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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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I don't follow your logic here. I'm thinking they want to test the crystals and give people something to spend some money on before they get turned into crafting schematics.


As i said above, the "moneysink" option is totally stupid. you can make things a money sink that arnt linked to a crafting skill. alls this does is making a part of the player base angry.


and testing can be done on the test server, no need for live. as for the price, they have to change it then if its just for testing.

Edited by Leadros
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Dude, you are seriously annoying. But here it is, you want facts - I made a special trip, just for you! And checked what is actually in game, not just in one youtube video you see.


Here it is:



Korrealis Commander - till now VIP vendor for 1.5 M - after patch: speeder vendor for 1M

Korrealis Baron - till now Social rank requirement + 1.5 M for speeder itself - after patch: speeder vendor, no requirements, 2M

Tirse Prime - speeder dropping from Operations - 1M at speeder vendor.

The commander is available for just credits already. Anyone can buy a VIP bracelet. The Baron is true. They raised the price and removed the requirement. The Prime you're completely wrong about. It drops from Kaon, not an operation.


There are ZERO operations speeders on this vendor. None. Nada. Zilch.



Magenta crystal schematics - dropping from world bosses - 250 000 CR in crystal vendor

Cyan crystals - obtained only through PvP and PvE lvl56 gear - 125k from crystal vendor

Purple crystals - obtained only through PvP and PvE lvl56 gear - 250k from crystal vendor

+41 Expertise crystals - expertise gear obtained only through PvP bags - 125k from crystal vendor

There are also many unnamed crystals, so hard to tell what exact color they have - prices range from 125k to 1M. I assumed one of them in magenta, although cannot be 100% sure as 125k is bit beyond my reach on test server which resets after every patch, sorry

You're cheating here. These might be the same colors, but they're not the same crystals.



So don't accuse me I lied everyone on most of the things.

And: Less YouTube, more facts please.

Then stop being wrong.

Edited by Caelrie
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As i said above, the "moneysink" option is totally stupid. you can make things a money sink that arnt linked to a crafting skill. alls this does is making a part of the player base angry.


and testing can be done on the test server, no need for live. as for the price, they have to change it then if its just for testing.


I'm not psychic. I don't know all the reasons they did this and they're not saying. All we know is that these brand new crystals are on the vendor AND Georg says they're making artifice a worthwhile endgame crafting skill in 1.2. So I guessed.


I'm pretty sure "they hate artificers and raiders" is not the reason.

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The one thing i dont get is why would they allow everyone with cash to buy colour crystals that are meant to be given to artifice as a perk?


That seems counter-productive. It would have been enough to place the schematics on a vendor. Hell, most people who have alot of money will be buying the white crystals and wont be needing the services of an artifice for quite some time.


Guess they only want artifice selling to alts and not end-game?

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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About crystals, I think it could hint that they will be allowing craftable crystals of all colors in the future to allow people a free choice of lightsaber and blaster bolt colors. I actually hope it will be that way. And I'm pretty sure the new 1.2 artifice crystals will be better in stats than the "old" crystals that they are selling off in the vendors. Edited by Glzmo
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The commander is available for just credits already. Anyone can buy a VIP bracelet. The Baron is true. They raised the price and removed the requirement. The Prime you're completely wrong about. It drops from Kaon, not an operation.


There are ZERO operations speeders on this vendor. None. Nada. Zilch.


You're cheating here. These might be the same colors, but they're not the same crystals.


Then stop being wrong.


I have no idea what should I say.

Maybe besides the fact that if you'll read first post again than you'll perhaps do the math and figure out that I wasn't wrong in majority of things nor "cheated" (lol, that's most ridiculous statement I seen in this post - hey, I cheated cause I found PvE crystals obtained through weapons that drop in Ops to be sold by vendor! Oh my! Bad cheater me! Very bad!)

And I don't know how many ops did you play, but in Ops I play the Tirse Prime drops from Soa.


I'm not psychic. I don't know all the reasons they did this and they're not saying. All we know is that these brand new crystals are on the vendor AND Georg says they're making artifice a worthwhile endgame crafting skill in 1.2. So I guessed.

Looks like Artifice crafters would like to have a word with you. Chuck of them ain't happy from 1.1.5 vendor too.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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I have no idea what should I say.

Maybe besides the fact that if you'll read first post again than you'll perhaps do the math and figure out that I wasn't wrong in majority of things nor "cheated" (lol, that's most ridiculous statement I seen in this post - hey, I cheated cause I found PvE crystals obtained through weapons that drop in Ops to be sold by vendor! Oh my! Bad cheater me! Very bad!)

And I don't know how many ops did you play, but in Ops I play the Tirse Prime drops from Soa.


Actually you're both wrong. Tirsa Prime is sold for 1.5M by a vendor on Voss. Tirsa ELITE drops from Kaon.

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Caelrie - bravo for editing your post right after reading what Akirator posted. Wanna look smart, huh? ;)

Actually you're both wrong. Tirsa Prime is sold for 1.5M by a vendor on Voss. Tirsa ELITE drops from Kaon.


I'm sure Tirsa drops from Ops - my friend got it there.

If it's Elite version though than I'm sorry. Must been wrong there.

*goes into corner*


[edit] I'll update the original post to add your finding Akirator. Thanks for pointing it out.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Everyone will ***** about your valid concerns and call you an elitist, but I completely agree with you.

Hehe, I've been name-called, trolled, done psychoanalysis, accused for various nonsenses, trolled again, made hardcore player and casual who have too little at the same time, become a victim of flamewars, than got trolled again...

Man, I'm slowly getting used to it.

See how many posts from moderators you can see in here - it's truly surprising (at least for me ;) ).

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Firstly - WOOOHOOO Purple "Party's over" action here i come!


Secondly - does anyone else think this is to get more cash out of the economy? hence the temporary nature of it.


We don't really know why they are doing it but most people are upset about it, and the implication this bears for future rare or hidden content.

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Secondly - does anyone else think this is to get more cash out of the economy? hence the temporary nature of it.

Yea, I think it is.

First time I seen this theory was on Crewskill forums in topic about 1.1.5 and I tend to agree - it seems to be the only logical reason why they add it.

Only problem is that... people in this topic figured out MUCH better solutions of sinking cash from economy in 5 minutes, not even telling about the fact that it's a nonsense when there are no money sinks at level 50 - there's NOTHING that would actually make lvl50 players loose money in reasonable amount, money they earn in huge amounts through dailies doing them all the time.


So you drain money out of economy and.... than what? In few weeks we're back where we started.


(BTW: Out of pure curiosity - does anyone knows how much exactly you can earn in dailies on Ilum and Belsavis? ignoring the space missions dailies)

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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(BTW: Out of pure curiosity - does anyone knows how much exactly you can earn in dailies on Ilum and Belsavis? ignoring the space missions dailies)


(It's about 100k on Belsavis. Dunno about ilum they are too much work lol)

Edited by daMarek
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We don't really know why they are doing it but most people are upset about it, and the implication this bears for future rare or hidden content.


I would say most people don't care, or are happy they can get a crystal in a color they want.

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We don't really know why they are doing it but most people are upset about it, and the implication this bears for future rare or hidden content.


I say opposite, most people like it. Bioware wouldnt planned this to please "minority".


Most people asked these crystals since start and were not available at all. Forget the magenta, i rarely see anyone using it and it wasnt favorate color ever for many.

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I have no problem with people wanting to buy endgame gear with plain credits.


I do care that the money is going toward an NPC.


If the gear drops off a raid boss its free (monetarily in place of time) to the people who want to raid.


If a schematic of equal or slightly lesser gear is available it makes professions worth something and the people who want to just throw credits at NPCs can instead give it to an actual player via the GTN.

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I say opposite, most people like it. Bioware wouldnt planned this to please "minority".

Wouldn't have have all the PvE and PVE gear handled to people from vendor? That would make them more pleased than giving away color crystals. As you see above - Sinaril would enjoy it.

Most people asked these crystals since start and were not available at all. Forget the magenta, i rarely see anyone using it and it wasnt favorate color ever for many.

Yea, they did. But I don't recall anyone asking for them to be handled out from vendor.


I do however recall a lot of people asking to obtain crystals through adventures similar to Magenta crystal (that was right after the White-crystal-gate).


I also recall a lot of people asking for more craftable crystals (which are comming in 1.2 but... vendoring them before kinda screws the purpose, as Artifice crafters pointed out on Crewskill forum).

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Wouldn't have havd all the PvE and PVE gear handled to people from vendor? That would make them more pleased than giving away color crystals.


Seems you still trying same thing on various threads:




1. No, magenta crystals and magenta schematics weren't previously unavailable if you haven't noticed.

2. Vendoring crystals isn't anything good. No other end-game color crystals are available from vendors straight for credits. Nor ever should be. As same as you cannot buy Rakata gear right from vendor for credits.



My reply there to you


Gear sets =! 1 crystal


Rakata is GEAR that contains various stats and mods. Lightsaber crystal contains ONLY 1 stat and color customization thats it. Locking out lightsber crystal for most playerbase because raiders can only get it doesnt do any good for this game. ps im also raider i still think crystal colors itself should not be gated, stats however should improve if you do end game content. But this is another story if they ever should remove stats on color crystals and put on something else.



I also recall a lot of people asking for more craftable crystals (which are comming in 1.2 but... vendoring them before kinda screws the purpose, as Artifice crafters pointed out on Crewskill forum).


Sorry i keep an eye on that forum and this is not true, many including me have stated having artifice long ago are happy with patch 1.2 coming soon and perfectly fine selling for high price limited time crystals that werent ingame but should have been (this is what bioware understood was wrong and said on patch notes). Since patch 1.2 is not that near yet they didnt want to wait and decided this way.


You try over and over same thing even the speeder thing you got wrong, maybe give it up and wait for 1.1.5 and 1.2 then make a statement how things ruined all for you.

Edited by Divona
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So.. now we have the choice to farm dailies for a while and buy what we need.. Looks like at these prices a day of dailies on Ilum and Belsavis should reward roughly 1 100k-ish item.


Or the other choice is to farm the instances and stuff..


Guess I don't see the issue. If someone would rather fork out 125k for something they have a chance at for free, all the more power to em.


If someone wants to fork out a million credits for an in-game item that they otherwise would have gotten from a different pre-order version; all the more power to them too.

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I agree with the OP, but maybe not for the reasons you might think. I used to raid but probably will not raid in this game. In this particular game I am quite the casual player; my main isn't even 50 yet. Many of the things discussed here I will never have in this game. BUT...


Overall I think the best decisions for game development are ones that will keep the majority of the community entertained for longer. Because it's an MMO after all, and it WILL die if people aren't playing. And I don't just mean paying subs; I mean actively involved in the world, logging on, playing, being engaged.


So for me it boils down to this:


Choice 1: Allow more rewards to be purchasable, and after a time make rare items more accessible. According to those who support this choice, it makes the game more fun because it provides more cosmetic options that shouldn't have been restricted in the first place.


Choice 2: Keep rare items rare. According to those who support this choice, it makes the game more fun because it gives you something to work towards.


So let's think about this for a second.


Going with Choice 1 *will* frustrate and alienate those who are against it. They do want things to be rare, and feel no desire to work towards things they know will be handed out later. Result? These people will play less because there aren't rare achievements to work towards. Now we've lost a segment of our population. And generally, these are the people that will spend hours working towards something...and also spend hours helping you in your own groups and quests.


OK so Choice 2. Choice 2 will frustrate the people who long to customize their look with something they feel should not require so much time to achieve. However, what are they going to stop doing if we go with Choice 2? Are they going to play less? They weren't working towards these things, anyway. They also say playing the game is its own reward, and they don't care what other people have. That means, if they believe what they say, it's likely they will still maintain active participants in the community. And if they quit over NOT being able to have a certain colored crystal or a certain look, it invalidates their whole argument of the fact that it shouldn't matter; clearly it does! And, if we go with Choice 1, is it going to result in anyone spending any more time playing the game? Unlikely, except for the few who don't have enough credits to buy what they want and work to raise a little money to purchase the items. So, most likely, with this choice, all of our population is still actively playing, and spending more time in game.


So for me, even though it means I might never have certain colored crystals, or a special title, or whatever, I'd rather we have those options in game for those who enjoy it. For those that don't, and simply play for the experience, is it really hurting you to have some rare things you can't use? It adds dimension and logged in hours to the people who want to work towards something, and there are still a fair amount of cosmetic choices in the game.


Personally, I also like rare things because it makes the world more interesting just to *be* in. It's fun to stumble upon a character who looks unique/has something I've never seen before. Chances are, if something is purchasable, if it's cool, tons of people are going to have it, and if it's not, no one is going to buy it or use it anyway. So we most certainly should have some rare cosmetic items just for the sake of keeping the game world looking more interesting...or at least I think so!


I am more of a fan of encouraging developers to come up with new items to be purchased, if players want more options, to keep the rare things rare while still keeping things interesting for the whole community. I don't think it's *that* hard to come up with new cosmetic items that are just skins of something already designed (compared to, say, creating a new FlashPoint).


It takes all kinds to keep our MMO community alive. I'd recommend to Bioware to not kill a fun aspect of the game for some people (even if others think it's silly to work towards achieving something "in game") because in this instance one choice obviously will result in less played time and active participation in the community, while the other will more likely not. Personally, I want what's best for the game as a whole, not just myself. ;)

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I agree with the OP, but maybe not for the reasons you might think. I used to raid but probably will not raid in this game. In this particular game I am quite the casual player; my main isn't even 50 yet. Many of the things discussed here I will never have in this game. BUT...


Overall I think the best decisions for game development are ones that will keep the majority of the community entertained for longer. Because it's an MMO after all, and it WILL die if people aren't playing. And I don't just mean paying subs; I mean actively involved in the world, logging on, playing, being engaged.


So for me it boils down to this:


Choice 1: Allow more rewards to be purchasable, and after a time make rare items more accessible. According to those who support this choice, it makes the game more fun because it provides more cosmetic options that shouldn't have been restricted in the first place.


Choice 2: Keep rare items rare. According to those who support this choice, it makes the game more fun because it gives you something to work towards.


So let's think about this for a second.


Going with Choice 1 *will* frustrate and alienate those who are against it. They do want things to be rare, and feel no desire to work towards things they know will be handed out later. Result? These people will play less because there aren't rare achievements to work towards. Now we've lost a segment of our population. And generally, these are the people that will spend hours working towards something...and also spend hours helping you in your own groups and quests.


OK so Choice 2. Choice 2 will frustrate the people who long to customize their look with something they feel should not require so much time to achieve. However, what are they going to stop doing if we go with Choice 2? Are they going to play less? They weren't working towards these things, anyway. They also say playing the game is its own reward, and they don't care what other people have. That means, if they believe what they say, it's likely they will still maintain active participants in the community. And if they quit over NOT being able to have a certain colored crystal or a certain look, it invalidates their whole argument of the fact that it shouldn't matter; clearly it does! And, if we go with Choice 1, is it going to result in anyone spending any more time playing the game? Unlikely, except for the few who don't have enough credits to buy what they want and work to raise a little money to purchase the items. So, most likely, with this choice, all of our population is still actively playing, and spending more time in game.


So for me, even though it means I might never have certain colored crystals, or a special title, or whatever, I'd rather we have those options in game for those who enjoy it. For those that don't, and simply play for the experience, is it really hurting you to have some rare things you can't use? It adds dimension and logged in hours to the people who want to work towards something, and there are still a fair amount of cosmetic choices in the game.


Personally, I also like rare things because it makes the world more interesting just to *be* in. It's fun to stumble upon a character who looks unique/has something I've never seen before. Chances are, if something is purchasable, if it's cool, tons of people are going to have it, and if it's not, no one is going to buy it or use it anyway. So we most certainly should have some rare cosmetic items just for the sake of keeping the game world looking more interesting...or at least I think so!


I am more of a fan of encouraging developers to come up with new items to be purchased, if players want more options, to keep the rare things rare while still keeping things interesting for the whole community. I don't think it's *that* hard to come up with new cosmetic items that are just skins of something already designed (compared to, say, creating a new FlashPoint).


It takes all kinds to keep our MMO community alive. I'd recommend to Bioware to not kill a fun aspect of the game for some people (even if others think it's silly to work towards achieving something "in game") because in this instance one choice obviously will result in less played time and active participation in the community, while the other will more likely not. Personally, I want what's best for the game as a whole, not just myself. ;)


Very good point!


I jsut want to add that BioWare was right to keep the most desirable things hard to obtain (purple and white crystals). They were wrong however to randomly assign it to faction gear (purple crystal).


The msot desirable items will keep people playing to get them - and then to use them.

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