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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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Not a huge fan of the idea. to me, it's more about crafting bonuses then actual issues with "getting the hardcore stuff for free". I think the mistake Bio made was making some of those hard things to get natural results from crafts.


Crystals are the example. speeders the other example. you shouldn't make everyday crafting items as rare finds. they should have stuck with items or ideas that aren't impacted by crafting. such as relics.


Not that relics are THE answer, but it's just an example. create a few rare colored matrix shards, make them raid drops only...and make them a necessary part of a martix combination for end level legendary grade relics. they aren't impacted by crafting, and you can still have your high end I'm awesome gear. that actually improves your gameplay.


personally, im not a fan of ego-centric prancing, so the idea of having some item that i can wear so everyone can see how uber I am is a waste of time IMO. I'd rather have something that gives me more stats. now, I like customizable gear. I like being able to make a certain look for my toon. but making rare items as a visible rewards system (different color sabers) is only feeding a childish stigma.


Look at me...im uber


however...im all for rare items that actually make your toon better. so I agree with the OP, yet disagree at the same time. But it's not even about his frustration (which IMO is justifiable), its about Bio's early choices about what gear is rare. hopefully they learned and wont do that again.

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Not to mention that the guy who actually worked to get a Ferrari gets screwed when they start giving them away for free. Why actually try to do content, when you can just sit around and whine until everything you want is given to you for free..?


Bioware makes more money if more players get to see the content they make. I wish I knew why that was rocket science for you guys to understand.


Ok I think a lot of people are missing the point here:


This is not about getting BIS items. This is about getting prestige items like rare colors and speeders. This is about the puzzles and easter egg hunt, which is now being rendered obsolete.


Even if they come up with new puzzles, now you know 2 months later it'll all be on sale.

So what? Every time that happens, there will be new carrots for you to chase so you can be special for 2 more months. Have you missed the part where this is a pay-to-play model? Are you new to MMORPGs? Do you expect to stay on the cutting edge without constant time on the treadmill for some reason?


Boggles my mind how you're not getting it.


YOU DRIVE THIS, not casuals. Bioware knows that unless they make your unique snowflake stuff commonplace, you'll get bored because you have no desire to go get new unique snowflake stuff. They make your stuff easier to get, and that little urge in your brain that demands that you be "cool" again makes you go out and get the newest, latest unique snowflake stuff like all your friends.


They're manipulating you, and you're venting your wrath on the wrong targets.








How can it not? They are basically taking away a big part of the game.

Nothing's been removed. Bioware just moves your cheese to keep you paying.

Edited by Caelrie
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well i dont care about the crystral as I think making rare cystrals make people want to use that one reguardless of lore.


I personally hate having to use a purple saber that is forced on me with the champ saber. I really don't want the black and red one either, i just want a bloody normal sith red saber but no....


As for rare items they should have rare speeders and stuff and not just hand it out for credits. The chinese gold farmers will be happy though.

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Bioware makes more money if more players get to see the content they make. I wish I knew why that was rocket science for you guys to understand.



So what? Every time that happens, there will be new carrots for you to chase so you can be special for 2 more months. Have you missed the part where this is a pay-to-play model? Are you new to MMORPGs? Do you expect to stay on the cutting edge without constant time on the treadmill for some reason?


Boggles my mind how you're not getting it.




Nothing's been removed. Bioware just moves your cheese to keep you paying.


Boggles MY mind how YOU'RE not getting it. There should be some items/titles/achieves/speeders that don't have their uniqueness vanish two months down the road every time.


If you're still playing this game in 2-4 years wouldn't it be nice to have a speeder you can whip out that's no longer attainable and even when it was it was a pain in the neck to get?


Yes, I want to be a special snowflake. I feel a little cooler when I have something 99% of the population can't get for one reason or another, even if it's just a rare drop and it was complete luck that I got it. That's what makes rare items cooler and more sought after than the rest.I'd ride around on the most hideously designed mount possible if it was a .001% drop off a boss.


You're asking people to go against human nature when you ask them to be okay with letting everyone have the mount they just worked hard for. I don't know what made you think people would act differently inside the game than they do outside of it. Nobody would be okay with someone being given the same company car after two weeks of working somewhere when it took them 5 years to get it for themselves.

Edited by Arnathis
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Boggles MY mind how YOU'RE not getting it. There should be some items/titles/achieves/speeders that don't have their uniqueness vanish two months down the road every time.


If you're still playing this game in 2-4 years wouldn't it be nice to have a speeder you can whip out that's no longer attainable and even when it was it was a pain in the neck to get?


Yes, I want to be a special snowflake. I feel a little cooler when I have something 99% of the population can't get for one reason or another, even if it's just a rare drop and it was complete luck that I got it. That's what makes rare items cooler and more sought after than the rest.I'd ride around on the most hideously designed mount possible if it was a .001% drop off a boss.


You're asking people to go against human nature when you ask them to be okay with letting everyone have the mount they just worked hard for. I don't know what made you think people would act differently inside the game than they do outside of it. Nobody would be okay with someone being given the same company car after two weeks of working somewhere when it took them 5 years to get it for themselves.


What's your response to Bioware doing this, other than waving your fists in the air and raging? You'll go get the new unique snowflake toys in patch 1.2. And patch 1.3. And patch 1.4.


Seeing a pattern? I'm not ignoring human nature, you are. Bioware is using it to keep you paying. Me? I'll play the game simply because I think it's fun, so they're not going to worry about me much. But you? You and those like you drive this behavior by Bioware and other MMORPG companies, not me.


I'm not going to quit because of these crystals. Who cares? The important point though, is that YOU won't quit over it either. You'll get right back on the treadmill. And that's the whole point.


If you were allowed to just sit on your unique speeder forever, you'd get bored and quit. Bioware knows EXACTLY how to keep you playing... Make you rage about "giving your stuff away" and give you the urge to go get the newest cool stuff all in one shot. And in the process, the casuals get to see cool toys and content they wouldn't have otherwise seen. Everyone wins, even if some (you) are angry about it. Instead of people quitting over it, it makes everyone play MORE.

Edited by Caelrie
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My guild downed world bosses about 20 times to get specific magenta crystals schematics. It was a huge achievement engaging guild multiple times on raids always requiring our artificer to come online when we groupped and it took few weeks to get it.

Now everyone will get it for 25k


lol @ you. This makes me happy. Couldn't care less about crystals and I think the time you spent trying to acquire them is hilarious.

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Boggles MY mind how YOU'RE not getting it. There should be some items/titles/achieves/speeders that don't have their uniqueness vanish two months down the road every time.


If you're still playing this game in 2-4 years wouldn't it be nice to have a speeder you can whip out that's no longer attainable and even when it was it was a pain in the neck to get?


Yes, I want to be a special snowflake. I feel a little cooler when I have something 99% of the population can't get for one reason or another, even if it's just a rare drop and it was complete luck that I got it. That's what makes rare items cooler and more sought after than the rest.I'd ride around on the most hideously designed mount possible if it was a .001% drop off a boss.


You're asking people to go against human nature when you ask them to be okay with letting everyone have the mount they just worked hard for. I don't know what made you think people would act differently inside the game than they do outside of it. Nobody would be okay with someone being given the same company car after two weeks of working somewhere when it took them 5 years to get it for themselves.




IMO that keeps me playing longer than having to race for the flavor of the month after each patch. This way you are never "done" with the game, because there is maybe that one special thing, might it be completely useless, that I want to have jsut because nobody else has it.

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So, let me sum this thread up:


Achieving something only matters if you get cooler stuffs for it than the guy next to you. It doesn't matter how you felt achieving it, it doesn't even matter how nice the stuff you got for it is, it's all completely worthless if somebody else's stuff is of equal quality.


I think Ima throw that in my boss's face, next time he gives me a raise. "Thanks for the raise, but just so you know, it'll become worthless if you EVER give anybody else a raise of equal magnitude."


Grow up.

Edited by Ardelia
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IMO that keeps me playing longer than having to race for the flavor of the month after each patch. This way you are never "done" with the game, because there is maybe that one special thing, might it be completely useless, that I want to have jsut because nobody else has it.


Oh really? Then why are you still playing?

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What's your response to Bioware doing this, other than waving your fists in the air and raging? You'll go get the new unique snowflake toys in patch 1.2. And patch 1.3. And patch 1.4.


Seeing a pattern? I'm not ignoring human nature, you are. Bioware is using it to keep you paying. Me? I'll play the game simply because I think it's fun, so they're not going to worry about me much. But you? You and those like you drive this behavior by Bioware and other MMORPG companies, not me.


I'm not going to quit because of these crystals. Who cares? The important point though, is that YOU won't quit over it either. You'll get right back on the treadmill. And that's the whole point.


If you were allowed to just sit on your unique speeder forever, you'd get bored and quit. Bioware knows EXACTLY how to keep you playing... Make you rage about "giving your stuff away" and give you the urge to go get the newest cool stuff all in one shot.


I don't think anybody is asking BW to make one "tier" of rare items and then never make any more, ever. But there is a big difference between giving us new rares to go after and giving away all the old ones for free. Which I notice is a point you seem to ignore.


As for your last sentence, the last half is 100% correct, but the first half....O.o They keep you playing by pissing you off? Really, do you even listen to yourself when you talk?

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I don't think anybody is asking BW to make one "tier" of rare items and then never make any more, ever. But there is a big difference between giving us new rares to go after and giving away all the old ones for free. Which I notice is a point you seem to ignore.

How can you say I ignored it when I actually addressed it 9 times? Giving away the old stuff for lesser effort is an integral part of the model to get certain types of players to go get the new stuff. It also makes casuals happy by letting them get stuff they wouldn't otherwise get. It keeps BOTH players playing more.


As for your last sentence, the last half is 100% correct, but the first half....O.o They keep you playing by pissing you off? Really, do you even listen to yourself when you talk?



Lots of people can be motivated to play a game because of anger. The person I was replying to is one of them. His response to this situation will be to rage at "casuals" while he gets back on the treadmill in his need to feel like a special snowflake.

Edited by Caelrie
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ah I see the OP is just another Guild raider who thinks only they should have the shiniest items.



(PRO TIP- raiding is not hard, it just takes time to get people together then bash your head against something until you finish it)


So while some achivments should certainly go for raiders because it is a popular play style it is not that hard and it is certainly not the only style of play. So raiders please understand that to many raiding is boring and monotonousness thing. If you enjoy it then good for you, but you are not the only people in the game.

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I think Ima throw that in my boss's face, next time he gives me a raise. "Thanks for the raise, but just so you know, it'll become worthless if you EVER give anybody else a raise of equal magnitude."


Grow up.


Except a better analogy would be you feeling good because your boss gives you a raise for your exceptional work ethic and consistently going above and beyond the call of duty. Then feeling pissed off when next week, he gives the guy who watches **** all day and takes naps in the storeroom the exact same pay grade.

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ah I see the OP is just another Guild raider who thinks only they should have the shiniest items.



(PRO TIP- raiding is not hard, it just takes time to get people together then bash your head against something until you finish it)


So while some achivments should certainly go for raiders because it is a popular play style it is not that hard and it is certainly not the only style of play. So raiders please understand that to many raiding is boring and monotonousness thing. If you enjoy it then good for you, but you are not the only people in the game.


Why do you play an MMO if you dont like raiding or mass PVP?


Go back to skyrim and save yourself the sub fee

Edited by daMarek
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Except a better analogy would be you feeling good because your boss gives you a raise for your exceptional work ethic and consistently going above and beyond the call of duty. Then feeling pissed off when next week, he gives the guy who watches **** all day and takes naps in the storeroom the exact same pay grade.


The part of this analogy that fails hardcore is that you're not a star employee. From Bioware's POV, you're just one type of player and the other guy is another type of player. You both pay $15 and neither is worth more than the other.

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Why do you play an MMO if you dont like raiding or mass PVP?


Go back to skyrim and save yourself the sub fee


No and you can't make us.


Raid or die is dead in MMO's Bioware and every other developers knows this, in fact Arenanet absolutely loathes Raiding and the raider mentality...even Blizzard is scrambling to offer more things for their non-raider players.


Face it you are a microscopic minority and your days of best gear and exclusive content are pretty much over

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Except a better analogy would be you feeling good because your boss gives you a raise for your exceptional work ethic and consistently going above and beyond the call of duty. Then feeling pissed off when next week, he gives the guy who watches **** all day and takes naps in the storeroom the exact same pay grade.


Once again it's a game silly not your job.


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The part of this analogy that fails hardcore is that you're not a star employee. From Bioware's POV, you're just one type of player and the other guy is another type of player. You both pay $15 and neither is worth more than the other.


Except my analogy was based on effort involved. You are apparently of the opinion that effort should not be rewarded. We both pay $15, I put in 20-30 hours to get a specific mount, then next week someone gets that exact same mount for 1-2 hours of work. If you think that's fair, I hope to god you don't carry that belief into real life.

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So, let me sum this thread up:


Achieving something only matters if you get cooler stuffs for it than the guy next to you. It doesn't matter how you felt achieving it, it doesn't even matter how nice the stuff you got for it is, it's all completely worthless if somebody else's stuff is of equal quality.


I think Ima throw that in my boss's face, next time he gives me a raise. "Thanks for the raise, but just so you know, it'll become worthless if you EVER give anybody else a raise of equal magnitude."


Grow up.


Uhh, what if that person didn't work as hard as you to get that raise?


Grow up.

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