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Everything posted by Xerihae

  1. Just thought I'd post to substantiate this. I have a Galaxy S2 as well, no jailbreaking, and the app has worked fine for me since I first installed it the back end of last year. Never had an issue at all
  2. The Padawan Aesha'ara Jaidee, during her trials: Padawan Aesh'ara As she is currently, armoured for battle and eschewing the robes that cover her head... (STILL?!) Jedi Knight Aesha'ara
  3. On Nar Shaddaa the terminals there actually connect to the "Hutt Trade Network" and that's cross-faction, but doesn't have items listed on the normal GTN. I don't know if there's others on other planets, but those ones can definitely be used to buy/sell to the opposite faction. Hence the term "neutral"
  4. *cough*Level23orangecraftabletraditionalnylitelowerrobe...*cough* http://aylan.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/swtor/riara23.jpg Sorry about the low-quality textures but it's the item preview window. Doesn't change the initial point, but that whole outfit is craftable
  5. Someone who plays on Red Eclipse recently said in another thread that it's pretty balanced on both sides, with numbers in the hundreds on fleet during peak time. Hope that helps!
  6. The Padawan Aesha'ara, ready to face the Trials and start her life as a Jedi. http://aylan.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/swtor/aeshaara.jpg
  7. Looking at this site it would seem the top EU servers for population are: Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP) The Red Eclipse (PvE) Lord Calypho (RP PvP) The Progenitor (RP PvE)
  8. I play on the Rogue Moon (PvE) server, and while we don't normally see quite the numbers mentioned in the previous post, during peak times there is regularly between 60-100 people on BOTH Republic and Imperial Fleets, as we have a pretty decent balance on the server. You might want to specify which side you like to play as, because many servers have become very polarised towards a specific side whereas the other side seems dead/empty because of it.
  9. I have also had this, for instance a skill I used with a 1 min cooldown showing as 38 seconds remaining while the icon is actually bright as if it's available. From what I've been able to gather it seems to be linked to cutscenes. If you enter one while a skill is on cooldown, the countdown on any skill will freeze and not resume after the cutscene. Of course, the actual cooldown progresses as normal, it's just the number display that gets stuck. I've tested this a few times and it seems to be the cause for me.
  10. Woah, necro I'd forgotten about this thread. I need to redo the pic actually, there's someone else to put on there and I lost the original when I had to format my comp and forgot to back up the images folder I was working from... I'll update after the... umm... update!
  11. As with all moddable crafted gear, it's only at level 23 stuff that it becomes unrestricted (much to my annoyance and subject to a thread I made not long back). For Kira you need Light Armour, so the first available that is crafted would be the Traditional Nylite Headgear. As someone said though, you can often find orange gear on vendors, both credit and commendation, before that.
  12. Me. Niara, Riara and Miara are triplets. Daevian and Dharrin are cousins to the triplets, and also brothers to each other, though Dharrin was "lost"... I won't go into it here. Basically I created my characters within the limited framework I knew was going to be available with BW's Legacy system. Unfortunately, to make RP sense that has limited them to all being the same race. It also makes no sense to make one the parent/child of another... at least not to me. Each class story is supposed to take place at the same time, so the Jedi Consular mother of a Jedi Knight character both take the Trials at the same time? I don't think so... Then again, if you're roleplaying in SWTOR you need to completely ignore the story anyway. I fully support having Legacy name separate from Surname though.
  13. Err... my home country is the UK, which does not use the Euro. I wasn't surprised by the price, I expected it. Companies that get called on the price difference always trot out the same excuses which are becoming increasingly tired in the globalized marketplace. It's a bit like the fuss Hollywood made about region coding on DVDs, at least that little gem has finally become mostly irrelevant.
  14. Also thought I'd address this. There's no reason for faction restrictions, because they already have a mechanic in the game to combat this. I know, cause I've seen it first-hand. Take the Tempered Laminoid orange gear Armormech can make for Level 23. It looks completely different on Republic characters than it does on Empire ones. Republic is white with red accents, Empire is more jungle-camo type with a jetpack. Also, even the stuff that has Knight/Trooper restriction has a different skin if you preview it on an Empire character, and vice-versa for stuff limited to Warrior/Inquisitor if you preview it as a Guardian, even though there's no possibility of them wearing it... If they can do that, there's no real need for faction restrictions at all is there? The only restrictions that make sense are ones to differentiate between force and non-force using classes. Unfortunately that also prevents their use by companions currently.
  15. Nor have I, but using your own example is a perfect description of why the system is pointless, because that piece of armour is already restricted to heavy armour characters, so Guardian and Trooper. Why restrict it from companions who can wear heavy armour too?
  16. Can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet! This is the song I always think of when my Vanguard runs into battle determined to be the last one standing: Just certain bits of the lyrics make almost total sense: Also for the metal haters out there, I really hate to burst your little bubble but there are actually only two types of music in the world. Music you like, and music you don't. Any other distinction is meaningless. Also, opinions aren't fact.
  17. Enjoy your t-shirts Americans! $19.99 for the basic one. Not sure how much delivery would be but probably not much. Try changing the language to English (GB) and see what happens: £17.99 + £6.84 shipping, at current conversion rates, is $39.32 roughly. And the great EU rip-off continues...
  18. I overlooked it too till someone mentioned it in chat... Hold down the LEFT mouse button to move the camera around without moving your character, which lets you take screenshots at whatever angle as long as you don't try to move. Taking one while moving at weird angles involves holding the left button down while pressing W or whatever your move forward key is and then trying to stretch to the PrintScreen button... easier if you have a wireless mouse believe me!
  19. But then you have to have Jedi for Jedi-type companions, Trooper for Trooper-type companions, Smuggler... That's quite a few additions. It ought to be easier (I don't know whether it is, but it usually causes less hassle with something that doesn't have dependencies) to run a database query on the entire equipment list and remove the restrictions than it is to add new fields to companions. Again, as some people have elaborated for me a bit better than I managed, this isn't about letting anyone wear anything. I'd fully support making a change that stops Jedi Guardians from wearing Trooper armour for example. This is about allowing the orange moddable gear to be worn by companions where it makes sense.
  20. Class restrictions that make sense I can go with. For instance, some of the gear is restricted to Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular, which if they want to restrict the robe look is the right way of going about it. Restricting heavy armour pieces from heavy armour-type companions like Jorgan for the Trooper but letting Jedi Guardians wear it doesn't make sense
  21. TL;DR Version - Please remove or modify class restrictions on moddable gear so companions can wear the gear as well! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I understand the idea that restriciting certain "looks" of equipment to certain classes may have been done to help distinguish them aesthetically, but did you really need to put such peculiar-seeming restrictions in? I shall use, for example, the Level 11 crafted orange gear for Republic, the Hardened Plastifold Chestguard/Leggings. This is blatantly aimed at Trooper characters. It's Heavy Armour, which is a type only Troopers or Jedi Guardians can use, and it has a uniform look to it. Great, I thought to myself, I know what my Trooper character and her companions will be wearing! Would be a bit weird to see Jedi Knights running around wearing it but, hey ho, whatever. The only problem is that even though it's already restricted to Heavy Armour users, it has needless class restrictions on it too. For some reason it has been decreed that I cannot outfit my companions with it, because of course they don't fit into the class system! So a Jedi Guardian can run around in a Trooper-style visual equipment set, but my Commando-type companion can't? This goes for the Level 19 Commando's orange set of Helm/Chestguard/Greaves too. Again, a Jedi Guardian can wear it without a problem, but once again because of the class restriction on the item no companions can. In Heavy Armour you have to wait till Level 23, and the Tempered Laminoid gear, before you can actually outfit your companions in gear that is the same as yours. I just don't see where these restrictions came from, or why they're there. As a Trooper and leader of a unit my Vanguard would very much like her companion to be wearing the same uniform as her, but can't because of the class restriction added. The only reason I can think of for adding that is specifically to stop companions wearing it (because its type prevents anyone except Troopers or Guardians from using it already) and I think it's a needless bit of restriction on the customisation of your companion characters. So please, please, make a quick database change and remove the restrcitions from items like this! If you want to enforce an art style on different classes you already failed by letting Guardians wear the Trooper-type uniforms, don't needlessly restrict actual soldier-type companions from wearing it too!
  22. Are you playing a Sith Juggernaut or Marauder by any chance? I recently started a Jugg and it was easy to get confused about which of the two planets Darth Baras mentions you're supposed to go to first. I went to Nar Shaddaa until I spotted it was too high level and then checked Balmorra as someone else said
  23. Haha, I had no real intention of playing that class but I might now. I was right too, Bounty Hunter lol
  24. I just realised I forgot to mention some ideas for other voice actors! Going with one who's already done work, I was disappointed that the man who voices Overseer Tremel in the Sith Warrior beginning story (Paul Darrow who played Avon in the series Blakes 7) had such a small part. I've always been hugely impressed with his voice, and I think he would have made an amazing Darth Baras. The guy who currently does that voice could switch or do another part perhaps, cause I quite like his voice acting too but for me Paul Darrow just has one of those... evil... voices. Though it would never happen, I think Robert Downey Jr would make a decent deadpan Smuggler character. I did get one wish, as previously stated the fact that one of the playable characters (Female Trooper, in a nod to Mass Effect one would assume) is voiced by Jennifer Hale is definitely a plus for me. It would be nice to see Felicia Day and Claudia Black pop up somewhere along the line, although part of me worries that I'd just think "Morrigan" every time I heard Claudia's voice... Ooo, thinking of Felicia made me remember Eureka. Ed Quinn, who played Nathan Stark in the first few series of Eureka, has a great voice with excellent diction. Definitely a candidate for a well-spoken character of some sort. Ian McKellan as a Jedi Master? Since I mentioned Claudia Black, a few others who did voices in Farscape would make excellent additions. Ben Browder, Anthony Simcoe and Virginia Hey especially. I'd like to see the guy who voiced Oghren in Dragon Age Origins given a bigger part... I've come across him once while levelling my Shadow, on Taris or Tatooine I think, but it was only a minor character in a side-quest. He could definitely be a candidate for a Bounty Hunter-type character I think. Ok I'll stop now lol.
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