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Community Q&A – Feb 24th 2012 Blog Discussion


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Which is no wonder, no sane person would order a 3 bucks useless trincket and add 20 for delivery.



Allow me to disagree :).


At the contrary, any sane person should gladly do so, considering that the security key (either physical or phone software download form) feature is about the only real way to protect your account from hijacking...

Being an IT professional, I consider my PC to be quite strongly protected from malware, viruses and other Internet-based threats. I also routinely use quite strong passwords and I am quite vigilant about phishing attempts, the web sites I browse, etc... Though, some time ago, in a few months, both my WoW and LotRO accounts (using different passwords) were hijacked...


I personnally would rather have ordered the Android phone software form (which is more convenient to me in that you can have several security keys on one device, which is usually always around :)), but as it was not available yet and there was no reliable information on future availability, I ordered the physical key as soon as it became available in Europe. It costed me about one month of subscription (delivery fees included), though I consider that cheap considering the protection it provides against hackers :).


I did not experience any bug so far, except regarding the order processing and delivery :( : I ordered the key on 2011-12-23, got about no information on the order processing for about 2 weeks, despite a written information request to EA's new webshop, Origin, finally got a shipping notice on 2012-01-09 and received the key about 3 weeks after I posted the order!!

Edited by Celorilm
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Zennis: Has there been any discussion to streamlining the Space Port process? Perhaps allowing speeders in the Space Ports besides the Fleet?


Brian Audette (Senior Designer): We've absolutely heard what the fans are saying and have been exploring options to address these issues. While we are still investigating allowing speeder use in Space Ports, we've also been looking for other ways to get people from point A to point B with greater haste. One such feature will specifically affect planets that have Orbital Stations instead of Space Ports such as: Tython, Korriban, Hoth, and Belsavis. We'll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks. This feature and some additional tweaks will start showing up in Game Update 1.2.

Bypassing orbital station is great. I would love to see the data after its implementation to actually see how many players still use them... guessing like 5%




LthalSavy: Will there be any way to implement a quick travel to your ship?


Georg Zoeller: Not in the short term, but it's something we've been discussing on and off. Currently, given how easily available fleet travel passes are on the Security Vendor, we don't think adding this is necessary.]

Yeah like I'm going to buy a security key and wait 18h downtime to go to the fleet. Seems to me you aren't looking hard enough.



TrueDND: Currently, the incentive to choose other Crew Crafting Skills outside of Biochem is minimal due to the fact that, once you reach max level, all gear that is acquired through PvE and PvP is better than all crafted equipment and mods (mostly through the Commendation and token vendors). Is this being looked in to?


Georg Zoeller: Absolutely. With the upcoming Game Update 1.2, we are adding endgame crafting for all professions. This includes augment crafting, the ability to crit-craft custom (orange) gear with augment slots, new endgame schematics, new color crystals, expanded and improved research and reverse engineering and much more (we're up to 4 pages of crew skill related patch notes in 1.2. alone)

Do you mean it's fair that leveling crafting isn't good?


Twaggy: I find it troublesome to compare mods/enhancements/armoring/hilts/crystals that are installed in my armor or lightsaber. Will you be implementing something that lets you see the stats of what you have (like the comparability you can do of the boots - boots or jacket - jacket)?


Georg Zoeller: This is a convenience feature on our list of things to look at once the higher priority UI features and community requests have been addressed. We definitely think it’s a good idea, but where it falls in terms of prioritization makes it impossible to give you an ETA at this point.

It's not a convenience, your system is tedious. You know like a pain to use and compare mod between 6 characters (companions included)

If you are that clueless how about adding a simple fix: appearance tab?


Belthazaar: I like my ships but, I was wondering if or when we will be able to purchase, make, or steal a new and different ship beyond the one that we currently get from our class quest?


Damion Schubert: Unfortunately, the nature of our ships as central story areas for all of our class content, and all of the associated triggers and cinematics that must therefore be done on the ships, means that giving players new ship models, particularly interiors, is very, very hard for us. We will probably look at addressing this instead by providing a greater sense of ship customization at some point well in the future. But it’s someplace we definitely want to go!

Seems to me you realized the space sim blow and don't want to invest any money in it. Seriously guys: we can't add more space ship chassis because they are related to your story. Do you really think people are that stupid to take your word on it?

Edited by Deewe
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Seems to me you realized the space sim blow and don't want to invest any money in it. Seriously guys: we can't add more space ship chassis because they are related to your story. Do you really think people are that stupid to take your word on it?


Granted while flying in space, ANY chassis will do, and is not tied to any story. However the interior of the ship has to look like the kind of ship you are flying. It would be illogical otherwise, and nonsensical. So my freighter looks like a jedi starship inside? Or vice versa?


Since class missions take you to certain parts of your ship, with certain npcs, or items, or effects... they cannot easily make all those class missions work in multiple different kinds of ships (not easily anyhow).


They basically shot themselves in the foot from the get go, setting in stone that they will NEVER enhance space, ever. So its something I have decided to stop bother wishing for. This game will never have any kind of space action of any worth, for the entire life of the game. Come to terms with that. Sometimes we have to give up wishing for something, to live a happier life.

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Patch 1.2 is coming and what? What about transfer? When, where....Nothing!? How people can enjoy the game, from new features, from new contents, if their server is DEAD!? This game is significantly more enjoyable in high pop servers. Day by Day i get only negative from gameplay and this so sad.


It's been mentioned as something they are looking at and plan to implement.


In the mean time what do you do if your server has low pop or activity? Do what you always used to have to do in MMO's, reroll on that high pop server. In the time spent 'waiting' for this feature to be implemented you can likely have a completely new character leveled, all gear acquired again, etc.

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It's not about the time it takes.


I don't mind waiting, it makes it feel more immersive, it's the loading screens there are too many.


Why didn't you design the process so that the loading of the destination planet happens while we're travelling there?


Same here. We're probably in the minority, but my feeling is that it should take a handful of minutes to travel from planet to planet. My problem is that all the travel time is on foot and in loading screens.


If the travel time in space took 2-3 minutes, with (planet) loading time folded into the trip, and the game allowed you to skip orbital stations, I think we'd get a more immediate and appropriate sense that we're traveling somewhere far away on a spaceship. As and added plus, most of the travel time would be attention-free, allowing us to use the time as we wish (managing inventory/bank, going afk for a drink, etc).


The current system feels not only like a gratuitous time sink; it feels like it's designed explicitly to punish people with lower end hardware because of the heavy emphasis on loading screens.

Edited by Invictos
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"They basically shot themselves in the foot from the get go, setting in stone that they will NEVER enhance space, ever. So its something I have decided to stop bother wishing for. This game will never have any kind of space action of any worth, for the entire life of the game."


Use the currently useless escape pod hatch to access a parasite fighter. Zone into fighter combat mini-game. Minimal changes to the current ship models/game required. They already have all the ship/fighter models that would be required, other than cockpits, and I'd be moderately suprised they couldn't lift the majority of code for the mini-game from an existing game.


It's been mentioned as something they are looking at and plan to implement.

In the mean time what do you do if your server has low pop or activity? Do what you always used to have to do in MMO's, reroll on that high pop server. In the time spent 'waiting' for this feature to be implemented you can likely have a completely new character leveled, all gear acquired again, etc.


Sounds nice, but unfortunately, when you've got hundreds of hours invested into your various toons, legacy, PvP, social, millions of credits, maxed crafts with scads of purple procs, been through the gear grind, the thought of starting all over again from scratch make you want to hurl. I've already re-rolled onto Canderous Ordo, have to toon leveled to 30, and I'm sick of it already...I've already been here, got the t-shirt, and don't want to got through it all again.

And that is why we're seeing such a drastic drop in active players on all those scores of abandoned/deserted servers. They're either not playing, have canceled their subs, or re-rolled onto the handful of healthy active servers. And given that the healthy active server pops are remaining fairly stable or growing in pop only slightly, it isn't a good thing. Those of you on active healthy servers can continue to downplay it, ignore it, call those of us screaming for help names...but it isn't going to make the issue go away. Only way it's going to go away, is when we give up and cancel our subs in frustration, or they merge servers/allow transfers. We're screaming about the issue because we want to play the game the rest of you are, and get access to all the end game content that is currently unavailable to us due to a lack of people to play with. It's an MMO...we'd like some people to play with instead of rattling around deserted servers trying to get enough people to run OPs or get a PvP que to pop. We're not bad people, and we're still here because we really do want to play the game. Having us quit isn't good for the community, and everyone of us that gives up (and people are, everyday, and the pace is accelerating) is $15 a month less money going toward patches, fixes, and new content.

Edited by Smitar
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Yeah like I'm going to buy a security key and wait 18h downtime to go to the fleet. Seems to me you aren't looking hard enough.


Huh? If you have a security key, the passes to the fleet are on a 1 hour timer. If you have a smart phone or emulator for your PC, the key is free.

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  • quick travel to your ship
  • LFG tool
  • streamlining the Space Port process
  • animation/damage timing consistency changes

Cool! :D



  • new emotes be added to the game (No word about grab/drop to toolbar)
  • other Crew Crafting Skills
  • performance issues
  • "companion" loot roll option

Dont care :rolleyes:



  • mini-games like swoop races or pazaak
  • compare mods/enhancements/armoring/hilts/crystals
  • able to purchase, make, or steal a new and different ship

BW has them on low priority or will not implement them, so meh. :(



  • Main issues that seem to be priority for SWTOR subscribers.


Still unanswered or no eta. :mad:

Edited by MefuneAkira
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I think the thing I'm looking forward to most is more endgame craftable items. They promised they would be addressing the issue that all craftable items are obsolete compared to PvP and rewards/commendation vendor items. Crafting isn't a huge part of the game, but it is a part that should be more involved and effective. Right now, there is no real use for it other than maybe selling mats on the GTN. I'm counting on them fixing this, as I'm only learning Armstech on my alt character so that when there is better craftable items I can make them.
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Hi there!


We recently had to remove some posts in this thread. Please remember that the topic of this thread is to discuss the Feb 24th Q&A Blog. It is understandable that you may want to express disappointment in questions which were not answered. However, we ask that if you would like to discuss these topics in detail to please do so elsewhere.


There is currently a thread about same-gender romance arcs and their implementation, which would include the topic of development time/costs.


Please remember that discussion (or arguments based on) real life morality, ethics, politics or religion are not appropriate for the forums. If you notice a post which goes off-topic into these areas, we ask that you please do not respond. Rather, report (flag) the post so that our Community Team can remove it.


Thanks for your understanding, and please enjoy your friendly discussion!

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Hi there!


We recently had to remove some posts in this thread. Please remember that the topic of this thread is to discuss the Feb 24th Q&A Blog. It is understandable that you may want to express disappointment in questions which were not answered. However, we ask that if you would like to discuss these topics in detail to please do so elsewhere.


Just fyi.... There are lots of posts in this thread that meet this definition that have nothing to do with SGRA's. If you are going to single out one issue to be policed in this manner all issues should be treated the same.

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Since class missions take you to certain parts of your ship, with certain npcs, or items, or effects... they cannot easily make all those class missions work in multiple different kinds of ships (not easily anyhow).



Sadly it matches with the OP (look below) still, If you ask they should even add AI to the NPC so they start wandering around in the ships. Everything is so static in this game.


Now about the OP:

...all of the associated triggers and cinematics that must therefore be done on the ships, means that giving players new ship models, particularly interiors, is very, very hard for us.

Seriously, hard to add and set new cinematic in new ships?


  1. You are the ones who decided to focus the game on story
  2. You decided to add companions and cinematic in space ships
  3. You knew players would require more than one house type per character (space ship)
  4. You decided not to spend time developing the needed tools to set cinematic and companions to new space ships interiors


Next time are you going to tell us it's because of the players that you added V.O. cinematic and as such can't add more quests?

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I know of lots of members of the community, myself included, who would love the ability to change a few things about our avatar after character creation. Either through a barber or paid service, I feel that this is a feature worth adding to this game or any mmo for that matter. Any chance of getting some sort of word on if and when such a feature might be put in?
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Why not just supply us with a roadmap of what you actually are doing and a realastic timescales like 2 months/4 months/ a year etc.


Large committees of players and developers discussing and arguing over these points is not the best way to develop a game. We leave our input for what we want and they make the game they feel they need to make.


There is also the consideration of how much fore knowlege you want to provide to your competiton. The 2-4 month road map could be disastrous in such a market. You also have to consider that sometimes reliable information just doesn't exist yet and giving out inaccurate information or accurate information that might later prove to be inaccurate can be as bad or worse than silence.

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Hi there!


We recently had to remove some posts in this thread. Please remember that the topic of this thread is to discuss the Feb 24th Q&A Blog. It is understandable that you may want to express disappointment in questions which were not answered. However, we ask that if you would like to discuss these topics in detail to please do so elsewhere.


There is currently a thread about same-gender romance arcs and their implementation, which would include the topic of development time/costs.


Please remember that discussion (or arguments based on) real life morality, ethics, politics or religion are not appropriate for the forums. If you notice a post which goes off-topic into these areas, we ask that you please do not respond. Rather, report (flag) the post so that our Community Team can remove it.


Thanks for your understanding, and please enjoy your friendly discussion!


Just give me notice when you plan on implementing this, so I can move on to another game.

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Thats what I REALLY did not like. How come, that NEEDED in-game feature is tied to an optional account security-related? Which has its own bugs, and which is NOT avalible to everyone? I dont use fruit-phones and I don't use android-based stuff, I should pay extra to get that trincket to have a NORMAL in-game function, really?


I didnt even know about this until now, but I totally agree. As if exclusive customizations, pets and whatnot wasnt enough .. :mad:

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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