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I am never preordering a Bioware product again


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I don't really care at what time I get access currently, as I have pretty much resigned myself to getting into Bioware's "catch all " wave for everyone who they didn't think deserved to get legitimate early access, as was advertised.



Boy, I sure am glad I pre-ordered for that color crystal!



And for the record, I pre-ordered a digital copy, as I didn't trust Bioware to get me a physical copy when promised, which looks like it was a good idea.



I guess I should be glad I'll be able to play it at least on release day and not have to wait 5+ days for my physical copy to arrive?


Bioware sent the games to the retailers like a week ago if not more then that.


seems like your a 15 yro kid who is used of getting his way. some of us pre ordered early for the EGA. How would you like it if you pre ordered months ago and some kid pre ordered yesterday gets 5 more days of EGA then you. Judging from your previous rants, im sure you would be angry.

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First -- WOW. That is all I can say, if this is your attitude at this point,.. wow.




This "Uber-cautious" approach to launching an MMO is something you know VERY little about sir.


Bioware has managed to get in literally millions of people without having servers crash, or really, any major problems. This has been , without a doubt, the smoothest launch of an MMO (of this caliber) ever.


Further, this 'uber caution' has been inviting MORE people everyday than ANY OTHER MMO has, aside from perhaps Rift. Rift wasn't this smooth.


There had to be SOME order if they were to space , literally, millions of people across a few days to make the launch successful. The most logical, and FAIR, method is to go from beginning to end. Just as you would stand in line at a movie theatre to get into a movie, or queue anywhere, the same process (first come, first serve) was used here. It has been a fair process for thousands of years.. and it still is.


Further they managed to get over 90% of these millions of customers in their servers within 2 days.


This is nothing short of astonishing in the world of server management, network engineering, and overall planning of an operation of this magnitude. (Which coincidentally, has NEVER been done until now.) This is the LARGEST launch ever in the history of gaming. Think about that.




You, sir, are either QUITE confused, or are letting your emotions over-rule common sense and *logic*.


If you would prefer the servers crash, be thus unavailable, as opposed to having to wait a few days to enter a smooth , playable game,.. I just don't know what to say.


If this is the case, which is what you are indicating, then you are getting the SAME thing right now as you would if they had launched it according to your preferred method,.. with everyone jumping in at once, with the issues. (In other words, with your method, you would NOT be playing the game.)




Again, you just don't have a clue do you? Just above you, in this forum, there are very clear indications of WHEN you will be able to enter/play the game. They are well written, and in NO way confusing as of now.


They advertised "Pre-order Now and gain Up To 5 Days of Early Access". This can't be argued, it is fact.


5 days from Thursday the 15th of december is the 20th, which is the launch of the game. The 20th minus the 15th of December = 5 days.


They have over 90% of the pre-orders IN THE GAME already. Thus 90% of people (or more) are getting the 'up to 5 days'.


Further, bringing this point home,.. EVERYONE else that has currently pre-ordered will, without a doubt, be invited today -- December 16th.


This gives EVERYONE, even those who pre-ordered the game on Dec. 15th, 4 days of access at the VERY minimum.


They advertised UP TO 5 days of EARLY access.


They delivered 7 DAYS to many people, 6 Days to even more people,.. 5 Days to over 90% of the people,.. and will ultimately deliver 4 days to ALL people who have preordered as of this post.


How on earth can a person be dissapointed with this kind of result is utterly baffling to me.


The only way you will get ONE day of access is if you choose NOT to log in the game until the 19th,.. or you didn't pre-order the game until the 19th of December. Otherwise, sir, you gain 4 days of Early Access.


On top of this, Bioware and EA have decided to honor the GRACE period, which allows people who ordered physical copies of the game 2 'grace' days in which they have to receive their game and enter their product/game code to have uninterrupted access.


I hope , perhaps, this at least clears up your misconceptions with this game, early access, and so forth.


Whether you pre-order a bioware product again,.. that is certainly up to you. However, I will definitely trust Bioware in the future given their performance thus far.


Take care mon amis,



Great post.


BW should sticky this post at the top of the forums, FAO the early access QQ'ers!


Oh, and the OP should be banned from the internet.

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OP- You do know how much of a kid you sound. If you do your looking around on the internet or if you were part of Beta or even Weekend Beta. You would of known, that there were 2million beta users alone. 2million alone just for beta. If they let them all in at once you be looking at a launch that would of mirrored what world of warcraft had, where you could not play decently for a month, due to que, lag and server crash's. They first planned the access to be on the 15th so they can offer the 5 days early access as which was said. They then put the date to the 13th because they must of known the interest in this game and how they must handle with care and caution because last thing we want is another MMO launch that goes south in a matter of 2months. They did 8 waves worth of invites Yesturday and guess what even tho the access began Tuesday we still get 5days access for ppl who ordered in Dec. ( I don't expect to teach you the maths difference between Thursday the 15th to the 20th).


So OP please stop moaning, get on with it, its not the end of the world that you did not get in on the time you wanted so please grow up.

Edited by Welshmosher
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Man I don't even care about the staggered launch.

Amazon hit my card up yesterday for my shipment, a WEEK EARLY, when I planned around the VERIFIED ship date.


Daughters got sick, gave wife cold, wife bore me a son two weeks early (That was a real nailbiter, I'm a premie, she's a premie, and premies typically DON'T survive being born early, so we were worried).


I knew I'd get paid this Sat, wasn't worried, would have money in the bank, since hospital bills have wiped it out. Now my wife's gotta deal with being sick, our new son, two sick five year olds, while I go talk to our bank about this $33.00 overdraft charge that shouldn't have @#$#@$ happened. Note, I had no idea it changed until I got an email from my bank's system about a charge. I went "***", checked email for anything stating it from Amazon, nope, then see a mail from amazon saying the ship date has changed (to a week early) on top of one saying there was a problem with my debit card.


Gee I wonder why?

You know this whole "On Date Of" announcement crap going on from Bioware and the third party retailers is starting to burn my bottom. Amazon better pray my bank reverses this overdraft or we're going to fight.


I don't need this stress, I'm getting too old for this bantha poodoo.

First no grace period, then go nuts getting everything to ship early, then now a grace period.

MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS! My wife is less indecisive than this when she's six months pregnant, yeesh!

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Originally Posted by Neofate

First -- WOW. That is all I can say, if this is your attitude at this point,.. wow.




This "Uber-cautious" approach to launching an MMO is something you know VERY little about sir.


Bioware has managed to get in literally millions of people without having servers crash, or really, any major problems. This has been , without a doubt, the smoothest launch of an MMO (of this caliber) ever.


Further, this 'uber caution' has been inviting MORE people everyday than ANY OTHER MMO has, aside from perhaps Rift. Rift wasn't this smooth.


There had to be SOME order if they were to space , literally, millions of people across a few days to make the launch successful. The most logical, and FAIR, method is to go from beginning to end. Just as you would stand in line at a movie theatre to get into a movie, or queue anywhere, the same process (first come, first serve) was used here. It has been a fair process for thousands of years.. and it still is.


Further they managed to get over 90% of these millions of customers in their servers within 2 days.


This is nothing short of astonishing in the world of server management, network engineering, and overall planning of an operation of this magnitude. (Which coincidentally, has NEVER been done until now.) This is the LARGEST launch ever in the history of gaming. Think about that.




You, sir, are either QUITE confused, or are letting your emotions over-rule common sense and *logic*.


If you would prefer the servers crash, be thus unavailable, as opposed to having to wait a few days to enter a smooth , playable game,.. I just don't know what to say.


If this is the case, which is what you are indicating, then you are getting the SAME thing right now as you would if they had launched it according to your preferred method,.. with everyone jumping in at once, with the issues. (In other words, with your method, you would NOT be playing the game.)




Again, you just don't have a clue do you? Just above you, in this forum, there are very clear indications of WHEN you will be able to enter/play the game. They are well written, and in NO way confusing as of now.


They advertised "Pre-order Now and gain Up To 5 Days of Early Access". This can't be argued, it is fact.


5 days from Thursday the 15th of december is the 20th, which is the launch of the game. The 20th minus the 15th of December = 5 days.


They have over 90% of the pre-orders IN THE GAME already. Thus 90% of people (or more) are getting the 'up to 5 days'.


Further, bringing this point home,.. EVERYONE else that has currently pre-ordered will, without a doubt, be invited today -- December 16th.


This gives EVERYONE, even those who pre-ordered the game on Dec. 15th, 4 days of access at the VERY minimum.


They advertised UP TO 5 days of EARLY access.


They delivered 7 DAYS to many people, 6 Days to even more people,.. 5 Days to over 90% of the people,.. and will ultimately deliver 4 days to ALL people who have preordered as of this post.


How on earth can a person be dissapointed with this kind of result is utterly baffling to me.


The only way you will get ONE day of access is if you choose NOT to log in the game until the 19th,.. or you didn't pre-order the game until the 19th of December. Otherwise, sir, you gain 4 days of Early Access.


On top of this, Bioware and EA have decided to honor the GRACE period, which allows people who ordered physical copies of the game 2 'grace' days in which they have to receive their game and enter their product/game code to have uninterrupted access.


I hope , perhaps, this at least clears up your misconceptions with this game, early access, and so forth.


Whether you pre-order a bioware product again,.. that is certainly up to you. However, I will definitely trust Bioware in the future given their performance thus far.


Take care mon amis,


Needs saying Awsome post thumbs up XD


explains everything ppl have complained about, if ppl still feel like complaining after reading this fair enought. However i dont see how a sane person could.


Thanks for taking the time to read it. I just had enough of reading this stuff, and this one got to me. So had to let my thoughts fly. ;)


Take care,



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Great post.


BW should sticky this post at the top of the forums, FAO the early access QQ'ers!


Oh, and the OP should be banned from the internet.



Thanks. I agree, this would be the perfect post to answer all the utter incorrect negativity of the misinformed in the PROPER tone, and manner.


You, my friend, have excellent taste. :)

Edited by Neofate
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I don't need this stress, I'm getting too old for this bantha poodoo.

First no grace period, then go nuts getting everything to ship early, then now a grace period.

MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS! My wife is less indecisive than this when she's six months pregnant, yeesh!

You need to stop and breath for a moment. I know things are stressful at the moment but you have to remember this is just a game. Now how you use or react to a game determines its use.

  • With how cash is tight for you not buying the game now may just be an option and hold onto that cash.
  • Another way to look at things is that this game is for stress relief and the money is a wise investment. However you can't let things like no grace periods upset you. You have more important things to focus on and to be honest wouldn't be on the game as much as others at launch to worry about not being able to play then and there.

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I don't quite get the point of the staggered launch, considering there's still queues at peaktimes. Hasn't resolved that issue.


Yet as far as the nov/dec pre-order guys are concerned I still don't get the point of ppl saying 'why aren't I straight at the front of the queue I've only just bothered joining?'


Anyway, it'll be worth the small wait, guys, and a month down the line you won't even care.

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".



Now, I'm pretty much assuming that Bioware is going to give pretty much everyone who preordered in the last couple months one day "early access", just to make sure they live up to their "promise". Gee, thanks Bioware. I love being mislead by saying I'll have early access only to find out that I won't be playing it till one day before launch. It makes me feel like a REALLY valued customer.


QQ more please.. imagine if they opened the fload gates.. 20 mins ques would be hours.. there doing the right things to make the game work.. be patient. You must be one of those yanks..

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.


First of all, thank you so much for letting us know what you are going to do. We have all been sitting here waiting, and waiting to hear from you.


Please continue to put up new posts so that we can all keep up with what you are doing.

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first of all, thank you so much for letting us know what you are going to do. We have all been sitting here waiting, and waiting to hear from you.


Please continue to put up new posts so that we can all keep up with what you are doing.



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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".


I hate when I go to a concert or sporting event, and get crappier seats compared to all of the people that paid before me. This "First come, first serve" method is crap! The randomness of going from the first day of pre-orders through to the end is just ridiculous. Why do the people that bought the game on the first day it was available for purchase deserve to get in before those of us that bought it mere days before it launches?




Seriously, you want in earlier, pre-order earlier. If you did pre-order earlier, then blame whomever kept you from registering your code.

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".



Now, I'm pretty much assuming that Bioware is going to give pretty much everyone who preordered in the last couple months one day "early access", just to make sure they live up to their "promise". Gee, thanks Bioware. I love being mislead by saying I'll have early access only to find out that I won't be playing it till one day before launch. It makes me feel like a REALLY valued customer.


It's not a lottery, it's a lack of reading comprehension + laziness on your part. They said on day one of pre-orders that the day you redeemed your pre-order code would determine your place in early access. So there is no "lottery" or randomness to it, those of us who took the time to read 2 sentences and order in the first few weeks got in first. It doesn't get any fairer than that, unless you'd rather no one got in at all which is what every other ##$(*#($* game does.

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It's like saying, "Everyone should get checked out at the register at the same time, instead of waiting in line. Hire more people to keep more registers open so no one has to wait. My money is just as good as the person who got in line early."


BioWare is already being generous and giving us an extra two days of early access so that the vast majority of people actually get their planned 5 days instead of 3 or 4.


Some things are first come, first served. Being further behind in the line is just the price you pay for wanting to know if the game is going to be any good before pre ordering.


Most of the people who pre ordered before the open beta weekends started got six or seven days of early access. They pre ordered on faith, and their faith has been rewarded. For the most part.

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What ppl have very hard to understand is that the game have release 20th december.

All time before this is BONUS!!.


Now that many players been invited to ealry , how can ppl still whine?


IF you preorder you WILL get in the game BEFORE 20th .

Why shouldent players that have been loyal get abit of bonus? (aka preorder early)

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I don't get - I'd have thought that anybody who wanted a product so badly to complain this much would have been first in line to order.


Wanting a product badly + very popular product + not bothering to order early = lots of disappointment, but you've only got yourself to blame.

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To the OP,


Its very unfortunate that Bioware chose to make a race out of Pre-Ordering, first by citing limited quantities and early access determined by pre-order date.


I was lucky, I ordered the day it was available and actually got early access on the 13th.

It would seem that the "contract" Bioware made with pre-order customers that the order you buy is the order you get in, has been breached for many who did what they were supposed to and did not get what was promised.


Even worse, those that did get in are now faced with server wait times in que that are worse than any other major MMORPG launch.


Now having said all this, its a great game and good things come to those that wait. Shame on those who flame customer like you who have every right to vent.

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