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Too much CC in PvP


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I vote to change the tiltle of this thread from "Too much CC in PvP" to "Too much QQ in PvP"


actually I would change it to "Too many stuns, and BW's mistake in making them primarily used as a form of CC in this game". BTW "Too much QQ in Pvp"? Really? You must find it fun being stun locked until you die. I guess we should enjoy watching our toolbar black out and watch as some chucklehead hits away at your character. You're right that doesn't suck at all. I propose we all just sit on our hands. PvP should just be sitting on our hands staring at each other until the first blinks.

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Simple and easy fix, trash this fail red headed step child called Resolve and pick up a DR system like, hate to say it WoW. Or at least one darn close to it. Love how a 10 sec stun hardly fills the bar and can be hit by a 6 sec in combat one right after it for full duration.


Would also love a Knock back debuf system like Warhammers, or something at least to make huttball not a matter of stacking sage/sorc and jugg/guard.

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I honestly disagree with every post saying there is too much cc, what really pissed me off is when I played other mmo's and only certain classes dominated pvp cause they were the only ones with the cc. Honestly everyone complaining about is probably just bad or thinks they shouldnt be cc'd to death when multiple people jump on them.
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I honestly disagree with every post saying there is too much cc, what really pissed me off is when I played other mmo's and only certain classes dominated pvp cause they were the only ones with the cc. Honestly everyone complaining about is probably just bad or thinks they shouldnt be cc'd to death when multiple people jump on them.


not every class in this game has stuns and cc

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I honestly disagree with every post saying there is too much cc, what really pissed me off is when I played other mmo's and only certain classes dominated pvp cause they were the only ones with the cc. Honestly everyone complaining about is probably just bad or thinks they shouldnt be cc'd to death when multiple people jump on them.


Its the fact you can be CC to death thats the issue. A stun should not be the factor of a kill, a lucky crit or well placed interrupt or even a root. NOT a stun when all you have is a break with 2min CD. I should expect to die when jumping into a large group because im outnumbered, not out stunned.



Could not even tell you how many times Force choke (which is a stun) has guaranteed me a kill.

Edited by MastaGigs
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Its the fact you can be CC to death thats the issue. A stun should not be the factor of a kill, a lucky crit or well placed interrupt or even a root. NOT a stun when all you have is a break with 2min CD. I should expect to die when jumping into a large group because im outnumbered, not out stunned.



Could not even tell you how many times Force choke (which is a stun) has guaranteed me a kill.


if someone dies 1v1 because of a force choke they were probably severely out matched in the first place, now a well timed force choke of course garauntees a kill, that doesnt mean there is too much cc in the game. If somebody kills me 1v1 over the duration of stuns, then clearly I was out geared by a lot.

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Simple and easy fix, trash this fail red headed step child called Resolve and pick up a DR system like, hate to say it WoW.


Except taking WoW's DR system would be *worse*, since you could then layer multiple cc's in succession that don't share DR, just like you had in so many arena teams. At least in this game, every single CD shares in the DR, and most CCs are on a 1 min CD. At least you dont have sorcs using whirlwinds back to back to back like you had in WoW.

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Let's take WoW, give ranged classes on demand hammer of justice and make them easier to play then WoW vanilla classes, then let's give ranged classes all instant cast CC (monumentally stupid) and every ranged class knockbacks (even more stupid) and some that root (stupid hybrid spec that should have been nerfed in beta).


Then let's not give melee immunties to CC, the ability to cleanse, or allow healers to spam cleanse roots, slows, CC's. In addition let's not give the rogue class gap closers, and remove the secondary gap closer like heroic leap from the game.


Along with that lets take out diminishing returns so that ranged can stunlock players better then 2 rogues can in current WoW.


On top of this huge terd of ideas, lets make healers as hard to kill as WoW healers but add taunts and guard so they are unkillable unless you stun them endlessly (why bring a class without a stun and it might as well be ranged) and have all dps take out their tank.


Oh yeah silences affecting whole trees (dps or heal)? Screw that. Silence one heal? Cast another...


Oh yeah. Let's nerf ranged only real counter (can kill them one on one in less then 30 seconds) cus our whole game population rolled that class.


Our plan is working BRILLIANTLY MUAHHAH. Look at the 10-49 bracket? Two AC's are all people are leveling.


I have come to the conclusion that SWTOR is not attempting to compete with WoW. It is instead creating a niche game where 1500 rated arena ranged players and healers can now excel in pvp, because any good melee are leaving or are going to leave this joke of a game when pandas come out.


Why the hell would I play a game that is worse then WoW in every way, has BORING, dumbed down ranged classes, and screws over "rogues" and "arms warriors" whom happen to be insanely hard in comparison?


I remember reading a dev quote where he went off about ret paladins in WoW. So what do they do? Create ranged ret paladins. How the hell did these people even get hired?


They think this could possibly be a e sport??? A game where as a melee you can face all hybrid sorc/tank/heal teams and sit inside roots, stuns, cc that are all instant cast and ranged for 8 out of 10 seconds (this is NOT an exaggeration)?


Leveling was fantastic. PvP is an absolute joke. It is WoW but worse in every single way imaginable, unless you want to play a dumbed down vanilla shadow priest with frost mage control, or a healer where you don't even need to fakecast and play against melee that are twice as hard to play and have none of the counters that they do in WoW.


What is one of the best pvp classes in WoW? A frost mage who has to face all these things... So let's remove all those things and act like the game is balanced... LOL.

Edited by biowareftw
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I honestly disagree with every post saying there is too much cc, what really pissed me off is when I played other mmo's and only certain classes dominated pvp cause they were the only ones with the cc. Honestly everyone complaining about is probably just bad or thinks they shouldnt be cc'd to death when multiple people jump on them.


lol let me guess.... you play a sorc!

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lol let me guess.... you play a sorc!


Of course. They don't understand that when you are the only freakin dps melee that isn't a tank in a warzone?


You are going to be stunned and CC'd/rooted non stop.


Sorc have no reason to stun another sorc. They can kill them by just dispelling dots (99 percent don't), and interrupting their no cooldown channeled spell from range(I would say about half don't).


They can't even play their own class right, act as if it has a skill cap (LOL), then tell everyone to L2p as if we haven't played their faceroll class and can double the dmg these baddies do on it.

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Every game that utilizes different playable classes/races that counter each other in a balanced way is successful.


Most classes' CDs of their stuns/roots is far shorter than their CC breaks. This allows for a lot of stuns flying around. Too many.


But not all classes stuns affect the (useless) resolve bar the same way. I can be hit with a long-term stun effect, and my resolve bar isn't full. But if i shoot a 4-second stun at an enemy, their resolve bar is 5/6ths of the way full. Huh?


I've gradually noticed this while grinding PvP. Throw in roots, force chokes, and other things that effectively immobilize a player, and PvP in SWTOR goes from fun and action-packed to "who's got the most stuns cooled down and ready to go."


Some games of Huttball look like stop-animation scenes, with all the stun effects flying around.


Personally, I detest it. That's just my opinion. I know some people think it's fine. For me, I want free-flowing action, not watching my health bar drain faster than Lindsay Lohan's glass, because I've got a minute left on my only CC break.


More often than not, I'm hit with a barrage of stun/root abilities while in the middle of a PvP match. My eyes flick towards my resolve bar, and it either 1) isn't full yet, or 2) is draining rapidly. And more often than not, I find myself thinking, "How is my resolve not full yet?" or "I can't believe it's going down that fast!"


It's way too much. I would be thrilled to see any one of these changes:


a) Shorten the long-term stun's duration across the board.

b) Equalize how it affects the resolve bar, on all classes. (i.e. fix the damn resolve bar).

c) Perhaps even straight-up remove it from some classes (I'm not about to suggest which classes and start a war. I personally play a BH Mercenary Arsenal tree, and would be content with only my 4-second stun dart).

d) "Root" abilities needs to affect resolve. I am not positive if it does already or not? If so, it needs to have a bigger impact than it already does.



Between being choked, stunned, or rooted in place, PvP is a lot less free-flowing than it otherwise could be.

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Until this issue is addressed, I'm sure you'll see a lot more.


its bw we are talking about here....


the probability of bw actually looking into this situation is most likely less than 1%(made that stat up...but from what ive been noticing its probably true) because this has been going on for a long time now....and i doubt they ever spoke the words of saying that they are going to try and touch on the matter of the plethora of cc in the game

Edited by jonnyshadow
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My opinion is also that there were way too many stuns given out. Giving essentially every class a 4 second stun on a 1 minute cd was way overboard. Especially with the cc breaker being on a 2 minute cd.


Not to mention the fact that resolve is broken and doesn't work half the time. I remember getting stunned over a fire pit while running the ball, knowing it would happen, so I popped my cc breaker and moved out of the pit ready to pass to my teammate on the line within a second of breaking the first stun, when suddenly I'm stunned again and ********ed by the other team.


Some classes really do require these stuns, especially melee classes who need to keep enemies in range or locked down, but the ranged stuns at 30 meters certainly don't help. Lessening the ranged classes stuns to only 10 meters would probably help the stun spam a bit, that's just my thoughts.

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were you at diminishing returns?!.


Honestly I don't remember, I was too busy spamming throw to attempt to pass to my teammate. The problem is this was on my rakata/some pvp pieces (I don't pvp as much with this toon) assassin tank sitting at over 23.5k hps. I know for sure I was stunned the second time for around 4 seconds because I was sitting there being pounded on by 4-5 people for around that length a time, begging for a split second to pass. I was at full health too at the start of the second stun as I hadn't been hit with anything.

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Not to mention the fact that resolve is broken and doesn't work half the time. I remember getting stunned over a fire pit while running the ball, knowing it would happen, so I popped my cc breaker and moved out of the pit ready to pass to my teammate on the line within a second of breaking the first stun, when suddenly I'm stunned again and ********ed by the other team.


Honestly, running across the fire, having lots of people near you with the ball when having no resolve isn't the best choice.


It makes it seem like "I did something dumb, and i died, so nerf the reason i died"


People die a lot, especially in huttball, and cc effects tend to be amplified because of forcing people into clusters on tight walkways, a giant glowy sign, included with large drops and hazards.


Civil war, and Void star, the impacts of cc are much lower and tend to be much shorter lived. In Huttball at times it can feel like your resolve bar is bouncing up and down like a ball.

Edited by Adzzy
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