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Everything posted by Soxs

  1. I play a commando (ranged dps class) I pvp all the time I have very very limited stuns, interrupts, at range distance I have one which has a 1.5 minute cd timer, im level 39, i average 300 dps and about 6 medals every wz match. Toe to toe with a sorce healer i can't even take a 1/4 of his life, and when i do he outheals my dps so much in fact that two commando's firing all we got at range won't even kill him. You cannot tell me that a healer is suppose to withstand that kind of dmg. I can't go close to the target as all my skills evolve around distance fighting, and trying to kill a sorce healer at a distance is impossible, and while the sorce will outheal all my dmg output he will also dot kill me. Where is the balance in a ranged class fighting a healer that even healing for 150 dps out heals my 300 dps dmg. It takes two ranged class commando's to event dent one healing sorce from a distance. This is not right, so while you complain of your loss of healing, look at it from a dps ranged class perspective.
  2. I'm a level 35 BH, and since about the 20th level I've been noticing delays in my abilities while using my weapons. It appears to be some type of graphical delay in relation to the server. I do not have this problem with force weilding classes strictly my BH. I find myself pushing the same buttons multiple times before I can execute the move. I"ve rechanged my combat queue from default to 0.0 seconds and changed specs several times to no avail. I love the class it's fun to play but their is an obvious delay when executing commands, and it's very noticable in pvp, although even in pve it still has the delay. I have a very fast computer and excellent graphic card, my ping is always in the 50's even in pvp. The delay is causing me to think about dropping my character and starting a different one. I've spoken to several other gun weilding classes mainly commando's who also suffer from this delay. Please help assist in this BW and fellow BH players.
  3. Well i finally lost my cherry being able to tank my first raid. My thoughts, I LOVED it Not sure how difficult the event was, my guild leader laid down the strategy beforehand, so everything ran very smoothly. The best part wasn't winning the event but just being able to find a guild i could do a raid with. I tanked some lava monster where you had to move across islands, just loved it. I'm strictly an orange geared tank so it was really nice to be able to tank the event. My juggernaut performed great I always had the argo and good placement and i took a hell of a beating, but i felt like a tank. After 50 levels of ingame play I never really felt like a tank, I think just because the mobs die so fast you forget and move on type thing. But doing the raid I was a tank for the night and greatly enjoyed my class. If there were bugs or class problems I never experienced any, I was strictly a punching bag for the raid and just hope to do more events like that. Really adds another dimension of gameplay, the raiding element. So if your not uber geared and looking for a clan I hope you find one where you can partake in a raid and experience another side of your character, and another side of the game. Even got a couple of raid loots but the tanking was my real reward. Took me two months to get a taste of it, so keep at it if your feeling left out or neglected. Somewhere out there you'll find a clan where you can raid and experience something fun and new like I have
  4. You know that sound a bomb makes as it's hurling towards earth at a hundred miles an hour, I am hearing it now. I have three level 50's all in orange gear. I don't raid because I've been unable to find a guild to suit my needs, not just ingame but as a person as well. I want to learn about my guildmates interact and share ingame and personal experiences with them. That is one part of being in a guild, the other part is working together to overcome ingame obsticals, through raiding and grouping. That inturn yields nice loot drops, that yields accomplishments and bragging rights, that is what the human race strives for, to be the best we can be. Anybody that has ever earned anything of value understands this. My parents never bought me a car instead they showed me how to work for it and accomplish my goal of achieving it, and latter celebrated that triumph with me as I drove it over to my friend's who never had a car. They never had the time or desire to invest in a job but they all wanted a car like mine, well if they had BW as parents I guess they could get their car, without working for it and more importantly earning it. Op, all these people griping about time constraints to raid and whatever stuff they are shovelling about being entitled too vendor items which you and your clan worked so hard to get. I SALUTE YOU AND ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE THAT BELIEVE IN EARNING THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS. I've spent thirteen years in a very hardcore raiding guild in eq, I literally spent months camping an illusion mask. When I say months I literally mean three months with an average of 6 hours a day camping sitting in one spot going through endless torture, convinced that the world was against me preventing me from aquiring that sought after item. The endless rages and drama so bad I could kill somebody with my looks alone. Getting that very very rare ingame item that was the envy of everyone else playing....beyond words. I acheieved an item that maybe just maybe, 1 percent of the games players aquired. Was I the best player in the game NO. YOU BET YOUR *** I WAS CONSIDERED ELITE THOUGH. I was taken from a average player to a hardcore skilled player, and viewed as such by the community. How? Why? well when people see what it takes to earn something so rare and hard to achieve, they either think your crazy (literally) or the luckiest person in the game. I can only say that one item that silly little gnome mask elevated me to not just how the community perceived me as a player but it forced me to take my game play to a whole new level. You cannot compare something given to something earned. I really hope this game does not give away such rare items for mere credits. I don't care if you don't have the time or patience to aquire the item if you don't your sol. If you do, well people like me will look at you from across the room and admire that inner glow that only comes from enduring the hardship of working so very hard for your rewards.
  5. This has happend to me numerous times, usually i'll be somewhere in the open world fighting several mobs or gearing up for a big battle. As I am fighting the mobs and assassin will be there in hiding (invisible to me) and when I use an ae ability I become pvp flagged, then what the assassin does is finish me off since im usually half dead from my engagement with the npc and go about his way. Another trick they do is to wait until you are near death and simply buff you thus flagging you for pvp, then again they finish you off and go about their way. At lower levels it's most disturbing but ive managed to cope with it so far and it rarely happens now. I find they do this a lot to newbies or lower level players.
  6. I reached level 50 in 12 days (type /played ) I do all quests and all the bonus series, I do not do any space missions or pvp, the only thing I skip on planets is heroic4 missions as grouping is pita. I'm averaging between 75 and 100 commendations per planet. I find the levelling process too easy, I"m usually bottlenecked on heroic 4 missions and gearing up my companions. I have not spacebard anything. I'm still following my storyline doing legacy exp at which im level 7 with.
  7. you shouldn't walk into people's homes and demand things. Paying customer or not you are a guest, as such, have a coke and smile
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