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I am never preordering a Bioware product again


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you guys need to not purchase stuff out of emotions and hopes and dreams and cotton candy mountains of magic... and learn to read, ask questions and find out what exactly are you paying for befor handing the guy in all black selling you this mountain of magical candy goodness your money... and you would not be upset at all..



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You need to do a little research look at the links I posted they have the picture of the July 21st pre order page!




1. I ordered in the STORE for the last time


2. Those are leaked if you read the articles.


3. No where does it state on those leaked articles that EGA is based on activation of your code key it simply states PRE-Order grants you early access.

Edited by VoBlood
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DUDE! I preodered in the store.


Ignorance is not a defense...


Guess you should have done due diligence.


Cheese, tissue or hot beverage?


So the person you should really be mad at is yourself for not researching how the pre order would work. Okay now we know where you really should be focusing your rage.


Okay now I give you permission to go to a mirror and yell at yourself!

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".



Now, I'm pretty much assuming that Bioware is going to give pretty much everyone who preordered in the last couple months one day "early access", just to make sure they live up to their "promise". Gee, thanks Bioware. I love being mislead by saying I'll have early access only to find out that I won't be playing it till one day before launch. It makes me feel like a REALLY valued customer.


EGA is a gift, a free gift, that will cost you nothing, has cost you nothing, and no matter how much you want to sulk about it, will never cost you anything. Enjoy release on the 20th of December at 12:01, or if you have to wait for a package delivery they gave you another free gift of a 2 day grace period. Go Bioware. They love you more than you are willing to admit.

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1. I ordered in the STORE for the last time


2. Those are leaked if you read the articles.


3. No where does it state on those leaked articles that is based on activation of your code key it simply states PRE-Order grants you early access.


1. I ordered in a STORE as well.


2. Research is a wonderful thing.

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Bioware is one of the very few studios that EA doesnt control... like they do with EASports EALA which was westwood studios <3 C & C <3... etc..


Yes, that's why EA is suddenly slapping "Bioware" on every upcoming game they can think of, including the new C&C by the way.


Remember Origin, the company that created UO that EA swallowed and dissolved? EA at least waited over 10 years before slapping their name on stuff. Come back in a year and see if any original Bioware develpers outside of the good Dr.'s are with the company anymore.


Mass Effect 2 becoming more of a shooter than an RPG, Dragon Age 2 being hastily cobbled together with copy/paste dungeons, Mass Effect 3 being revealed as a wannabe Quake Arena, etc. are all indicators of the control EA has over the supposedly sovereign Bioware.


And now with the latest news that EA is selling cars in Need for Speed Online for $100, I can't wait to see what the item shop is gonna look like in ToR.

Edited by Zorvan
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"Supplies are limited and the order in which you pre-order and redeem your code at The Old Republic’s Code Redemption Center is the order in which we let players in during Early Game Access - so don’t delay!"


Taken from the swtor website on July 25th.


Seems pretty simple really....

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Threads like this are funny. I pre-ordered the game back in May or June when it first became available and just didn't bother to redeem my code until a few days ago. Is it sooo important that everyone play as early as possible? Instead of sitting around worrying about when your email invitation to play the game has arrived, why not go outside? Maybe meet a girl (or guy if that's your thing). In other words, try to live the last couple days of your real life before this game takes all that away from you. When you do finally get into the game, be sure to pick a PVP server. Everyone likes killing crybabies.
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First off... great. Whenever Bioware makes their 2nd MMO (So sometime between a decade away and never) you won't be pre-ordering it.


Second off...


I just thought I would bring up a quick downside to the gradual opening of servers that may not have been discussed already. I'm already in. And I find myself really wanting for the full release so there are more players in the game. Finding groups hasn't been horrible but...


For those of you already in, have you looked at the Galactic market??? It's horrible! I get in on my first day of play, which was the 2nd day since they started letting people in, and go to the Galactic market to sell crafting schematics. I look at the market to get an idea what the prices are and... there is only 2 recipes in all of synthweaving (The kind of recipe I wanted to sell.) Hours later I check again and... it's the same two recipes.


Without people, commerce is dead. How is a smuggler supposed to make a living in this galaxy with no potential buyers? Give us some larger releases, I want customers.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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1. I ordered in the STORE for the last time


2. Those are leaked if you read the articles.


3. No where does it state on those leaked articles that EGA is based on activation of your code key it simply states PRE-Order grants you early access.


You sir, have a terrible memory. It was announced on day one that entry into early access was based off of when you redeemed your preorder code. Hence them having you register your preorder code right away. Tons of people were discussing that on the forums because they hadn't recieved their code from gamestop, best buy, etc.



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1. I ordered in the STORE for the last time


2. Those are leaked if you read the articles.


3. No where does it state on those leaked articles that EGA is based on activation of your code key it simply states PRE-Order grants you early access.


You need to box up your computer and send it back whence it came. Would solve a lot of your issues!

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'OMG. I'm never going to the cinema again! I will have to pay £7 for my ticket, just like everyone else, but here I am, at the back of the queue. I know I got here late, and that the product / service I am attempting to purchase is popular, I am also aware of the physical limitations surrounding that product making it either impossible or 'risky' with regards to QA for that product / service to serve all customers at once...but dammit...I should be allowed to go into the movie theatre NOW...despite the massive queue, because I'm ME! And I'm special, unlike everyone else, who aren't special'.


I got in on Day 2. I ordered early. I was in front of you in the queue.


Take some consolation though: At least you get to 'queue' in your home, in the warm, with your TV and internet. I'd hate to see what fuss you'd kick up if you had to wait outside for a film release.

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If somone cries like this, i dont see how they are going to be a long time subscriber, and the way I look at it, is that if he never gets into the game, then he doesnt put off any new plays who join by acting like an idiot in it.


So losing his 2-3 months of $15, may in the long run provide $30-45 a month of new people joining the game.


I'm just saying, you have people passionate about a game, and upset they can't play. I get that. I wasn't thrilled I had to wait, but I did get in. My point was (laced by sarcasm), telling someone to take their ball and go home because we don't like their position seems a little petty to me. I don't want to see the game lose subscribers over EGA. I watched what happened when WoW started hemorrhaging subscribers (obviously the game didnt die, but it went drastically downhill imho).


Pre-order bonuses are supposed to be pleasant rewards, not something that stresses people out and makes the community crazy lol.

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Threads like this are funny. I pre-ordered the game back in May or June when it first became available and just didn't bother to redeem my code until a few days ago. Is it sooo important that everyone play as early as possible? Instead of sitting around worrying about when your email invitation to play the game has arrived, why not go outside? Maybe meet a girl (or guy if that's your thing). In other words, try to live the last couple days of your real life before this game takes all that away from you. When you do finally get into the game, be sure to pick a PVP server. Everyone likes killing crybabies.


I can understand people being dissapointed, everyones been waiting for this, and the fact that some people are actually playing it and im not makes me sad.


I myself didnt pre order until December 12th, is that Biowares fault? Of course not, its mine. And I have to take responsability for that, being an adult. The fact that so many people are crying about being hard done by and mislead is just depressing....

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Yes, that's why EA is suddenly slapping "Bioware" on every upcoming game they can think of, including the new C&C by the way.


Remember Origin, the company that created UO that EA swallowed and dissolved? EA at least waited over 10 years before slapping their name on stuff. Come back in a year and see if any original Bioware develpers outside of the good Dr.'s are with the company anymore.


Mass Effect 2 becoming more of a shooter than an RPG, Dragon Age 2 being hastily cobbled together with copy/paste dungeons, Mass Effect 3 being revealed as a wannabe Quake Arena, etc. are all indicators of the control EA has over the supposedly sovereign Bioware.


And now with the latest news that EA is selling cars in Need for Speed Online for $100, I can't wait to see what the item shop is gonna look like in ToR.


If you hate EA so much why are you going to be playing this game? Seems kind of silly to pay for a game and then pay a monthly sub when you hate the companies involved with it!

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ooh how I love drama..! :p


dont yell @ bw if you cant skip the que.. yell @ all the people in front of you.. tell them to move the fark aside and give way for you.. try that in real life first tho.. and pls tell me how it turns out :cool:

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3. No where does it state on those leaked articles that EGA is based on activation of your code key it simply states PRE-Order grants you early access.


I was just reading this thread until I saw this. Even with it there in print you can't freaking read it.




It says in clear english:


The order in which you redeem your preorder code is the order which you will gain early access.


So either you're an idiot or disingenuous. Either way, quit crying and deal with it.

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Good point. What happens when the lines start getting too long? Some people will wait, but some people will find another place to do business. Overly long lines - not good for business if it means losing customers. This is especially true in businesses where repeat customers (subscriptions?) are essential.


This is true that the lines may get overly long an cost subcriptions. I've talked with many of gamin folks in the general public and they are still wearing even though MMO subscription gamin has been rampant for more than a decade.


However, despite all that. the real line. Hasn't even begun. 20 December 2011 is when they let us in. We are the select few theat "Steve Jobs" let into the "Apple Store" for the launch of the "iPhone 5" If it takes a few extra hours, we are still in before the rest.


And for real, who are we kidding. All of you complaining. Your still gonna pay and play for at least 6 months :)

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