth it. Now if you had the extra malice points it might be worth it lol but 300 hp every 5 sec (or about every sec for 12 sec)


OH MY GOODNESS, i forgot about the 1% heal that berserk gives to you and your party! omg! making that heal over 12-15 sec for a whopping 2300 hp, less than a lvl 30 medpack would give you instantly. So, that's 1.5 grav rounds or less than 1 grav round crit. Still not worth it... When it hits 4% or 5% with berserk up lemme know, til then i'll use predation every time for the defense and the movement speed.


Which is why that 30% speed from the predation talent is nice, but i admit i don't always get it.



Ok calling huttball 1/3 of your options is hilarious(since you don't get to choose which to que up to for some reason), it's at least 60+% of my wz matches since it can't always find a full republic team. And then sometimes is been 5x huttball in a row vs empire and the 6th one will be vs republic now... great thinking bioware!


If you don't know what else you can use 100% dmg reduction for i'm not sure what help i can be lol.


Orbital strike

Flame stuff on the ground (powertech move?)

Death from above

Sorc AOE thunder crap

ANY and ALL DoTs

Force crush

explosive dart (doesn't deal damage for 3 sec)

fire pit

poison pit


If i had more points i'd get both defensive roll and phantasm but for now... i'll pick the phantasm as it's more situationall useful, and pvp is all about scary situations where i'd rather be able to get away scott-free instead of dying while i'm invisible lol.

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IMO the healing is a must.


Wow. Is this guy for real? He says "IMO the healing is a must". Yet he's also the same guy who says that taking 3/3 in Malice is pointless for the 6% increase in crit, considering that you only get healed if your bleeds crit,

Edited by Noviru
mild rude - PMing
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If i had more points i'd get both defensive roll and phantasm but for now... i'll pick the phantasm as it's more situationall useful, and pvp is all about scary situations where i'd rather be able to get away scott-free instead of dying while i'm invisible lol.


See this is why we have Undying Rage imo. Pop Undying Rage, pop Force Camo and you're still in good shape. When your popping it, you're usually looking to get away and grab a med pack or something anyway, but there are plenty of other filler talents that I think are better then Phantom. Close Quarters(for stunlocking healers/ranged DPS) and Seeping Wound to keep your target immobilized while you beat on them is good too. Phantom would be so situational compared to Close Quarters and Seeping wound which you would use during every single fight.


So you basically have to ask?


Take something I use during every single fight?




Take something that can save me from Acid/Fire/Eminent Death every now and then? Don't forget we already have an oh crap button in Undying Rage, clearly if we are relying on 2 of these, we aren't playing our class very well.


And Vakyoom, we are on the same server, anytime you want to queue up with me let me know. My guild never loses when we do WZ's :) Jailer is my name, Rua Dona is my guild.

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This is the build i just went to for my mara




I like all the points you made but i never skip out on close quarters, seeping wound, subjugation or any talent that helps in that case. Using charge like a second interrupt gets me more healer kills than carnage could ever produce.


Having the two points in phantom gives me just another way to stay mobile and alive. Honestly, theres no reason not to get it. You could prevent -- in 4 sec -- well over the 2500 hp you'd make back from hungering+berserk in 15 sec. It's not always ideal for 1v1 scenarios but remember, in this game damage isn't dealt until you're hit with their projectile. SO if you camo before a tracer missle hits you, congrats you prevented 2-3k dmg right there.


It also make force charge a rage generator on boss fights, which is why i get enraged charge in my pve build. But this is a pvp thread.

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meh again, i take a healer or don't worry about self sustain. I can't heal myself when i want to so 300 health ticking every 5-10 sec is kinda meh... I'd rather run faster to my objective because using berserk for more dps in warzones is kinda funny, at least as annihilation. The goal isn't to do the most damage its to protect and help your team with objectives as best you can.


Don't always have a healer to take. With 50% dot crit the 300 health is quite often. And berserk is dot ticks and your ticks aren't always sitting in sync so that 12% can come pretty quick. Also pop undying rage and berserk at the sametime for the heals and you come out farther while nuking some damage, my dots without trinkets popped hit for around 1400 damage. or pop berserk and then cloak away and heal up while you're stealthed... or choke and berserk to do massive amounts of damage and heal some. It's a good thing trust me.


If you need to use predation the 50% is mroe than enough



Popping berserk gets you 2x damage from 6 DoT ticks. healing you for a max of about 1600 hp. over 12 seconds. That's less than one grav round. Not worth it. Now if you had the extra malice points it might be worth it lol but 300 hp every 5 sec (or about every sec for 12 sec)


I'm sitting at about 17k hp and 12% heal in 4-6 seconds is pretty nice.


OH MY GOODNESS, i forgot about the 1% heal that berserk gives to you and your party! omg! making that heal over 12-15 sec for a whopping 2300 hp, less than a lvl 30 medpack would give you instantly. So, that's 1.5 grav rounds or less than 1 grav round crit. Still not worth it... When it hits 4% or 5% with berserk up lemme know, til then i'll use predation every time for the defense and the movement speed.


I care nothing for this it's more about the dot crits doing the massive damage with berserk, why would you not use it.


Which is why that 30% speed from the predation talent is nice, but i admit i don't always get it.


it's nice yeah but i feel there are better talents.



Ok calling huttball 1/3 of your options is hilarious(since you don't get to choose which to que up to for some reason), it's at least 60+% of my wz matches since it can't always find a full republic team. And then sometimes is been 5x huttball in a row vs empire and the 6th one will be vs republic now... great thinking bioware!


I can't wait till they make it so we can choose... oh wait i have a sentinel too, you know how often i play huttball on republic? like never.


If you don't know what else you can use 100% dmg reduction for i'm not sure what help i can be lol.


Orbital strike

Flame stuff on the ground (powertech move?)

Death from above

Sorc AOE thunder crap

ANY and ALL DoTs

Force crush

explosive dart (doesn't deal damage for 3 sec)

fire pit

poison pit


If i had more points i'd get both defensive roll and phantasm but for now... i'll pick the phantasm as it's more situationall useful, and pvp is all about scary situations where i'd rather be able to get away scott-free instead of dying while i'm invisible lol.


I dunno a lot of noobs like to AOE spam in war zones... like all those damn BH's and sorc/sages.



Wow. Is this guy for real? He says "IMO the healing is a must". Yet he's also the same guy who says that taking 3/3 in Malice is pointless for the 6% increase in crit. Considering that you only get healed if your bleeds crit, id say this guy is a certified whackjob that should have his forum privileges revoked.


No i'm saying malice at higher gear levels isn't worth getting or that malice isn't worth getting because the amount of fury you can generate.


See this is why we have Undying Rage imo. Pop Undying Rage, pop Force Camo and you're still in good shape.



You pop both of these at once really?

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Again, lets be perfectly clear that enraged charge and malice 3/3 are PvE ONLY talents for me.


Enraged Charge is not effective for PvE.


Better to use Assault to build rage, as it does significantly more damage.



I just don't see your logic, 30% reduced aoe dmg never feels like it's good points invested.






This is close to the best PvP build:




Filler point wherever you want to throw it -- I use 3/3 DWM.





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This is close to the best PvP build:




That's a joke right? You have 1/2 2/3 in far too many catagories, which is just bad. Horrible actually. 2/2 or 3/3 in any of them would be vastly better then 1/2 or 2/3 a couple different ones. This is the kind of spec that gets someone to absolutely hate this class. They have a little bit of everything, but not enough of it. This is the build that most PvPers should be going for. Like it or not, this should be the cookie cutter build, obviously with an option of putting filler points where you see fit. But you have to realize something. These tree's are filled with 2 types of talents. Filler talents, which are talents that will not make or break your spec, and can be chosen to fit your play style. Core Talents, these are talents that no Marauder should ever go without, under no circumstances. Especially to take a filler talent over it.




Feel free to move 2/2 from Close Quarters and MAYBE Subjugation, but anyone whos ever tried to burn a healer down knows how much a 6 second interrupt can be effective.


The 2/2 in Close quarters can be moved to any of the following:




Seeping Wound

Defensive Roll


Ferocity, Phantom and Defensive Roll all have very specific uses, whereas Seeping Wound and Close Quarters have uses that you will be using in every single fight, which is why I would put a priority on either of those two talents. If you find that you are being kited alot? Take Seeping Wound. If you find that you're killing a Healer for 15 minutes because he keeps healing himself, then go for Close Quarters. However if you don't take Subjugation, then forget Close Quarters. Anyone who thinks otherwise about this spec, really needs to re-evaluate their decision to play a Marauder. Taking a Filler Talent over a Core talent just makes absolutely no sense at all, yet I see spec after spec on here doing just that, and you wonder why you are here on these forums, asking for help.

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Enraged Charge is not effective for PvE.


Better to use Assault to build rage, as it does significantly more damage.





K so you'd rather waste two gcd's to get 4 rage instead of one gcd to build the same 4? and assault doesn't do "significantly more damage", it's not going to make or break your damage to do 30% less damage for ONE gcd. Plus the mobility of most fights necessitate the use of force charge, so why not the free extra rage? And most importantly... what else are you gonna put points in that helps your dps?




now kindly direct that "baddie" comment at yourself, where it belongs. especially for posting that "best pvp spec ever"...


Just wow...

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That's a joke right? You have 1/2 2/3 in far too many catagories, which is just bad. Horrible actually. 2/2 or 3/3 in any of them would be vastly better then 1/2 or 2/3 a couple different ones.


Interesting. Perhaps we should have a discussion on the value of 2/2 or 3/3 in the abilities that you claim need to have them.



Feel free to move 2/2 from Close Quarters and MAYBE Subjugation, but anyone whos ever tried to burn a healer down knows how much a 6 second interrupt can be effective.


The fact that you say "maybe subjugation" means you should stop posting.



and you wonder why you are here on these forums, asking for help.



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This is close to the best PvP build:




Filler point wherever you want to throw it -- I use 3/3 DWM.



I'd much rather have 3/3 dwm than 1/2 cloak of carnage... TBH i feel marauders should have a passive 1 point generation whenever attacked anyways. Retarded they don't.


and I don't see the point in 1/2 phantom... rather just get 0-30m ranged charge,t hing is amazing.

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