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1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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Sorry but let me sum up what you got with this game:


- 8 funny, linear story lines


- a ton of side quests


- 7 "hardmode" flashpoints


- 2 operations


- crafting which can be maxed out in a matter of 3 days



Currently it is fun but as soon as I'm done with beating all of this amazing amount of content I leave if they don't add anything new.


Sure, you are entitled to. Noone wants to take your decision away.


If you have "beaten" everything achievable in the game right now, I think you have bigger problems than being bored with it anyway.

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Sure, you are entitled to. Noone wants to take your decision away.


If you have "beaten" everything achievable in the game right now, I think you have bigger problems than being bored with it anyway.


TOR is the easiest and least time consuming MMO ever released. Stop kidding yourself.

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You people seem to have a hard time differentiating between "financial sucess" and "good video game".


Who the **** cares if EA makes money or not? I don't. The game sucks, that is what I care about.


Bit short sighted, that. :)


I care that they are making money because if they are making money, they will go forward with this game and maybe more. Since I enjoy the game, this is a good thing. That you don't...well, that's a shame, sorry you don't. Hopefully you'll find a game that you enjoy as much as I do this one.

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You know that sound a bomb makes as it's hurling towards earth at a hundred miles an hour, I am hearing it now.


I have three level 50's all in orange gear. I don't raid because I've been unable to find a guild to suit my needs, not just ingame but as a person as well. I want to learn about my guildmates interact and share ingame and personal experiences with them.


That is one part of being in a guild, the other part is working together to overcome ingame obsticals, through raiding and grouping.

That inturn yields nice loot drops, that yields accomplishments and bragging rights, that is what the human race strives for, to be the best we can be.

Anybody that has ever earned anything of value understands this.


My parents never bought me a car instead they showed me how to work for it and accomplish my goal of achieving it, and latter celebrated that triumph with me as I drove it over to my friend's who never had a car.


They never had the time or desire to invest in a job but they all wanted a car like mine, well if they had BW as parents I guess they could get their car, without working for it and more importantly earning it.


Op, all these people griping about time constraints to raid and whatever stuff they are shovelling about being entitled too vendor items which you and your clan worked so hard to get. I SALUTE YOU AND ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE THAT BELIEVE IN EARNING THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS.


I've spent thirteen years in a very hardcore raiding guild in eq, I literally spent months camping an illusion mask. When I say months I literally mean three months with an average of 6 hours a day camping sitting in one spot going through endless torture, convinced that the world was against me preventing me from aquiring that sought after item. The endless rages and drama so bad I could kill somebody with my looks alone.


Getting that very very rare ingame item that was the envy of everyone else playing....beyond words. I acheieved an item that maybe just maybe, 1 percent of the games players aquired.


Was I the best player in the game NO. YOU BET YOUR *** I WAS CONSIDERED ELITE THOUGH. I was taken from a average player to a hardcore skilled player, and viewed as such by the community. How? Why? well when people see what it takes to earn something so rare and hard to achieve, they either think your crazy (literally) or the luckiest person in the game.


I can only say that one item that silly little gnome mask elevated me to not just how the community perceived me as a player but it forced me to take my game play to a whole new level. You cannot compare something given to something earned.


I really hope this game does not give away such rare items for mere credits. I don't care if you don't have the time or patience to aquire the item if you don't your sol. If you do, well people like me will look at you from across the room and admire that inner glow that only comes from enduring the hardship of working so very hard for your rewards.

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Bit short sighted, that. :)


I care that they are making money because if they are making money, they will go forward with this game and maybe more. Since I enjoy the game, this is a good thing. That you don't...well, that's a shame, sorry you don't. Hopefully you'll find a game that you enjoy as much as I do this one.


I'm not being short sighted at all.


You know what the best way to garner continuing support for a game or product is? To make a product that doesn't suck.


I'm not interested in the financial success of this game because it's a bad game. If it was a good game we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

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It's disgraceful, but it's what all MMO's do. People complain about not being able to have what everyone else has, etc.

There's no longer any form of achievement or idolism in MMO's, that disappearred 5+ years ago IMO.


Putting things up for actual "coin" in MMO's is a stupid idea. At the moment it works fine in SWTOR because everyone has so much money due to a poor economy design, but as soon as there are more and more things to buy, and not enough cash to buy them, gold farmers start to appear and the game goes down the toilet. As much as I think PvP gear and PvP stats is a stupid idea, at least you have to PvP in order to obtain it. It can't just be bought. That seperates those who put in effort/time and those who don't.


But then again, eventually everyone has the same stuff because the cry bears come out of their caves and complain.


I call it the WoW generation.

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You people seem to have a hard time differentiating between "financial sucess" and "good video game".


Who the **** cares if EA makes money or not? I don't. The game sucks, that is what I care about.


Success to me means whether or not I enjoy the game. Pretty simple definition. Though I made that point earlier and someone responded with "this game is fail!" To which I switched to a business level of success. If you don't like it, quit and go find something you do like. Personally, I do like the game and consider it a success. There's plenty I complain about, but adding more customization and more fluff isn't one of them regardless of whether or not someone can craft or purchase a color crystal that I got in my rakata weapons. Good for them if they enjoy it. My ego doesn't hinge on how much better I think I am at the game than everyone else.

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Sure, you are entitled to. Noone wants to take your decision away.


If you have "beaten" everything achievable in the game right now, I think you have bigger problems than being bored with it anyway.


Oh I'm not done yet. Everything I say is that they should try harder adding new content and features to the game. Trust me: As soon as this games shortcut is send to the trash.bin you'll never see me here. I'd like that moment to never come.

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Success to me means whether or not I enjoy the game. Pretty simple definition. Though I made that point earlier and someone responded with "this game is fail!" To which I switched to a business level of success. If you don't like it, quit and go find something you do like. Personally, I do like the game and consider it a success. There's plenty I complain about, but adding more customization and more fluff isn't one of them regardless of whether or not someone can craft or purchase a color crystal that I got in my rakata weapons. Good for them if they enjoy it. My ego doesn't hinge on how much better I think I am at the game than everyone else.


This game is fail though.

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the "time invested relative to the reward"-ratio is truly bad

this is what it should look like

-you do something very hard are rewarded greatly

-you are a beginner and have you fight your way to greatness



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|--------------------- /


|---------------- /

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time invested


this is what it looks like

-you do something very hard and get close to nothing (e.g. no nm loot tables)

-you are a beginner and can get close to the best gear in the game within one week

-you buy the best space combat equipment off GTN and do the hardest mission within 15min





| --- \


| ---------\


|------------- \

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time invested

Edited by kufa
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I'm not being short sighted at all.


You know what the best way to garner continuing support for a game or product is? To make a product that doesn't suck.


I'm not interested in the financial success of this game because it's a bad game. If it was a good game we wouldn't even be having this discussion.


Many, many people don't think it sucks. :)


Most likely more than necessary for the game to continue on and grow.


That you think it's a bad game is your opinion, one that is shared by a lot of people, yup. But it's not shared by enough people to be in any danger of keeling over any time soon.

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They are desperate. You need to remember, most people who are good at mmos have left. They blew through this game like tissue paper. So most of the feedback is coming from very casual players. It makes sense they are starting to give things away, they don't know what else to do imo.
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This game is fail though.


This game rocks!


There now, we cancel each other out and what was achieved? Not much.


If you think it's "fail", mosey on along to something that entertains you, that you enjoy. Just sitting around repeating "it's fail", isn't accomplishing anything for anyone, most of all you.


Unless you're one of the sorts that enjoys being miserable. Hope not. :)

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This game rocks!


There now, we cancel each other out and what was achieved? Not much.


If you think it's "fail", mosey on along to something that entertains you, that you enjoy. Just sitting around repeating "it's fail", isn't accomplishing anything for anyone, most of all you.


Unless you're one of the sorts that enjoys being miserable. Hope not. :)


I have an honest question, are you level 50?

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I wrote this wishlist over the past 2 days, adding new stuff when it came to my mind. It's far from finished but a lot of the stuff I wrote there is something which could've made this game so much more enjoyable on the long run.





- group space missions

- up to 4 players

- 1 to 4 ships (depending on the mission)


- space operations

- up to 24 players

- 1 to 24 ships




- battlegrounds

- queue solo or in groups up to 24 players

- queue for all desired game modes simultaniously or seperately

- 4vs4

- 8vs8

- 16vs16

- 24vs24

- group premades into the same battlegrounds to prevent imbalance

- adjust rewards to the amount of premades


- different ground pvp game modes

- capture the flag (e.g. Hutball)

- conquest (e.g. Zivil War)

- rush (e.g. Voidstar)


- different space pvp game modes

- getaway (one party chasing the other)

- boarding (first team to bord the enemy capital ship wins)

- destruction (destroy enemy ships in space fight only)


- guild pvp

- queing with up to 24 players

- guild ships may be used

- space and ground pvp

- guild duels are possible

- attack/defend guild residence





- ships

- size range from freighter to frigatte

- customizable weaponary

- different color shemes

- customizable interior

- can be positioned in orbits of every planet

- are visible from inside of the Imperial fleet

- can be accessed using Interfleet Transport


- residences

- either apartments on city planets or compounds/single houses

- compounds and houses cut off from the actual map to prevent interferance with other players

- customizable layout

- can be accessed using speeder connections

- purchaseable quick travel access

- customizable interior

- assignment of rooms to players or groups of players (lockable)

- purchaseable hangar bays, allowing landing directly at the residence


- rewards

- statues awarded for successfully beating Flashpoints and Operations

-> stone = normal mode, silver = hardmode, gold = nightmare

-> bearing the names of those who actually beat the Flashpoints and Operations


- organization

- dynamic right assignment


- calendar

- create events

- register for an event

- restrict events to specific groups





- option to split inventory/bank into different sections

- prevent specific items to be stored in specified sections


- automatic sorting mechanisms for inventory and bank

- configurable


- quickbars

- moveable and resizeable

- option to add new quickbars

- variable quickslot count per quickbar

- assign mission items to specific quickbars

- free hotkey assignment





- ~24 hours of story quests per story line

- an individual story set per class

- non linear, depending on the player's decisions

- different endings


- ~4 hours of story quests per companion

- non linear, depending on the player's decisions

- different endings

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My guild downed world bosses about 20 times to get specific magenta crystals schematics. It was a huge achievement engaging guild multiple times on raids always requiring our artificer to come online when we groupped and it took few weeks to get it.


This will not un-happen. You guys still achieved this. It honestly sounds like a lot of work and coordination went into that, and you should be proud of what you did. I'm being completely sincere.


But what does your challenge and achievement have to do with anyone else? Their life challenges, their happiness, their failures, their sadness?




Which brings me full circle back to hoping Apophis hits it's key hole in 2029 so we can let the bees have a go at it in 2036. If this is honestly the best we can do, then it makes me sad.

Edited by notebene
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- battlegrounds

- queue solo or in groups up to 24 players

- queue for all desired game modes simultaniously or seperately

- 4vs4

- 8vs8

- 16vs16

- 24vs24

- group premades into the same battlegrounds to prevent imbalance

- adjust rewards to the amount of premades


The game engine can't even handle 24v24, there will be no large scale pvp in this game.

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They are desperate. You need to remember, most people who are good at mmos have left. They blew through this game like tissue paper. So most of the feedback is coming from very casual players. It makes sense they are starting to give things away, they don't know what else to do imo.


Could be. And if so, so what? No harm that a game is written for the (gasp) "casual". In fact, they represent a rather large portion of the total playerbase these days.


I would also wonder at the "good at mmos" bit. Well, yes, I suppose "good" can be defined as "beats the content quickly". If so, I'm sure glad I am "not good at mmos". I can have fun for a long, long time!

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Could be. And if so, so what? No harm that a game is written for the (gasp) "casual". In fact, they represent a rather large portion of the total playerbase these days.


I would also wonder at the "good at mmos" bit. Well, yes, I suppose "good" can be defined as "beats the content quickly". If so, I'm sure glad I am "not good at mmos". I can have fun for a long, long time!


Problem is you will get bored and leave before long.


Wait and see, I loved this game until 50. After that it gets very old very fast and the VAST majority of players quit shortly after hitting 50, myself included. I got a time card for Christmas and the forums are more fun than the game at 50, that's the only reason I can post.


Honestly, it is short sighted. Now the poor quality at 50 is a much bigger problem, but it's still not good to trivialize rewards imo.

Edited by Gohlar
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Could be. And if so, so what? No harm that a game is written for the (gasp) "casual". In fact, they represent a rather large portion of the total playerbase these days.


I would also wonder at the "good at mmos" bit. Well, yes, I suppose "good" can be defined as "beats the content quickly". If so, I'm sure glad I am "not good at mmos". I can have fun for a long, long time!


Does appealing to only one target group with THREE operation difficulty settings sound like good game design to you?

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Problem is you will get bored and leave before long.


Wait and see, I loved this game until 50. After that it gets very old very fast and the VAST majority of players quit shortly after hitting 50, myself included. I got a time card for Christmas and the forums are more fun than the game at 50, that's the only reason I can post.


Honestly, it is short sighted. Now the poor quality at 50 is a much bigger problem, but it's still not good to trivialize rewards imo.


You would be wrong, though. See...I intend to play every class, mainly for the stories but also because I enjoy tinkering with builds and seeing how I can dither along with what I think is effective and/or interesting to play. Now...I may not play the "mirror" classes (jugg vs. guard. etc.) but I will work my characters to 50 and have fun doing it.


See, I'm in no hurry. Getting to 50 is NOT, I repeat NOT my goal. I've seen too many people get there in a blazing hurry and then...deflate. No. I will enjoy the journey. :)


So, no...I will not be leaving before long. I've been here since 27 December and my highest char. is 37. See? No blazing to end game for me. No driving need to see 50. Too busy seeing the REST of the game.

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Heres the problem






Its all welfare/conveyer belt junk spoon fed to players to keep the casuals happy.



Everyone has the same junk, looks the same, has everything the same....


Total fail


Do you even have any idea what welfare means? It's my understanding that the stuff that "everyone" will have access to in 1.1.5 will be purchased for a LOT of credits, especially the more "desirable" stuff. The people who have that kind of money to spare right now are likely the ones who are pretty well geared out right now anyway, and are less likely to benefit from a vendor like this.


This isn't really going to change much of anything. Sure a few more people will have these things, and you people that stand around on the fleet all day will be the ones who get it, so you'll *think* everyone has them, but I guarantee you, it's gonna be a small percentage of the TOTAL population that is able to take full advantage of the vendor. I think there will be a steady stream of business for the crafter who's smart enough to get those schematics.

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Does appealing to only one target group with THREE operation difficulty settings sound like good game design to you?


Depends upon what "you" are intending. If you are intending to go with what is likely the largest percentage of "player type" these days, hell yes.


It's about money. It's about making lots and lots of money. Who's gonna be more profitable?`The ones who gobble up content, hit end-game and then are done? Or the ones who, for whatever reason, take a good long time to get to end-game (thereby giving them time to add more to the end-game)?


There's yer answer. So, yes, based on the reason games are produced (to earn money) and the percentage of "not in a huge rip to get to end-game" players being higher than ever, yeah, I think it IS a pretty good game design.

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