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Character voices.


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My Bounty Hunter is already played by Grey DeLise whom I love (I also love Jennifer Hale who plays my Trooper :p ) But I'd love Tara Strong, she is by far my favorite voice actress ever (I know she does play a few various minor voices in TOR)


Also, good choice with Simon Templeman. I absolutely loved him as Kain, I wish they'd do more with that series! He was also good as Teyrn Loghain, and in his other Bioware roles ^^

Edited by Ruliya
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My Bounty Hunter is already played by Grey DeLise whom I love (I also love Jennifer Hale who plays my Trooper :p ) But I'd love Tara Strong, she is by far my favorite voice actress ever (I know she does play a few various minor voices in TOR)


Also, good choice with Simon Templeman. I absolutely loved him as Kain, I wish they'd do more with that series! He was also good as Teyrn Loghain, and in his other Bioware roles ^^


Agree with you about Tera Strong, i've gone so far as watching my little ponies because she dose voice work in that.

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My Bounty Hunter is already played by Grey DeLise whom I love (I also love Jennifer Hale who plays my Trooper :p ) But I'd love Tara Strong, she is by far my favorite voice actress ever (I know she does play a few various minor voices in TOR)


Also, good choice with Simon Templeman. I absolutely loved him as Kain, I wish they'd do more with that series! He was also good as Teyrn Loghain, and in his other Bioware roles ^^



He voices an Imperial Admiral named Frabal (not sure on spelling) who you definitely come across as a Bounty Hunter character as featured in

although it would be nice to have him as an option for other characters. The sheer amount of work means it'll never happen though...


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John De Lancie, 'Discord' from From My Little Pony and 'Q' from Star Trek.


Took the words right out of my mouth. He would be a good Sith Lord.


Further than that, Wes Johnson would be awesome. He voiced the Imperial Guards in Oblivion, and he's pretty good.


Whoever said Tara Strong is dead on, too. I think it's illegal at this point to make an IP without her being involved.

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I just realised I forgot to mention some ideas for other voice actors!


Going with one who's already done work, I was disappointed that the man who voices Overseer Tremel in the Sith Warrior beginning story (Paul Darrow who played Avon in the series Blakes 7) had such a small part. I've always been hugely impressed with his voice, and I think he would have made an amazing Darth Baras. The guy who currently does that voice could switch or do another part perhaps, cause I quite like his voice acting too but for me Paul Darrow just has one of those... evil... voices.


Though it would never happen, I think Robert Downey Jr would make a decent deadpan Smuggler character.


I did get one wish, as previously stated the fact that one of the playable characters (Female Trooper, in a nod to Mass Effect one would assume) is voiced by Jennifer Hale is definitely a plus for me.


It would be nice to see Felicia Day and Claudia Black pop up somewhere along the line, although part of me worries that I'd just think "Morrigan" every time I heard Claudia's voice...


Ooo, thinking of Felicia made me remember Eureka. Ed Quinn, who played Nathan Stark in the first few series of Eureka, has a great voice with excellent diction. Definitely a candidate for a well-spoken character of some sort.


Ian McKellan as a Jedi Master? ;)


Since I mentioned Claudia Black, a few others who did voices in Farscape would make excellent additions. Ben Browder, Anthony Simcoe and Virginia Hey especially.


I'd like to see the guy who voiced Oghren in Dragon Age Origins given a bigger part... I've come across him once while levelling my Shadow, on Taris or Tatooine I think, but it was only a minor character in a side-quest. He could definitely be a candidate for a Bounty Hunter-type character I think.


Ok I'll stop now lol.

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Definitely John DeLancie for a male character - I'd roll a male just to hear his voice.


I would want Raphael Sbarge to voice a male romancable companion - I am such a Carth Onasi fangirl it isn't even funny. I just hope they wouldn't mess it up - something about Kaiden in ME rubbed me the wrong way, despite his voice.


For those who said Tara Song - she'd be great. Most of the main cast of Frienship is Magic could do great voicework for this game.


Also, I am thrilled by the female Trooper's voice. I can't think of anything better than playing my main with that caliber of voice acting.

Edited by PinkiePiePower
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all characters should have morgan freemans voice nuff said


My Jedi Knight needs Samuel L. Jackson's voice, NOW!


I would make him Darkside, so badly.


Sith Lord: You will not defeat us, Jed- *decapitated*

Me: Oh, I'm sorry! Did I break your concentration?


Me, on Esselles: Enough is enough! I'm tired of these nerfherding sabotage droids on this nerfherding starship!


Me, fighting criminals on Nar Shaddaa: What planet are you from?

Criminal: What?

Me: What? What ain't no planet I ever heard of? They speak Basic in What?

Criminal: What?


*coughs* Needless to say, I enjoy that voice actor.

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